In this case study, the problem of information system that is faced by the Hures is going to be discussed with the views and researches. The suggestion of an alternative architecture has been made here to overcome the situation following the description of the difference between web technology and the client server technology.
Table of Contents
Among the human resource service providers, Hures is one of top for their growing business demands. This company changes the strategy of both business and the information system environment with the same speed of other companies and accommodating the Y2K demands. In the late 80's they purchase a mainframe computer that is also used for Altos Manufacturer Company. The Client/Server system improved the data handling capabilities by increasing the efficiency and it also helped to grow the profit of the company by the end of the second year. The maintenance cost of networking also reduces by for the contribution of the Client/Server system.
Because of the increasing load in the distributed environments and a continuous requirement for increasingly powerful desktops machines the company detects some problems like difficulty in scaling the servers that interrupted the rapid growing of the company. The major problem found in configuring applications into the Client/Server modules and giving the customers feedback in customizing the configuration.
According to the Information System Management department of Hures Company these problems are occurred because of the poor design of the Client/Server architecture. This problem can be overcome by choosing an alternative solution of the current Client /Server technology. In addition the Information System department of the company proposed that they should the internet web technology because this technology is growing the popularity among the service providers.
Client / Server Architecture of Hures
The Client/Server architecture was increasing the accuracy and the profit within a year but day by day the company was facing the problem of scaling the server respond to the higher load of the distributed service and ongoing requirement for the powerful desktop machines.
2.1 Facing a new challenge
The Problem faced by the Hures
The problems have no unique qualities that are faced by the Hures Company. It is true that the Client / Server had increased their gross but on the other hand it lack behind because of the new technologies.
There are no unique qualities to this problem that the corporations have experienced this situation many times over the past 20 years. The rapid development of the technology, many servers become obsolete if that is not upgraded and updated within half of a year.
C:\STM\3rd Semester\Assignments\CSA\Untitled-1.jpg
Figure1: Generation of the Networking
2.2 Standards for the Networks
In 1992, a standards organization named Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) has created the most important set of standards for networking and system management since the initial version of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) that release in 1988. The significant problems which are involved with managing hardware and software of PC desktops and servers are going to be tackled by the DMTF. Now users can require conformance from vendors and look for managerial applications that incorporate the specifications in their architecture. A large group of vendors has decided to work together for a easier life. For being co-operating the DMTF believe that by easing the management burden, customers will toward Client/Server computing. They will be able to manage desktop by making smooth running of Client/Server networks. Developing through some workshops and helping the developers it will be possible to manage the desktops in a cohesive and simplified manner. That brings them the success.
The problem is the developers have not created the architecture focusing on the future demands, due to different changes of the internal and external environment which change or alter the overflow of information in the company.
An Alternative Technology
In order to overcome the current problem of Hures' system, the Client-Queue-Client can be applied as alternative architecture. This network uses a passive queue that allows the client instances to communicate directly with each other refining their request from the services. [1]
This service is helpful for the Hures Company because it can help to support and prevent any problems that are related with the server. Client queue is used in order to take track of the number of client connections. Therefore, the server can trace which resources the client has obtained, and the server can release the resources the client has obtained, and the server can release the resources after the client connection break down. [2]
3.1 Overcoming the Situation
According to the size of the scope of the network within the infrastructure, the possibility remains to implement additional servers such as creating a new server of email. In addition, using the same class of Operating System in every workstations directly compatible with the Operating System on the server would severely reduce problems with connectivity, data transfers and a common understanding among the systems. Various schemas through individual workstations would cause a severe strain on the server.
3.2 The Structure of the Client /Server
Client/Server is a complement distributes systems. Generally it established within -
2-Tier Architecture
3-Tier Architecture
n-Tier Architecture
In the 2-Tier Client/Server architecture have 2 essential components:
A client (PC, Workstation)
A database (Server)
The Client request resources and the Server responds directly to the request using own resources. So, it does not need any third party application in order to provide the services and it is possible to divide the presentation logic from the application and data logic.
2 tier.jpg
Figure: 2-Tier Architecture
On the other hand in 3- tier architectures have 3 main parts. These are
A Client PC
An Application Server
A database Server
3 tier.jpg
Figure: 3-Tier Architecture
3.3 N-Tier Architecture
(The Solution)
The multiple tier architectures are the combination server-centric applications. Each tier is organized independently, flexibility is increased through standard protocols and among these protocols HTTP, RMI and XML are noticeable for communicating between the tiers.
Figure: N-Tier Architecture
The advantage of this architecture is enabling systems to be divided into easily scalable components. So that the applications can utilize the modular software architecture approaches to increase scalability and availability. The reason of calling this architecture N-tier because the Application Server Tier of one application is calls the Application Server Tier of another application when the two share data. The inter-application calling that can be occurred without any limit.
So, from my personal view after discussing the architectural issues of Client/Server that if Hures use the N-Tier Client/Server technology that would be the solution of the problem.
Intranet Web Technology
According to the Information System department of the Hures company the use of intranet technology can be the solution of the problem.
Many corporate groups are using this technology because of secure login and access to the vital source of the information that is accessed by the employees as well as the managers. In addition the architectural design of such an system is very simple by using the HTML , PHP, Java and CSS. There are a lot of options to provide a variety if links to the database that is stored within the network service. For example: In our college we have a student information center.
For security reasons the password of the login information can be updated any time. Depending on the Operating system of the server, it could be essential to create a web site to login the central database that requires user ID and password from the user.
Intranet is a kind of network that is same as like internet because the protocols and the tools are same as the internet whereas intra net is only for the local organization.
"Intranet is like a close circuit camera which is only viewed by the people of the authorized organization." (Lowe 2009)
Intranet is a website that is only viewable only those who are in the organization.
For example: In our college STM, we can only access to our portal only when we are inside of this network. Whenever we are not in the range of the network of STM we cannot access to the central server of the college.
"Even though based on the same protocols of the internet the intranet is protected from the outside world by hardware and software obstacles." (Mathews & Mathews 2003)
The main merits of using intranet is it provide a vital information source to the internal users. The users can have access to the newsletter, emails, updates and other information.
On the other hand the intranet web technology has some disadvantages too. Such as-
It is very expensive to set up and maintaining
Need experienced worker and team to monitoring the process
Difficult to manage the resources included in the web
Popularity & Threats
Intranet web technology is considered as one of most advantage of network technology in the information and business world. The reason is it offers a lot of advantages which is not possible to obtain from using Client/Server architecture as well as Peer to Peer architecture. It creates the opportunity for the companies to use the modern wireless and Internet technology. In addition, it has the privacy and security system. As a result, it becomes one of the most popular inventions in modern networking technology. It becomes a serious threat to the traditional Client/Server architecture.
5.1 Client/Server Vs Intranet Vs Internet
It is an obvious matter that threat to the security of an open networking system is always exist. It can only removed or solved by taking a proper care of the system and continuously reducing the risk infiltrations which accessed from the outside sources. The network security is very essential for any company or organization because it contains internal sources of them. So, whenever a company decides to make their own network the security reason comes first.
Intranet technology is the complement of the Client/Server network. This technology increases the issues like interface, platform as well architectures. In intranet most of time 3-tier architecture is seen which can use the existing Client/ Server applications. For example: Client/Server is not able to use the intranet applications, and integrate applications in the web browsers. The intranet ensures that a huge amount of information which is available.
Client/Server architecture is changeable in various ways. The internet extends the effectiveness and the performance of the Client/Server technology. It eases and expands the use of Client/Server technology in any organization.
To sum up, it can be told that the Hures company was using the Client/Server architecture and it was a revolutionary technology of that time but after facing some problems and after introducing of the web technology it became age old technology. In contrast, more possibility and security was available in the web technology. Even though the technology of intranet and internet is being used and accept by worldwide, there are still some organizations which are in need of the traditional Client/Server architecture.