The pollutant emissions and performance of a four stroke CI engine operating on Diesel-Water blends has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. In the theoretical study, fuel combustion CFD analysis was carried out using FLUENT software to study the effect of performance and emissions for different blend ratios. Meshing of the combustion chamber was carried out using ICEM CFD by tetrahedral element. Dynamic meshing and layering techniques were used to define the movement of piston...
Consider three different raster systems with resolutions of 640 by 480, 1280 by 1024, and 2560 by 2048. What size frame buffer (in bytes is needed for each of these systems to store 12 bits per pixel? How, much storage: is required for each system if 24 bits per pixel are to be stored? Suppose an RGB raster system is to be designed using an 8-inch by 10-inch screen with a resolution of 100 pixels per inch in each direction. If we want to store 6 bits per pixel in the frame buffer, how much st...
To understand the differences between a two stroke and four stroke engines, we need to know how the four stroke engine works. In four stroke engine there are four stages: 1- Intake: The piston travels down the cylinder while the intake valve is opened to allow a mixture of fuel and air to enter the combustion chamber. 2- Compression: The intake valve is closed and the piston travels back up the cylinder compressing the gasses. 3- Combustion: The spark plug ignites the compressed gas causing i...
Grupo Amaya Telleria is specialized in Design, development, validation and serial manufacturing of structural components and subcomponents for the automotive industry, principally focused to chassis, powertrain & drivetrain functions. Leaders in the automotive industry with manufacturing presence in Spain, Slovakia and Brazil, managing and developing worldwide projects, providing global solutions and services to car constructors and main system suppliers. Products manufactured: Chassis and se...
Wood is a natural resource that used to be used in abundance for the construction of Houses. However, with the diminishing supply of wood owing to depletion of wood reserves, alternate materials are being looked into for the construction of houses. Over the past decade overall lumber prices have both increased and become more volatile. Surprisingly two of the most admired modern houses are made of steel. One by Philip Johnson known as Glass House and the second by Meis van der Rohe known as F...
I. Introduction A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. In practice, it is usually an electro-mechanical machine which is guided by computer or electronic programming, and is thus able to do tasks on its own. Another common characteristic is that by its appearance or movements, a robot often conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. While A microprocessor incorporates most or all of the functions of a central processing unit (CPU)on a single integrated circuit (IC)...
Generally, a shallow foundation refers to a foundation whose depth equals the width. It is important to understand the assumptions behind various design procedures rather than getting their definition. Shallow foundation involves transferring building loads to the earth near the surface, rather than to a subsurface layer. Types of shallow foundations include spread footing, mat-slab, slab-on-grade foundations, combined footings and continuous strip spread footing In spread footing, foundation...
The need for energy-effective architectural and engineering design is becoming essential as the nature's limited resources are used more and more by modern developing technology. Constructing a building and organising its performance in a wise way can lead to significant economy of energy together with providing thermal comfort conditions to the house occupants. The aim of this study is to analyse the Solar Decathlon House, designed by a student team, in terms of energy saving performance. Th...
Introduction Chapter 1 outlined the background for this thesis indicating that Transfer of Training: Challenges faced by technicians in the Malaysian manufacturing industry. The Chapter described preliminary evidence suggesting that motivation is a factor which enhances training transfer. Chapter 2 intended to place the research problem in its academic context by canvassing the International based research literature on transfer of training before moving to a detailed discussion of the concep...
Abstract The work presented here predicts centrifugal stress along blade aerofoil from root to tip at different radial sections. It also presumes a value for thermal stress based on the literature available. Based on centrifugal stress, thermal stress and life requirement it predicts the permissible blade metal temperature from L-M parameter for different radial sections. Further it estimates the external flow convective heat transfer coefficient along blade profile from leading edge to trail...