The age of spiritual machines

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 322

Brain and minds are not like computer and software base the following of how we human beings react (Chatham, 2007):

There is no hardware or software distinction can be made with respect to the brain or mind, the mind emerges directly from the brain, and so any change the mind made, it will always accompanied by the change in the brain.

Neuron is the basic building-block of the brain. There are several specialized types, but all have the same basic structure (Moravec, 1997).

Artificial neurons which commonly called processing elements are modeled after real neurons of humans and other animals. It has many inputs and one output. The inputs are signals that are strengthened or weakened (weighted). If the sum of all the signals is strong enough, the neuron will put out a signal to the output (Moravec, 1997).

Neural Network is a collection of neurons which are interconnected. The output of one connects to several others with different strength connections. Initially, neural networks have no knowledge. (All information is learned from experience using the network.)

Kurzweil (1999) expressed his beliefs claiming that in his opinion with the increase of faster and even more complex machines modeled on the human brain's interconnected neurons, will be even able to acquire personality if not also a soul and this will certainly leave a huge impact on human perception.

In my opinion, I do not think that AI will mimic the emergence of intelligence from the brain in every detail, but yes I agree that there will be many similarities especially when looking at both the brain and the mind as self-organizing networks.

In summary let see the difference in computer learning and biological learning that will give us a clue why human brain and mind are different from computers' hardware and software:

Starts with the ability to generate written language

Learning to understand it

Speak with synthetic voices

Understand continuous human speech (recently)
