Farm right manufacturers farm equipments such as tractors. It as well deals in the repair of such farm equipments and on addition to this it as well provides services in that related field. The equipments manufactured are both light and heavy equipments. It has been a successful company and managed to achieve a growth rate of 7% .The Company however decided to expand its operations to Spain but however things didn't go on well as expected for example there was some level of resistance with the working hour structure
Task 1
Strategic human resources management is an approach which is designed to meet needs of the employees aiming at promoting the goals of the organization. It is therefore a proactive management of people on how best their needs can be meet. It tries to link human resources with the strategic goals of business in order to improve the performance of the organization. The three approaches in strategic human resources include:
Best practice programmers are often too rigid and can be detrimental to people processes, resulting in resistance from employees. The bespoke HR or 'best fit' approach offers highly tailored and flexible solutions that are designed by balancing business and HR goals, best practice and the company culture and processes. Such solutions enable organizations to gain a competitive advantage by meeting companies' specific needs and better reflecting company culture, which leads to enhanced business results."
A best practice is a technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven to reliably lead to a desired result. A commitment to using the best practices in any field is a commitment to using all the knowledge and technology at one's disposal to ensure success. The term is used frequently in the fields of health care, government administration, the education system, project management, hardware and software product development, and elsewhere.
In software development, a best practice is a well-defined method that contributes to a successful step in product development. Throughout the software industry, several best practices are widely followed. Some of the more commonly used are: an iterative development process, requirement management, quality control, and change control.
Best Fit Approach or "best-fit" approach questions the universality assumption of the best-practice perspective. Instead it emphasizes the fit between HR activities and the organization's stage of development ("external-fit"). According to the "best-fit" theory, a firm that follows a cost-leadership strategy designs narrow jobs and provides little job-security, whereas a company pursuing a differentiation strategy emphasizes training and development. The 'best-fit' school, therefore, argues that all HRM activities must be consistent with each other and linked to the strategic needs of the business However, 'best-fit' approach has been criticized for the following reasons
• Lack of alignment with employee interests, compliance with prevailing social norms and legal requirements
• Too simplistic view of business strategy (the reality is more complex than only innovation, cost-reduction and quality-enhancement strategy in the Schuler and Jackson model)
A resource based view is a management device used to assess the available amount of a business' strategic assets. In essence, the resource-based view is based on the idea that the effective and efficient application of all useful resources that the company can muster helps determine its competitive advantage.
The resource based view of firms is based on two main assumptions: resource diversity and resource immobility these assumptions are defined as:
Resource diversity (also called resource heterogeneity) pertains to whether a firm owns a resource or capability that is also owned by numerous other competing firms, then that resource cannot provide a competitive advantage.
Resource immobility refers to a resource that is difficult to obtain by competitors because the cost of developing, acquiring or using that resource is too high.
For FR company I recommend that they use resource based view of the firm suggests that an organization's human capital management practices can contribute significantly to sustaining competitive advantage by creating specific knowledge, skills and culture within the firm that are difficult to imitate . In other words, by creating resource diversity (increasing knowledge and skills) and/or resource immobility (a culture that people want to work in), sustainable competitive advantage can be created and maintained.
In order to create human capital resource diversity and immobility, an organization must have adequate human capital management practices, organizational processes, knowledge management practices and systems, educational opportunity (both formal and informal) and social interaction (i.e., community building) practices in place.
Task 2
Recruitment is the process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner.
The recruitment process is the value added HR Process. It is about attracting, interviewing and hiring new employees.
Recruitment sources or approaches that the management of HR can employee
Advertising and interviews , this is the tradition approach to recruitment used organization however research shows that it's a low validity method as it generates false errors. Many organizations now train staff in good interview techniques.(important )
E-Recruitment, also known as online recruitment, is the use of technology to attract candidates and aid the recruitment process. The use of technology within human resource management has facilitated more use of this method whereby do have to apply online. This method allow getting applicants from different countries.
Selection tests, a job selection test are a hiring tool commonly used by employers to examine potential workers' abilities. It is viewed as a prequalification or pre-employment test that helps the employer determine if an applicant should be considered for an interview or offered a job.
Assessment Centers, a method for assessing ability and performance; applied to a group of participants by trained assessors using various skill in order to obtain information about applicants' abilities or development potential.
University /Collage based, this is method when organizations approach colleges and universities to obtain best candidates for their organizations.
Employees agencies/recruitment agencies, organization pay agencies to look for staff on their behalf so as to save time and selection procedure. The organizations give there requirement and the agencies do the rest for them.
In the case of FR Company the Employee agencies/recruitment agencies approach would be the best because this will reduce the time of interviewing people cause remember it's a new franchise in a different country with a barrier of language so the agencies can speak to the local people better than the management.
Another approach FR company can take is a Selection Test; this method can assist to identify the potential candidate for the organizations.
Ability tests: measure job-related tasks ability in performance
Intelligence test which helps to measure the intelligence capacity of the candidate
Advertisement and interviews would also be a choice of recruiting because using this would give candidate who are in need of jobs and will apply onto jobs that they can perform. People who apply job via advertisements are candidates who are in need of job and they tend to adhere to rules and directions when told.
Task 3
Commitment as the act of guaranteeing oneself to an idea, cause or action every day we set goal and objectives in organizations when commitment is put in place the goals and objectives will be met.
In an organization Commitment can be demonstrated to staff in terms of a pleasant working condition, training and development centers, safe working environment, balance between work and employees' commitments outside the workplace.
Employee commitment allows an organization to grow and gain in competitiveness and is thus a key variable determining employee performance. Commitment makes an employee's willing to perform, an employee stays with an organization because he wants to. He believes in and identifies himself with the organization, an employee stays with an organization, because he feels obliged to continue employment, an employee stays with an organization, because he feels that the personal costs of leaving are too high, for instance when age limits his chances to find new work
Other Importance of committed employees
Less labor-turn over due to the fact that employees will be more attached to the organization.
More productivity of the laborers as they will view achieving the organization objectives as their success.
Less risk of strikes from the employees as they value the success more for the organization.
Open minded staff to the organization
Reduces absentiseem as the staff are more motivated to good performance of the organization.
Types of commitment
Attitudinal commitment is a bond between an individual and the organization. If the bond reflects an individual's identification, it is referred as attitudinal commitment. In other words with attitudinal commitment the employee becomes more loyal and supportive to the organization.
Behavioral commitment in this type of commitment committed behavior is distinguished from general expectation; it involves the role behavior that is expected by the organization.
Attitudinal commitment focuses on the process by which people come to think about their relationship with the organization and Behavioral commitment, on the other hand, relates to the process by which individuals become locked into a certain organization and how they deal with this problem.
Task 4
Absenteeism is non-attendance at work, without valid reason. Absenteeism means either habitual evasion of work, or willful absence as in a strike action. It does not include involuntary or occasional absence due to valid causes, or reasons beyond one's control, such as accidents or sickness .the following are the common causes of absenteeism in many organization:
Personal laziness. Some employees are personally lazy that they don't value their jobs as a means of survival as a result of this do absent themselves even without proper reasons
Lack of job satisfaction. It's also common those employees are normally absent when they are not satisfied with their work and this could be due to a number of reasons such as poor incentives which kills the moral of attendance.
Stress. Employees are stressed by many factors such as overworking, lack of job security, family problems and many other can as well result into absenteeism.
Lack of attendance motivation. Human beings should always be motivated in order to do something and therefore some laborers are absent from their duties due to lack of attendance motivation and therefore well attending staff cant differentiate themselves from irregular attendants.
Absenteeism cause major negative impact in organizations
The employer incurs loss of work hours, sick pay, overtime or payroll plus training costs of temporary staff and attrition costs as well as costs in lowered productivity, quality and output with a possible loss of customers. There will be additional administrative costs with the rescheduling and hiring efforts, and some end up over-staffing at additional cost.
Ways of controlling absenteeism
Any organization should approach absenteeism in a more systematic way by:
Assessing the absence problem, locate the absence problem, identify and prioritize absence problem, evaluate the current absence measurere,design the absence control programmes,implement the designed program and monitor its effectiveness
One of the best ways of reducing staff absenteeism is by changing the environment in which the company operates. This can be done at a very basic level in terms of improving the conditions within offices and buildings Modern equipment, climate controlled buildings and good work facilities
Offering incentives to employees in an effort to reduce absenteeism, it's crucial that they're structured in such a way so as not to be seen as an additional 'reward' for coming to work as they're paid to be there after all.
Implement a thorough record system. For every employee, you should record the date, duration and reason for each case of absenteeism. This way you will have evidence of each absence if you need to refer back to it.
Identify the causes for an employee's absenteeism. If you can find out why an employee is consistently absent, then you can deal more effectively with the problem. For example, if an employee is often absent because of issues with childcare, you could offer them the option of more flexible working hours.
Properly inform and regularly update your employees about your standards and policies regarding absenteeism. If you make a change to your absenteeism policy, make sure you let your employees know. Even if you don't make a change, you should still remind your employees regularly of the standards you have in place.
Task 5
Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. Basic functions of management planning, organizing, influencing and controlling. The following are the different management styles:
Autocratic management style is when a manager makes decisions without the consultation of others, instead serving as a dictator type in communicating orders because they like to be in control of situations. This style of management leads to work getting done on time because there are less people involved in the decision making process.
A democratic management style this type of management style is when a manager is willing to share work with his staff by delegating it to get the job done. You are banking on the competency of your team to get the job done on time and to have it done correctly. Employees love this type of management style in business because they feel involved and part of the process.
Participative Management Style also sometime known as consultative management style, this decision making style in management revolves around getting lots of feedback from your staff before coming to a conclusion and making a decision.
In laissez Faire leadership management style, the team is given the freedom to complete the job or tasks in any way they deem it should be done. It is a hand off approach at the management level in terms of direction, but the manager is there to answer questions and provide guidance as needed. This is a good way to help develop individual contributors into leaders which is only going to serve to make your team stronger ion the long run.
Consultative management style is where managers consult other team members before arriving at a decision. This is in contrast to autocratic management style wherein the manager gives instructions.
Therefore, listening skills and right consulting channel creation are essential skills a consultative manager should possess.
For FR Company I would recommend that they use Consultative Management Style, this type of management style can allow managers to discuss with the employees on what is better for the staff and staff can advise the employer on how to run things smoothly with all the stake holders including the customers, the employees and the trade union.
Task 6
Work-life balance is having enough time for work and enough to have a life thus the work life balance. Work-life balance aims at helping staff to maintain healthy, rewarding lifestyles that will in turn lead to improvements in productivity and performance. Strategies to achieve balance will differ between organisations, partly depending on their function, the types of work roles they offer, and their workforce profile.
Reduced stress. Employees today are generally more stressed which reduce performance levels. Absenteeism due to family commitments and stress could be a major reason for low performance levels. Work-Life initiatives improves employee performance by reducing absenteeism, lateness, health care and sick-leave and hence their related costs. People who are free of worry about what is going on at home can be more productive at work.
Improved staff morale and engagement: Work-Life helps employees lead a healthier and more balanced life by allowing them to better concentrate at work, improving the work environment by increasing motivation and job satisfaction. Other studies have shown that improved staff morale lead to more committed staff and better performance.
Improved customer satisfaction: Better customer response is possible through telecommuting and the longer operating hours that can be arranged by giving employees flexibility. At the same time, more motivated employees who have their personal needs addressed are more likely to go the extra mile to keep customers happy. Turnover, and the subsequent need for re-establishment of relationship and rework, is also listed as major factor contributing to loss of customers.
Improved recruitment, retention and reduced turnover: Work-Life initiatives give organizations a human face that allows prospective employees to distinguish one employer from another. To attract employees and hold on to them, forward thinking companies are letting their employees know that they are just as concerned about their employees lives outside work and about helping them to manage their work and personal commitments and aspirations. Work-Life Programmers key advantage is therefore positive branding in recruitment and retention of talent. Measures an organization can take in achieving work life balance
Flextime a system permitting flexibility of working hours at the beginning or end of the day, provided an agreed period of each day is spent at work.
Part time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. Workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 or 35 hours per week
Compressed time ,Alternative work arrangement where a standard workweek is reduced to fewer than five days, and employees make up the full number of hours per-week by working longer hours. Most common options in a compressed workweek are: four 10-hour days, three 12-hour days, or a week of five 9-hour days followed by a week of four 9-hour days.
Job share is a way for two people to both fill one job. Each person has a permanent part-time post. They split the hours, pay, holidays and benefits between them according to how many hours they each work. There are three main types of job-share:
Shared responsibility, there is no division of duties. The job-share partners are compatible. This works well for jobs where the work flows continuously.
Divided responsibility works well when work can be split into different client groups or different projects. Each partner has their own case-load or project, which they focus on during working hours. If the partners don't know each other well, this can be a suitable way to arrange the job-share
Shift swapping. This is an arrangement in which there are alternations in the shifts at the work place for example its much common in telecommunication company with customer care departments whereby customer care attendants can alternate between night and day shifts