The place where action is taking place is point of action. Where the energy is converted into work that place is point of power transmission for example axle on motor. Any action between first two stages is counted as area of moving parts.
These types of hazards are usually found at the point of processes. Hazards which could cause by these include drill bit, injuries from hand centrifuges, and injuries from welding and other serious blood injuries. Moreover these hazards could cause damage to assets by fire.
Mechanical students' while practicing on this instrument could get injured. Especially the neighbor student is not attentive. Certain ventures, for example those for science, need a level of propelled article molding, which is practiced by utilizing instruments or device that can cut, punch, shear, or twist durable materials.
In OSHA it comes under 1910.251 which tell about welding, cutting and brazing. 1910.252 (a) (1) 1910.252 (a) (1) (i) these state that first of fire should be avoided at any cost. All items which could catch fire should immediately be removed from the operating area. Otherwise according to 1910.252 (a) (1) 1910.252 (a) (1) (iii) one cannot perform operations.
To make those students aware of the danger is very much important. Those areas should be lighted enough that one can easily see everything in order to avoid any cuts. In addition firefighting instruments should be placed in those areas where welding is happening. Furthermore it is important to do that only those students are performing these operations which are mature enough. Use of gloves and other preventing instruments should be made compulsory to use while doing the job.
First of all it should be tried to eliminate by design. All dangerous parts could easily be eliminated from operating areas. These dangers can be eliminated by following above mentioned standards.
Now this type of situation could also be prevented by using safeguarding devices. Procedures and training is another good option to reduce and control these hazards.
Hazard 2:
Electrical hazards:
An electrical danger is a hazardous condition where a labor can or does reach energized supplies or a transmitter. From that contact, the individual may uphold damage from stun, and there exist a potential for the specialist to accept a bend blaze (electrical eruption) blaze, thermal fume or impact harm.
Electronic engineers mostly supervisors and line managers who are working with machines in production area or electricians are victims of this hazard.
These types of hazards can cause a lot of financial damage. As we know that most of industries are capital intensive and they use expensive machines for production. Short circuits could cause fire which could result in great financial and human loss.
1910.301 (a) guides about electric safety in a workplace. Section 1910.302 to section 1910.308 guides about design and safety standard for electric utilization system. Moreover these sections also guide about installation of electric equipment.
These hazards could be controlled by following instructions which are given in these sections. For example 1910.303 (b) (8) (iii) state that electric equipment with ventilating opening should be placed in an area where there are no obstructions for air and where there is free circulation of air through machine.
These are the types of hazards which cannot be eliminated completely so they should be controlled by adopting prevention measures. Procedures and training is most important way to avoid such dangers. Staff should properly be trained by employer to tell the ways in which electric machines could be used. Awareness devices should be installed which warn user if machine is getting hot; this will help in preventing fire danger.
Probability (Frequency) and Impact (Severity):
Hazard number
Seriousness index
Probability name
Estimated relevant probability
Within the current environment, it is Likely that the risk will occur
Within the current environment, it is possible that the risk could occur
Hazard number
Impact index
Impact name
Nationwide or regionalized impact to services and revenue. Branding, Reputation, and Public image compromised. Significant loss of revenue, services, assets, buildings, equipment, impact to human resources significant.
Services and revenue. Branding, Reputation, and Public image compromised in region/market. Concerning levels of impact to revenue, assets , buildings, equipment, and human resources
Risk Assessment:
Hazard number
Risk assessment value
Risk category
Assessment level
Event is highly probable. Strategy and avoidance criteria must be identified and implemented. Corrective actions and highest levels of preparedness / actions mitigates exposure and impact
Event is highly probable. Strategy and avoidance criteria must be identified and implemented. Corrective actions and highest levels of preparedness / actions mitigates exposure and impact
Hurtful chemicals are in the shape of solids, liquids, hazes, gases, cleans, and vapors prod unsafe sways by internal breath (inhaling), ingestion (through prompt contact with the skin), or ingestion (devouring or drinking). Airborne substance hazards exist as centralizations of mists, vapors, gases, fatigue, or solids. Some are risky through internal breath and some of them exasperate the skin on contact; some may be unsafe by osmosis through the skin or through ingestion, and some are ruinous to living tissue.
Mishandling of classified chemicals:
These types of chemicals are used in special laboratories and facilities. These chemicals are more dangerous and harmful than normal chemicals. It is important fact to note that these chemicals are always handed over to employees from employer. A very careful attitude is required while working with these type of chemicals otherwise they could cause a lot of harm to human capital. Moreover wrong mixture could result in explosion which could lead to financial damage to.
Scientists and chemists who are working in laboratories are direct victims of this hazard. They could get skin burn, injury on any external part of body, cancer, and respiratory problem, irritation in eyes, acute toxicity and even deaths.
Section 1910.1200 guides about using these chemicals. In 1910.1200 (b) (1) it is specifically mentioned that an employer is bound to tell information related to his chemicals which he is either producing or importing. This will help in reducing the damage of this hazard. Section 1910.1200 (b) (3) (ii) states that there should be proper labeling on bottles in order to avoid wrong mixing. Moreover 1910.1200 (d) (2) states that there should also be literature attached containing all relevant information about chemicals.
First of all one should try to control these dangers through proper training, hiring right employees, precautions, and labeling of chemicals.
These are the hazards which cannot be eliminated completely one can only reduce the chance of its occurrence by adopting precautionary measures.
Non maintenance of safety datasheets:
Safety data sheets are made to ensure the security and proper use of chemicals. These are very important tools by the help of which accidents are avoided. Unfortunately sometimes owners don't give much importance to them and as a result there exist more probability of accidents.
Laboratory workers who move from one geographical location to another geographical location, chemical engineers, scientist and other concerned employees could get themselves hurt due to this hazard.
Section 1910.1200 gives a complete guide about chemical hazards. In section 19100.1200. (q) There is specifically mentioned about safety data sheets. 19100.1200. (q) (1) states that Chemical makers and merchants should get an information sheet for every dangerous substance they generate or import. Superintendents should have a wellbeing information sheet in the work environment for every risky compound which they utilization. Moreover section 19100.1200. (q) (2) bounds the language of data sheets to be in English.
This type of hazard could easily be eliminated by posting information data sheets in labs. Moreover employees should be bound to follow those instructions.
Furthermore to control these hazards, check measures should be adopted. Personal protective tools like gowns, face masks should be provided to avoid direct contact with chemicals.
Probability (Frequency) and Impact (Severity):
Hazard number
Seriousness index
Probability name
Estimated relevant probability
Within the current environment, it is possible that the risk could occur
41 - 60%
Not likely
Within the current environment, it is not likely that the risk will occur
Hazard number
Impact index
Impact name
Limited loss of services, revenues, buildings and equipment
Public image is repairable but is tarnished
Limited loss of services, revenues, buildings and equipment
Public image is repairable but is tarnished
Risk Assessment:
Hazard number
Risk assessment value
Risk category
Assessment level
Event is preventable. Strategy and avoidance criteria is identified and implemented. Corrective actions and well defined levels of preparedness / actions mitigate exposure and impact.
Event is unlikely and avoided through mitigation strategies, moderate levels of preparedness actions/plans and due diligence will minimize impact
Any conveyable power truck used to pass on, push, pull, lift, stack or tier materials. Energized mechanical trucks could be ridden or controlled by a driver. Those trucks which are operating on roads or Earth are not incorporated in definition. The hazards commonly associated with power industrial truck depend upon type, size and other features of trucks.
While operating and driving these trucks there always exist a chance of accidents. For example a sit-down, counterbalanced high lift rider truck is more presumable than a mechanized hand truck to be included in a falling load mischance, since the sit-down rider truck can lift a burden much higher than a hand truck. Work environment conditions likewise present distinctive perils.
Drivers and other skilled members who are operating these machines could become target of this hazard. Result of this hazard is in breaking down of products and human injuries.
Section 1910.178 (a) holds necessities identifying with blaze assurance, outline, support, and utilization of fork trucks, tractors, stage lift trucks, mechanized hand trucks, and other purposeful modern trucks controlled by electric engines or inward ignition motors. Moreover to avoid accidents it is stated in 1910.178. (c) (2) that power operated modern trucks should not be utilized in environments holding unsafe gathering of substances, butadiene, ethylene oxide, hydrogen (or gases or vapors proportional in risk to hydrogen, for example produced gas), acetaldehyde, diethyl ether, ethylene, hydrazine, or propylene oxide and isoprene.
These threats can be controlled by following instructions given in section 1910.178 of OSHA. However to completely eliminate this threat is not possible. Training should be adopted to eliminate this risk. More precaution is needed while operating these trucks.
Hazard 2:
Safety guards:
There is a specific time limit for any machine to perform efficiently after which one has to either tune the machine or buy new machine. Similarly charging of battery of trucks is very important for efficient utilization of trucks. There are some security measures which should be adopted while changing and charging of battery of electric industrial trucks. Similarly fuel handling and storage is another concerned issue.
Mechanical staff is direct victim of this hazard. This could result in not only financial loss but also in human injuries. Even drivers of trucks if they are near at time of changing or charging of batteries could become target of this hazard.
Section 1910.178 (e) guides on safety guards. Sub sections of this section further guide in detail about standards of load to be carried and which standards are to be followed while storing and handling fuels. Furthermore, 1910.178 (g) and its sun sections give guidance on charging of battery and battery changing in order to avoid any mishap. Section 1910.178 (g) (1), (2), (3), (4) tell to have a designated place for this purpose. These sections strictly prohibit smoking and use of any material that can catch fire near those areas.
Following instructions given in above mentioned sections can help to eliminate theses hazards. This will help in eliminating human and financial loss. Following prevention measures are also necessary to control damages. For example like not allowing under-18 to operate these trucks, by examining trucks completely before and after driving etch.
Probability (Frequency) and Impact (Severity):
Hazard number
Seriousness index
Probability name
Estimated relevant probability
Within the current environment, it is possible that the risk could occur
Not likely
Within the current environment, it is not likely that the risk will occur
Hazard number
Impact index
Impact name
Moderate but limited loss of revenue, services, assets, buildings, equipment. Human resources impact held to minimum.
Minimal loss of services and revenue. No impact to Branding, Reputation. Minimal impact to services and revenue, loss of assets, buildings, equipment, minimum human resource impacts.
Risk Assessment:
Hazard number
Risk assessment value
Risk category
Assessment level
Event is unlikely and avoided through mitigation strategies, moderate levels of preparedness actions/plans and due diligence will minimize impact
Event highly unlikely. Significance of event is of low impact, mitigation strategies and levels of preparedness reduce risk and exposure to minimal levels.
Slips and falls constitute the larger part of general industry mishaps. They create 15% of all coincidental expirations, and are second just to vehicles as an explanation for fatalities. The OSHA norms for walking/working surfaces connect with all perpetual places of business, aside from where just domesticated, mining, or agrarian work is performed.
Numerous development buildings use framework called scaffolding for workers to have access to the lifted parts of the buildings or structure. If the framework/scaffolding is inadequately built or has risky access, it ends up being unsafe.
Falls and trips are normally the mishaps which could occur. They happen on account of different elements; a slip, trip, walk over an object or a sudden snappy movement tossing the figure shaky. Slips ordinarily happen accordingly of the loss of grip between an individual's foot and the walking surface. In the event that misfortune of parity happens, a fall comes about.
Workers in field of construction area, civil engineers and supervisors could be at risk. They have to be on scaffolding all the time while construction of the building. There exist a probability that if they don't opt precautionary measures or scaffolding is not properly constructed they could fall and as a result there is immense human loss or deaths.
OSHA's standard 1910.25 (d) (2) (ii) guides to use scaffold correctively. According to this section only one worker should be working one scaffold at a time. It is prohibited by this section for more than one worker to work on scaffold at a time. Whole section 1910.29 tells the ways to work on scaffold. 1910.29 (a) (1) tells the rules, requirements, and procedures for design, construction and use of mobile platforms like scaffold. It has further subparts which tell about size, weight and length of scaffold, section 1910.29 (a) (2) (ii) (b).
This type of threat can be eliminated by following right procedures and instructions. It is important for supervisor to check that everyone is properly trained for the work, take time for preparation, keeping legal by giving work to licensed workers, by continuously inspecting and maintaining scaffold, and by using appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE). It is also important to keep a balance while working on scaffold in this way this hazard could be controlled. As there is not much space on scaffold so all tools should be managed and placed in such manner that they occupy less space.
Hazard 2:
Portable ladders:
Portable ladders are another regular way for approaching elevated parts of the buildings or structure. If ladders are not positioned securely and safely, they might move and cause a laborer to fall which could result in injuries.
Labor normally painters, building cleaners, and librarians use portable ladders to perform their particular jobs. There is probability that they might get injured if they don't use ladders properly. Injury could be of low intensity.
OSHA's section 1910.25 (d) (2) and its subtitles guide about correct and right use of ladders in workplace to avoid any mishap or accident. Similar to scaffold it is also made bound in 1910.25 (d) (2) (ii) that one man should use ladder at a time. Furthermore instructions are according to different sizes, shapes and kind of ladders. Hence section 1910.25 (d) has every tiny detail about use of ladders, hazards which could occur and steps to avoid these hazards.
These hazards are also tried to be controlled first by following all instructions given in section 1910.25 (d). Good housekeeping is also important to avoid theses hazards. Helmets should be wearing while doing job so impact of injury could be less. Training should be given to know and respect the load capacity of ladders in order to avoid misbalance. Section 1910.26 (a) and its subtitles give details about structure of the ladders. Following these instructions will help in reduction of this hazard. 1910.27 And it subtitles guide about design of ladders which is also important to follow.
Probability (Frequency) and Impact (Severity):
Hazard number
Seriousness index
Probability name
Estimated relevant probability
Within the current environment, it is possible that the risk could occur
Not likely
Within the current environment, it is not likely that the risk will occur
Hazard number
Impact index
Impact name
Concerning levels of impact to revenue, assets , buildings, equipment, and human resources
Moderate but limited loss of revenue, services, assets, buildings, equipment. Human resources impact held to minimum.
Risk Assessment:
Hazard number
Risk assessment value
Risk category
Assessment level
Event is preventable. Strategy and avoidance criteria is identified and implemented. Corrective actions and well defined levels of preparedness / actions mitigate exposure and impact.
Event is unlikely and avoided through mitigation strategies, moderate levels of preparedness actions/plans and due diligence will minimize impact.
The area where workers should work in situations lacking oxygen or where unsafe mists, smokes, fogs, exhaust, gases, vapors, or showers are available, they require respirators. A respirator is a defensive mechanism that protect the nose and mouth or the whole front side or head to monitor the wearer against unsafe environments.
This section applies to General Industry (OSHA part 1910), Shipyards (OSHA part 1915), Marine Terminals (OSHA part 1917), Long shoring (OSHA part 1918), and Construction (part OSHA 1926).
Health hazard:
Health hazards are respiration problem, breathing problem, heart beat problem, eye problem and other diseases. This might be able to occur due to less ventilation, toxic material in air and when effective engineering controls are not possible, or while them are being introduced; appropriate respirators shall be used.
It is less often that executive visit operation area regularly. For this purpose there are line managers, engineers, and supervisors who check the pace of work going on in field e.g. mining field. Labor workers who are involved in cutting of material etch could get a respiratory problem due to dust, smoke and impure materials in air.
OSHA 1910.134 (a) emphasizes on use of personal protective equipment. Section 1910.134 (a) (2) bound employer to provide respirators to workers when there is chance of health hazards. These respirators are also mentioned in sub section 1910.134 (b) as air purifier respirators, atmosphere supplying respirators, demand respirators, employee exposure, fit test, fit factors, and standards like tight-fitting face piece and user seal check. A document is given in 1910.134 which tell the mandatory steps which are to be followed.
This hazard can be controlled by following instructions given in 1910.134 which discuss duties and obligations of employer. Employer is bound to conduct fit testing; he is bound to train his employees about the use of respirators. Section 1910.134(d) (3) (i) (B) Maximum Use Concentration (MUC) is a phenomenon discussed in this section to control this hazard. This state that employer should give such respirators which maintain exposure of employees to hazards at minimum level.
Psychological effects:
Utilizing a respirator may put a physiological load on workers that differs with the sort of respirator worn, the work and work place conditions in which the respirator is utilized, and the medicinal status of the worker. The management ought to give a medical assessment to figure out the representative's capacity to utilize a respirator, after the worker is fit tested or needed to utilize the respirator within the work environment. The executive may suspend an employee's assessments when the worker is no longer needed to utilize a respirator.
Fire fighters, workers, civil engineers, truck drivers and supervisors who operate in operational areas are mostly the user of these respirators. Moreover chemical engineers and people who work in laboratories also wear respirators to avoid direct contact with chemicals.
Section 1910.134(e) (2) suggests the medical evaluation procedures to follow to determine the psychological effects of respirators on workers. Section 1910.134 (e) (2) (i) bound employer to have a physician or other health care professionals to perform medical evaluations using questionnaires and other techniques like focus group discussion, brain storming etch. Section 1910.134 (e) (3) emphasize on follow up medical procedures.
Psychological effects can be reduced by following instructions given in section 1910.134 (e). Moreover consultants can be hired to train employees how to use respirators properly. Safeguard devices are there to protect employees so they should be made realized about importance of respirators.
Probability (Frequency) and Impact (Severity):
Hazard number
Seriousness index
Probability name
Estimated relevant probability
Within the current environment, it is possible that the risk could occur
Highly unlikely
Within the current environment, it is highly unlikely that the risk will occur
Hazard number
Impact index
Impact name
Concerning levels of impact to revenue, assets , buildings, equipment, and human resources
Minimal loss of services and revenue. No impact to Branding, Reputation. Minimal impact to services and revenue, loss of assets, buildings, equipment, No human resource impacts.
Risk Assessment:
Hazard number
Risk assessment value
Risk category
Assessment level
Event is preventable. Strategy and avoidance criteria is identified and implemented. Corrective actions and well defined levels of preparedness / actions mitigate exposure and impact.
Event highly unlikely. Significance of event is of low impact, mitigation strategies and levels of preparedness reduce risk and exposure to minimal levels.
Hazards: Risk levels
Steps to avoid damages
Electrical hazards
Financial damages and human loss
Precautions and following standards at time of installation
Mechanical hazards
Financial damage and injuries
Proper training of staff
Mishandling of classified chemicals
Skin burn, eye irritation, cancer and different types of allergies
Proper labeling of chemicals, using signs and symbols for danger
Non maintaines of safety data sheets
Financial loss and injuries
Maintaining these safety sheets, creating more awareness among workers
Health hazards
Breathing problems, lung cancer and heart beat problems
Providing respiratory tools and equipment
Human loss even deaths
Following standards of OSHA while using scaffold
Small injuries, damage to machines, loss of products
Hiring consultants to train truck drivers
Safety guards
Fire, explosion and injuries
Precautions should be taken while changing battery etch
Portable ladders
Minute injuries
Properly using these ladders by following instructions given in OSHA
Psychological effects
Psychological diseases
Hiring psychiatrist to remove these effects
From my above study I have realized that most dangerous hazards are electrical hazards. Reason being is that they not only cause huge financial loss but also cause human injuries and deaths. Electric short circuits could burn and breakdown very expensive machineries. Moreover they could also cause damage to stored data and information in computers. After it mechanical hazards are dangerous. They could handicap a person for his whole life, in this way it decrease the number of skilled labor in industry. This could ultimately result in profit earnings.
Proper utilization of classified chemicals is also very important otherwise it could cause human and monetary loss to. Wrong mixtures could lead to wrong product which is costly. Similarly by not maintaining data safety sheets could result in wrong mixtures.
Health hazards are then important which are caused by not using respiratory equipment. Breathing, cancer and other diseases could be caused so it is important to use precautionary measures to avoid these losses. Moreover employee's health is very important to maintain if employer wants them to work efficiently and productively.
After it, scaffolding is the hazard which should be takes care off. This hazard is dangerous because most of employees could die by falling off from scaffolding. Serious injuries could occur which might result in days off from work. Injured labor could slow down the pace of construction.
If the surface is not properly maintained than portable ladders could be of danger to employees. It is vital to follow instructions of OSHA while purchasing, constructing and utilizing these ladders. In last removing psychological effects of respiratory devices is important. However in modern words it is easy for a psychiatrist to take negative effects away from the mind of user and to make him realize that it is for his own protection