Prevention is better than cure The current raging debate on healthcare should give us time to ponder over several issues. The need of the hour is to decrease the rapidly escalating cost of health care, expand its coverage and ensure that Medicare and Medicaid are viable future propositions. We should put our faith in the old adage that prevention is better than cure. Primary care should be easily accessible to US's uninsured and underinsured people. People should also be offered incentives in...
Clinical immunologists use a particular technique to detect certain antigens bound to antibodies in serum. It is called the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) technique. The ELISA technique has many different stages that differ depending on the system used. There are three identified systems of ELISA technique, each form the foundation of competitive and inhibition ELISAs; direct, indirect and sandwich ELISA technique. For this experiment we will be using an indirect ELISA technique i...
The human female mammary gland develops through key stages in life particularly during fetal growth, infancy, puberty, pregnancy, lactation and postmenopausal regression . The formation of the mammary crest and primitive mammary buds begin during embryonic life through a series of highly ordered events regulated by growth factors and hormones [reviewed in ]. Paired ectodermal thickenings, known as mammary ridges, develop from the axilla to the groin on the anterior surface of the embryo by 6 ...
There are various types of pain relief for women in labour but not all provide effective and safe outcomes for both the mother and the infant such as: reduced pain intensity, satisfaction with pain relief, sensation of control of labour, satisfaction with childbirth experience, decrease in assisted delivery, caesarean section births, and adverse events (Jones et al. 2012). Women in labour are increasingly seeking non-pharmacological methods of pain relief while in labour; among the methods wh...
What is Hypercholesterolemia Hypercholesterolemia is a common condition in recent times; people who have the condition are more common to having very high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is produced in the body and comes from what we eat. (Citkowitz, 2006). However it is not just about having high cholesterol that is the problem as there is two types of cholesterol one which is good for you and the other which is bad for you health. The two t...
International health is a subject which largely occupies the world's concerns. As such, it has become necessary that international organizations take part in numerous surveys of the world's health care systems. It is in this light that the essay will aim at providing a comprehensive analysis of the primary health care system in Comoros. This analysis will be determined in terms of chosen indicators of primary health care and supported by information from select datasets. The primary health ca...
1. Introduction The quantity and quality of osseous tissue available for implant insertion are vital for long term stability and predictability of an implant restoration in function (Branemark 1985) Research has shown that bone will resorb after tooth loss(Pietrokovski, 1975), this alveolar atrophy is a major problem that has limited the use of endosseous implants since their introduction.(Jensen, et al., 1994) The correct three dimensional placement of implants is vital to a successful esthe...
The most common eye problem caused by diabetes is called diabetic retinopathy. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. To see clearly, a person needs a healthy retina. Diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels inside the retina and causes diabetic retinopathy. The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy include: blurry or double vision flashing lights or blank spots dark or floating spots pain or pressure in one or both of your eyes trouble seeing things out of the corners of ...
During the past decade, outbreaks of infectious disease have been a major cause for concern (Kahn 2009), particularly in the developing countries where control is restricted by inadequate infrastructural and financial resources. Infectious diseases occurring worldwide, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and diarrhoea diseases have been shown to present significant public health concerns in terms of morbidity and mortality (Tanser and Le Sueur 2002). Hence, the distribution of their patho...
Near to the border of Myanmar (Burma), Rakhine Muslims (usually called Rohingya) are struggling to survive. Denied citizenship in Myanmar, most of them fled harassment to locate themselves in terrible conditions in Bangladesh with poor access to health care services and inadequate protection (MSF, 2010). In 1992, more than 250,000 Rohingya Muslims from Burma were compelled to enter Bangladesh by the armed forces of Burma in a violent movement of ethnic cleansing of Muslims. Today, about 26,00...