Microprocessor based control systems

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1516


Microprocessors are being excessively used in the field of instrumentation and central. The students are studying the subject are supposed to learn the architecture of a typical.

microprocessor and also get general information about microprocessor based control systems. Also the term paper will contain the different types of instrumentations used by the microprocessor.


With the advent of software driven control systems in power plants, the ability to maintain the current level of software and track the changes to the software has become an ever-increasing problem. Manufacturers frequently issue new revisions to address users' requests, to add functionality to the device, or to repair minor problems. Users (engineers and technicians) use the software to add and delete data points, change parameters and reconfigure systems on a regular basis. In both cases, failure to make revisions and document changes can affect the safety and reliability of these devices. Standardization of software lifecycle management has the potential of reducing these problems.


As we know microprocessor is such a device through which we can control any hardware in this world just by programming. And Instrumentation is the branch of engineering that deals with measurement and control. Thus with the help of microcontroller we can control and manage the whole instruments, measurements and equipments of the instrumentations.

Microprocessor-Based Instrumentation for Bsdf Measurements from Visible to FIR.


Thesis (PH.D.)--THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1982.Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 43-03, Section: B, page: 0770.

The design, construction and details of operation of an instrument for measuring Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions (BSDF) {i.e., Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Functions (BRDF) and Bidirectional Transmission Distribution Functions (BTDF)} at four wavelengths from the visible to the far infrared (FIR) are presented. Hardware, software, theory, calibration, accuracy and performance are all addressed. The four major interacting subsystems--optical, electronic, mechanical and computer--are discussed in various degrees of detail. A BASIC language control program for running the system via the Z-80 microprocessor is included in the appendix. The origin of BRDF is traced, and a brief theoretical summary examines it from both a physical optics and a radiometric point of view. Modeling is performed to determine the effect of large radiometer collecting apertures on accuracy. Dynamic range and resolution are determined from experimental and theoretical considerations. Finally, new measurements of Martin Black at 118.8 (mu)m are presented along with measurements at 0.6328, 3.39 and 10.6 (mu)m. The FIR BRDF measurements covered 6 orders of magnitude and values as low as 6 x 10('-4) sr('-1) have been recorded.

Designing Microprocessor Based Instrumentation


After we finished schematic drawing, check all connections and create the NET LIST FILE. We will use net list file with file extension *.MNL to load into Orcad layout Plus!

Let's add the footprint library using Library Manager beforehand. Download below zip file and add to the footprint library.

Orcadlib.zip 126kB

The layout will be used with AT89C2051 for TINY model experiment. The first two weeks, we have learned how to use Orcad Capture and Layout. Now you can have your time practice at home for complicated schematic and PCB layout design. We will use them for product design on later.

Now we will learn how to use Micro-C with 8051SBC. Download the sample startup files for TINY and SMALL memory model and save them to LIB51 folder. Make the folder SMALL for 8051SBC c program under main folder MC. Download the sample code for onboard Analog-to-Digital Converter and save them to folder SMALL.

Exemplary Design: The Solar Integrator

We may draw the picture appeared in our mind on the paper, see how each block are wired together. For simplicity I usually put the quantity to be measured on the left hand and put the signal processing circuitry from left to right. We see that the photon intensity when hit pyranometer will produce heat which in turn are measured by internal thermopile. The signal output is 5 microvolts/Wm-2. The output resistance of pyranometer is quite high, this makes us to use the high input resistance of DC amplifier. We can use a chopperless DC amplifier, OP07, or OP27 with noninverting amplifier. What's the GAIN of DC amplifier will be? To answer this question, let's look at our ADC. The resolution of ADC is +5V/4096 or 1.22mV/LSB. To make the ADC be able to see 1W/m-2, we must have the GAIN of DC amplifier about 244! We may have adjustable GAIN for DC amplifier so we can calibrate the display unit to be 1W/m-2. The converted digital data now can be processed with c coding. We will have digital filtering for removing high frequency noise. The onboard LCD can display irradiance and insolation.



DC Amplifier

Since the signal output from pyranometer is voltage source or thermoelectric EMF and the source resistance is quite high. So we do need high input resistance DC amplifier. There are four types of DC amplifier that suitable for amplification of DC signal.

We must choose the proper amplifier for a given signal source chracteristics. After type selections, we must then choose the opertinal amplifer. Since DC amplification needs minimum DC offset voltage and lowest drift. The right one is ICL7650 chopper stabilized DC amplifier. Howvere we will use OP07, chopperless DC amplifer. Because the OP07 has such parameters closely to chopper amplifier. The ICL7650 has no offset adjustment POT. The OP07, instead, for high gian has the offset adjustment POT.

Let's build a noninverting DC amplifier with OP07. See schematic and BOM below.

Item Quantity Reference Part


Circuit Descriptions

R2 and C2 forms a simple low pass filer. D1, D2 and R2 provide signal limitter to +/-600mV. The voltage gain is 1+R3/R4 or approx. 240. We may change R3 with 25 turns POT for adjustable gain, but I prefer using fixed value resistor. We just provide enough gain for the ADC to resolve the desire LSB for a given physical quatity. Later we can use software method to scale the proper display value. R1 is for DC offset adjustment. To adjust the offset voltage, tie the signal input to GND and measure output voltage of U1. Adjust R1 unitl we get nearly 0mV. C1 and C3 are high freuqency bypassing capacitors. Sometime I added 4.7uF tantalum capacitor to both power rails. The output signal ties to Ch0 of ADC. Actually the signal of pyranometer will be only positive value with respect to GND signal, we can use single supply Operational Amplifier, e.g. LM358. Howvere the OP07 needs negative supply, we then need voltage converter, U2 ICL7660, to convert +5V to -5V. U3, LM336-2.5 provides reference voltage source, +2.5V for calibration.


Analog-to-Digital Converter

The onboard ADC, LTC1298 or MP3202, is 12-bit sucessive approximation converter. VREF is tied to +5V supply, so the LSB is +5V/4096 or 1.2mV. The converter has serial interface, SPI (Serial Pheripheral Interface) port. We can use three bits from P1 with software to emulate the SPI signal. Let's study hardware of the onboard ADC.

R8 and C19 forms a low pass filter for channel0, R9 and C18 for channel1. The reference voltage of LTC1298 uses the same pin as VCC. L1 and C20, C21 filters high frequency noise from digital supply.

The SPI signal has three signals, SCK, MISO (Master In Slave Out), MOSI (Master Out Slave In). The sample circuit below shows the MASTER chip, 68HC11 interfaces LTC1298. The master generates shift clock signal to slave. MOSI generates command and MISO recives converted digital data. CS pin is special designed for LTC1298 for start conversion command and shutdown the power.

With 8051, we can use three signals with software control to emulates such SPI signals. P1.1 sends and receives data to LTC1298. P1.2 is clock for serial data bit shifting. P1.3 is chip slect signal. To start converison, CS must chnage from high to low. First four bits are command output to LTC1298. The data is shifting in at rising edge of clock signal. At the end of four bits command, P1.1 was reconfigured to input bit. The following 12-bit data willl be MSB to LSB, B11 to B0. Data is shifting out from LTC1298 on falling edge of clock signal.

The source code of sample program for interfacing LTC1298 was written for Micro-C compiler. The function read_ADC(char n) will return 12-bit data. If n=0 then the command will be 0x0d. If n=1 it will be 0x0f.

#define Data P1.1

#define CLK P1.2

#define CS P1.3

int read_ADC(char n)


inthh k;

char i,channel;



if(n==0) channel= 0x0d;

else channel= 0x0f;

// send command

for(i=0; i<4; i++)



if(channel&8) setbit(Data)

else clrbit(Data)


channel <<=1;


P1 |= 2; // change to input bit


// now read 12-bit data

for(i=0; i<12; i++)





if(P1&2) k |=1;

else k &= ~1;



return k&=0xfff;


Here is main function.

void main(void)





P1 ^=0x80; // blink onboard LED

sprintf(buffer,"ADC0=%d ",read_ADC(0));

// printf("\n%s",buffer);



sprintf(buffer,"ADC1=%d ",read_ADC(1));

// printf(" %s",buffer);



