Evolution of Virtual Reality in Today's World This research focuses on an overall average from everyday personal computer use. It is not a new invention, but it dates back more than 40 years. Virtual reality is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment. It creates a realistic looking world that responds to the user's input such as gesture, verbal command, and so on. The meaning of virtual reality is real time interactivity which means that the computer...
1. Introduction Traditional industrial processes have been affected by technologies for oxygen separation from air and partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, based on dense ceramic membranes with mixed oxygen ionic and electronic conductivity (MIECM). These provide a number of economic and environmental benefits with respect to industrial scale methods of pressure swing adsorption and cryogenic separation processes due to their possibility to integrate oxygen separation and partial oxidation into...
Micromachined inertial sensors are very important sensors in any navigation systems. Inertial sensors consist of accelerometers and gyroscopes. They measure either linear acceleration as the accelerometer, or angular motion about one or several axes as the gyroscope. Until recently, medium to high performance inertial sensors were restricted to applications in which the cost of these sensors was not of essential concern, such as military and aerospace systems. The advantages of micromachining...
The methods to produce nanoparticles from atoms are chemical processes based on transformations in solution e.g. sol-gel processing, chemical vapour deposition (CVD), plasma or flame spraying synthesis, laser pyrolysis, atomic or molecular condensation (Bottom-up Methods for Making Nanotechnology Products, www.azonano.com). The chemical processes mentioned above rely on appropriate "metal-organic" molecules as precursors. The low processing temperature in the chemical process differs Sol-gel ...
Concrete is very strong in compression but brittle. When a concrete member is subjected to compression, it laterally expands which will generate tensile stress horizontally. As concrete is weak in tension, cracks will form and thus the concrete starts to lose strength. However, in a CSFT, the expansion of an axially loaded concrete member will be hindered by the confining effects of the steel tube surrounding it. This results in higher load carrying capacity of the member. In addition, as cra...
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Total Quality Management In the present's world due to insufficient quality or indifference to quality lead to disputes, this imposes serious drain on the financial resources of a company and limits profit potential. And to be standing in competition of today's market, it is essential for organization to provide more consistent quality and value to their customers. It is high time to develop better and more direct relationships with customers. Total Quality Management (TQM...
Introduction The business news headlines of ethical meltdowns of global companies such as Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco, which now have become synonymous with greed, serve as a key reminder to the companies and individuals in business to practice ethical behaviour (Doran, 2004). One of the most frequently reported unethical practices in business is bribery, described as: “the offering of some good, service or money to an appropriate person for the purpose of securing a privileged and favourable c...
Introduction History The concept of Sustainability began in the 1960's with numerous authors exploring the concern of how environmental actions in the present affect the "Ability of future generations to meet their own needs". The model of Sustainability progressed into international forums throughout the 1970's. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, and Habitat in 1976 discussed the "need for a changed approach to development". "In 1987 the World Commission on Envir...
CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Path loss is the degradation in received power of an Electromagnetic signal when it propagates through space. Path loss is due to several effects such as free space path loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, coupling and cable loss, and absorption. Path loss depends on several factors such as type of propagation environments, distance between transmitter and receiver, height and location of antennas. Also the signal from the transmitting antenna may take multiple p...
METHODOLOGY Raw Material Preparation (Sample Extraction ) Without adding water, fresh banana peel is homogenize with a Politron PT 6000 (Kinematica AG, Lucerne, Switzerland) high speed blender at 12,000g for 1 min Drying Experiment Drying was done at three temperatures (50 oC, 70 oC, and 90 oC) with a constant air-flow rate of 2.0 ± 0.2 m/s (in triplicate for each temperature). A convective tray dryer was used, with which the temperature and air flow can be controlled. The load density was 30...