A London based company which deals with the chemical products named Allied Ltd has all together seventy staff members and almost thirty of the staff members are doing the same type of administration or clerical work and the other forty employees are related to the technical work in the production of the chemical. Company is bearing heavy losses since last two years only the reason is that there is an incompetent person who cannot develop good policies for the smooth working of the company. Considering the bad performance of last two years the company's ownership wants to reconstruct the structure of the company. They are looking for a new leadership who can direct the company's performance towards success and make good policies for and company and also reconstruct the structure the company. That's why they appointed me as a manager on basis of my qualification and this is time for me to prove myself as a competent leader who can lead the company towards success by utilizing my managing skills and experience.
Leadership: (Concept)
Leadership is a process by which a person can persuade others to complete a common objective and direct the organizations towards success path. It is a quality the makes the persons to become under leadership for the accomplishment of some specific and common tasks.
Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing.
- Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"(1)
A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. (2)
"Leadership is the art to of influencing and directing people in such a way that will win their obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives." U. S. Air Force (3)
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams quotes (American 6th US President (1825-29), eldest son of John Adams, 2nd US president. 1767-1848)(4)
According to the above definitions it is clear that the leadership is an art or quality which persuades the peoples to do that they do not want to do. Leadership utilize the efforts of persons towards some common goals. You can become managers but to become a leader it is very difficult task.
Leadership: (Theories)
While considering the leadership theories of different scholars a man should have different skills to be a leader. A person can become a leader when he learns some skills. Some skills vary from the time to time leaders and some are common skills to be a leader. That means some skills are the need of modern age and some were needed in old age. To become a leader a person should have some skills for example Supervision, Listening, Planning, Influencing, Delegation, Persuasive, Presentation, Coaching, Communicating, IT skills, Decision making skills, Assertive, Goal setting, Problem solving, Awareness, Knowledge, Negotiation, Diplomatic and tactful, etc.
Functional leadership:
Functional leadership approach only look upon the circumstances that how the leadership occurs. It does not consider the person that who is leading. It defines the types of leadership behaviours that guide an organization and then looks at how those behaviours occur. Under this type the leadership model it is a distributed function. People at all levels can participate in guiding the organization. One of the cornerstones of this leadership theory is its focus on HOW instead of WHO. (5)
This type of leadership can be explained in such a way that under what circumstances this type of leadership takes place, in this theory it is not considered that who becomes a leader. This theory is all about the different circumstances and situations under which the leadership occurs. This leadership theory is usually used to explain the duties and responsibilities of a person without assigning him any authority. Some time they were held responsible to guide and lead their team towards success. This type of arrangement only focus on the person that how he persuade others. The other can result in inefficiency due to lack of authority to make any type of changes required.
Situational leadership theories:
The Situational Leadership Theory, is developed by Paul Hersey, professor and author of the book Situational Leader, and Ken Blanchard, leadership guru and author of The One Minute Manager, while working on the first edition of Management of Organizational Behaviour, the Theory was first introduced as "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership" During the mid 1970's "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership" was renamed "Situational Leadership theory".
The primary idea of Situational Leadership Theory is that there is not even any one accurate style of leadership. Competent leadership is task achievement based most of the successful leaders practiced leadership style at their mature age. Either individual or team work leaders are trying to overcome the issues effectively, not only with the person or group that is being influence, but it will also depend on the task, job or function that needs to be accomplished. (6)
Great Man Theory:
Leaders are born and not made. (7)
Great leaders will arise when there is a great need.
This theory was based on the research who were leaders of their times. This theory tells us anyone can be a leader it may be from lower class anyone who has the qualities becomes a great leader. This contributed to the concept that leadership had something to do with procreation.
The Great Man theory is based on the point that whenever there is a need of some great leadership almost by magic a person would comes to lead his nation with his great ideas and methodology. This was easy to verify, by pointing to people such as Eisenhower and Churchill, let alone those further back along the timeline, even to Jesus, Moses, Mohammed.
Behavioural Theory:
Leaders can be made, rather than are born. (8)
Successful leadership is based in definable, learnable behaviour.
Behavioral theories of leadership are different theories this theory tells that the leaders can be made by learning of several skills they are not by birth.
This theory explains that if success can be measured and explained in actions it should be easy for other people to learn the actions and qualities or skills. This is easier to teach and learn then to adopt the more ephemeral 'traits' or 'capabilities'.
This theory has a big lea is a big impact from Trait Theory; it assumes that leadership capability can be learned, rather than being inherent. This opens the ways for the persons who want to become leaders they should have to learn and practice some skills and qualities.
This theory is comparatively easy to understand and implement, as it is easy to assess leadership achievement and actions. Due to deep study you may even compare statistically significant behaviours with success. You can also examine different behaviour which may cause of the failure.
Trait Theory:
People are born with inherited traits. (9)
Some characters are some time exactly perfect for leadership.
Humans who build great leaders have the perfect combinations of qualities.
The trait theory is that the personality is one of the major theoretical factors in the study of person. This theory suggests that individual personalities are composed of broad dispositions. Try to figure it out that how you will be explaining the personality of one of your friend, it can be considered that you may point out some traits like kindness, outgoing, and even tensed or tempered. Skills can be reflected as a relatively stable characteristic that can force persons to react in a specific way.
Not like many other theories which may explains about the personality such as psychoanalytic theory, the character looms to personality is focused on differences among individuals. Trait theory is determined on identify and measure these entities celebrity quality. The grouping and interface of different characters combines to form a character that is exceptional to each individual.
Transformational v/s Transactional leadership theories:
In transactional style of leadership the leader transform his qualities and skills in his followers. The main objective is to perform desired tasks and also have to create new leaders. In this style all other peoples have equal opportunities to perform tasks and also show their abilities and also take major step to explore new things and develop new ideas and through this we can start new beginnings for the company's working towards success.
Such kinds of leaders are often charismatic, and strategic. They have ability to see big picture instead the detail. This leadership style could be very useful in such a situation, where fast changes are required and having team of high skill and competent people. (Clegg et al., 2005, P.243)
In transactional style of leadership leaders performs their action just through the transactions. It means the leader motivate or persuade their followers only focusing on the targeted results such if they perform according to plan they can have such rewards of benefits or the result will be beneficial in such ways for the followers and if they are failed of achieve the desired goals then they should have to bear such certain losses etc.
Moral leadership:
Such kind of leadership approaches highlights the role of leader in moralistic positions. Examples are as under;
Religious beliefs
Treating people well
Making the world a better place
Caring for the environment
And so on...
By following this style of leadership, the leaders believe that they can become a successful if they have positive impact on others. Just lead the people to benefit themselves are not the only case but also like to set an example of moral character.
A leader needs only a charming personality and graceful looks. People accept him as a leader just because of his dashing and influencing personality. This sort of leadership is normally seen in celebrities and spirituality. But it is not the hard and fast rule it may be in corporate organization and politics as well.
(Gardner et al., 2005, P.69)
Importance of leadership in organisation:
The Importance of Ethics:
The prime trait of a leader depicts in his adherence to moral values which reflects in his daily routines. Moral values are the character building pillars of a good leader and the whole moral values revolve around ethics on which they are derived. Ethics are the central breadth that directs a individual toward what is right and fair. The strength of the moral values shows the anticipated future of the deeds performed by a particular leader only if a person has a middle moral scope he may not diverted towards the wrong deeds.
The Work of the Leader:
Leadership position means you have to lead many things such have you must have clear goal and vision for the future.
For the success of the business the organization should require an effective leadership that leads the company towards success by achieving the business goals and aims utilizing his personal and professional leadership skills best. It does not matter that either the organization is large or small if you are the leader of on one or two employees you also have to utilize your skills at best level for the development and growth of the business.
Every successful business requires effective leadership to fully utilise the skills of staff in order to achieve the aims of the business. This isn't just a matter for larger businesses - even if you only employ one or two people you still need to make sure that you make the most of their abilities and aptitudes.
This requires a distinct set of management skills and the confidence to carry them out. You have to be able to motivate and develop your team, to communicate well with them and to build a business strategy that allows each individual to perform to the best of their abilities.
Leadership is the key dynamic force that motivates and co ordinates and organization to accomplish its objectives. A leader creates a vision for the others and then directs them towards achieving that vision. To be a leader you must have followers who have confidence in you and who give you their support and commitment to a goal. According to the acclaimed author on leadership, Donald Clark - "Good leaders are made not born", however what is the true definition of a leader? In business & management, the term 'leadership' cannot be as easily defined as "….The use of authority in decision-making" Mullins, 7th ed. 2005. But more specifically, such as -
"Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent." Donald Clark.
By summing up all above discussion and discussing the quotations of different authors we can conclude that leader is a person having ability to lead all other peoples towards some common goals. He has persuading personality and he has also many other qualities and skills and any organization should have a leader that can lead the organization towards the success.
Current and Future Requirements:
Allied Ltd is facing many problems right now it have not proper infrastructure and also do not have any coordination among different departments and different employees as well. At this stage there is needed to re organize the infrastructure of the company and also has to assign different duties and responsibilities to the different department of the company. As the strategy manager i have different policies to rebuilt infrastructure that should be implemented immediate basis and some are for the future as well which are discussed below.
Current Requirements:
Allied Ltd has to divide its entire admin staff into different departments and also have assign duties and responsibilities to the person which has complete knowledge and experience to the concerning department. All departments has a head of department who will monitor the working of the department and will be responsible of all deeds and will answerable to the General Manager. All the methods of information flow will be drafted and implemented as well. Company will redefine the working procedures and policies for the work of each department and head of the department will be responsible for the implementation of all policies. Similarly the staff which is related to production will also separated and will assign the work according to eligibility all the health and safety rules and policies should be followed.
Future Requirements:
Once all the policies are implemented now heads of all departments will monitor all process if anyone is found to violate the law the company management will take action against him on immediate basis, if any part of policy is not suitable for the company or is not producing desired results will be altered. Weekly and monthly basis reports were generated to analyse the performance and meetings will be conducted on weekly and monthly basis to take the suggestion of different employees and also to discuss the problems and will try to find out the solutions. Performance of individuals and different staff will be monitored and then it is rewarded. Personal and professional development training programmes will be conducted to enhance the workers skills.
A competent leadership is the key to success for any firm or organization thus the leadership should be strong enough or efficient to organize the firm and to lead it towards the success. The leadership has to take some initiatives and have to introduce such policies which could help the firm/ business to work in a professional way and to reach up to the stage of success. For that purpose, proper training to the leadership to be aware of the latest techniques for his professional development. It should also have to take some training to polish his skills with the passage of time. Leader of an organization also requires some type of training for the development as the new technology comes in the market he must have to take some learning classes to learn about the advance technology.
Problems without leadership skills:
Any organization without the skilled leadership cannot survive for a long period of time as the management of different tasks and departments cannot be handled in a professional by an unskilled leadership. Without a competent leadership the organise fails to achieve its goals and objective and it may diverted from its track. It cannot be expected from an untrained and un skilled leadership to run the firm in a professional way.
Objectives of leadership training program:
The main objective of the training to the leadership is that the leadership should be aware of the latest updated and techniques about the business to be run in a professional way. With the help of training to leadership the leadership can overcome to different difficulties faced by the management in an appropriate way.
Learning activities are the activities you will conduct in order to reach the learning objectives. The activities should help you work toward your training goal, accommodate your particular learning styles, be accessible to you and be enjoyable as well.
Deal with your team members on a day-to-day basis in such a way as to maintain, and even enhance their self-esteem.
Base your discussions about performance and work habits on your team members' behaviour rather than their personalities or attitudes.
Use effective listening techniques to increase your team members' motivation to perform at higher levels of productivity.
Consistently encourage your team members to participate in setting goals, solving problems, and making decisions.
Leadership training model:
While utilizing leadership skills a leader should think about it that either he is understanding about the requirement of tasks or not or he need some mere supportive materials to understand it. If he need some more guide line he can draw guidance for the plan as well to perform task more effectively. During implementation, you should think about whether
Skills needed for effective leadership:
Following are some common leadership that are necessary to become a leader.
A good leader must have the ability of supervision. Assigning of tasks is not important thing but assigning of tasks to competent person is most important thing. He must supervise tasks either they are being performed my team well and in proper way or not.
A good leader must listen and answer to the questions of each team member. He must clarify all the points, targets and methods to achieve the goals efficiently in desired time scale.
To achieve goals, a good leader must have affective planning skill. He must plan how, when and what things should be done in order to achieve the desired goals. He must keep all the aspects needed to achieve the goal in mind while planning.
A good leader must have the ability to influence his/her team members towards the achievement of goals.
Delegating means a good leader must delegate or talk over the tasks with his/her team members. He must discuss the project with his/her team members. He should give chance to his team members to give their opinion about the accomplishment of tasks.
The most important skill for a good leadership is presentation. if a person knows about each and every aspect of a task and he can not present it in a batter way that means he knows nothing. good leadership is enough competent that he can make good and persuasive presentation.
For becoming a good leader ones must have the strong communicating skills. That's mean he can deliver his message effectively and also hear the voice easily and can understand it. If a person has all others skills and he can not communicate to others effectively he is not a leader. A leader can only persuade others if he has very strong and effective communication skills.
IT Skills:
This is a time need skill and world is a global village so to fulfil the requirement of time a leader/manager must have enough know how about the computer. He can use computer easily and must have enough knowledge to meet the tasks effectively.
Decision Making Skills:
A good leader must have ability to make quick and better decision for the company. He must have the ability to solve the problem as it occurs. While taking any decision he must forecast the future on the basis of its past experience. He must also be competent of implementation of the decisions taken.
A good team leader must be a good coach as well. He must enable and motivate his team members to achieve the goals. He must help individuals and take them towards the goals.
A good leader must have the skill of assertiveness. He must know the tasks being performed by him and his team. He should be aware of performance and outcomes.
Goal Settings:
A good team leader must have the ability of setting the goals for its teams and the goals should be realistic. Because goals are not changed every day. He should be also enough competent that he can make objectives and strategy to fulfil the goals.
Problem Solving:
A good manager/team leader must have the ability to solve the problems of its team members either these are personal or relating to work. He must listen the problem carefully and analyze he and keep it personal and also try to find out the best possible solution for it and also help to its team member in any condition
A person can only become a good leader or manager when he has full knowledge about all relating aspects of his field. He must be fully prepared whenever he speaks about any thing. There is no space of may be could be and hope so. He must be realistic and have complete knowledge for his job.
Some time if you are going to gain something you must have to pay for it but the good leader always take the best decision for the company and he tries to attain the combination of gain maximum while paying minimum. He tries to obtain maximum satisfaction from the expenses and he tries to maximum utilization to all available resources
This is age of competition if you want to survive in the market you must have to explore new creative things. You must make research and try to explore new products, techniques and also explore new markets. If you do not do so you are not any more. And a good team leader always tries to work on such tactics
Diplomatic and Tactful:
Some time you may face a client who behaves very harshly to yours team members that is very critical situation for your business. A good team leader always tries to resolve the issue in very diplomatic and tactful way.
Leader of team must have organization skill. He must organise the tasks to achieve the desired goals as well as his team and his performing area / working environment.
Leadership Training Model:
While making leadership training model we have to focus on the following points
We have to divide the groups into different groups to analyse that how different leaders follows the approaches to tackle similar problems. Also take feedback from them. Through dividing the main group we can easily understand the approaches of different leaders.
Instead to taking or analysing the performance of one person you should have to compare the performance of different two people on the similar task you may enable leadership qualities among two persons. You can analyse which one is more competent.
Instead of assigning a whole project you can assign the same task to different three leaders you can judge which leader is applying which style for the project and from the project results you are able to determine which leadership style is more effective for which part of project and which leader is better and more efficient from others.
Similarly for the group of ten leaders if you divide them into five different sub-groups you have more opportunities to see the performance of different leaders that how they approach to the similar task in different ways..
Create such atmosphere and strategy which is challengeable for the leader and analyse that how many people are willing to meet these challenges and who is hesitating to accept the challenge.
Just try to find out the definition of leadership by examining the personality of different leaders that what type of qualities and skills they have and what type of skills are making them significance from others
Draw same training programmes for the different leaders so that you can analyse that which leader is showing in learning new techniques and technologies an which is learning it very quickly.
How to evaluate:
To leaders:
As discussed above in details if you have to evaluate the effectiveness or competency of a leadership draw a project and assign it to many different leaders separately and then just monitor the performance of the leaders and then check who is doing the task within given time frame and who is tackling the problems in batter ways.
For leaders:
Leaders can evaluate the performance of his staff into different ways. They can also analyse that their given polices are implanted within the organization effectively or not and showing desired result or not, if there is need of any changes they can change that part of strategy which is not showing required results.
We can conclude that form the above discussion that every organization should have one leader that draw strategy for the business and also implement and monitor it that strategy is working properly or not. More or less every person have some different qualities that make difference form others. But the thing is that you should have to bring your significance skills.