This is the type of malnutrition where there are more nutrients than are required for normal growth in a person's body. Thus, with the person taking in over nutrients, this means that he/she will be more likely to become overweight the fact that the foods that this person takes in are highly in caloric content.
Over weight
This is the enhanced body weight of the person in relation to his/ her weight. Hence, with the person being overweight, this means that this person is most likely to get coronary heart disease, stroke, and gall bladder disease and pregnancy complications.
Therefore, a person to lower the risk of getting health problems due to being overweight, the person needs to make sure that he/she loses weight by doing regular exercise and eating healthy.
This is when a person has extremely high amount of body fat that is unhealthy. For that reason, with the person being obese, this person is also most likely to have serious medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, breathing problems, heart disease and stroke.
Body mass index
This calculates an individual's weight in relation to their height. It is very important that a person carries out BMI as he/she will be able to know whether he is overweight or not.
Dietary reference values
This gets to record the recommended nutritional intakes for UK population. Withal, the dietary reference values help to calculate approximately the amount of energy and nutrients needed by different groups of healthy people in UK population.
Describe the characteristics of nutrients and their benefits to the body.
The kinds of nutrients which can be found in the person's body, these include of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals.
The characteristics of carbohydrates are that there are two different types of carbohydrates and these are monosaccharide and polysaccharide.
Monosaccharide these are simple carbohydrates composed of one sugar molecule such as glucose and fructose. Whilst, polysaccharide these are carbohydrates made up of a long chain of simple sugar molecules that are joined together. The examples of polysaccharide carbohydrates these can be starch and cellulose.
The benefits of carbohydrates to the person's body, they help to provide energy. Hence, this energy has to be broken down into glucose before cells can use it. In addition, carbohydrates are the body's main source of fuel because when the person takes the right carbohydrates, this means that the person's body systems and organs will be able to function properly.
The foods that can be found in Carbohydrates can be as such as whole grain cereals, fruits, beans, vegetables and dairy products.
When it comes to the characteristics of proteins, these are large, complex molecules that have a variety of functions in the body and are essential to good health.
There are two types of proteins and these are amino acids and peptides. The amino acids these are building blocks of the body's proteins. Hence, some amino acids are produced by a person's body and other amino acids come from a person's diet.
On the other hand, peptides these are two or more amino acids that are connected together. Hence, the proteins are made up multiple peptides. However, the benefits of proteins to the body, proteins help to build and repair tissues in the body. In addition, the proteins help to also make haemoglobin which is the part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all the parts of the body, make enzymes, hormones and also act as the building block of bones, muscles and blood.
Lastly the examples of food that is highly in proteins this can be as such as diary products, meat, chicken, fish, beans, nuts and seeds.
Fat consist of saturated fat and unsaturated fats. The saturated fat can be as such as butter and cheese whilst unsaturated fat can be olive oil and sunflower oil.
The benefits of fats to the body, is that the body needs fats to work properly by protecting the organs. The fats also help to provide energy in the form of calories, to absorb certain vitamins, to produce cell membranes, enzymes, neurotransmitters and lastly to produce hormones.
The examples of foods that can be found in fats, these are eggs, butter, dairy products, margarine, cheese, olive oil, fatty beef and fish. Therefore, a person having food that contains fats, these foods will help to play a vital role in their body.
The main function of fibre is to keep the digestive system healthy and also to function properly. Hence, fibre it helps to speed up excretion of waste and toxins from the body.
However, it is advised that if a person is going to increase the amount of fibre in his/her diet, he should drink high levels of water so that the fibre can get absorbed. As a result, this will avoid a person from being constipated.
The characteristics of fibre is that all the food that are rich in fibre such as fruits, wholemeal bread, porridge and cereals can fill up someone very quickly thus this will prevent someone from overeating.
Additionally, the foods that are also rich in fibre are low in fat and calories as well as they slow down the digestion so they would not make a person to put on weight.
These are organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. A person taking the right vitamins through their diet, the vitamins will help them to maintain a healthy body and normal growth.
The vitamins also help to serve vital functions in body processes such as the immune and nervous system. Therefore, it's essential that a person takes food that is rich in vitamins.
Nevertheless, the characteristics of vitamins is that every vitamin has a special role to play within the body that they help to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion. Furthermore, they are two types of vitamins and these are water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins.
When it comes to water soluble vitamins, these include of vitamin B1, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin B2. The water soluble vitamins might be as such as grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, nuts and milk.
However, when it comes to fat soluble vitamins these consist of vitamins A, D, E and K hence these vitamins are stored in liver and fatty tissues. The food that can be found in these fat soluble vitamins can be such as vegetables cheese, whole milk, fish oil, and egg York.
It's very essential that a person takes minerals in his/her diet. This is because these minerals help to control body fluids inside and outside the cells.
The minerals also build strong bones and teeth as well as turn the food into energy. Withal, the most important minerals are iron, potassium, sodium and calcium thus these minerals can be found in foods such as cereals, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.
Discuss similarities and differences in the nutritional and energy requirements of two groups of individuals.
The two groups of individuals that I have decided to pick is the teenage girl that is 16 years old and of a pregnant woman.
The differences between the teenage girl and a pregnant woman, when it comes to their nutritional and energy requirements is that the girl who is 16years of age needs to have 1800 calories per day whilst a pregnant woman needs to have 350 calories per day.
In addition, the teenage girl needs these calories as she's stilling growing up and developing. For that reason, it is advised that this teenager needs to make sure that she understands her nutritional and caloric intake needs, as this will affect her physically in terms of being healthy.
It will also prevent her from being at risk of getting healthy problems such as becoming overweight is she's taking in a lot of calories that she shouldn't .
However, when it comes to a pregnant woman she needs fewer calories compared to a teenager as she needs to maintain her pregnancy weight as well as keep her energy up. Withal, the pregnant woman needs to make sure that she eats well during her pregnancy and also choose high quality food that is rich in baby building nutrients. Thus, with the pregnant woman eating healthy food, this will affect her unborn child physically that by the time she gets to give birth, her baby will look healthy.
All the same, when it comes to the similarities between the teenager and the pregnant woman is that they both need to take in the right calories as this will affect them physically in terms of their health. With the teenager and the pregnant woman taking in the right nutrients they will be unlikely to be at risk of getting health problems such as becoming overweight, getting heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.
Additionally, both the teenager and pregnant woman also need to eat the right food which is rich in all the nutrients. For instance the nutrients can be as such carbohydrates and fats hence these nutrients will help provide the teenager and the pregnant woman with energy. The foods can be such as whole grain cereals, fruits, beans, vegetables and dairy products. However, with the teenager and the pregnant woman eating these foods they will have to make sure that they do some physical activity such as going to the gym, taking a walk so that they could maintain their weight as well avoid getting healthy problems.
When it comes to the differences between the teenager and a pregnant woman is that the teenager needs to limit her intake of solid fats like butter whereby she gets to avoid the chance of getting health problems which might affect her physically. Therefore, the daily recommended amount of oils that a girl who is 16 years old should be taking is 5 tea spoons.
On the other hand, when it comes to a pregnant woman, she needs to take omega 3 which can be found from fats such as tuna and salmon. As a result, with the pregnant woman taking the omega 3, this will help her fetus to develop as it uses much of the fatty oils in a woman's system.
Using a table, explain six possible influences on dietary intake.
The lifestyle can be a very vital influence on the dietary intake of a person depending on how the person lives such as being wealthy or poor.
Religion can influence on the dietary intake of a person the fact that some religions are not allowed to eat certain foods.
Culture can influence on dietary intake on someone's choice of food and the way the person prepares the food.
This is essential influence on the dietary intake of a person. For instance if the person has got no problem with money, this means that this person will be more likely to provide him/herself with the foods that are rich in nutrients hence, this will affect him physically.
Diet is a vital influence on the dietary intake the fact that with the person taking the right diet, he will be unlikely to be at risk of getting health problems.
Personal influence
The person having a personal influence this will influence on the dietary intake of this person. For instance, with the person knowing that having the right diet is good for his health, he will be most likely to keep on having the right foods that are found in the basic nutrients.
Select three influences on dietary intake from P3 and assess how they may affect the nutritional health of individuals.
Religion can affect the nutritional health of the individual the fact that some religions are not allowed to eat certain foods. Therefore, some of these foods that the people are not allowed to eat might be rich in nutrients. For example, the Buddhists are not allowed to eat meat and meat is one of the foods that are rich in proteins and vitamins.
Withal, with the person not eating the food that is rich in proteins and vitamins, this will affect this individual physically the fact that the proteins help to build and repair tissues in the body. In addition, the proteins also help make haemoglobin which is the part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all the parts of the body, the proteins also make enzyme and hormones.
When it comes to vitamins, these will also help to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion of an individual. Therefore, if this individual that is a Buddhist isn't allowed to have meat, then he has to make sure that he at least eats other foods which are rich in vitamins and proteins as this will affect his health physically.
Diet may affect the nutritional health of an individual if the person maintains what he/she eats and this is by making sure that this individual eats the right calories that are recommended. Moreover, the person knowing the nutrients and what foods are found in the nutrients, this means that this person will be able to have a healthy diet.
However, if the person doesn't know the foods that are found in the nutrients, there's a chance that this person's health will be at risk despite of the fact he/she will be eating unhealthy food. As a result, this person will be most likely to get health problems such as heart disease/stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and also become overweight.
The lifestyle may affect the nutritional health of an individual depending on how they live. For instance, if the person is wealthy that means he/she will be able to provide himself with the basic food which is rich in nutrients. Whilst a person, that might be poor he/ she might find it very difficult to manage to get the food that is rich in nutrients. As a result, with the person not taking the right food that is rich or less in nutrients; this means that this person is more likely to get health problems such as malnutrition.
Furthermore, the life style will also affect the nutritional health of an individual depending on what kind of habits that the individual has. For example, if the individual loves to eat a lot of junk food, it's more likely that this will affect his health physically, whereby this individual will become overweight as well get health problems such as diabetes. For that reason, the individual not to be at risk of getting healthy problems, he/she will have to eat the food that is rich in nutrients so that he can be healthy.
Make realistic recommendations for minimizing negative influences on individuals in a specific health and social care setting.
The health and social care setting that I decided to use is a school thus the recommendations that could minimise the negative influences these can be as such as introducing children to new healthy foods, stopping children from going out for lunch, children making health poster, children having packed lunch wit healthy snacks.
Introducing children to new healthy foods
It's very important that the school introduces children to new healthy foods as this will affect the children's health physically. As a result, with the children being introduced to healthy foods, they will be less likely to be at risk of getting healthy problems such as becoming overweight or obese. Moreover, the healthy foods could be as such as healthy snacks which might include of fruits and nuts thus, with the children knowing the good healthy snacks this will help the children to take in the right healthy snacks that will be rich in minerals and vitamins. Withal, vitamins help to maintain a healthy and normal growth and minerals help to control body fluids inside and outside the cells as well as also build strong bones and teeth.
For that reason, it's recommended that the schools should introduce children to healthy foods as this will help to minimise negative influences ion individuals.
Stopping children from going out for lunch
The school should make sure that they stop children from going out for lunch the fact that if the children go out for lunch, this means that there's a high possibility that these children will be buying junk food. With the children buying junk food, this will be mostly to affect their health physically despite of the fact that junk food is not healthy. Thus, the children will be at risk of having health problems that they will become overweight /obese, have breathing problems and also become diabetic. Consequently, it's very crucial that the school does not allow children to go out for lunch; therefore it is recommended that the schools should provide children with lunch meals that are rich in healthy nutrients as this will help to minimise the negative influences on individuals.
Children making health poster
With the children making health posters, this will be an effective way of minimising negative influences on individuals. This is because, with the children making health posters, the other children will be mostly to know and understand the benefits of having healthy food and what sorts of food are rich in nutrients. Withal, the children understanding the nutrients and having healthy food, this will be very advantageous to their health as they will be less likely to get any healthy problems. For that reason, it's recommended that schools should try and make health posters for the children as this will affect the children's health physically in terms of having normal growth and development.
Children having packed lunch with healthy snacks
With the children having packed lunch with healthy snacks, this will help to minimise the negative influences on the individuals. This is because with a child having a packed lunch that is rich in nutrients as well as with healthy snacks such as fruits; this will make a child to have a balanced diet. Hence, with a child having a balanced diet, it's less likely for the child to become ill. For example, if the child takes healthy snacks this means that these snacks are rich in vitamins and minerals thus these nutrients help to maintain a healthy and normal growth. For that reason, it's very essential that a child gets to have a healthy packed lunch with healthy snacks. Additionally, it's also recommended that the school should also advise children to drink a lot of fluids and water as this will prevent the children from being dehydrated. Therefore it is recommended that the schools tell children to have healthy packed lunched with healthy snacks as this will help to minimise the negative influences.
Advise children to take part in P.E
The schools should advise children to take part in Physical exercise as this will benefit the children the fact that physical exercise will help them to control their weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, improve their mental health and mood as well reduce the risk of the children getting health problems such as overweight. For that reason, it's recommended that the schools should always advise children to take part in P.E.
Use a table to summarise your one week quantitative analysis.
Medium Banana (105cal)
Potato Chips(487cal)
& chicken(431cal)
2 pieces
1 glass of water
1glass of water
100g bar Cadbury's diary milk chocolate
1hr at the gym
Potato Chips(487cal)& chicken(431cal)
2 pieces
1 glass of water
Cheese puffs& twists
A bar of snicker(319kcal)
Cornflakes (100kcal)
1 glass of water
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
Banana chips
1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal)
Cycle for 30mins
2 glasses of water
Rice(216cal)& chicken(431cal) 2 pieces
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
Kellogg cereal bar
Shrimp(206cal), rice(216cal)
2 glasses of water
Peas & carrots
2 glass of water
100g bar Cadbury's diary milk chocolate
1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal)
Medium Banana (105cal)&
1 glass of water
potato chips(487cal)
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
A glass of orange juice(88cal)
Cheese puffs& twists
A twin bar of Twix(284kcal)
Walk to the park for 15mins
1 glass of water
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
A glass of orange juice(88kcal)
A twin bar of Twix(284kcal)
1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal)
Prepare a one week plan to improve the nutritional health of the chosen individual in P4. This information can be presented in the form of a table.
Medium Banana (105kcal)
2 glasses of water
Potato Chips(487kcal), broccoli(35kcal)
& chicken(431kcal)
2 pieces
1 glass of water
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
Peas & carrots
2 glass of water
Low fat
Yogurt 100gms
1 bar of Dark chocolate (100kcal)
1hour at gym
Apple juice 1 glass(117kcal)
& granny smith apple(45kcal)
2 glasses of water
Potato Chips(487kcal)& chicken(431cal)
2 pieces
2 glass of water
corn on cob(140kcal) &
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal)
Walk for 10mins
Cornflakes (100kcal)
Apple juice 1 glass(117kcal)
2 glasses of water
1 serving of coleslaw(79kcal) Peas & carrots
A glass of orange juice(88cal)
corn on cob(140kcal)
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
Banana chips
Low fat
Yogurt 100gms
2hrs at gym
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
2 glasses of water
1 serving of coleslaw(79kcal) &
Cream cheese(137kcal)
A glass of orange juice(88kcal)
Rice(216kcal)& chicken(431kcal) 2 pieces
A glass of orange juice(88kcal)
1 apple and 1 pear (125kcal) Low fat
Yogurt 100gms
Walk to the dog park for 30mins
2 glasses of water
Shrimp(206kcal), rice(216kcal), broccoli(35kcal)& corn on cob(140kcal)
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
Lasagna(124kcal) & fried noodles (43kcal) cauliflower
1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal)
Avocado on toast 1 slice of bread(220kcal)
Cycle for 30mins
Medium Banana (105cal)&
2 glasses of water
Fish(210kcal), potato chips(487kcal)& broccoli(35kcal)
Apple juice 1 glass(117cal)
Peas & carrots
1 serving of coleslaw(79kcal)
corn on cob(140kcal)
Cheese puffs& twists
A twin bar of Twix(284kcal)
Walk the dog to the park for 30mins
2 glasses of water
A glass of orange juice(88kcal)
Peas & carrots
Apple juice 1 glass(117cal)
50g(1.8oz) reduced fat hummus with veggie sticks(125kcal)
A teaspoon each of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and raisins(240kcal)
2hrs at gym
Assess how the plan devised in P5 will meet the nutritional needs of the individual.
The one week plan that I devised in P5 will help meet the nutritional needs of the individual the fact that, when I made another plan in P5 so that I could improve the nutritional content of the individual, I tried to make sure that at least I meant the daily calories that a person should have. Moreover, with the person not eating proper food or missing out meals, this will lead to reduced levels of blood sugar. For that reason, with the person having low levels of blood sugar, it's most likely that this person will faint.
Withal, the plan devised in P5 will help meet the nutritional needs of the individual as I had to make sure that in the plan, the person will have to have breakfast every day as this will affect this person physically. Thus, with the person taking breakfast every morning, she will be active and also be will have enough energy to carry out the tasks at work. Therefore, a person taking breakfast every morning is very crucial.
Additionally, the plan I devised in P5, will definitely help the nutritional needs of the individual the fact that every meal that this person will be having, is rich in nutrients. For example, when it comes to lunch time and evening meals the person gets to have vegetables with her meals thus vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, with the person taking vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals, this will affect this person's health physically as the vitamins and minerals they help to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion as well as control the body fluids that come in and out of the cells of this individual.
Furthermore, the plan that I devised in P5, will also help the nutritional needs of the individual in spite of the fact that this person will now have to do some activity such as going to the gym, walk to the park and also do some cycling. As a result, this will affect this person's health that she will not be at the risk of getting healthy problems such as becoming overweight or obese.
In addition, with the person also doing some activities such as going to the gym, this person will be able to burn off some of the calories, in case if this individual's calories were more than what she should have.
Moreover, the plan that I devised in P5 will also help the nutritional needs of the individual the fact that this person will be drinking more water regularly. Hence, with the person drinking water every day it's very vital as water makes up 70% of the human body and also it will prevent a person from being dehydrated.
Additionally, with the person also drinking water, the water will help to transport oxygen and nutrients through the blood and water is a major component of every body cell, tissue and organ.
Lastly, the plan that I devised in P5 will also help the nutritional needs of the individual as I had to make sure that this person at least this person gets to have some healthy snacks. Withal, the person having healthy snacks this will affect the person's health physically as the healthy snacks help to keep the energy levels up and also they help to keep an individual full throughout the day without overeating at meals. Furthermore, with the person having healthy snacks such as apples and bananas, these are rich in vitamin C hence; these fruits are important for the immune system, teeth and wound healing.
Evaluate how the nutritional plan might improve the health of the chosen individual in P4 and P5.
When it comes to the nutritional plan I did in P4 and P5, this might help to improve the health of the chosen individual the fact that I tried to make sure that in both the plans I did in P4 and P5, this person did physical activity. Thus with the person doing activity, this will benefit this person's health physically as he/ she will be at less risk of getting any healthy problems.
However, when it comes to the plan I did in P4, the person did less physical activity and this will be less effective to this individual's health as he/she will be at risk of getting health problems. On the other hand, when it came to the plan I did in P5 where I had to improve the plan from the one I done in P4, I made sure that this individual attended the gym more regularly, did some cycling and also walked the dog to the park. As a result, with this individual doing these different activities, this will be affect his/her health physically as it will help him/her to control his/her weight, strengthen her bones and muscles, improve her mental health and mood as well reduce the risk of her getting health problems such as becoming overweight, getting diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
The nutritional plan that I did in P4, it will also help to improve the individual's health the fact that I tried to make sure that a person had water and other fluids such as apple and orange juice. However, in P5 I had to make sure that had to improve the plan had made in P4 because the person never had more fluids regularly. For that reason, with a person having less fluids in his diet this will affect this individual's health physically as there's a high possibility this individual will be more likely to be dehydrated and also become constipated. Therefore, it is very crucial that a person take fluids more regularly the fact these fluids are rich in minerals as well as vitamins.
Moreover, with the person drinking water it's very important as water makes up 70% of the human body and also it will prevent a person from being dehydrated. Hence, the water also helps to transport oxygen and nutrients through the blood. Withal, the nutritional plan of P4 and P5 will help to improve the health of an individual as it's recommended that a person needs to drink water. As a result, in both my nutritional plans had to make sure that this person had 2litres of water but I never met the daily intake of the water that is meant to be taken by an individual the fact that in both my plans it was less than 2litres of water.
When it comes to the nutritional plan that I did in P4, I made sure that this person took some snacks. However, the snacks that the person was taking were not healthy snacks as they contained a lot of calories in them thus they were neither fruits nor nuts which are healthy snacks. Conversely, when it came to the plan I had made in P5, had to make sure that the individual was taking healthy snacks. Thus, with the person taking healthy snacks these will affect him/her physically as they will be rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
In addition, even though I had to improve my plan in P5, the person was still taking less healthy snacks therefore, next time I would try to make sure that the person has more healthy snacks that are rich in nutrients.
Lastly, the nutritional plan that I had made in P4, a person was taking less vegetables with her meals. However, when it came to my nutritional plan of P5 that I made to improve the plan that I had done in P4, I made sure that the person had more vegetables with every meal. Hence, an individual taking vegetables daily, this will affect his health physically as vegetables are also rich in proteins and minerals. Nevertheless, even though I tried to make sure that the person took some vegetables with his meals in both P4 and P5, I still didn't meet the daily intake of vegetables that a person is meant to take which are 5-7 servings per day.