Human Resources Manager is professional that helped to provide and tailored training for employee need. Human Resources Manager also regulates or maintains employment relationship between employers and its employees. These relationships help to bring out the best in employee performance at work. According to Rainbird, Munro & Holly 2004 Human Resources Manager helps to identify the model of how organization work and help to bring the interest of the employers and employees of certain issues in order for the employers and employees to work together to achieve better goals and a better working environment. This can be achieving by training for the employer and employee who is organizes by the Human Resources Manager. Human Resources Managers stand as a mediator between the employer and its employees. Human Resources Manager sometime plan training activities for the employees which sometimes is not necessary for the employee but this training are meant to benefit the organization. Management priorities their training activities they chose the type of training they want to be involved in (Rainbird, Munro and Holly, 2004). "Human Resources Manager stands as an mediator between the employees and employers the quality and availability of learning at workplace depends on the relationship between the organization and it employees and the interest or the way the organization and it employees views learning and training in a work place" when an employee's feels that the organization care about their well being this give the employees a sense of belonging and in return the employees make itself available for the organization example; the employees take place in training activities and sometime work long hours when the need arises. Organizational relationship between its employees plays a fundamental role on learning at workplace. Human Resources Manager helps to maintain this relationship.(Fox, 1966).
According to Rainbird, Munro and Holly, 2004 the Human Resources Development adopt a system which are unitary which help to stimulates the relationship between the employer and it employees this result in training and human resources development. Example is the Human Resources Managers help the help brings the interest of both employee and employers together. This action allows the employees and the employers to agree to common goals and give a sense of leadership at workplace. Human Resources Manager sometimes plan training activities for employees which are not in line with employees work schedules or work plan they do this for the organization which employees are not happy about thought the work of Human Resources Manager are to help stimulates the relationship. Human Resources Managers might be during this when the organization is struggling financial and due to this the organization need to make redundancies. Human Resources Manager helps training the employees so as to work in different department or for the employees to take up a different workloads or job responsibilities.
What is Workplace Learning?
Workplace learning could be defined as the efforts that workers undertake to gain knowledge skills and attitudes in order to be more effective in carrying out day to day job responsibility. The relationship between the employers and the employees plays a fundamental role for leaning to take place at work and for the effectiveness of learning in workplace (Muhamad and Idris, 2005). This relationship also determines the type of learning, quality and the availability of learning that take place in workplace. The type of learning that is available in workplaces also determines on the organization region what is organization interest and the business focus. The size of an organization n can also determine the type of learning that is available for it employees.
According to Becker, 1962 organization only invest in skills that will only be of great importance and benefit the organization directly. The willingness of organization to invest in skills, learning and education in work place are highly discourage and the percentage of organization that take part in training activities for its employees are reducing. Employers training plan for each employees vary. A manager might received more training activities than a sales man that deals with the customers whom job is to deals with the day to day running of the department. Employers are known to privatize its training plans so some employees received training and learning frequently more than other employees in the workplace. An employee only pays for learning activities or pay part of learning when the organization knows that the knowledge required are specific and that its knowledge cannot be found anywhere. When employers know that this knowledge can be found where they are happy to divert the cost of learning. Employers are happy to offer basic training and leaning activities to its employees. Example the training of health and safety at work these are basic training activities that are legally bound by the government that every employee must be thought about (Ziderman, 1996). The willingness of adult to take part in vocational learning is based on personal motivation and ambition.
This action by employers has made some country government to be involved in training and learning activities in workplace. Example In China when the private training market were incapable to meet the requirement of skills that is needed in the job market due to investment and improve hi-tech changes the government plays an important role for skills transformation. The government invested in training activities by providing an alternative training centre and making the environment conducive for employer and its employees to involve in training in workplace. The government knew the importance of learning and do not want it citizen to be lay back in training and learning. These actions taken by the government draw investor to the country where the government can gain back some the resources it invested in training. These actions also provide employment opportunity for it citizens (Ziderman, 1996).
According to Lo, L., Lai, M and Xioa, J (2005) the studies of Shanghais aspiration and determine to encouraged leaning in workplace. It is know that certain measure where taken of it determination to become the " first rate" international economic, financial and commercial center ( Jianshe Shanghai yiliu jiaoyu keti zonghezu, 1996; Shanghai jiancheng "san ge zhongxin" shehui shiye fazhan guihua yanjiu ketizu, 1994). For Shanghais to be "first rate" it has to maintain a competitive edge and provide "first rate" education beyond school. The changes in workplace where affect by both internal and external factors. "The emergence of the market economy and some factor like openness has encouraged organization to make internal changes in the organization and in manufacturing. These also bring about withdrawal of state protection for state-owned enterprises which bring about the termination of national allocation of production quota and resources distribution. The introduction of new employment policy meant the demise of cohesive job assignment system. These meant that organization flexibility in directing it own human resources department and allow mobility in the job market for employees. These allow the organization to be able to plan, focus and strategies it training and learning activities" Lo, L., Lai, M. and Xiao, J. 2005.
The new employment law bring about stability which allow the organization and it human resources manager be able to strategies plan and encouraged learning in workplace. Learning and training for individual employees where different to the other. Employees received leaning and training activities that best appropriate for there need and to carry job activities these meant shanghais were ahead of the country. The policy allows and encouraged vocational learning for adult. Adult who do not have secondary education has the opportunity to do so. It was recorded that about 283,000 adult participated in secondary school enrollment and 82,000 adult enrolled in higher education's (Shanghai Statistics Bureau, 1998).
The change in employment law in shanghai has create more learning opportunities in workplace. Organizations now determine its own training to suit the requirement of it employees. The Human Resources Department is able to effectively plan training and learning activities for its employees depending on own capacity. "Sometime the organizations often send the employees on training courses which are offered from education agencies in the community". Training activities from each employee are different to the other. The level of education attain by an employee will determine the type of activities that will be plan for each employee by the Human Resources Manager. Employee in different education categories receives different kinds of training. Example employee who do not attain secondary education might need more training than an employee who gain a degree in education this will also by the position and the number of years in services of such employee. In skill improvement training an employee who is a graduate vocational and technical school requires less attention than that of their counterpart from the academic stream. It is known that employee require on the job training regardless of education achieve. Example an employee who has just gain a degree in accounting at most time has got theoretical knowledge but has not got practical and on the job knowledge such employees will need training to be able to carry out job responsibilities actively. So training activities that are design for an employee allows the employee to perform at a certain level of expectation, that are required for certain occupations. Training activities are meant to improve to improve the capability of an employee so that they can carry out their daily activities more effectively. The Human Resources Department plan in house training these are training activities that take place at work (Lai & Lo, 1996; Lo, 1993; Lo & Lee, 1996). There are different kinds of education and training activities that are available for employees. Informal learning at work are learning that takes place at work this training are designed to provide knowledge, skills and attitudes which can bring about transformation in a workplace or make workplace more interesting and successful. Informal learning is knowledge and skills which are learnt outside activities of a workplace. Employees learn from day to day job responsibility. These are skill that has not been taught to employee but are learnt from day to day job duties (Marsick and Watkins, 1990). Non formal adult education stand as a training courses, short training courses, lecture and workshop which are offered on-site and by off-site education agencies. These courses are meant to transform and are structures to meet the need of an employee in a workplace (Colletta, 1994). The relationship of an organization and it employees determine the social relationship in a workplace.
Workplace learning is more about filling staff or skill vacancies, inducting new employees via informal apprenticeship and providing workers with the ability and knowledge to obtain problem solving skills that are specific to their organization and its remit. Workplace learning can also be known as an effort taken by employee to participate in training in other to acquire skill and knowledge. Workplace learning are skills and knowledge which are learnt by an individual or group of people but are specific to organization. Organizations are known to send it employee on training to learn a particular skill which is required for a task within the organization (Garavan, 2002).
According to Government of Malaysia the Human Resources department was use to develop and create a strong human resources base to support the development of knowledge bases economy and to enhance productivity and competitiveness. The Malaysia government develop it human resources department so that its citizen could be more productivity. The Malaysia government also set up a fund to help the development of human resources because the government want to support the development of knowledge based economy and enhance productivity and competition. The competition from global regional level also plays an important part in the government decision to support human resources development in Malaysia. The creation of World Trade Organization (WHO) and the ASEAN free Trade Area (AFTA) means that to competitive in the international and domestic market that all employees in different sector has to retrain and updated its skills. The constant technology changes means that all employees have to train regularly to able to complete in global markets because knowledge and skills are needed to carry out job responsibility. The skills often change constantly this is due to invention of new ideas and technology. The Government realizes that for employees to work at fun capacity and be productivity there need to be a fun of training to as an encouragement and empowerment to such employee. The Government also realizes that the human resources department serves as a medium between the organization and the employees because the department are responsible to make sure that each employees are trained and equipment for the task at work. The Malaysia government is commitment to support training and education through human resources development the government set up a programme that mandated the employers in private sector to contribute 1% of their total salary enrolment to the fund. To fund development of human resources and promotes workplace learning and training so that Malaysia can become a knowledge based economy and promotes competitiveness and productivity (Government of Malaysia, 2001).
Human Resources Manager has an exact way in people management in a workplace. Human Resources Manager also helps in fulfilling the planned and the purpose of an organization which includes the goals of employees commitment, flexibility and assimilation. Human Resources Manager is known to achieve these goals by providing training for employee. Human Resources Manager needs to direct or be in-charge of training and learning in one place because the skills required by each employee are often differs from one people to another. Human Resources Manager is able to maintain and encouraged employees to participate in training and learning activities in workplace. By explaining the importance of the training activities to employee and its importance in day to day job duties. Human Resources Manager also tells employees that training activities will enhances the performance of employees in a workplace. It is also known that not all skills are learnt through Human Resources Manager because employees pick up skills that are taught. These skills are picked up by employees from day to day of carrying out there job responsibilities. Example an employees that as a cashier might have a better and faster way to balance of the petty cash book. These skills might have been taught but the employees might just find out a way without been able to properly explain the method. The degree of employee's performance or to carry out job responsibilities at workplace can only be determined by what has been taught. The learning opportunities for workers can generally be differentiated as on-site learning and off-site learning the Human Resources Manager are in a good position to maintain and handle this (Lo, L., Lai, M. and Xiao, J., 2005). For work place learning to be effective Human Resources Manager should be in charge of training activities because Human resources manager plan training activities strategic to meet employee needs so that employee might be able to carry out job duties responsibly. Human Resources manager when planning training activities for employee bearing in mind the employee job responsibilities make sure that the training is directly to make employee discharge their duties effectively. To make sure that training and learning activities at workplace are effective the Human Resources Manager make survey like questionnaires and feel back from employees who has participate in training to take part off. These questionnaires are meant to see the effective of training on employees and the areas that needs improvement. Human Resources Manager are in charge of this questionnaires. The question are sent out to the employees that participate it is know that not all employees who take part in training wants to take part in the survey. When the questionnaires comes back from the participate the human resources department collate the result from the questionnaires and to check the effective of training and how the employee are applying the knowledge or skills taught from training on their day to day job duties. These questionnaires give the human resources manager the insight of knowledge gain and how this knowledge could be improved or enhanced. Human Resources manager create an important such as self renewal organization climate. "Human resources manager that empowers employees create continues learning cultures and provided teach the employees about the importance, the need and the valve of gaining knowledge, skills throughout ones careers. This teaching by human resources manager serves as an empowerment to an employee which will make some employee more determine and focus in acquiring skills and knowledge because the employee understand the valve of training (Sancez, Kranus, White & Williams, 1999).
For learning to be effective and human resources manager to function at full capacity in a workplace some factors are required within the organization. The Organization needs to know the changes in technology and working condition. The need from customer, managers and employees should be the heart of the Organization because when an employee need are meant such employee work at full capacity and feel that the organization is it family. Employees need a wide-range of professional connection outside work with friend and supplier these are important to learning because learning also take place when we interact with one another. A survey to see he impart of learning by employee this also encourage learning in work place. The need of management to participate and encouraged training in workplace. Organization take to need to learn new things and explore what has already been learnt so that they do not fall as a victim of learning because is important for the growth of an organization (Jaw, and Liu, 2003).
According Gold, J and Thorpe, R. 2003 while most of us embrace training and the development of Human Resources some percentage of small and medium sized enterprises thinks that taking part in training activities is a waste of time and resources. The small and the medium size enterprises are worried about their survival than the growth of the business. This enterprises are small are mostly run by few people and their main concern is how the business is going to survival so with this in mind the small and medium enterprises do not take part in training of have a human resources manager to oversee the business. How the business is coping, the staff and customers relation.
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Centre for Labour Market Studies (Version 1) - 2009: Workplace Learning and Human Resource Management.
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