In the first section, covering topics such as the lack of talent in the applicants to work, the difficulties companies encounter when hiring workers as the potential workforce is global, development and globalization the world, we can find someone that can adapt to the work offered.
The talent management concept is interesting because it is extremely complex. Professionals who are in charge of these issues relating to human resources company, think it's in your hands to take the necessary measures to encourage the development of people and workers. Talent management can also refer to the development of professional career has been quite difficult to control for a while since workers stopped worrying about solving their careers. These positive actions like investing in striking workers develop skills and try to meet the needs of the labor force in order to benefit the worker and keep engaged.
There are different definitions of talent management, CIPD1 gives the following definition: 'the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement / retention and deployment of Those Individuals with high potential who are of special value to an organization '
Then analyze a very important issue in talent management, where we should focus our efforts made ​​in talent management?
We have several ways to approach talent management as it is not done uniformly in all cases
You can find other ideas quite useful, the adjustment. It is finding a system to meet the objectives as best fitting the position of the organization. Below is analyze the approach and second adjustment
In terms of approach, there are three questions that a manager can do in terms of talent management strategy:
-What: This refers to the organization or what kind of job we should develop more effort to fill these jobs in the future, thus creating future eg senior managers.
Secondly, we should pay attention is that the organization or outside of it, we can find potential workers with the skills necessary to perform a particular job and when you need to start developing them to improve their skills and compete for the opt to target roles. For example, if we develop a workforce of middle managers with senior management potential will not have to expend resources to start before the development and improve the recruitment area.
The third question on the approach, you could say that it is developing search results to overcome problems in terms of human resources.
If development does not focus on a specific area we will not have the ability to identify talent pools.
You can find different types of talent approach. This is because there are many organizations that have different resourcing problems, different labor markets ... So, need to focus their action on talent management in different ways.
-The focus step by step:
In organizations where the careers of its employees is a matter of great importance as it can generate high office positions and have different jobs well qualified, good talent management action would seek workers with potential to make another function, another step in his career development "step by step". This action has a great performance in organizations that have very specific professional standards difficult to fill because the recruitment phase is too cumbersome or because employees need very specific skills and experience.
-Leadership focus:
Focus strategy is most used talent worldwide and focuses on achieving long-term leaders. The organization should clarify where action is required and what results they spect because if it is too late to develop potential leaders will be difficult to obtain similar qualifications and professional experience.
-Workforce focus-group
The action of talent management should not always focus on the entire workforce or leadership. In many companies, there are specific parts of the workforce they need human resources action.
There are professional groups are fairly hard to find and of course to maintain the organization. There is a skill shortage in professionals groups as accountants, IT professionals.
-Specific critical posts.
This strategy is less used but no less useful. It is centered in individual action that may generate future business risk if they are not busy.
To make this strategy we must know the job market, competition and industry to perfection because they occupy these jobs will be difficult if we do internally.
The scheduling management talent, can take different forms and go through different paths, thus indicating the type of investment to make. These programs of talent, often offer a variety of choices both non-business programs and actions in the workplace and are distinguished by more general or covering large talent pools or for more specific jobs.
When adopting a program, we must consider if it fits. There are different types of "fit" that are useful for business:
Fit to culture: The talent management concept is not very clear to many of the companies and more so if we dealt with the "talent" from a cultural point of view, taking into account issues such as equal opportunities and careers.
Fit to workforce: To be sure that the action of talent management and workforce are adaptadonse and giving a good performance, we must try to assimilate their careers and their contribution to the organization. Keep in mind that if we do a good deed of talent management and this fits with the workforce, strengthen the relationship between workers, their motivation and ability to spread engagement.
Individual perspective: When we have a talent pool, workers defend their part as an individual with expectations for the future, but companies do not always meet with success. If the company does not respond to a promotional opportunity previously agreed for example, will be breaking a psychological contract with the worker who has expectations, which always have to be realistic for both parties from the beginning.
Organisational perspective: It's true, and many experts say that investing in high potential talent pool has risks. Today, the deal for the Individuals it is more often questions about their career, their future ... without a strong sense of loyalty to the organization.
Adjust according to the manager's ability: When performing actions on talent management in a company, you need to be committed to it and have the ability to carry it out.
Today there are numerous positions and functions of the workforce that needs attention in talent management though, we can get a better result if workers instill what is called talent mind , which will improve many aspects of the organization and lead to success.
As we know, the level of responsibility and commitment with senior managers is vital to succeed in the field of talent management. These officials should be able to contribute their talent and skills both in theory and in practice. It is necessary not to focus solely on the action and talent management to weaken other areas of the organization, but will have to devote time and effort to develop talent pools, and try to show the workforce with full equality.
Line managers are the most important issues in organizations, as they often play an essential work in finding potential talent, offer options for the development of the workforce, are in direct contact with employees in order to solve trust issues such employee identified as gifted. When introducing talent management to our business, it is very important to have experience in the development and management of our workforce and in many cases can be difficult because you may find managers who have achieved their position very complicated and it may not be easy for line managers to get opportunities to develop.
Assessors: This group is also mentionable because they need specific skills to be able to evaluate talent management action. When it comes to evaluating talent pools and areas with lack of skill requires a fairly high level of preparation.