The pre-construction information

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 4431



The Pre-Construction Information provides the health and safety focus for the design and construction phase of a project. It sets out to ensure that the design and construction of the works are affected in a safe way that complies with current health and safety legislation, in particular the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 and associated Approved Code of Practice.

This information is included as part of the documentation issued to designers and contractors and is to be developed by the successfully appointed Principal Contractor prior to work commencing. No work is to commence until the Principal Contractor's Construction Phase Plan has been assessed for its adequacy.

On receipt of instructions to proceed the Principal Contractor is under a legal duty to administer, implement and update the Construction Phase Plan throughout the contract period as required by changes in design or circumstances.

Health And Safety Information

During the pre-construction phase of a project, the Pre-Construction Information brings together health and safety information obtained from the Client and, where appropriate, Designers and the CDM Coordinator.

The Construction Phase Plan during construction will draw on the Principal Contractor's health and safety policy and assessments, the Pre-Construction Information prepared by the CDM Co-ordinator and the details on the management and prevention of health and safety risks created by contractors and sub-contractors. The Construction Phase Plan will continue to provide a co-ordinating mechanism as construction progresses. The Principal Contractor will be required to maintain the Construction Phase Plan up to date for the duration of the Contract.

Hazard Identification

The hazards identified in this Pre-Construction Information are those identified during the initial design stage of the project. Further risk assessments must be prepared by the Principal Contractor.

The hazards identified as a result of these risk management procedures shall be considered by the Principal Contractor during the development of the Construction Phase Plan that shall be submitted for review prior to any works commencing.

The Principal Contractor is required to take appropriate measures to control the risks created by these hazards, and any others he might recognise, and to prepare detailed method statements for managing these aspects of the works throughout the Contract.

Pre-Construction Information

Hywelfynydd Dam

Description Of The Project

Nature of the construction work to be carried out

The scheme is a major water supply system project for Hywelfynydd town which will require a dam being built and farmland being flooded. There will be several significant phases of the project. Works will include:

demolition of existing buildings deforesting area proposed for flooding removing and rerouting existing services upgrading existing and constructing new roads setting up concrete batching plant stripping overburden soil for dam foundation culvert and cofferdam construction grouting extraction of clay and rock for the embankment construction of dam and spillway construction of water intake tower and aqueduct, mechanical commissioning Further works would include construction of recreational activity areas and dismounting of temporary structures.


Llanwrtyd Wells Surroundings And Site Location (Marked In Red)

Construction period

Minimum time for the Principal Contractor for planning and preparation for construction work weeks have been allowed for mobilisation from the date of appointing Principal Contractor.


Application of Workplace Regulations

The structure is to be used as a workplace and the finished design will need to take account of the relevant requirements of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Extent and location of existing records and plans

Drawings of the existing structures as well as existing Service plans are to be issued as part of the contract. Asbestos and soil surveys will be conducted according to relevant regulations.

Further drawings and The Health and Safety File may be available by request from the Client (Facilities Department).

Clients Considerations And Management Requirements

Arrangements for health, safety and welfare

Planning for and managing the construction work, including any health and safety goals for the project

The Client is committed to supporting the Health and Safety Strategy in the context of Rethinking Construction, Respect for People and Revitalising Health and Safety. The Client will employ Contractors who will implement a safety strategy with a target of zero accidents of any type.

The Client is committed to have a system to identify, agree and adopt best practice and also to rapidly disseminate lessons learnt from Health & Safety incidents. Also, to provide an annual report on company safety performance, highlighting the positive achievements of the year and also the accident statistics for the industry.

There will be monthly construction progress meetings throughout the duration of the project.

The Principal Contractor will require to:

Confirm arrangements with independent safety consultants for monitoring and reviewing legal requirements and health & safety performance.

Confirm arrangements for training, provision of health & safety information and site inductions. These require conjunction with Client induction and site operational procedures. Further requirements are to be confirmed by an independent audit.

Maintain record of briefings to each individual.

Regularly monitor and update the Health & Safety Plan.

A designated Site Safety Officer to be appointed. A copy of their CV is to be included with any tended documentation.

The Principal Contractor is to prepare a Health & Safety Plan for approval by the client in advance of the works commencing and is to fully comply with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007.

Communication and liaison between client and others

The Principal Contractor shall inform the CDM Co-ordinator of additional design work and/or unforeseen eventualities necessitating changes to design, which could affect the Health and Safety Plan. Any changes to the Plan required as a result of design changes shall be discussed with the CDM Coordinator. The Principal Contractor shall liaise with all major stakeholders who will be affected or inconvenienced by the works.

The Principal Contractor will also need to liaise with the CDM Co-ordinator on the requirements for the Health and Safety File (see section 5.0).

Security of the site

The Principal Contractor will have to restrict site access to allow only authorised persons in. All operatives, including sub contractors, will be required to sign in and out at reception and wear photo identification badges at all times. These shall only be provided after the operative had completed induction. No person without induction to be allowed on site. Access to the site office should be completely separated from access to the working site, with clear signage and protection from vehicles. CCTV should be in operation on the site at all times.

Welfare provision

Welfare facilities are to be of a standard laid down in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 or better and the Principal Contractor is to satisfy himself with regard to the facilities he is providing on site and the number of people it is anticipated will be required to use the facilities.

The site shall have clean, lockable, female toilets in addition to male toilets. There should be a designated disabled toilet with a separate access. Usable showers as well as good, heated changing area with lockers is to be provided. All facilities will be kept clean, well-lit and ventilated, supply of hot and cold running water will be ensured.

A safe area for eating and drinking protected from dust will be provided together with facilities for hot food and drinks. During the hot weather, cooled drinking water dispensers would be located at designated rest points around the site with protection from the sun. Designated mobile phone areas as well as a recreational room will be provided. First aid point should be fitted with a suitably stocked first aid box. Qualified first aiders should be arranged.

These proposals must be set out in the initial construction phase health and safety plan.

Requirements relating to health and safety

Site hoarding

Hoarding should be securely installed around the perimeter of the site for the duration of the contract. All contractor containers, cabins and vehicles must be kept within the secure compound. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is to be used as hoarding . Temporary lightning to define pedestrian access / egress routes is to be provided.

Site transport arrangements/vehicle movement restrictions

Only delivery vehicles and equipment allowed to the site. Delivery vehicle site access restricted to working hours only. One way traffic routes through the site with speed limits should be provided. Pedestrians should only use designated pedestrian routes through the site, with crossing points on the site road. The Principal Contractor shall appoint a dedicated Traffic Safety Officer who shall be responsible for the operation and effectiveness of any traffic and pedestrian safety and management measures.

Client permit to work systems

A Clients permit to work system operates on site for electrical work, work at height, hot works, water, moving machinery, explosives etc. Clear divisions of responsibility should be established between the client and the Principal Contractor regarding the operation and control of the permit to work system. Risk assessment and method statements should be used where appropriate.

Fire precautions

The Principal Contractor is to prepare a fire safety plan and fire prevention strategy for inclusion in the Health & Safety Plan. Adequate first aid fire appliances should be provided for the duration of the works by the Principal Contractor. Site Induction should include the first aid appliances available, their suitability of use and details of how to activate. Also, a description of evacuation procedures and details of how to raise the alarm.

Emergency procedures and means of escape

The Principal Contractor must prepare a suitable emergency Plan detailing the procedures to be taken in the event of serious and imminent danger, (fire and/or explosion, collapse of excavations and /or fills, flooding, including working adjacent to moving water, terrorist threat). The procedures may require evacuation of the site or involve the rescue of an injured person. Details should be included in the Health and Safety Plan. A sufficient number of competent persons should be nominated to implement those procedures.

When planning emergency procedures, escape routes and exits, etc. consider the type and location of work being undertaken, i.e. persons working in deep excavations and the number of persons, likely to be present on the site at any one time.

The emergency Plan must be agreed with the emergency services along with agreeing access restrictions for them in the event that they have to enter the site un-escorted. Emergency escape routes on the site should be kept clear and adequately lit. The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 set standards for these signs.

Attention should be given for the risk of drowning. Principal contractor shall provide suitable rescue equipment and keep it in an efficient state and take measures to arrange for the prompt rescue of any such person in danger of drowning.

The Principal Contractor must provide adequate first aid facilities and sufficient numbers of qualified first aiders based on an assessment of the risk of injury and ill health on the site. Nearest hospitals should be informed of this remote construction site and contacts will be displayed in the welfare facilities.

No-go areas/authorisation requirements

The Principal Contractor shall not commence work on site until the CDM co-ordinator has advised the client that the Principal Contractor has prepared a construction phase health and safety plan which complies with regulations 23(1)(a) and 23(2) and he is satisfied that the requirements of regulation 22(1)(c) (provision of welfare facilities) will be complied with during the construction phase.

Confined spaces

To work or access water intake tower permit of work must be in place.

Smoking and parking restrictions

Smoking on the site is discouraged by the provision of designated and sheltered smoking areas, equipped with litter bins. Special control measurements should be taken during dry months as it is a potential fire hazard.

Contractor parking and unloading will generally only be permitted within the designated compound area. There are parking restrictions on site, vehicles are only to be parked in designated areas as agreed. Sufficient employee car park should be located in the vicinity of the site where it would cause minimal impact on an area as well would not pose risk to personal safety of vulnerable groups. An operatives car share scheme should promoted as well minibuses should transport employees from neighbouring towns.

Other restrictions

High visibility jackets, safety helmets and safety footwear must be worn by all operatives and shall be provided by the Principal Contractor to all visitors to the site. Other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be worn to suit the task in hand.

The Site shall be kept clean and tidy and spoil and waste shall be removed regularly in accordance with current regulations, where possible it should be recycled. Burning of waste material is not permitted.

Workpeople shall not trespass on land adjacent to the Site.

Drinking and eating will only be permitted within the site accommodation and only after hand washing.

Any audio players (radios/cd/mp3, etc.) are not permitted on the Site.

Plant and machinery shall be adequately silenced and appropriate for the activity being undertaken. The Control of Noise (Codes of Practice for Construction and Open Sites) (England) Order 2002 must be consulted.

The Principal Contractor shall ensure all workers receive site induction training covering, site access & egress routes, site rules, vehicles and storage, emergency and first aid conditions.

Storage will only be permitted within the works site boundary, or as agreed with the Engineer.

No alcohol or drugs are to be consumed by workpeople during normal working hours including rest breaks.

Intoxicated by drugs or alcohol people are not to be allowed on site.

All existing site features that are to remain shall be adequately protected.

Environmental Restrictions And Existing On-Site Risks


The nature and condition of the ground or existing structures cannot always be fully ascertained before they are opened up. As such, the hazards referred to in this section of the Plan are either known to be present or are suspected to be present.

The Employer does not guarantee the accuracy and sufficiency of this information. The Principal Contractor must ascertain for himself any further information he may require to ensure the safety of all persons affected by the works.

Safety issues

Boundaries and access, including temporary access

As mentioned in section 2.2.1, hoarding of the site will have to be provided to highlight site boundaries. Security monitored access to the site will be made on south side of the site where the roads will be upgraded to accept delivery vehicles. Anything brought into the site will have to be security screened.

Restrictions on deliveries/waste collection/storage

Road leading to the site from south is single carriageway which could cause difficulties for large goods vehicles. Access from the north side is not recommended due to difficult route. No parking on roads is allowed. Waste is to be collected during working hours and not during the morning and afternoon peak hours.


Several footpaths could be affected by the construction, arrangement to be made to ensure pedestrian safety.

Height And Weight Restrictions

Arrangements should be made with an independent consultant to conduct an in-depth structural integrity assessment of any low bridges on the delivery route and strengthen if required. Bearing capacity underneath the roads passing on steep slopes should be assessed.

Traffic Management

Traffic survey is to be conducted on surrounding roads before any work commences. If a delivery route collides with private access, delivery to/from that area should be timed not to cause any inconvenience for residents.

Adjacent land uses

The surrounding land is primarily farmland and commercial forests. Adequate technique should be used for removal of trees.

St Davids church with a graveyard adjacent to the site on the south side. No loud works (i.e. blasting) and deliveries during the service times. The Principal Contractor will be required to liaise with the CDM Coordinator and the head of this church for arranging these events.

A river passes through the site. Vehicles and heavy goods shall not be placed close to the river bank. It should be clearly marked to prevent anyone from falling into the water. Weather and flood warnings should be reviewed daily.

Existing storage of hazardous materials

The Principal Contractor is required to prepare a method statement for dealing with the storage of any hazardous materials, including explosives, prior to the work commencing. There is likelihood that common hazardous materials could be stored in the buildings to be demolished.

Location of existing services

Power line passes through the west side of the site. Existing service plans are to be issued together with the Contract.

Details of existing underground services are to be held on site. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of the services information, the Principal Contractor shall carry out investigations as appropriate by locating the precise routes of known services prior to any ground works, to ensure that risks from foreseeable health and safety hazards are minimised or eliminated.

Ground conditions, underground structures, water courses

A detailed geotechnical assessment must be carried out by the Principal Contractor to determine whether there are any adverse geotechnical conditions in the foundation of the proposed dam site. This may include, but is not necessarily limited to, a visual assessment, excavation of test pits drilling of bore holes and associated laboratory testing. Adverse geotechnical conditions may include the identification of highly reactive soils, highly erosive or dispersive soils, unstable soil conditions and high water tables. Also, location of underground storage.

If archaeological sites were found, works should be halted for further investigation by archaeologists.

Existing structures

There are 14 properties which are to be demolished/relocated. Each house shall have an in depth investigation, including: ground conditions, underground tanks, existing services, structural stability, asbestos survey, flammable goods locations and any other which could be relevant for particular house (e.g. hazard may be caused by post-tensioned concrete structures or rotten timber). Pressurised systems should be decommissioned only by adequately trained workmen with the manufacturers guidance. Otherwise, a specialist should be employed to carry out this task.

Client shall provide any available information (e.g. Asbestos Register) for the Principal Contractor.

Fire damage, ground shrinkage, movement or poor maintenance

Insurance companies are to be questioned about any possible claims over the past few decades.

Difficulties relating to plant and equipment

None known.

Historic health and safety information


Additional safety issues

Excessive rain could cause landslides to form on the east and west side of the site, the Principal Contractor should take precautions to eliminate this risk. Investigation is to be carried out to assess the potentiality of the risk. Also, precipitation may cause slippery conditions.

Stock piles should be monitored and record should be kept by the Principal Contractor. Special attention should be taken for possible ground erosion.

In case the visibility reduced to a level which could pose a Health and Safety risk, all works should halt.

Health hazards


There is good reason to believe that asbestos or material thought to contain asbestos could be present in the fabric or in the equipment in the existing structures (See section 3.2.7). Prior to starting any work activities, the principal contractor should satisfy himself as to the likelihood of its presence. If the contractor identifies any, work activities should not be carried out in the vicinity until the suspect material has been sampled and analysed by a UKAS accredited laboratory. Should it be found that the material contains asbestos the principal contractor becomes a duty holder under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 and he should comply with the requirements of this legislation.

Existing storage of hazardous materials

The existing structures should be investigated by the Principal Contractor to identify any possible storage of hazardous materials (e.g. Corrosive substances, toxic substances and substances hazardous to health, environmentally damaging substances, waste material).

Contaminated land, including results of surveys

Soil survey should be undertaken by the Principal Contractor to identify any potential hazard prior to any work commences. The graveyard poses a potential risk for biohazards and disruption should be avoided.

Existing structures containing hazardous materials

Principal Contractor shall undertake survey / identification of any suspect materials prior to work commencement. Client shall provide access to all information / records that are currently available.

Health risks arising from client's activities

It is anticipated that none of the Client activities will pose a risk.

Significant Design And Construction Hazards

Significant design assumptions and suggested work methods, sequences or other control measures

Suitable and sufficient measures shall be taken so as to prevent any vehicle from falling into any excavation or pit, or into water, or overrunning the edge of any embankment or earthwork.

Suitable precautions should be taken when entering or leaving the site to avoid causing accidents to pedestrians and road users.

The craning into position of heavy/awkward loads. The Principal Contractor is to ensure any operatives acting as banksman are suitably trained.

The potential of falling from heights and similarly the falling of objects and materials onto others at lower levels.

Protective measures must be taken to prevent falling debris.

Any works within the public highway shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the Local Highways Authority and in consultation with the Police regarding signage and traffic control. Works must comply with the recommendations contained within the Code of Practice "Safety at Street Works and Road Works" issued by the Department of Transport. Special consideration needs to be given to support works in excavations, temporary fencing and security with particular regard if the work has to be left open overnight.

Arrangements for co-ordination of ongoing design work and handling design changes

The procedures for the consideration and acceptability of the health and safety implications of contractor prepared designs shall follow the principles of prevention and protection and take into account those issues highlighted in this Pre-Construction Information.

Details of health and safety hazards, which cannot be eliminated, are to be submitted to the CDM Coordinator, together with the proposals for mitigation or control, in sufficient time to allow adequate consideration by the CDM Co-ordinator.

Procedures for dealing with unforeseen events during the project which result in substantial design changes and which might affect the project are as follows:

The CDM Co-ordinator is to be immediately informed by the Principal Contractor of the circumstances relating to the event.

The health and safety issues arising from any unforeseen occurrence are to be submitted to the CDM Co-ordinator as soon as is practicable.

In the event that any re-design is required, for whatever reason, the health and safety implications of the modified design shall be submitted for consideration to the CDM Co-ordinator in due time before execution.

The Principal Contractor is to confirm the arrangements for monitoring and reviewing the compliance with health and safety issues in the Construction Phase Plan.

Information on significant risks identified during design

The Principal Contractors designers are to provide information with the design, of where significant risks remain, to ensure that the CDM Co-ordinator, other designers and contractors are aware of these risks and can take account of them.

The following hazards have been identified that may pose a risk to the health and safety of construction workers and others authorised to be on the Site.

The demolition process may expose the operatives to hazardous materials and substances, i.e. asbestos and lead. Effective arrangements are to be in place for dealing with these hazards. The arrangements for protection of the public are dealing with hazardous materials and substances are to be made clear to all contractors via induction training.

Due to intense ground movement works required, excessive amount of dust could be produced. The arrangements for prevention of dust by sprinkling water should be made prior to the construction phase.

Every blasting operation must have a "Blaster-in-Charge" (BIC). This individual has overall responsibility for all aspects of the blasting operations. Prior to any blasting, the general and site-specific blasting hazards and environmental impacts must be defined for each blast site. Blasting plans and procedures must incorporate all reasonable measures necessary to eliminate negative impacts on persons, property, and the environment.

Road sweepers and pressurised water washers should be employed, located at the exit of the site to keep the public roads clean and reduce the hazards.

Materials requiring particular precautions

Construction materials of an unusual nature used in this project and identified as liable to introduce significant hazards include:

Diesel fuel and lubrication oil for use in mechanical plant

Bitumen based products - see HSE publication H5(B)4 "Skin Cancer caused by Pitch and Tar"

Manufacturers advice and COSHH assessments should be obtained and consideration given to the use of alternative products where available. The Principal Contractor's attention is drawn to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002

The Health And Safety File

The File is to be structured as illustrated in our separate document entitled 'Guidance on the H&S File' for the Hywelfynydd Dam project.

Additional Requirements

Principal contractor competence

Capita Symonds has been asked by the client to assess the competence of the principal contractor with respect to health and safety. The attached principal contractor Competence Questionnaire should be completed and returned to CDM Coordinator by [].

Principal contractor resources

Capita Symonds has been asked by the client to assess the resources of the principal contractor for this project with respect to health and safety. The preferred principal contractor will be asked to complete the attached Resource Questionnaire and return it to Capita Symonds for review before appointment.

Method Statements

Please provide safety method statements for the following activities with your Construction Phase H&S Plan:

Removal of asbestos (if found)

Containment of asbestos (if found)

Demolition and removal of debris

Removal of contaminated soil (if located)

Working from heights

Storage of materials

Vehicular traffic leaving site

Rubbish removal

Manual handling of material to and from working areas



Rehabilitation of diversion tunnel

Construction of cofferdams

Underground works

Rock fill of body of the dam

Concrete works, including draw-off tower, spillway


Any other particular works in the project

Supporting Information

The following documents are included with this pre-construction information as supporting information on the project.

Requirements for the Health and Safety File

Guidance for the principal contractor on the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan

HSE Standards relevant to the Project

Health and Safety Log

Design Risk Assessments

Hazard Database

F10 - Notification of construction project


Completed with reference to the following documents:

The Pre-Construction Information Pack, Capita Symonds Ltd. work documents

The Pre-Construction Information Pack, Mouchel Group Plc. work documents

Managing health and safety in construction. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007: Approved Code of Practice [online] Available from: (Accessed: 2010 January 15th)