It is important to consider the cultural background of its employees in the time of training techniques, methods and philosophies and this process is followed for leadership development program within MNCs (Derr, Roussillon, and Bournois 2002: xi). According to Rowley (2011) Leadership development is a kind of I-IRM practices and it differs from region to region and for this reason one I-IRM practice context cannot completely match in other regions of the world. According to Derr, Roussillon, & Boumois (2002: xi) suitability and usefulness of HRM practices like leadership development is mainly effected by an individual's cultural background and individuals background has a strong influence on their cognitive maps, values, demeanor, and language.
2.8.1. The Relationship between National and Organizational Culture
There are two different types of citrus according to which MNCs operates and they are - national culture and organizational culture. National culture consists of a set of common beliefs and values of a nation and organizational culture is the set of common beliefs and values of an organization. This distinction is important for two reasons. First, according to Derr, Roussillon, & Bournois (2002) organizational culture of a MNC is considerably influenced by the national culture of the home country and Edwards (2011) has stated it as the country-of-origin effect. By the above discussion it can be said that a Swedish company will operate base on Swedish national culture and on the other hand a western company will establish its culture based on the national culture of that company.
Second, according to Derr, Roussillon, & Bournois (2002) the way an employee thinks and operates is mainly influenced by the national culture of that employee. It is the national culture of an employee that influences her/his professional activities and shapes their expectations of how a company should operate. An employee's function within a MNC is mainly built from different type of behavior and expectation of his/her culture.
2.8.2. Model of Organizational Culture and the Relationship to National Culture
The connection between culture and the leadership development process can be understood by the model of Schein (originally presented in 1985) and the expansion of the model by Derr and Laurent (1989). According to Schein (2004: 17) culture can be defined as the learning process by solving the problems of external adaptation and internal integration which has worked well and this process can be taught to new members of the organization as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in those problems.
The word group is used in the definition of culture because it is applicable to groups that range from MNCs (organizational culture) to nations (national culture). Moreover, the way concepts and issues are perceived is influenced by culture and this allows the definition to apply to concepts like leadership.
The notion of culture has discussed in three different levels by Schein (2004: 25-36). Visible manifestations of a culture are known as artifact culture and it includes architecture, language, technology, dress codes, etc. It is easy to observe artifact culture but tough to understand.
The manifest values of a culture are Espoused Belie/S and Values and these are the guiding beliefs and preferences of a culture. It depends on the values and norms of a culture on what place emphasis on one set of values rather than another; success or affiliation, competition or association, and argument or evasion of conflict. It is possible to measure the level of culture from analysis of artifacts and it is difficult to assess.
The way people think, feel and perceive culture can be determined by some basic assumptions whixh are the invisible, preconscious or unconscious, and non-debatable. These basic assumptions give meaning to the values and norms. Conceptions of time (limited vs. infinite), nature (respected by humans vs. mastered by humans), and behavior (determined fate vs. self determination) are some examples of basic assumptions.
To illustrate how different level of culture relates to MNCs Den and Laurent (1989) arranged Schein's three levels of culture into a triangle in the figure 2.7.
Figure-2.7: Derr-Laurent Triangle
Source: (Derr & Laurent, 1989)
The foundation of the triangle consists of basic assumptions and can be considered identical to national culture. The middle level of the triangle and the first level of organizational culture represent Values and Espoused beliefs. Values and Espoused Beliefs can be altered by organizational culture it is based in Basic Assumptions. Lastly, as artifacts are the most superficial level of organizational culture so it is at the top of the triangle. According to Derr, Roussillon, & Bournois, (2002: xi-xv) to adjust on the artifacts level employees despite of national culture take part in organizational culture.
2.8.3. Cultural Model of Leadership Dynamics
To establish a relation between culture and leadership development Schein has developed three level of culture. Den and Lauren (2009) has shown the model in Figure 2.8.
Based on Schein's three level of culture theory how the national culture and organizational culture interact in leadership development has shown in the figure 2.8 by the arrows.
Figure-2.8: Cultural Model of Leadership Dynamics
At first in the model National culture (Basic Assumption in Schein's model) has demonstrated because National culture influences both organizational culture and Cognitive Map of the individual. Leadership Development and Dynamics of an organization in a MNC is influenced by the organizational culture. There is an Oct that not all people from one culture have the same exact cognitive Map and that's why there are some individual differences in the shape based on individuals behave and this whole idea has been stated in The Individual Differences contextual variable framework. According to Derr & Laurent (1989) interaction between Leadership Development and Dynamics and Individual Differences may results in different organizational culture and employees from a different National Culture.
2.8.4. Culture and the Transfer of HRM Practices and Programs
According to Bjorkman & Lu (1999), Easterby-Smith, Malina & Lu (1995), Waner (1998) culture is a major challenge so it is obvious to take it into consideration in the time of transferring HRM practices and programs trolls the home country to. Bjokrman & Lu (1999) also stated that it is necessary for the MNCs to adopt development practices to the Chinese business environment. According to Huo & Von Glinow (1995) to make the HRM practices effective it is necessary to adopt different practices for different cultural settings because values and beliefs differ from country to country. Researchers have found that HRM is one of the business functions that try to make a tradeoff between the national flavor of MNCs home country and culture of local country and this process is often stated as best practices vs. best fit (Brewster & Maythofer, 2011). According to Bjorkman (2008) it has been found by the empirical study that adjustments always takes place and these practices are tailored locally.
2.8.5. Culture and Leadership
According to House et al (2004: 5) the importance of leadership and leadership values differ across culture. The leadership development consulting firm ITAP international (2011) states that in the time of developing global leaders a single global leadership development approach across international organization will not work and it can be said that effective leadership behavior or practices in one culture can be completely ineffective in another. American understanding of the concept of leadership is appropriate in America and it may not work well in different cultures like Chinese society and it is believed by Peterson and Hunt (1997). They continue to argue on the fact that the American conceptualization of leadership may fit well in the American concept of leadership but it is very difficult to transfer this concept globally. This idea is applicable to understand the concept of leadership and applicable other countries as well along with American concept of leadership.
Different cultures yield different culturally embedded theories of leadership and it's been found by a globe study in which 62 societies were broken down into 9 cultural dimensions, 6 culturally-endorsed leadership theory dimensions, and 21 primary leadership dimensions (House et al., 2004: 7281). There exists some universally desirable and undesirable attributes across cultures and it is also found by the study. To develop leadership competencies it is important to think about the development of global leadership within MNCs. According to Gerstner & Day (1994) it is important for a leader to be perceived by the people he/she is leading in order to operate effectively as a leader. Many problematic issues would arise among the employees in most of the countries if the leadership competencies developed in MNCs through leadership development practices and programs don't match the idea that has been perceived by the employees.
Summary: The findings from literature review are summarized against research objectives:
To understand the existing HR practices relating to talent management in the Bangladeshi parent division and subsidiary UK branch of the proposed telecasting organisation.
Common HR practices relating to recruitment, selection and retention.
Gary Dessler(2004),
Strandberg Consulting (2009), Storey,1995, Tansley (2011), Evans, Pucik & Bjorkman (2002), Atkinson, J. (1984),
To evaluate the differences or similarities of talent management practices in two cross border divisions of the proposed telecasting organisation.
Distinction and similarities among cross border recruitment, selection and retention strategies.
Dowling, Festing & Engle,(2008), Duttagupta, 2005).
To identify the impact of host country culture on talent management practices of the proposed telecasting company and to recommend potential improvements to the talent management strategies.
Cultural impact on recruitment, selection and retention norms and policies.
Hofstede, G. (2012), Jackson & parry, 2011), Barron (2010),Sanchez (2004), Aycan (1999),
2.9 Chapter Summary
An emphasis on HRM and IHRM practices has been put because; talent management is purely related to these functions. Organisations which put emphasis on HR strategies to attract, develop and retain talents always undertake dynamic approach towards empowering, motivating and rewarding talents. Storey (1995) suggests that the role of human resource management is to fundamentally produce creative, open to changes and dedicated employees. In case of IHRM, there can be three countries involved in an operation, i.e. the country where the business is carried out called the host country; the country where the business is headquartered, called the home country and other countries on which the business is strategically dependant, especially for Finance and labour. Talent management seem to have gained importance since knowledge management has been taken with serious concern, termed as knowledge economy where talents rule the world, but at individual and corporate level. Evans Pucik & Bjorkman (2002) suggested the theory of Global Talent Management which came into ideas since emergence of globalisation. 'Global Leadership' would be the kind of leadership which will bring the whole employees at one place, ultimately resultantly creating an efficient and proactive approach to talent hiring, developing and retaining.
Duttagupta, (2005) advocates that effective retention is possible by implementing effective recruitment process. Again, Frank, Finnegan and Taylor (2004) retention is not comparable with any other function. Duttagupta (2005) also claim that those organisations which have better talent management practices and strategies are more likely to excel in Business Empire.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter illustrates the research design, strategy, research approach, data collection method and tool, data analytical phases and method, reliability and validity, ethical considerations and finally the projected limitations.
3.2 Research Philosophy
Saunders et al. (2007) talked about four types of research philosophy and these are pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism. Researchers have the freedom to use any kind of method to conduct a research in pragmatism philosophy. He added that social relation has a close link with positivism philosophy which allows positive measurement study. Human thoughts, beliefs and independence like thoughts and beliefs are considered in the realism philosophy. Zikmund (2000) described interpretative research where he emphasized on subjective interpretations to explain the reality and meanings. Interpretive philosophy is perfectly suitable for this research.
3.3 Research Approach
Scholz and Tietje, (2002) focused on three types of research approaches and these research approaches are exploratory, explanatory and descriptive approach. Exploratory approach is used while the research purpose is developed on the basis of theories, models or hypotheses. Descriptive approach is helpful to describe an event with appropriate reference theory and model. Zikmund (2000) opined about explanatory approach where he told that the objectives of explanatory approach is determine the reason and relationship among variables and researchers need to have vast knowledge about the research topic for conducting this research so that researchers can examine the research topic properly. Scholz and Tietje, (2002) also told that the explanatory approach is helpful to examine the cause-and effect relationships.
On the other hand, Zikmund (2000) further told about exploratory research. He told that exploratory research is helpful to investigate "what is happening, ask queries to evaluate the event fully, develop new concepts and thoughts and get new insights for further future research". Exploratory research approach is applied to conduct this research paper.
3.4 Research Method
Saunders et al. (2007) described two types of research approach which are used mostly everywhere and these two research approach are deductive or quantitative approach and inductive or qualitative approach. Usually, research method is divided as a dichotomy in the quantitative and qualitative method. Babbie (2004) and Dey (1993) told that quantitative method is related with the explanation and justification of any subject to examine and analyze numerical data, but qualitative data emphasize on some other abstract observation like examining, feelings and public motivations. Generally, qualitative research is considered as inconsequential methodology. According to Silverman (2000), qualitative research is sometimes used at the beginning stage of a research. Though both of two methods are required to use in a research, they can be interchanged. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in a research to fulfill different benefits of the research.
Quantitative research approach is better while one works with large scale of data. On the other hand qualitative research focus on the people's dept feelings, attitudes and preferences, said Kirk and Miller (1986). According to Silverman, (1989), common problem anecdotalism is seen in qualitative data analysis where it describes only some examples of events without considering clear data. For this research, the researcher prefers qualitative research approach to conduct this research.
3.5 Research Strategy
Saunders et al. (2003) described research strategy as a general plan to show how a researcher goes through research materials by answering all the required queries. Yin (2003) focused on five types of research strategies which are Case studies, Surveys, Archival analysis, Experiments and Histories. Among them, case study gets more popularity than any other four strategies. Zikmund (2000) described the fundamental advantage of a case study which examines the entire unit deeply with details explanation which a researcher wants. Saunders et al. (2009) told that case study can be very precious way to find out recent theory and it provides necessary hypothetical source. That is why case study strategy is applied in this research paper. This study relies on single case company (i.e. NTV Bangladesh & UK) as Yin (2003) justifies single case adoption in situations when case company access for academic research is very limited.
3.6 Research Design
Burns and Bush (2002: 204) told that a research is quantitative in nature if structured questions are used and respondents are kept ready to answer these questions. Glencoe Online (2004) added that research is called quantitative if large samples are statistically analyzed with scientific, concrete, and projectable numerical data research technique.
To understand better the nature of a research, exploratory research is conducted, especially for store layout. Sekaran (2003: 119) told that exploratory research is applied while any specific data on a particular topic are not available.
Cross sectional research is applied to evaluate a unit from a sample of huge population, said Burns and Bush (2002: 125). According to Cross sectional research (2008), the big benefit of this cross sectional research is that required relevant data can be collected from different types of people within a very short period.
3.7 Target Population and Sample Size
Population is the possible data elements and subjects which are collected to analyze and to perform research activities. According to Statistics Glossary (2008), the result accuracy of a research is mostly dependent on the accuracy of sample as well as the accuracy of population. A researcher should define the research population properly to properly design the research project.
Especially the employees from HR department for each of the presented company (NTV Bangladesh & UK) are the target population of this research. Same size represents the total number of included elements of a study. Among the total employees of HR department of NTV Bangladesh & UK 10 employees were selected as sample in which 5 employees from NTV Bangladesh and rest of the 5 employees from NTV UK.
3.8 Data Collection Method
There are basically two types of data collection method and these are the qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection method related to the issue of social, natural and other phenomenon. Quantitative research method basically deals with the finding in the business or corporate research and in social research the qualitative method has wide expectations (Saunders et al 2007). Qualitative data is preferable for interpreting social phenomenon where numerical reasoning or statistical analysis is not possible or sufficient due to the subjective nature of data. On the other hand, quantitative data tend to produce statistically reliable results and this method is more scientific, but relies heavily of numbers. As this study is going to see the HR practice of the company and there are differences in terms of location, procedure and context for data collection as well identifying properly, the researcher will concentrate on the quantitative method of data collection for this research. It is most perfect to deal with quantitative method in such situation (Hussey and Hussey 1997).
Case study is one of the most prominent strategies of data collection. It includes the observation, interview, questionnaire and credentials (Saunders et al 2007). According to Yin archive record, interview, observing directly, observing the participants and physical artefact are some key strategies in terms of case study (Yin 1994). In case study method, semi planned questionnaire base response is very important for data findings. By this technique, one can easily get the information through the certain time period with proper manner.
In terms of interview there are 3 types and these are; structured, semi-structured and unstructured interview. Semi structured interview method helps to get free response and own ideas against a particular question (Patton 2002). The researcher will use this method for this research.
Sources of Data
Generally there are 2 sources of data collection and these are the primary and secondary data.
Primary Data
It is basically the fresh data and the researcher made this through interview, close observation, ethnographic study or other related means (Gummesson 2009). Primary data will take by the researcher though close interview.
Secondary Data
It is basically previously used data. These data collected from the journals, articles, websites, online books or other printed documents (Gummesson 2007). The researcher will use both the primary and secondary data for this research.
3.8.1 Data Collection tool
To avoid any kinds of wrong interpretation or not to miss any important response from the respondent it is always better to have a structured questionnaire and interview system. There should have a restructuring of the questionnaire and sensitive questions should have a technical appearance (Roulston et al 2003).
Semi structured Interview
In qualitative research, interview is the prime concern for the data collection (Creswell 2007). There are both open ended and close ended questions in interview system that divided as structured and semi structured interview. Semi structured is a compile of open ended questions and it gives option to emerge new idea or add a new question in the interview process (Pettigrew 1990).
Interview Schedule
To maintain an interview schedule is very crucial before proceed. This is to attain a proper and valid response from the respondent and also to make a proper direction (Bryman 2003). Proper response can set ideas for further explanation. To maintain a good command and understanding there should have a proper structure in the interview so that there have a favorable environment during interview in between the respondent and researcher (Csiemik et al 2010). The researcher followed these issues carefully and all interviews were received through mail email and phone.
The next step was to send an email which had included a description about the scope of the study, the motivation for choosing the company and details about the theme, deadline, etc. The questionnaire's template, emails and telephone conversations were set up and conducted during the period of October 2012- November 2012.
Later, after sending out the questionnaires and set the dead line for having them back, there was a need for one or two reminders as Bryman and Bell (2003) underline, and thus a delay from one to two weeks appeared. Later on, after the researcher got all the questionnaires back via email, the researcher has sent a thank you email to the contact persons from all companies involved in this thesis.
3.9 Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire was designed in a form with structured questions where required and relevant questions were asked with alternative answer options to the respondents and each and every question is rated with rating scale on the basis of respondents' answers pattern. It is prepared in such a manner which will meet the goal of the research.
The content of the questionnaire is tested again and again before circulating it to collect data from the respondents. The contents sequence is also determined based on the question priority level and importance. If any kind of corrections requires, it is done instantly in the questionnaire before starting the research activities. Secondary information is collected from different type of secondary sources like journals, books, newspapers, websites and internet before the final questionnaire design.
3.9.1 Questionnaire content
In the process of developing the questionnaire used in this research, the researcher has followed the recommendations of different scholars. For instance, Bryman and Bell (2003) point out that is important to have a clear presentation, clear instruction for the respondents and also keeping the question and answers together. Accordingly, after I took contact with the targeted companies, especially the employees from HR department for each of the presented company, the researcher has sent an email where he has explained the purpose with my study and the survey, the time approximated to fill in (20-30 minutes) it and the time expected to get the questionnaire back.
Also, the researcher has assured the personnel who supposed to answer the questionnaire, that the company can be confidentially treated if it is the request. Consequently, employees of two of the companies involved in this study have demanded to be anonym zed.
According to Patel and Davidson (2003), confidential means that we know the respondent, but it is only the receiver who have access to the information.
With regard to the content and type of the questions used in this questionnaire, the researcher has followed the recommendations provided by Bryman and Bell (2003) about the advantages and disadvantages of open closed questions and I tried therefore, to have a balance between these two types. The questionnaire includes a total of eighteen questions, of which ten closed questions, seven open-questions and one which includes a short description of organizational type of culture with four options to answer on it. An extra point was added for further information and it was only optional. In addition, there is a link between all the questions, i.e. the questions' order follows an unwritten theme (HRM, TM, organizational and national culture, global leaders) and are easy to flow without annoying the respondents.
With respect to the type of the questions, Bryman and Bell (2003) highlight that there are various ways of classifying them, so in the questionnaire can be identified as informal factual question which in this case, the questions deal with information about the companies' information regarding talent management, organizational culture, development of leaders, etc.
The question about the knowledge is another type of questions and deal with respondents' knowledge in a specific area, here is about HRM, especially talent management issues.
3.10 Data Analysis
An analysis of collected primary qualitative data through interpreting the views and behaviors of the participants is done to find out meanings of that data. According to Miles and Huberman (1994), "data analysis includes three steps-data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion and making verification".
According to Creswell (2007), "data analysis process for the case study includes following activities:
Data organization: Data organization means organizing collected data in a suitable order.
Reading: Here a through reading of is made.
Description: A description of the case and its context is made.
Classification: A categorical aggregation is developed to establish patterns.
Interpretation: Direct interpretation is done and naturalistic generalization is developed.
Representation and visualization: Present in-depth picture using narrative, tables, and figures".
In this study the researcher used above data analysis process to present and analyze the collected data.
3.11 Validity
Leedy and Ormrod (2001: 31) stated that validity works like instrumental measurement. It is obvious that research result might appear as accurate, but it has lots of errors. So, it becomes significant to validate the research results to reduce the possibility of errors. Number is used to overcome error related mistakes. Simple and easy questionnaire is another prerequisite to avoid error in the research result.
3.12 Reliability
Sekaran (2003: 215) says that reliability refers to the error free measurement of result to ensure timely result measurement consistency with the various items in the instrument. On the other hand, reliability means stability and consistency to assess the quality of research. Research findings reliability will be increased through the participation of sample respondents. To get better response from the respondents, some instructions are written in the questionnaire so that respondents don't feel any difficulty during answering questions.
Sample selection is another important criterion to ensure reliability. Sample should be such a kind which will represent the whole population; otherwise research result won't be accurate.
3.13 Ethical Considerations
Ethical approval is a very important consideration to make a research successful. So, researchers must maintain all the ethical rules, regulations and conducts related with this research. Saunders et al., (2009) told that ethics can be described as the suitability of a researcher's performance on the topic of the participants' rights of being pretentious by the research activities. Researchers have considered 'The Ethical Code Conduct for Research' to conduct this research activities. Researchers must maintain the privacy and security of the respondents from ethical point of view.
3.14 Projected Limitations of the Study
Although required attempts to respond to any projected limitations will be undertaken, the following limitations may still exist:
The findings from the study may not be universal because the case company selected is limited to single company and it may not be representative of whole industry (Patton, 2002), however understanding gathered from differences and similarities in HR practices may feed future research attempts to come up with credible research.
Because the case companies are owed by Bangladeshi management at both locations, so result may be more representative of Bangladeshi cultures and mindsets.
Retrospective bias is a common phenomenon in interview based researches. Because primary data is collected through face to face interviews, the interviewer may become biased in interpretation or the interviewee may not provide absolute correct information to the researcher (Dahlman, 2008).
Dahlman (2008) claims that failure to interview experienced and knowledgeable representative of the case company will affect the quality of data.
The research is focused on telecasting sector, the result gathered from which may not be applicable for companies operating in other sectors, thus the findings will lose external validity.
3.15 Chapter Summery
This chapter is described the methodology which is adopted to conduct this research on the basis of integrity and data validation. So, all the relevant data of this research must be reliable and valid in order to meet the objective of the research. All sorts of initiatives were taken to reduce error in the research related activities so that data accuracy is maintained properly.
Chapter four illustrates an in dept summation and discussion about research results.
Findings & Analysis
4.1 Introduction
This chapter shows the findings of the interviews from the respondents. Total 10 respondents were chosen from NTV Bangladesh and NTV UK. Among these 10 respondents 5 respondents from NTV Bangladesh and 5 respondents from NTV UK were taken. From these respondents primary data is collected through semi-structured in-depth interview. Interview findings are explained as follows.
4.2 Findings from NTV Bangladesh
4.2.1 Company's Talent Management (TM) definition
The respondents (managers) were asked what they think about Talent Management in NTV Bangladesh. The company is quite acquainted with the TM and it states TM as the following-
Making understand the capability required for the company and define the real talent and skilled manpower for the betterment of the company;
To identify the employee in terms of their quality and ability to help rising the company;
TM means to develop talent and creative manpower in terms of facing the challenges in the company;
Enrolling the most skilled and knowledgeable workers in the most important and vibrant sector of the company;
Recollecting smart, active and energetic manpower and giving them space within the management.
4.2.2 The tools used by NTV Bangladesh in the HRM processes for talents
For talent searching and empowering them through the effective Human resource management NTV Bangladesh follows the following techniques-
Recruiting the skilled manpower through different stage of testing, interview and introducing them with the current official;
Selecting and assessing the personals through various test;
Holding with evaluating their performance in the training and give those under proper mentors so that they can get chance to flourish.
According to the interview findings, NTV never make their strategy clear and no response regarding the importance of their recruitment process but they strongly follow this guidance and procedure during recruitment in all over the country where they have branches.
NTV Bangladesh calculates their affectivity regarding TM at the end of the year when they make the annual report and decides about the employees through a proper review. It is true that the environment and culture of the organization has a direct impact over the most talented employees in the organization. If a proper culture and environment does not exist inside of the company it is tough to sustain and flourish their skills and creative thoughts by the most talented people in the relevant field.
4.2.3 The usage of talent pool
It was found that there is a strong agreement among the decision making body of NTV Bangladesh in terms of using their most talented manpower in the best way they deserve. Human resource division of NTV follows international standard in terms of using the talent pool of the company so that they can best serve in the company. When the authority goes for recruitment and searching the manpower, they check the skill and creative thoughts as well the efficiency so that they can best fit with the company goals and objectives. NTV has its own criteria in defining skill and effectiveness employees should have and should give to the company. In terms of the recruitment against a vacancy that takes immediately, they have their own strategy to fill up the position with proper adjustment.
4.2.4 Programs for developing leaders
From the interview it was found that there are various program initiates by the authority so that they can better able to enrich their quality and skill. To develop leader there are leadership program like the FHS, UL and other high voltage mini training program. The company uses the international training standard for developing leadership inside the organization and it prioritize the importance of keeping international standard so that it can better survive in the difficult situation. According to the respondents there is some standards like-
Better performances in the company
Have the quality and interest to take challenge in the profession
Keep up the principle of the NTV Bangladesh and maintain it accordingly
Importance on the quality and governing system like ensuring efficiency, affectivity, integration with the scenarios and accountable to the responsibility given by the authority
There should have a certain time period to properly implement and to observe the situation whether it improves or it needs to reform
Talent management mindset
It was found that in terms of TM mindset, NTV Bangladesh establishes principles and it uses different strategies, the most important being considered mentoring. In addition, TM is also part of the company's strategy for developing and growth.
Organizational culture
With regard to the organizational culture NTV Bangladesh considers that this aspect affects talented and this can be illustrated with the company's direct answer to the questionnaire. One respondent said that "When we recruit we often have a question like where do you want to be in five years; To be an employee with us it´s to be in a different world. You must develop yourself to develop our business by a question that they use in recruitment step". On the other hand, NTV Bangladesh does not think that the type of international organization (HCNs, PCNs, TCNs) play some role for talented management. The company has programs for developing leaders, e.g. international trainee program, both internal and external.
Finally, most of the respondents of NTV Bangladesh mainly selected complete type of organizational culture, but one respondent has also selected one attribute (Control) from the other three types.
4.3 Findings from NTV UK
4.3.1 Company's TM definition
The respondents (managers) were asked what they think about Talent Management in NTV UK. NTV UK has an importance to focus on the TM and Human Resource management body of the company is the example of the preservation of this Talent management program. According to the respondents:
TM is all about fostering the skills and efficiency of the employees working in the company and to keep a justifiable development process in the management of the company to sustain and survive in the difficult situation.
It maintains the strategic resource of the company with translucent principles and bringing the employees in the leadership through making them capable to face the challenges and motivate them with a sense of attachment with the company.
It helps in acquiring a deep understanding about the management and respecting their aspiration for the preservation of a sustainable group and better environment in the office.
Defining the policy planning of the organization through individual and collective efforts and response is also an important fact here.
4.3.2 The tools used by NTV UK in the HRM processes for talents
According to the interview findings, TMR is nothing but identify the talents for the company annually and evaluating this. It is an essential and regular step taken by the company to recruit skilled manpower so that it can better perform in the competitive situation. It also helps the employees to bring out their expertise and enrolling them with policy guideline so that they can better feel their necessity in the company and get accordance in terms of fostering their aim in life or the development of their personal career. This process is strongly followed all over the world to maintain a chain of recruiting effective manpower and develop a chain of leadership pipeline for the company. Usefulness of TM can get analyzed by the company depending proper evaluation of the performance and potentiality the workers can put in to highlight of the evaluation stage. Performance of the employees can justify through making a sense of their report, capacity in maintaining a network, quick response, effective coverage if required and developing expertise in his given responsibility by the authority. Appearance in the challenging situation and strength in facing difficulties is also required in evaluation.
4.3.3 The usage of talent pool
It was found that through evaluating the performance the company keeps the talent pool and maintains a regular response to the managerial body. It can help in better using the talent pool for the company.
4.3.4 Programs for developing leaders
The findings revels that though there are no certain features in NTV UK for recruitment, selection or the retention of the talent manpower for both national and international progress, there has been a policy planning initiated by the NTV in UK so that it can better maintain smartness and effectiveness in hunting talent for the company. It is a group of more than 20 people that helps to diversify the network of NTV and effectively engage with the development process. Cross movement of the career in the company is one of the main goals of the review program taken by the NTV UK.
4.3.5 Talent management mindset
According to the interview findings, it is very essential to have a better and appropriate mindset in managing the talent of the company. One of the respondents said that in terms of managing the mindset of the talents, NTV UK initiated some important focus on coaching, counseling, inaugurating development center and arranging different events so that it can help the most outstanding professionals of the company for their further development. Executive development plan is one of the key events that take place in NTV UK management for the development and arranging training camp annually to enhance the skills and efficiency of the employees working in the NTV UK. Higher authority of the company is strongly involved with the process and planning.
4.3.6 Organizational culture
Most of the respondents think that organizational culture is one of the key factors that matters most for every eminent companies in the world and NTV UK feel that there are various ways to get affected by the culture like-
It's common that people want to know and learn
Self-consciousness and accountable attitude towards the sense of development is one of the precondition to emerge
Leadership is all about create possibility for the individual in the company to develop and to sustain in the competitive world
Knowledge should have the similarity with the requirement common need in the profession
There should have certain tendency in fostering the innovative ideas for the growth of the company
Cross cultural ideas and dilemmas should get a special consideration
Leaders should take the ultimate responsibility to foster and to build the strength of the company
Learning take place in the professional ongoing commonly
There are basically four types of organizational culture with dissimilar attribute. There is something common in NTV UK planning among these four variations. Finally, most of the respondents of NTV UK mainly selected Collaborate type of organizational culture, but one respondent has also selected one attribute (Create) from the other three types.
A summary of the findings of the interview from the respondents are shown in the following table:
NTV Bangladesh
Company is familiar with TM & definition for TM is given
Example of tools used in HRM processes
Tests, interviews, induction of new employees, Psychological test, branding capabilities, university affiliation
Internal/external market, Online advertising, job fairs, LinkedIn
Tests and interviews, psychometric tests
Competency based interview, psychometric tests
Performance reviews, training and mentoring, performance appraisals
TM review program
The company measures TM effectiveness
Profit maximization, yearly turnover rate, reviewing the annual performance among the employees or comparing the effectiveness of the employees
Performance & Potential
Example of actions used in TM process-The most important process for the
Recruit a person who is or can be better than the one who has left position.
Formal announces, headhunting
Personal testing
Interviews with different managers, question-test
Intern education as future leaders and personal wishes of the employees.
Continuous process with differentiated development framework
Organizational culture affects talented Employees
HCNs, PCNs, TCNs play some role for
Programs for developing leaders
Trainee, career awareness programs for future leaders, Developmental Leadership and High potential program
Executive Development Plan, E-learning, 360 degree feedback, training, coaching
Use of talent pool : internal/external
Practices for talented employees' Research
Matching the people's profiles with the skills and Capabilities needed in the company
Performance management, 9 boxes, 360 feedback
Different criteria for recruiting, selecting, retaining talents for international leadership development vs. national one
Example for the most important competencies for developing international leaders is given
A high performer+ potential and willingness+ lives and follows the company credo and principles
Business thinking, achievement drive, change and team leadership, developing
TM principles established in the
TM- part of company's strategy for Growth
Examples of areas covered in TM strategy are given
Mentoring, training, performance reviews, 360 assessments, empowering + sponsoring, challenging assignments
Coaching, mentoring, global mobility, develop center, visibility events
Type of
organizational culture
4.5 Critical Analysis of the Findings
4.5.1 Talent Management and the Tools Used In HRM Processes
Under this topic it has drawn a picture where it has focused on the HRM strategies to managing the talents or skilled manpower of the company. The major three processes are recruitment, selection and retention. TM affectivity is also described here through analyzing the company behavior. The theory analyzed in this chapter has been derived from various authors' research and studies focusing this particular issue.
Almost every employee in the NTV Bangladesh office know the TM and they have shown their interest to give their views on the definition of TM and its importance for the employees working there. NTV Bangladesh projects this process as to attract and to maintain the ongoing development of the employees in the office. The TM can be taken as an initiative to make a chain in the cycle of career by an employee in NTV Bangladesh office. Some respondents also defined the process by their own official manner and described the issue through various examples like the process of recruitment, training system, need based assessment, putting the reliable person to the position he or she deserves and maintain a strong network among the employees and officials. These issues are very important to redefine the talent management and its importance for the growth and development of the company.
According to the respondents there is no definite line that can go to define the TM function. TM can be defined through focusing on recruitment, selection, training and mentoring those employees who can better reply to the demand and expectation of the company in the tough time. It has found in the interview that NTV Bangladesh is well informed and careful about the importance of TM and its definition for the sake of the company.
Besides, TM has become the core subject in the HRM practice of the prominent companies all over the world and it is getting special attraction from the company management. The three key streams of thinking mentioned in theirs article with regard to TM are also visible in NTV Bangladesh, namely: recruitment and develop leaders, succession planning, and development of talent pools and management of talented employees.
In terms of the strategies used in the HRM practice most of the respondents came up with examples that was similar and found in the academic understandings. In terms of recruitment NTV Bangladesh in maximum cases used the interview and testing the employees through different process. Psychological test, branding capabilities, university affiliation and record in the academic sector was also taken into granted for testing the quality of the employees before recruiting and giving them an important position in the company. During the selection process and interview taking the procedures are almost same among the companies. In terms of a good maintenance system and recruiting the employees, NTV Bangladesh strongly recommended the excellence in the previous field and also to maintain the chain of development it focused on the career development planning and internal progress of the employees so that they can better adjust with the situation and make out a better solution. NTV Bangladesh believed that a proper recruitment is almost half done for the success of the company as it makes the environment effective because of the efficiency coming from the employees and policy makers. So there is no doubt that for this company and in fact for every company the recruitment process is one of the core issues of concern by the Human Resource management to better imply the positive elements to the company. Skilled employee's recruitment is the smart beginning for any company which wants to survive and sustain properly.
In case of effectiveness of the TM, it has found that NTV Bangladesh calculates this factor regarding the profit maximization, yearly turnover rate, reviewing the annual performance among the employees or comparing the effectiveness of the employees. The method and tools used by it are similar with the TM outline portrayed in this paper where the result shows that TM has a direct impact over the management pattern of the company and the ultimate result from the turnover rate and also in analyzing the effectiveness of the recruitment process.
Well, at the same time in the point of NTV UK, it has also found that all the companies are conversant with the talent management system and its practice. NTV UK wants to see this as the way to gain a better result and highest outcome from managing the talent personnel in the company. In terms of TM definition, NTV UK has been focused on fostering the qualities and the thoughts of the employees and professionals towards making a proper leadership for the company and keep up a sustainable way out for future decision makers for the company. Managing the diversified workforce in the office and achieving sustainable growth and development is the key concern to discuss here. Assuring the depth of knowledge about the organizational behavior and the pattern inside this and also understanding the aspiration of the employees in the company is similarly important. Proper motivational practice and incentives is also a new pattern which has excellent practice in the successful corporate world. Maintain a proper and well decorated organizational planning for the whole year and the assessment in terms of the need based intervention in the decision making is also very important here. In the modern business trend, it becomes a big challenge for the companies to keep up a balance in the official environment and to make a better understanding among the employees for the sake of the company .
In terms of the tool used in the HRM activities there have been diverse features in NTV UK. To illustrate, features like the formal and informal announcement, newspaper circular, and endorsements are some of the few dynamics among the strategies of the company. Most of the respondents said that NTV UK has a regular practice of online activities in terms of putting circular, recruitment process and managing the official stuff regarding notice and special announcements. Retaining the employees is the key concern and engaging the employees towards the aims and objectives is equally important here for keeping a sustainable development in the company. Retention is one of the key responsibilities of the HRM division in the company according to the two respondents of NTV UK. According to one it focuses on the selection process of the company and other reflected that all these processes has equal importance for the development of the company. There are strong differences in NTV UK and Bangladesh in terms of making the outline of development planning and areas of focus.
In terms of checking the usefulness of TM, it has found that in the NTV UK, the TM which is financed by the consumers' amounts through checking its performing capability. Sustainability of the qualitative and quantitative findings of the company is the standard to get the measurement of the performance by the company. Excellence in coverage, proper management and responsibility shown by the company employees are some key factors here. Respecting the qualities and proper incentives is also a big issue in this regard. Potentials of the employees are measured through checking their capacity to adapt with the situation, facing critical condition and bringing out a better solution for the company. Capability of the newly recruited employees is checked through observing their behavior, reactions in facing challenges and well engagement with the working body of the company. In terms of facing these challenges NTV UK have different policies and complex system to govern the employees and reforming the internal faces of the company.
In fact, the HRM has a big responsibility towards the issue of talent management and NTV UK HRM body has some different initiatives regarding the selection, management and maintenance of the company. If the comparison goes regarding the nationality, there is seen a big difference in between the NTV UK and NTV Bangladesh in terms of recruitment, management and practicing the related terms which is essential for the company. In this research, the researcher takes one NTV Bangladesh and NTV UK Company and it has been found that in Bangladesh it use the personality test and interview with behavioral approach. On the other hand NTV UK focuses on internet advertising and job fair commonly.
There are differences in terms of retention of the employees and well maintenance of the employees in the office. There is also difference in terms of performance evaluation and planning the strategies for the company. In fact, it is true that different methods and its usefulness are ultimately depending on the country perspective.
4.5.2 Organizational and National Culture Impact on TM
Here the researcher analyzed the impact of national and organizational culture in the TM of the NTV UK and Bangladesh. The differences are addressed here. Organizational culture theory is addressed here to describe and scrutinize the factors of difference and its impact on the TM of the company. The findings of this study reflect that Cultural height and cross cultural factors are important and it has direct influence in the organizational process. The importance of the international HRM has been portrayed here with similar importance of Dowling, Festing and Engle (2008). To start with the NTV Bangladesh there has been a categorization made focusing on three factors; subsidiary which is available for the foreign host state, the native country where the head office of the company located and the third country which can be the source for materials and labor supply.
On the other hand, the employees are also categorized into three levels and these are; national of host state, national of mother country and nationals out of these two countries. Regarding these variations from the group of people and their response to the questions, it seems very dynamic findings in the NTV Bangladesh and these are very diverse in nature too. Few respondents said that multinational company has difference and effective role for TM while the other did not respond over the issue. Company type and its pattern have impact on the organizational culture and especially in maintaining the talented workers of the company.
According to the responses from NTV Bangladesh respondents it indicates that the organizational culture has direct impact over the TM. So it can be said that this company have the especial focus on the organizational culture. This company always keeps the changing taking places all over the worlds and it has strong maintenance of the adaptation strategies if it required. Global business in the present world is all about the interactions and communications between the peoples of different communities, different places of the world, there should have good dealings in between this diversity. People are crossing national boundaries every day and decision is making collective changes in every corner of the world. NTV Bangladesh believes that culture ultimately changes the behavior of the people and if there is no proper culture there should have no expectation to get smart outcome from the company. In terms of the given categories of the organizational culture, there are no variations which indicated by the NTV Bangladesh in reply to the interview.
According to the NTV Bangladesh, the quality of the employees can enhance through enforcing the competitive attitude among the companies. Leaders of the company should have a sense to identify the needs and expectations of the employees, see the competition rising in the market and should have a controlling capacity if it is required.
Controlling and competing is the most used techniques by the NTV Bangladesh to define the company and its procedure. There is a mix up of the values like controlling, standard and constancy analyzing in terms of control and differentiating the relation and integrating the values come up on the other side.
NTV Bangladesh favored to take a single feature from every category to go for a decision about the culture of the organization. It has taken team commitment, participatory approach, and consent from the collaboration type; different thinking and experimenting the incident from the create culture type; focusing the situation from a broader perspective, achieving the goals and objectives from the competition type and finally constancy, efficiency from the controlling culture type.
There can be a combination of these features which characterize the company and the most important thing is to redefine the cultural impact on the company. That's why it is found the logic of picking one attribute from each category by the NTV Bangladesh.
Going back to the NTV UK Company, it has found that most of the respondents have agreed that organizational culture has an impact over the nature and activities of the employees and the TM can be influenced by this. Awareness building and showing accountability is the key factor here that ultimately represents the difference of the organization which is the result of cultural difference. Leadership is all about caring the needs of the employees, maintaining the chain of efficiency, ability and sense to hear the problems of the employees and to connect them with the mainstream decision making of the company. Minimizing the cross cultural gap and sharing the views among the employees is also very important here.
Corporate culture is the new dimension in the business world and it focus on four issues; tactic, configuration, people's perception and situational balancing (Sanchez 2004). Corporate culture has difference in terms of its appearance and it has less difference among the countries. It has a unique approach and both host and home country has little things to deal with this. When it comes to the type of the company, HCNs, PCNs and TCNs, most of the NTV UK respondents ponder that it plays a role for TM.
NTV UK decided on the collaborations of the culture and the features included here; proper working environment, pleasure in working with other employees, flexibility in office timing, freedom in decision making and also incorporating ides from the employees to better redefine the company strategies and objectives for the future success. It is known as "Clan". Collaborative culture mainly used in the Japanese organizations and the main features here is taking the company as the family and solving the problems together. In clan, peoples values and respects the commitment, group decision, devoutness and solidity.
NTV Bangladesh has an individualistic approach in terms of defining its organizational culture. Society in Bangladesh is not supportive to the individualistic ideas and it's not very pragmatic in the sense of organizational approach. It has adverse impact on the motivational factors of the employees, their sense of dedication and feeling of group commitment.
In NTV UK, the relation between the employees and management is professed over the ethical guideline and on the promotional aspect in the company. In Bangladesh the official approach focus more on the equity, balancing among the employees and participatory communications. Regarding the companies in UK, it believes that there should have a hierarchy in the company which is obvious.
Comparing the NTV Bangladesh and UK, the researcher found that each company has taken one or more features of the organizational culture from every category. All respondents strained that native culture can create an impact over the skilled and creative employees of the company.
4.5.3 Development of Global Leaders and the Usage of Talent Pool
Here the researcher mainly focused on getting the findings from the NTV Bangladesh and NTV UK regarding the idea of international leadership, competency for the leaders' development and the strategy used by the company for doing research over the talented employees. This theory is enclosed by the Global T