Software industry is undergoing a rapid change, driven by the disadvantages of current software models, ambiguity in computing, and increased demand of wireless devices. At this same time, software have also shown a stickiness which are the other forms of technology. As the current scenario is changed , software engineering should have a change to deliver. Although any prediction is difficult, and predicting in technology is ever hard, this subject will look on some aspects of software engineering
Software is a name used for different types of programs used to use the computers and other devices. Software comprises of different functions and documentations needed for the computer Software is often classified into application software (the various programs that do work for the users according to them) and system software (the programs that includes operating systems and the program that supports other applications software).
Software is the combination of number of instructions and Data, which are known as machine code that also forms building blocks of applications like Word Processor, Computer Game.
Software Engineering is a branch used to develop software that includes a formal and defined process to develop the software.
Software engineering (SE) is related with developing and maintaining the software that behave reliably and efficiently. it also includes the terms which satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them. It is important because the impact of large, expensive systems and the role of software in safety applications. It integrates moths, computer science and aspects whose origins are lied in engineering.
Software crisis is a name used to describe the effect of gradually increases in computing power and the complexity of the programs which could be traced. In other words, it refers to the difficulty of writing right code, understandable, and modifiable computer programs. The main reasons of the software crisis are expectations, complexity and change.
There is no single way which will stop project overruns and failures in all projects. In other words, software projects which are large to develop are complicated, poorly-specified, and involve unfamiliar methods are more vulnerable to clash in crisis.
The major reason of the software crisis is the machines have come with several orders of magnitude . When we had some weak computers, programming was a mild problem, and now we have super computers, programming has become an equally large problem.
The causes of this are linked to the overall complexity of hardware and the software development process. The crisis come in effect in several ways:
Projects which are running over-budget.
Projects which are running over-time.
Software which are very inefficient.
Software which are of low quality.
Software which are often did not meet requirements.
Projects which are unmanageable and the code is difficult to maintain.
Software which are never delivered.
A number of the software problems are caused by large complex hardware.
There are numerous things that can cause the project to be late for delivery. Late projects are often running over budget simply by the fact that they require more cost in terms of actual money paid or they cause higher costs because of their delay.
One of the most known reason of over-running is that the client gives unnecessary changes along the way of development, as they found new aspects that they would like to add to the project as it progresses. It is up to the client, and contractor that they should not be responsible for late delivery of the projects if the aim posts keep on running.
They can be blamed if the late delivery is caused by a wrong estimate. Bad information causes the bad estimate, it is the responsibility of the client to make clear that they have correctly understood condition which is often useful in providing an interface between the two parties.
Late projects increase costs. There are 2 ways to be deal with this problem; accept the increase in cost, or reduce the scope so that the project fit properly in the budget and accept that it would not be finished. The aim is to find where the increase in cost fits the end product, and that the lateness of the project with that does not cause costs to rise.
Another reason of budget over run is deployment of more staff for try and make sure that project will be delivered in time, and with the required features. Sometimes, the clients are not even aware of the budget has been over shot until the bill fetched. This is the symptom of a bad project management, and must be avoided for the successful project.
Finally, any late changes in hardware or software requirements will cause a task to run over through the budget.
Somewhere project managers are not given the opportunities to plan the way because of the time pressure from senior staff and most of the time the project is on its way of developing before it has been clearly and precisely defined. In these types of cases, people see planning as a wastage of time because they believe that time is better spent for doing something rather than planning of the project..
Detailed plans are no very effective for managing IT project. The reason for it is that the managers does not know enough about their work to make plans. Team members may make their own plans but most of them do not. They are rather implement the solution directly . Few of them has the skills and experience to make plans for large projects, and there is huge risk in trusting them for their own plans that will meet goals.
Every software project include some a bit of risk. Not doing an proper risk calculation is one of the root problems with planning project.
Sometimes the aims or goals of the project might not be only clear due to a poor requirement analysis in the defining stage of the project. For example, the FBI had once decided that it should implement Virtual Case file system to make it easier for agents to analyze and communicate the data.. It is not clear how the system would be used to ease the analysis and communication of data.
Defining the clear requirements for the project can take some time and lots of communication, but somewhere goals and objectives may not be clear because project provider lack the experience to describe what they require in real.
Many of the project managers had feeling that their project would never stop for growing. For example, the requirements for the US software has been changed more than once after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The Virtual Case File Software and many similar projects suffer from two problems in project management:
Scope creep
Feature creep.
Scope creep referred to unexpected and uncontrolled changes in client expectations and requirements as a project progress, while feature creep referred to uncontrolled addition of features to the system with the wrong assumption so that one small feature add nothing to schedule .
Wrong estimation of time and resource may cause project problems. One main problem during the creation of the Work Structure is to assumed that the time on task equals duration. The time on task is the time the task will take to complete without any problems, where the duration is that time the in which task actually take to be complete. Using time of task for estimate schedule is one of common mistakes made by IT managers .
Another common prob is using linear approximation while estimating schedule. The IT projects are so far the scope of such approximations.
The companies and institutions has focused on the lack of the executive support and user involvement as two major difficulties in managing projects.
The project manager is act as interface b/w the business and technology sides of the organization. Without executive support IT managers in the company find difficulty in doing business with the projects. The management also needs to be very straight forward about the project. Other wise, once problem has encountered in project their support would be weaken.
Most projects shall change the work life of many of users and require the participate in design and implement. Without the user involvement nobody in the company feels commitment to project. User involvement required time and effort, but staff may be already tired and unable to manage time for new project. That is why executive management support is very important.
Many Projects are fail due to the improper communication. Communication problems are very common in large IT projects.
Because complex projects generally have large amount of work, the teams are remain busy and the management seekes no progress. Project managers don't communicate regularly because they believe that the progress may not be seen by the executive team. In many companies there is no one individual who has done overview of project.
In the time of challenge of competition, the rate of knowledge, and the constant changes of technology makes it very difficult to know what kind of skilled people would be needed.
Most projects require a large range of skills. Many of teams lack the depth they require for knowledge. It is also hard for technology based companies to find experienced persons they need ,because sometimes the people of labor market has the necessary skills.
The large is the project, more the need for people with good planning, oversight and communications skills; experienced and skilled people do not necessarily have those abilities.
Projects shoul be deliver on time. The analysers of the company should estimate the proper time limit in the initial satge of requirements. Moreover the clients must not frequently change the requirements for the project which may lead to the extra effort.
Project should not be run over budget, the analysig team should estimate the proper cost of the project. It is known that late proejects cost more, so the projects must be prevented to be late so that it not cross the budget.
Proper planning for the proper project is very important. Good planning is the backbone of the successful IT project. Time spend in good planning may reduce the time spend in lateness of the project.
The goals of the project must be clear enough to the developers for the a good project. Because if the goals are not clear to the team, it will lead to the wastage of time and cost in the end product.
Objectives of the project should be specified in the initial stage of the project. If the objectives going on changing then it may lead to the frustration ad wastage of resource.
The timing of the employees should be realistic enough so that they should give their 100% in the successful project.
Communication is the backbone of any project. Lack of communication is the sure ticket to the failure. If the communication is good enough the project must lead to the success. The time spend in good communication always pay back with the success.
The skills are to be used in the right place. The person with a considerable skill should be placed in his specific field so that he may produce the better result.
The failure of projects need not discouragement managers for future efforts. Past examples of IT project failures gave us the opportunity to point out the lessons that may be derived from areas where projects are more likely to be fail.
Project managers may position themselves to reduce the project failure by the following recommendations:
Make sure to plan the project before the development has start.
Should Pay attention to tasks in the crucial path.
To set up the necessary processes to calculate risk.
Ensure the project has clear objectives.
To use the duration instead of the time to estimate schedule.
Linear approximation should be used when estimating time or resources.
The executive management should support and ask the team to be open if they have any time reservations about the project.
Ensure communicate regularly about the progress, even if sees invisible.
User's participate in design may lead to efficiency of project
Make sure about appropriate planning, communication, and technical skills.
These steps along with good project management, can prevent the risk that the IT project fails.
Most companies are creating software laboratories at many places, particularly in India. The principal need is the need of skilled software professionals who can understand the needs of businesses and able to translate the needs into real applications. There is no question about that the coding and testing task can be sent offshore, but it would require proper designs or, at least, clear requirements. Since producing all the requirements and design is bulk of the software job, going to offshore can only be a small part of this big solution.