The foundation that will be suggested is a pad foundation. Pad foundations are used to support an individual point load such as that due to a structural column. These foundations may be circular, square or rectangular. They normally consist of a block/slab of uniform thickness, but they may be stepped if they are required to spread the load from a heavy column. Pad foundations are usually shallow, however deep pad foundations can also be used.
A steel frame proposal would allow for renovated ship containers to be slotted into the frame.
Erecting the steel frame for is straight forward and faster than traditional construction methods. The main upright steel columns will be fastened to anchor bolts that are embedded into the pad foundation. The overhead rafters will be lifted into place and bolted to the columns. After all the columns and rafters are bolted together the next step is to attach the roof purlins and wall girts. The roof purlins are fastened to the rafters and are spaced to allow them to be fastened to the metal roof sheeting. Wall girts are attached to the upright steel columns and are used for attaching the metal wall sheeting. During assembly of the wall girts all framed openings for doors and windows are also done. The final stage erecting is to attach the required cable bracing in the designated wall, and roof sections.
The 120 bedrooms for the hotel cover 8 floors with the ground floor catering for restaurants, conference rooms and reception. Thus making the total height of the building 9 storeys. The ready-made containers, made in China, containing bedrooms, stair wells and leaving room for lift shafts, will be lifted by a crane into place saving time and money.
It is proposed to use glass as a curtain wall. The advantage of using glass is that it allows natural light to penetrate into the building. The curtain wall itself doesn't hold any dead load weight from the building other than it's own. The wall is designed to resist any air or water infiltration or sway brought on by the wind. The glass will be infill to an aluminium frame. Air conditioning systems will have to be fitted into the design of the building as the glass will cause the building to gain heat at a faster rate than alternative methods of cladding. The glass will be tinted to allow for visual comfort during bright sunlight.
A flat roof will be constructed for the hotel. Flat roofs have no slope and water can be a problem. Four layers will put together combining to eliminate any issues that may occur with water.
The bottom layer that will be used is metal profile decking. Using metal decking allows for slab insulation and external membrane to be used.
The second layer to the roof will be a vapour control membrane. Installing this will help to reduce the heat loss as it provides a barrier to any air escaping.
Two products are suggested below:
1) DuPontâ„¢ AirGuard®
DuPontâ„¢ AirGuard® is a 100% airtight vapour control layer with a metallised surface which reduces radiant heat loss in winter.
It can be installed in roofs, below ceiling levels as well as in walls.
VCL DuPontâ„¢ AirGuard® in combination with Tyvek® Enercor® membranes and some minor installation specialities offer significantly energy savings up to 15%.
Product Properties
Composite of Polypropylene, Polyethylene and Aluminium
Roll Size
1.50 m x 50 m
Roll weight
11 kg
Mass per unit area
149 gr/ m2
Water vapour transmission (Sd)
>500 m
CE marking
2) Tyvek® VCL SD2
Tyvek® VCL SD2 is a vapour control layer for roofs, ceilings and walls providing a barrier to air movements. The overall balance in drying capacity of the construction is maintained with Tyvek® VCL SD2 on the inside and a Tyvek® underlay on the outside.
Product Properties
Polypropylene & Ethylen-Butylacrylate Copolymer
Roll Size
1.50 m x 50 m
Roll weight
8.5 kg
Mass per unit area
108 gr/ m2
Water vapour transmission (Sd)
5 m
CE marking
Next slab insulation will be used. Below are two suggestions from
Option 1:
DuoRock Roofing Board U Values
Warm flat roof, metal deck
Prescribed U Value W/m2K
New build requirement could range between 0.20 and 0.18
Construction: DuoRock roofing boards in combination with a
mechanically fastened single ply membrane system.
Troughed steel decking without underlining.
Calculations assume that insulation and membrane fasteners are of the telescopic
U Values
190 (95+95)
210 (105+105)
230 (95+135)
280 (135+145)
Option 2
HardRock Roofing Board U Values
Warm flat roof, metal deck
Prescribed U Value W/m2K
New build requirement could range between 0.20 and 0.18
Construction: Hardrock Dual Density roofing boards in combination
with mechanically fastened single ply membrane systems.
Troughed steel decking without underlining.
Calculations assume that insulation and membrane are of the telescopic type.
U Values
170 (85+85)
190 (95+95)
200 (95+105)
210 (105+105)
240 (105+135)
285 (135+150)
Finally a weather proof membrane will form the top layer of the roof construction. This will provide protection to the roof from rain, snow and any threatening weather conditions.
Method 2