The role of managers in Human resources

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2523

Introduction :

This report is concentrate on Human Resource Management profession in United States of America (USA). I have selected USA, because I have a dream to work there after completing my MBA. In United States the Department of labor controls the human resource planning and development. The Department of Labor (DOL) funds job training program to improve the employment prospects of adults, youths and dislocated workers through Employment & Training Administration (ETA) and provides the training through One-Stop Career Center System. The DOL has others Human Resource Development program: Unemployment Insurance (UI): This program for those persons who became unemployment through no fault of their own.

Minimum Wages: The DOL enforces the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to set basic minimum wages and overtime pay standards. According to this act the minimum wages will not be not less than $7.25 per hour and overtime pay will be not less than one or one and half times of the regular rate of pay after 40 hours work of a work week.

DOL has others area of consideration, like working hours, Workers' Compensation, Workplace Safety & Health, Youth & Labor etc.

In United States, there are many Human Resource Organization, in which I choose Human Resources Management Institute (HRMI), it is a world leading nonprofit professional organization recognized by the U.S. Government and its head office at Delaware State, USA .

I have collected most of the information of this report from the United States Govt. Department of Labor (DOL) website and HRMI website .

In "About HRMI" section of the website they says :

"The HRMI, is the world of Human Resource Management profession. It is the world leading non-profit professional organization and official certifying body for the human resources management profession.

HRMI® recognized by U.S. Government with its head office at Delaware State, USA, as well as formally registered in England by United Kingdom Government. Moreover, Its programs and services are internationally recognized for their excellence and effectiveness by prominent professional and academic bodies around the world. "

Governance :

HRMI organizational structure consists of five sectors and commissions under the direction of the Board of Governors which are, Centers Sector, Credentials Sector, Strategic Management Sector, Standards Sector, Administrative Sector, GACC and HR Industry Federation.

Training :

HRMI offers a diversified range of learning and training program conducted by its training arm World Training Center for Human Resource (WTC)

The Programs are :

Credential exams prep courses.

Awareness of HRMI Global Standards, GACC accreditation and certification requirements, procedures, benefits and assessment skills.

HR awareness and training courses.

4.Membership :

HRMI offers four grade of membership, Affiliate Member, Professional Member, Senior Member and Fellow Member.

Affiliate Member :

An Affiliate Member can be a professional who has interest on Human Resource. The annual fees are $75 (including application fees) and it has no voting power.

Professional Member :

A Professional Member can be a HR professional of potential HR management.

And the applicant must provide at least one of the following evidence :

At least five year experience in HR management.

Masters Degree in Business or related field (e.g., MBA ).

Meets the certification requirements of CHRP.

Currently working as a HR professional within a HRMI Accredited Practice.

The annual fees are $100 (including application fees)

Senior Member :

A Senior Member has to demonstrate his competence and satisfies the HRMI certification requirements of CHRM, CHRD or CHRC. The annual fees are $100 (including application fees).

Fellow Member :

A Fellow Member has to demonstrate his competence and satisfies the HRMI certification requirements and hold a Masters Degree/PhD in Business or related field.

Membership Benefits : (As written in the HRMI website)

Exclusive members-only content on

Knowledge sharing and career opportunities through HRMI® communities

Leadership and volunteer opportunities through HRMI®components, certification program, research program, work shops, standards and other areas

Discounts on All HRMI® Materials, Publications and Handbooks.

Discounts on HRMI® credential exams and renewals as well as training courses and consulting services.

HR management publications, products and training tools through the HRMI® Marketplace.

Report 2 : Critique on HR related news paper article


I have selected the news paper article from the Indian Express available at (Posted on 03 November 2009, title, Air India pilots issue 14-day strike notice) [See Appendix A].


The focus of the article is on Air India pilots issue a 14 days strike notice for nonpayment of outstanding flying allowances. In the starting the news says :

"Pilots from the Indian Commercial Pilots' Association (ICPA) - the union of over 700 pilots of erstwhile Indian Airlines - have issued a 14-day strike notice to the management of the national carrier, citing non-payment of outstanding flying allowances that, according to them, has been pending for the past three months and irreconcilable differences with the carrier's management over a host of other issues."

About the organization and its union:

Air India is the national flag carrier airline company of India and it's a Govt. company. It is the largest and oldest airline company in India. Indian Commercial Pilots' Association (ICPA) is a trade union of Air India; it consists of over 700 member pilots.

Reasons of strike notice: The ICPA issue notice of 14 days strike, which will take effect from 5 pm on 24 November 2009. They cited that the pilots are still not paid their flying allowances for last three months and it also demanded that they have conflicting difference with the management with other issues. The strike notice under Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Is the strike reasonable? According to the article the pilots are going for strike for the nonpayment the outstanding flying allowances and the company did not pay these for last three months. When money is the primary motivator of the job and everybody does job for the salary then the strike is very reasonable in this context.

Who is responsible?

The Air India Management, more specifically the HR section is responsible for this disturbance. The pilots are doing their job for money. In their pay structure salary is very nominal and flying allowances are more as it depends on number of fly. Therefore when they do not receive their allowances their motivation to job get affected. The HR section should pay the salary and allowances in time to the employee otherwise they cannot expect the good performance from them. Again as it is a Govt. company, so Govt. also responsible for that fault, Govt. should took action in primary stage.


From this article it is clear that HR section has a big responsibility to make the way smooth of the company. The pilots are going to strike after three months of nonpayment, if the HR section did its duty properly to ensure the employees payment then could not be happen and company would not have face such problem.

Report 3 : Manager's role in Recruitment and selection and HRP processes

In an organization recruitment and selection of staffs is a very important part. The selection process divides into two parts, though these have no formal name but we can call these 1) Pre selection activity and 2) Main selection activity. The managers recruit staffs through these two parts and undergo some steps.

Pre selection activity

Reviewing the available vacancy: This is the first step managers take to recruit staffs. Whether they are replacing the existing staffs or creating new vacancies for the additional needs of the organization. This step includes, identify the core elements of the selection, if it replaces any of the existing employee then the post must required more efficient staff for the specific work and the requirement and eligibility of the new possible selection should be compare with the existing one. And if the new post create then the managers analysis the job and set an entry requirements.

Grading post: After deciding about the vacancy and their entry requirements, manager's analysis the posts and grading the posts with different pay structure. To consider the responsibility of the different post and qualification managers decide the pay structure. If it is new post then they consider the availability of workforce, importance for the organization etc. and for replacing the existing staff they compare the eligibility of the new comer with the old one .

Documentation producing: After getting data about available vacancy and the pay structure, managers give documentation. In the documentation generally two parts are there, job description and person specification. Job description provide information about what types job is available to offer, what salary the organization will pay for each category, working hours, terms and conditions of the leave, duty specification etc. and person specification is the information about, person required having what quality, skills want etc.

Application Packet: After the first three steps manager know that what they want and then they prepare application packet, which includes application form, entry requirements details, company information booklet and others information which needed. These application packet send to the prospective applicants from the front desk of the company.

Main selection activity:

Short listing: The main selection process starts with this step after collecting all applications. After evaluating all submitted application the managers make a short list of applicants for selection process.

Written test: Managers call the entire short listed candidate for written test. Here they give some problem to solve within given time.

Formal interview and document verification: The successful candidates of the written test are called for formal interview and document verification, it is the last step of selection process. In this process managers take interview and verify the credential documents of the candidate. At the end of this process they announce the name of the successful candidates who are appointed for the various posts.

The managers consider, make plan and implement the Human Resource Planning, it includes environmental analysis, human resource demand, supply analysis, reconciliation and planning.

Report 4 : Involvement of managers in Human resource development

Human Resource Development (HRD) is a part of Human Resource Management (HRM), it deals with training and development of an employee. HRD provide individual training to employees after first hire or if required to old employees and give opportunity to learn some new skills, it also distribute resources for improvement of employees' tasks. The managers always keep in touch with the employees through line managers or themselves to collect data about the performance of the employees and then they decide what training is needed to specific employees, who is efficient and deserve promotion. They involve in analysis HRD requirements for effective performance of the employee in organizational function and job, analysis the existing workforce qualities and what learning and development program needs to the current employees. The managers make plan to balance the differences between the organization's requirements and current employees' skills and select the person who will be in charge and responsible for this plan, decide appropriate learning and development methods. They remains involve to monitoring, evaluating and implement HRD plans and make plan to develop the organization's future workforce.

If managers are involve with the HRD process then they can makes plan of required training, rewards, new recruitment etc. effectively as they are directly related with the employee and know the requirements of the company. They can perform in good way as they have the power to implement the HRD plans for the benefit of the company.

Report 5 : Managers' role in Managing and rewarding performance :

One of the important job of Managers is managing the employee of the organization. Managing the employee may includes supervising their work and lead them in proper productive way by which the organization utilize maximum of its workforce and it may be setting up some complain from the employee about some problem. In the process of supervising over the work of employees the managers make note the performance of the worker and compare with their duty. If any of the worker's performance is lower than the expectation the manager discusses with the worker about his work and gives some solution to improve his performance. Managers inform their employee about their duty and the expectation from them. If any worker is not able to give expected performance then his manager can send him for training to improve his skills. In other hand if any worker performs continuously good then manager promote him to higher post with more responsibility. A manager always looks for the maximum performance and maximum utilization of labor. The worker motivation is also includes into the role of the managers' for managing his employee. It is known that a well motivated worker can perform up to the expected level than an unmotivated one. Therefore managers always keep motivating his worker to get the maximum result. In the professional world he main motivation of the work is money, people works for money, so if the pay structure is good then the workers will be committed to the job. Managers consider the work culture and environment of the work place because in a work friendly environment worker can perform more and it is beneficial for the company.

They also consider workers' complain and take action to solve them. A manager also a representative of workers' so he tries to solve the problem as much as he can and if needed he conveys the message to the higher authority about the problem.

Therefore in conclusion, Managers' role in managing and rewarding in very important as the organization's performance and future prospects depends on workers' performance and the worker performance depends on how well the manager manages his employees.

Report 6 : Managers' role in Managing the employment relationship


Employment relationship is the relationship between managers and employee. In an organization managers are employed to manage the employees, and for well managing the good communication system is needed in the organization. If two faces communication system is there then managers can send message to the employees and at the same time he can receive the feedback, it helps to built a good relationship between managers and employees.

Advantages & Disadvantages:

Managers ensure the communication between different departments, the advantage of this role is every department has an idea about the others, their workforce, efficiency, limitation etc. it helps to provide a complete data at any time when needed. Managers' duty also includes developing the work environment and climate in which all employees can work and contribute their highest performance. Work environment is a very important thing, as employees motivation to the work depends on it. If in the workplace a friendly climate is there then the employees can work freely and company's workforce productivity will increase. Managers also ensure the proper communication channel by which employees can reach to the managers table directly and discuss about their problem and requirements. This type of flexible communication helps to listen everyone's view; problem and the employees feel the workplace as his own place.

If managers performance and communication to employees get disturbed then every employee wants to produce their problem and it creates a messy situation, may be it goes out of control of the managers.