Vitamins and minerals

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1329

Are vitamins and minerals essential? Does our body need them to survive? Do we generally take them for granted? The answer is yes. Vitamins and minerals are essential for normal physiological function, such as growth, development, production and maintenances. There are two forms of vitamins; fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.

Vitamins that are stored in the fatty tissue in the body are called fat soluble. These vitamins (A, D, E and K) are absorbed from digestive tract along with lipid contents However, excessive intakes of fat soluble can build up and may be harmful.

Vitamin A has many benefits, such as bone growth, improving night vision and maintains skin and mucous membrane supple and smooth. Animal products such as milk, egg yolk and beta-carotene from fruit and yellow vegetables is a source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals. There are two chemicals called retinol and carotenoids that provide vitamin A. Firstly, Retinol that are performed vitamin A, where the body can use it straight away. Carotenoids are precursors that changes into retinol. The recommended daily intake (RDA) is about 700-900µg. However, too much could cause paling of skin or too less can cause poor night vision.

For our body to absorb and use of calcium and phosphorus in the gut vitamin D is needed. This will help to form and maintain strong bones. There are a few forms of vitamin D like cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is produced in our body when the skin is exposed to sunlight and the ultraviolet rays would react with steroid chemicals. Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) is produced in plants when exposed to sunlight. Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to weakness and softening of skeletal, but excess amount can calcium deposits in tissue, therefore the RDA is 5-15µg.

Vitamin E has many benefits like keeping a healthy reproductive system. It is also an antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals. Vitamin E is from tocopherols and tocotrieonol in vegetable oil, but tocopherols are more essential as they have two sterling characteristic. ….. Anemia can cause due to deficiency and blurred vision can occur when there is excess of vitamin E. The RDA is 15mg.

Vitamin K is found in dark green vegetables, such as cabbage and spinach. Our body use vitamin K to make certain protein like prothrom that are normally found in the blood plasma. It helps with blood clotting when there is a cut, so we don't bleed to death, so that why we should less of vitamin K in our diet. As well as Vitamin D vitamin K is also for healthy bones. The RDA is about 90-120µg. Excess amount can lead to jaundice that is a yellowish discoloration of the skin or may lead to thrombophlebitis, which is a swelling in the veins that is caused by a blood clot. Deficiency can cause the blood to not clot and will continue bleeding.

Water soluble vitamins aren't stored in the body, but are normally excreted in the urine, therefore it would need to be replaced regularly. The table below shows 11 water soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamin


Where are they found

Daily recommended intake

Excess intake

Deficiency intake

C (ascorbic acid)

Wound healing, Antioxidant,

Citrus fruits, vegetables


Kidney stones



Essential for metabolic functions .e.g. cell growth

Meat, vegetables


Not clear enough

Scaly skin,

B1 (thiamine)

Acts as coenzyme

meats, whole grains, nuts, seeds



Poor appetite, problems with cardiovascular

B2 (riboflavin)

Coenzyme, it digest protein and carbohydrates

Meat, fish


Inflamed mucous membranes

Niacin (nicotinic)

Essential for proper growth, involved in enzyme reaction

Bread, meat


Damage liver tissue, cause death due to very high dose

Inflamed skin,

B5 (pantothenic)

Metabolise fats and carbohdrates

Beans, whole grain cereals, meat


Slow growth

B6 (pyridoxine)

Metabolises protein and fat, removing excess of homocysteine

Chicken, meat, fish


Damage to nerves in leg and arm


B12 (cobalamin)

Metabolism of nucleic acid

Milk, meat, fish



Causes Pernicious anemia


Metabolises protein, for growth and wound healing

Dark green vegetable and fruit



Mineral are inorganic elements that are found in nonliving thing like rock, soil and water. We are required to have both major and trace amount of minerals. Some of the functions of minerals include bone growth, transporting oxygen and metabolism. The table below shows the major and trace of minerals.

Major amounts of minerals


Why we need them


Deficiency of minerals

Excess amount of minerals

Recommended daily intake (RDA or AI)


Maintaining normal muscle and nerve cells function, strong bones


Weak bones, stunted growth

May cause damage to kidney



For normal membrane function, maintains water balance

Fruits, vegetables, meat

too much sweating

too much water or fluid loss, high blood pressure



Anion in body fluid

Sea salt, table salt

Lower blood pressure, loss of potassium in urine

Hypertension, raise blood pressure



Part of enzymes, for nerve cell function

green leafy vegetables, nuts

Weakness of muscle and bone, irregular heartbeat

Diarrhoea in short period of time



Strong bones and teeth

fish, bread,

Weak muscle and bones, damage to nerve

Reduce amount of calcium in body,



Strong bones

Fruit like bananas, vegetables, nuts




Trace amount of minerals:


Why we need them


Deficiency of minerals

Excess amount of minerals

Recommended daily intake (RDA or AI)


Antioxidant, defend the body, protects nerve tissue

Meat, nuts, beans

Anaemia, impaired immune system

Cause damage to liver and kidneys



Constituent of haemoglobin and myoglobin

Meat, eggs


constipation, vomiting, can be fatal



Normal growth, wound healing, makes enzymes and hormones

Meat products , oysters

Weaken immune system, slow wound healing

Reduces iron and copper absorption, anaemia



Component for enzyme, metabolise carbohydrates make fats

Whole grain, nuts, fruits,


Damage to nerve

1.8 - 2.3mg


Forms part of vitamin B12.

fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables

Same deficiency of vitamin B12

Could affect the heart, damage to nerve and kidney




Fruits, vegetables

Muscle pain

causes selenosis



Cofactor for metabolise of glucose

Meat, vegetables

May cause impaired glucose tolerance

The effect aren't clear


However, there are more minerals that haven't been mentioned above in the table as they may form a part of other substances. For example, sulphur is an essential nutrient, but isn't mentioned above as sulphur is part of a protein and is also found in fats and body fluid, therefore a normal person would have reasonable amount.

Since our human body can't produce nutrients naturally or normally produce the amounts needed we have to take in a range of vitamin and minerals in part of our diet in order to have and maintain a healthy body.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

A Probiotic product is a yogurt called Activia. In this yogurt the species is called Bifidus ActiRegularis. The company clams that the product helps to improve slower digestive transit. The product activia contains two bacterial cultures that are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The company says that these two bactera will to help digest lactose and will benefit other people with lactose intolerance. The product also contains vitamins and minerals and source of calcium as this will helps to build and maintain strong bones

A prebiotic product is weetabix oatibix bites with apple and sultana. It contains 6% of Prebiotic Oligofructose. The product clam that it can improve friendly bacteria in our gut that will maintain a health digestive system healthy. Furthermore, the company says that the product contains essential nutrients your body need to stay health and contains energy that will last until lunchtime. The essential nutrient in this product is vitamins (Thiamin, Niacin, Folic Acid and Riboflavin) and mineral that is iron. The company also says that the taste of the product is “mouth-wateringpieces of appleflavoured fruity piecesand juicy sultanas'' that draw the reader attention.