The purpose of the study is to evaluate the requirements of usefulness interview and the problems that make an interview inadequate. Interview is very significant decisive to hire an employer in selection types in human resources management. And the pre-employment background investigation is explained in this assignment. All organizations want to thrust their employer. The background investigations provide the certain idea of candidates' declaration while applying a new job.
Not only will that but also performance appraisal approach and connection between management methods be evaluated, such as Total Quality Management. The assignment also includes the developing in performance appraisal approach and importance of performance appraisal in Human Resource Management.
Interview has been playing crucial role in the business world as well as the importance of the interview has been increasing rapidly day by day in order to avoid selection of wrong candidates. As Noe and et al are defined "a dialog initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of and applicant for employment." It is used by the line managers or HRM personnel. These people spend million of hours every year in order to choose the suitable candidates for the job and the company structure. Some people have concern or ask questions regarding selection interviews. This is important because related some aspects of the selection interview. For instance, while some organizations are interested in the practical processes, for some others consistency of approach across variety interviewers is a matter. It is important to know for a good interview how long need to be spent, who is going to be involved and what kind of questions should be asked, how should the rapport can be developed between interviewer and candidate and what should be done or should not be done to make good interview both for the interviewer and the candidates lastly what factors can affect the interview process (SHL, 2001).
There are some common mistakes that are affecting the interview's usefulness.
Snap Judgments: One of the most important issues which are done by the interviewers is snap judgments. Some researchers said that, in 85% of cases, they take the decisions regarding the candidates before the interview began according to the applications or during the first few minutes of interview process. Another study illustrates that an interviewers evaluation of a candidate derived from information collect during the interview process, it is taken into account if the candidate had only just passed the selection test. Candidates who got high scores on the test, ranking of candidates in the interview were not allied interviews' decision.
In an interview, a person who manage the interview usually take decision about applicants in the beginning of the interview and only add a little differences about his or her mind. (Dessler, Griffiths, Lfoyd Walker, Williams - 1999).
Negative Emphasis: Interviewers take into consideration references documents about the candidates and if they find improper information or some mistakes which is done by the candidate in previous job they deem applicants responsible from these mistakes. The opinions of interviewers occur negatively because the result of interview and managers' future expectation always effected from applicants references. Interviewers generally search for unsuitable information about candidate therefore improper information is more effective than proper information. Moreover it is more likely that many interviewers are opposed to candidates. And it is too hard to change interviewers' opinion, which is occurred at the beginning of interview with the irrelevant, if an applicant does not have favorable references. (Dessler, Griffiths, Lfoyd Walker, Williams - 1999).
Poor Knowledge of the Job: In this issue the main thing is to know the recruitment for the job. Interviewers who do not have certain idea about job they usually select wrong questions type and make a incorrect decision about the applicants. In contrast, if the interviewers have good knowledge about the job entails organization take better result to hire applicants. According to the research, an organization used 30 expert interviewers. 50% percent of them pointed out better than the others what the job requires therefore the description of the job can change from interviewers to interviewers. Such as the interviewers, who have the less knowledge regarding the position, described the position only secretary whereas the others identified specific requirements of the job and asked to the candidates if they were capable of the position or not. For example, the requirements were the speed of keyboarding and bilingual ability Japanese and German. (Dessler, Griffiths, Lfoyd Walker, Williams - 1999).
Candidate-order Error: The properties of whole applicants may effect the managers' decision. Interviewers may have to choose one of them although all applicants have not enough ability to do the job. They give the rate to candidates and select the candidate who passes the average rate. Despite the low level of the qualifications some of them may be chosen by the interviewers.
Influence of Non-verbal Behavior: This is quite important issue that has an influence on the interview process. Interviewers are effected the acts of the candidates such as eye contact, smiling usually get higher point than others. According to the research, 52 professional interviewers examined the former job interviews which include applicants with same verbal behaviors. Whereas other candidates' non-verbal behaviors extremely different one from the other. The experts divided into two groups to make decision about applicants. Applicants who had high eye contact, positive energy and good gesture were called the second interview by the 23 interviewers through 26. In contrast, candidates who represented non-verbal behaviors such as low energy, avoid to eye contact were invited to second round by the second group. This study shows that right verbal-behaviors play very specific role during the job interview.
Moreover dressing, attractiveness and gender are important points to get good result from interviews. For instance, one study indicates that being male provide advantages while applying to a management position. And also dressing, according to the research, which was done in the United States, 77 experts of human resources attended a study to assess records of women, who applied for the management position. There were four different groups which classified with regard to their clothes. All the candidates in group 1 were wearing least feminine and Group 4 is the most. The general idea of experts is the least feminine looking, the better. (Dessler, Griffiths, Lfoyd Walker, Williams - 1999).
Pressure to Hire: Interviewers is affected by the pressure to hire. According to the research, some managers were told they were behind their recruitment quota. The first group which thinks they are behind their quota assessed the same recruits more productive than the others who are ahead of the quota.
Telegraphing: Interviewers help the applicants to hear the right answer for a question because they can be so apprehensive or they attract the first step of the interview. Sometimes they give applicants evident clue for the questions or lead them to the correct answers. In addition, interviewers can prefer to make more positive interviews and approach more polite to the candidates.
Too Much-Too Little Talking: In some interview, interviewers do not allow candidates to talk and answer the questions or some applicants do the same mistake and try to manage the interview.
Playing Psychologist: Interviewers occasionally abuse their position. They behave like detective and try to find some discrepancy in applicants' answers. They drive applicants into corner with question if they find some inconsistencies and the interviews become a game. (Dessler, Griffiths, Lfoyd Walker, Williams - 1999).
Organizations spend huge amount of money in order to train their managers how they can select and interview their candidates more effectively. In 1995, 52 million dollar was spent for training in order to improve the managers interviewing techniques, the practice of screening and the practice of hiring to hire the right candidates (USA Today Magazine, 1996). An organization only represented by their employers and employees. In order to build a good reputation the companies should well judge the recruitment process of the employees. This process also has to take into account the pre-employment background check. Some might say this process violates the privacy of the candidate but it has to be considered that this is a very common procedure that is followed by many companies in modern business world. Every organization, small or large, has a desire to employ good workers those are trustworthy and reliable, moreover, have good past in addition to good qualification. Pre-employment background check is a process of former checking of a candidate that a company intends to hire. It would be risky hiring an employee without appropriate screening. These checks should include educational qualifications, previous performance in projects, family and financial background, and motives for changing the job. Significantly, proper screening of a candidate is as important as hiring them. This evades the organization from paying out liabilities and potential piracies. (Dessler, Griffiths, Lfoyd Walker, Williams - 1999).
In 1991, the law has been changed according to the new regulations an employer is responsible and liable for the employees' criminal action which might not be related to the job. Increasingly, wounded persons find the employers guilty of 'careless hiring' according to theory this is holding the employer legally responsible for the detriment if the employee behaves unacceptably in terms of rules of society. Employers are found guilty because it is accepted that they do not do pre-employment background investigation about the candidates. (Connely, 1986).
According to an example which had happened in the United States, hiring without background investigation can cost companies huge amounts of liabilities after an incident that could be related to pre-employment history of existing employee. In this example the employee which is a mid level executive had 6 Driving Under Influence convictions. During working under this employer the person was involved in an accident in a firm vehicle which causes serious injuries that leads company millions of dollars of liability. In this case the liability would have been less if there was background investigation.
Another example that illustrates the neglecting hiring candidates occurred in Rhode Island, A security guard company had to pay for the damage that its employee caused by stealing gold from the firm's customer (Connely, 1986)
Another example indicates the importance of doing background investigation. In this case a warehouse company intends to hire a person which happened to have previous related experience. This employee has not disclosed any crime conviction. However, investigation found that the probable employee had been convicted of theft crime in the past that total of $14,000 and possession of drug. By doing this investigation company saved themselves from a potential theft of thousand dollars. (Western States Investigations Newsletter)
A town courtyard clerk in the United States disclosed a crime record for a candidate's past records. By the impact of these records the company chose not to hire the candidate explained the situation to the person telling him that a sealed crime record had been found and because of his history of weak performance and inappropriate behavior. The applicant sued the company by claiming he had no records existed. This is followed by a settlement between the candidate and the company because sealed records are not supposed to be unseal especially to the company that willing to hire as they are sealed documents and are not public. (Thiel, 1996).
The United State Olympic Committee assigned Sandra Baldwin as a position of head manager in May 2002. She insisted that she had a postgraduate course in Arizona State University. Later than it is appeared that she did not finished her whole thesis. (Hersh, Philip, 25 May 2002).
In December 2001, University of Notre Dame employed the George O'Leary as manger of their football team. He lied about his former job and brought imaginary document which included his previous position as a head coach at Georgia Tech. Nevertheless, it was understood by management of university and he left the job five days later. (Fountain, John W. & Wong, Edward, 15 December 2001)
On the other side, companies can avoid neglecting hiring people by taking into account some factors such as avoid taking references over the phone if you verify the position of the caller, do not employ anyone who has the criminal record, ask the legal representative if the state allows you to request police record of the applicants without his or him permission. If it tries to reach previous criminal records and ask for more than one reference.
As far as I am concerned that pre- employment background investigations is playing crucial role for the organizations. The experts of human resources have significant response to hire the applicant who is the most appropriate for offered position. Final decision of candidates should contain an extensive research about candidates' background for all position in business world. Hire the applicant devoid of background investigations might cause many problems such as liability or lose the reliance of society. Additionally, it can be risky to trust employers, who are selected without background investigations; especially the issues of positions are related with money or include any private information's.
The productivity of companies are affected directly the management of monetary, material and human resources (inputs) so as to improve their goods and service, the behaviors of employee and performance measures (outputs). Human resources are the most significant point for organizations to achieve or to get better results in business world. Performance appraisal is measure of output of an employee that contributes to productivity. The performances of jobholders have in straight line relations with productivity. Eventually, the organizations hire the employers and try to increase productivity and effectiveness to earn more profit. (R .Henderson, 1980)
The Purpose and Process of Performance Appraisal
There are substantial demands an organizations to illustrate that they are systematic and organized in their approach to the management of employee performance and that there is a clear connection between performance and the organization's goal. The acceptance of PMS shows an attempt by an organization to show a strategic integration of HRM process that can be connected to the objectives and way of an organization. Such as, according to some experts, performance management directing and supporting employees in order to work effectively and efficiently in line with the needs of the organizations'
The main purpose of PMS is the attempt to provide a connection between all stage of an organization throughout goals, important success factors and performance measures. Therefore, an organization's goals come from business plan and translated into sector, manager, department or team goals correspondingly. Every period, there will be an effort in order to make available measurable performance sign of the achievement of goals. Thus, in answer to dynamic environments of globalizations and technical change, there is a need to review and reset goals as well as targets during the year. (J. Bratton and J. Gold, 2007).
Total Quality Management
Of late years, managing the organization most effectively has located very important place to take some advantages in today's rivalry business world. In the management literature, there are several approaches to improve quality and productivity. Total quality management is an administration method which has been started to using during 1950s in Japan and the earliest 1980s; it has become significantly popular in the United State and Europe. This method focuses on the quality and creates managerial strategies by covering the all organization. Companies, which prefer to perform total quality management method, take into consideration internal and external costumers' expectations and culture of area. (Edward e. Lawyer III with Susan Albert Mahrman and E. Ledford JR, 1998).
The Relationship between Performance Management and Performance Appraisal Approach: The terms appraisal and performance management may be used interchangeably, yet there is some difference between them. Performance appraisal is always included by performance management or review schemes as a vital point of the process (M. Fisher, 1995). Organizations have been make significant effort for setting organizations goals and directions I order to improve their business performance. It is said that 'if you can not measure it, you can not manage it, finding method of evaluating performance has converted into main issue for many organizations, neither public sector nor private. In doing so, many organizations aim is the efficient and effective management of the organization so that whatever method is chosen, they are concentrated on improving management. (J. Brathon et al, 2007).
The Importance of Performance Appraisal
In addition to classifying employers' performance, performance appraisal provides many specific purposes. The most commons are:
Management development
Performance measurement
Performance improvement
Identification of potential
Human resource planning
The comparative approach
Absolute standards
Management by objective
Direct index approach
The Comparative Approach: There are several comparative methods of estimations. The first is the instantly ranking, in which a greater list the inferiors in order from best to worst, based on generally performance. The second method is the alternative ranking. The remaining two comparative ways are more sustained but could endow with better information. Each person is given unique rank by the three comparative methods argued until today. According to Schuler (1981), ranking employee even if depending on their performance is a sort of discrimination which may cause low employee performance.
360-Degree Feedback: 360-degree feedback is the most improvement in the use of appraisals to manage performance. This consists of contributions about what a person success and how he/she manages not only from the line manager, but from others that get in touch with person or are in a title to offer such feedback. Through this method line manager's prearranged feedback from different source to evaluate him/her in order make better performance. On the other side, in the past only managers were giving feedback to their subordinates, subordinates did not have opportunity to evaluate their manager, unlike today. (R.S. Schuler, 1981)
To sum up, performance appraisal approach has been improving day by day depending on the competitive business environment in order to gain better performance of the employee.
Interviews have some rules to select the right applicants for organizations. As I mentioned that some factors, which is called common interview mistakes, make the interview unsuccessful. Interviewers and candidates always avoid these mistakes during the interviews. Because of mistakes an organization might miss the chance to hire the applicants which is the most suitable or applicants might lose the good job.
To collect sufficient information about the applicants is important when hiring an employee. The pre-employment background investigations protect the organizations from the future risk which might be occurred. This data provide the organizations to be sure of their employee. Nowadays, it is clear that getting information about the candidates is not very hard.
The performance appraisal approach has been using to evaluate and estimate the employer. The aim of this approach is to increase productivity and efficiency of organizations. The methods in management have been developing day by day today's competitive business world. After 1980s, Total Quality Management has started to use in human resources management. As far as I am concerned that all management approaches need to know organizations' employer performances. By this reason the main point in management is performance appraisal. Of course, the methods of performance appraisal approach might change or develop depend on the improving in management systems.
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Fountain, John W. & Wong, Edward. "Notre Dame Coach Resigns After 5 Days and a Few Lies." New York Times, 15 December 2001, A1.
Edward e. Lawyer III with Susan Albert Mahrman and E. Ledford JR. "Strategies For High Performance Organizations." Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1st edition- 1998.
Richard Henderson. "Performance Appraisal Theory and Practice." Reston Publishing Company, A Prentice Hall Company, Reston, Virginia, 1980.
Randall S. Schuler. University of Merylon. "Personal and Human Resources Management."
West Publishing Company, 1981
Raul Benfield. "Introduction to Human Resources Management." Oxford University Press and Rebeccatcy, 2008.
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John Bratton and Jeff Gold. "Human Resources Management Theory and Practice." Mac Millian, 2007.