Address Entry Page Information Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 6271

It has been noticed that a significant number of customers make errors when filling in the address information page on the site. You have to write a new page to accept the name and address of the customer. It must allow them to enter standard titles for themselves (e.g. Mr.,Mrs., Miss, etc.) from a dropdown list, however, it must give them the chance to enter a title that isn't on the list, but only if they select 'other' as their title. Also, you must do form validation to make sure that they have entered all the required details properly, including a valid Postcode/Zip code. Useful messages should appear when users have made a mistake and the form must not be able to be submitted until all errors have been resolved. I must create this page using, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript only. Show example output and describe your functions in your report. You should also include your mark-up and code in an appendix of your report. Don't forget to relate your solution back to the requirements.

Address Entry Page Information:

I am supervisor for an online sell company regarding in this task. Customer makes acquire and special treatment and geographic distribution observe section handle by supervisor. Supervisor gathers all data for advertise and maintains the site perfectly.

I made the custom titles for themselves e.g. Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc. And drop-down list I have must solve form validating to make sure when user will enter all the required details properly, including a valid Postcode/Zip code, Useful messages and when the users have made a mistake and the form must not be able to be submitted until all errors have been resolved and I create the page XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. Exemplary output and distinguish all Suffer in the report and consider mark-up and code.

About Form validating:

Form validation is the process of checking that a form has been filled in correctly before it is processed. For example, if your form has a box for the user to type their email address, you might want your form handler to check that they've filled in their address before you deal with the rest of the form.

Address Entry Form with requirements:

In my address entry page, I make sure from validation for user when a user work all the demand elaborate properly example: Postcode, Useful messages from accept it properly. I Show example output and describe all functions in the report and I consider mark-up and code. I don't overlook my solution requirements.

Figure 1: Lay Out of Address Entry Page.

HTML Code of Address Entry Page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



<title>Form Validation</title>


BODY, P,TD{ font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt }

A{font-family: Arial,Verdana,Helvetica, sans-serif;}

B { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; font-weight : bold;}

.style1 {

font-size: 15pt;

font-weight: bold;


body {

background-color: #F4F4F4;



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function adjustTitle()



if(document.myform.selTitle.value == "Other")


document.getElementById("txtOther").style.visibility= "visible";





function checkform()


var isValid=true;

var msg="";

if( document.myform.selTitle.value == "Other")




isValid = false;

msg="Title Field empty\n";



if( document.myform.txtName.value=="")



msg+="Name Field is empty\n";


if( document.myform.txtEmail.value =="")


isValid = false;

msg+="Email Field is empty\n";




var email = /^[^@]+@[^@.]+\.[^@]*\w\w$/;



isValid = false;

msg+="Email is not correct. Enter Like: [email protected]\n";



if( document.myform.txtAddress.value=="")



msg+="Address Field is empty\n";





msg+="Post Code Field is empty\n";




var post = /(^\d{4}$)/;

if(!post.test(document.myform.txtPostalCode.value) )



msg+="Post Code Invalid. Valid value is like 1206, 1100 etc.\n";



if( msg !="")

alert("You have the following errors:\n\n"+msg);

return isValid;





<form method="post" action="savedata.php" name="myform" onSubmit="return checkform()" >

<table width="436" height="444" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#666666">


<td><table width="391" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td height="43" colspan="4" align="center" valign="top"><span class="style1">Address Entry Page </span></td>



<td width="139" height="32" align="right"><strong>Title:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><select name="selTitle" onChange="adjustTitle()">

<option value="Mr.">Mr.</option>

<option value="Miss">Miss.</option>

<option value="Mrs.">Mrs.</option>

<option value="Other">Other</option>


<input type="text" id="txtOther" name="txtOther" size="6" style="visibility:hidden;" />




<td height="32" align="right"><strong>Name:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><input type="text" name="txtName" /></td>



<td height="32" align="right"><strong>EMail:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><input type="text" name="txtEmail" /></td>



<td height="32" align="right"><strong>Phone:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><input type="text" name="txtPhone" />




<td height="32" align="right"><strong>Address:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="txtAddress"></textarea>




<td height="32" align="right"><strong>Postal Code:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><input type="text" name="txtPostalCode" />




<td height="32" align="right"><strong>Country:</strong></td>

<td height="32" colspan="3"><select name="selCountry">

<option value="" selected>[choose yours]</option>

<option value="008">Albania</option>

<option value="012">Algeria</option>

<option value="016">American Samoa</option>

<option value="020">Andorra</option>

<option value="024">Angola</option>

<option value="660">Anguilla</option>

<option value="010">Antarctica</option>

<option value="028">Antigua And Barbuda</option>

<option value="032">Argentina</option>

<option value="051">Armenia</option>

<option value="31"> Brazil</option>

<option value="533">Bangladesh</option>

<option value="34">Bulgaria</option>

<option value="39">Canada</option>

<option value="45">China</option>

<option value="59">Denmark</option>

<option value="65">Egypt</option>

<option value="75">Finland</option>

<option value="84">Germany</option>

<option value="102">Germany</option>

<option value="105">India</option>

<option value="114">Japan</option>





<td height="26" align="right"></td>

<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>



<td align="right">&nbsp;</td>

<td width="50"><input name="refresh" type="reset" value="Refresh" /></td>

<td width="51">&nbsp;</td>

<td width="151"><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>








Description of all Field:

Description of all fields is given below. The address information page includes lots of supplies which are not terminating before form. That's why the description can make show the differences intermediate the old and new page.

Description of Title Field:

I want to make sure that the user has selected an option from drop-down list. When user click on to the drop down list the options like. Mr., Miss, Mrs., Other, etc. option can be shown to select title. If user has a different title then He / She can fill the title field with his or her own title. For example: if He or She may a Doctor then he or she can filled the other field with Doctor. If thetitle field is empty and user enter the submit button then errom messege is being shown like: "Title Field Empty". User must have to full fill the titele button then he can go to the next option to be fill up.

Figure 2: Title Field

Figure 3: If user has different title

Figure 4: Error message if title field empty

Description of Name Field:

After the Title field the next is the Name Field in which the users name has to be writing His or Her name. Name is one of the important parts of the form. If the name field is empty then an error message also seen here like: "Name Field is empty"

Figure 5: Name Field.

Figure 6: Error message when name filed empty

Description of E-Mail Field:

Next option is the e-mail field. This option is for take the customer's online contact. Customer must be full fill neither this option nor it will show a message box containing instruction to go ahead. If the email field is empty then an error message shown which in which "field name is empty" has written and if the user enter an invalid email address then it will show an error message again with an instruction how to fill the field. Like- "E-mail is not correct. Enter like: [email protected]"

Figure 7: E-Mail Field

Figure 8: Error message if Email field is empty

Figure 9: Error message If the E-mail field is empty

Description of Phone Field:

This option caontain the customers phone numbers. The customer have to fill this option. The phone field must be filled in carecters and space(), leading'+' must be minimum 6 caracters long. If the phone field is empty it show an error messege containing "Phone number field is empty" And if the phone number is invalid then it also show an error message containing the instruction how to filled the field like: "Not a valid phone number.charecter permitted are digits, space()- andleading '+' and must be minimum 6 charecters long".Then the next option is reday to fill up.

Figure 10: Phone Field

Figure 11: Error message if phone field is empty

Figure 12: Erroor message if an invalid phone number

Description of Address Field:

After phone field the user have to fill the address field. It contains the address of the customer when needed any emergency. Address entry can be in text and digits both. If user doesn't fill the address option then message box shows that "Address field is empty" and if the field is fill up perfectly then it's time to go to the next step.

Figure 13: Address Field

Figure 14: Error message if the address field is empty

Description of Postal code Field:

Postal codes use for validation user chooses your country's postal code. It must be filled in digits no text can be accepted for this and its length must be in 6 digits if the post code is bigger then 6 digits and if it is entered in text then it will show an error message containing "Not a valid post code. Characters permitted are digits, space () - and leading '+' and must be minimum six characters long Post code invalid. Valid value is like 1206, 1100 etc." If the postcode is empty then an error message show containing "The post code field is empty" and if it is not valid then it can show a message containing the suggestion and at will also show an example of postal code that can help to fill up the field. Like "Post code invalid. Valid value is like 1206, 1100 etc." This will help to fill the field properly.

Figure 15: Postal code Field

Figure 16: Error message if the post code is empty

Figure 17: Error message if the post code is invalid

Figure 18: Error message if entered text in postal code

Description of Country Field:

The next and last option of the form is the country. Every customer not should be the same country. It may be possible that each user belongs to the different country. That's why there is a dropdown list for choosing the country for easily chooses. If the user forgot to fill the country field then an error message can show containing: "The country field is empty".

Figure 19: Country field

Figure 20: Error message if the country is not chosen

Description of Refresh & Submit Field:

Figure 21: Refresh & Submit field

Now it's turn to enter the refresh or submit button. If all the functions are fully filled then it's time to press the submit button and enter all the data to store and if there are any problem with the information then refresh button is ready to use in.

Successful confirmation message:

Address entry page title, name, mail address, phone, address, postal code, country all required input is completed then click on "Submit" and show massage "Your address submitted successfully".

Figure 22: Confirmation message

Task 2

Creating CSV File:

In Task 2 I explain here how can I save posted data and use saved data in Mail Marge.

Figure: 23 posting data

In figure: 12 we can see address entry form with data. After clicking submit button we will see a form validation page with a successful message as like figure: 24.

Figure: 24 Successful Message

After clicking submit button address entry page will genarate a CSV file as name as posted data.csv, as like figure: 25. To do this I use PHP Script.

PHP Script:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">





// put your code here

if($_POST["selTitle"] == "")

$title = $_POST["txtOther"];


$title =$_POST["selTitle"];

if($_POST['txtPhone'] =="")

$phone =" ";

else {

$phone = $_POST['txtPhone'];


if($_POST['selCountry'] == "")

$country = " ";


$country = $_POST['selCountry'];

$filename = "data.csv";

$header = "\"Title\",\"Name\",\"Email\",\"Telephone\",\"Address\",\"Post Code\",\"Country\"";

$data = "\"" .$title ."\",\"" . $_POST['txtName'] ."\",\"" .

$_POST['txtEmail'] . "\",\"" .$phone . "\",\"" .

$_POST['txtAddress'] . "\",\"". $_POST['txtPostalCode'] . "\",\"" . $country . "\"";



//echo "Append Mode";

$fh = fopen($filename, 'a') or die("can't open file");



fwrite($fh, "$data\r\n");

echo "Data Saved";





echo "File not writable";





// echo "Create Mode";

$fh = fopen($filename, 'w') or die("can't open file");



fwrite($fh, "$header\r\n");

fwrite($fh, "$data\r\n");

echo "Data Saved";





echo "file not writable";






Figure: 25 Posted Data.csv file

We can use this csv file in Microsoft word to mail merging, as like figure 26.

Task 3

Your next task as the administrator of the website is to log access and usage. To do this, you have decided to use Google Analytics. Write a report on Google analytics, demonstrating that it can fulfill the requirements set out in this scenario and how it is integrated into your site.

Google Analytics (GA):

Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how we can enhance their visitor experience. With this information, you can improve your website return on investment, increase conversions, and make more money on the web. This guide can help you familiarize yourself with the main features of Google Analytics. To start using Analytics, sign in with your Google Account.

Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites.

It is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. Its main highlight is that the product is aimed at marketers as opposed to web masters and technologists from which the industry of web analytics originally grew. It is the most widely used website statistics service, currently in use at around 57% of the 10,000 most popular websites.

Benefits of using Google Analytics:

Here are some benefits of using Google Analytics during an optimization campaign:

1. It is completely free of charge.

Although it is a free tool, but it still offer just as much or even more functionalities when compared to other paying tools.

2. Able to find out how your visitors locate website:

Other than the core set of keywords that you are optimizing, you will also be able to find out what other keywords your visitors type in to find your website. During the initial optimization campaign, the number of keywords may be little. But as time goes by, you will start getting more keywords being listed on organic listings, due to your overall optimization effort.

3. Able to identify which pages and links visitors click the most:

You will be able to know which are the popular pages and links, and measure whether your optimization campaign is directing the traffic to the correct pages.

4. Visitor segmentation:

With this, you will be able to know how many new visitors that your search engine optimization campaign brings to you. You can segment your analytic result by new/returning visitors, geography and referral sources.

5. Able to fine tune website:

With this analytic report, you will be able to fine tune your website, and do a new copywriting on any page that is not converting well. In the end, it will bring you more quality prospects, and thus gaining more customers in the near future.

With Google Analytics, other than collecting data about traffic from Google, you will also be able to collect data traffic from MSN and Yahoo! search results with respect to your site and use it to strengthen your stronghold on the search platform.

Every marketing campaign on the Internet needs to be tracked, in order to make it successful. After planning and implementation, tracking tools are necessary so as to calculate the ROI of a particular campaign.

Implementation of Google Analytic:

Figure: Content detail

Here are the instructions to implement Google Analytics:

Step 1: Have to create a new Google Analytics Account:

At first have to open a Google analytics account in Google for implement the Google analytic code.

Note: We can skip this step if we already have an existing Google Analytics account.

To install Google Analytics for your website hosted at Net firms, please sign up for a free account at Google Analytics.

Sign up for a new account by clicking on the Sign up Now link or login to an existing account.

Once you have logged into your account, add a profile for the website you would like to track by clicking the Add Website Profile link.

Enter your domain name in the field provided and click Finish.

Copy the code provided as we will use it in Step 2.

Step 2: Add the Google Analytics Code to All Files

Login to your Net firms Control Panel.

Click Hosting.

Under the Statistics menu, click Google Analytics.

Select the domain you configured Google Analytics for in Step 1.

Paste the code copied in Step 1 into the field labeled Analytics Code.

Click Add.

Step 3: Access Your Webs tats Via Google Analytics

To access the status have to follow the steps below:

Visit the Google Analytics site

Click on the Access Analytics button to login to your account.

Google Analytics is undoubtedly the most widely used web analytics application. Emerged from and based upon the analytics-package developed by Urchin Software Corporation (which was bought by Google in April 2005), the tool has become publicly available for free under the new flagship of Google Analytics. In May 2007 the application was heavily edited, developed and released; the design was simplified and more advanced featured were added. Over years Google Analytics managed to gain on popularity because of its simplicity and many advanced features for curious site owners and professional marketers.

Place the Tracking Code:

Figure: Event tracing premium feature

The tracking code is designed to read data from your page after the content for the page has finished loading. For this reason, the snippet should be located just before the closing </body> tag for your web page. Once the content for your page has loaded, the tracking code, when executed, reads the content for your page following the Document Object Model (DOM). All information relevant to tracking is then used to establish page information, set/update cookies, and to send the GIF request to the Google Analytics servers.

Google code:

The code of Google is given below. This code has been to implement for the Google analytics.

<script type="text/javascript">

Var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


<script type="text/javascript">


var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");


} catch(err) {}


By placing the script at the end of the page body, you ensure that the tracking code is executed as the last element of the DOM. If a given page load is interrupted for some reason, it is possible that the GIF request for that page view will not be executed. However, should you place the tracking code at the top of the page, any load interruptions might result in incomplete or inaccurate reporting anyhow, since the tracking code relies on page data for its reports.

Customizing Your Setup

Figure: General setting

Customizing Google Analytics in a variety of ways to modify how reporting data is displayed. Most websites can benefit from adjustments to the basic setup. In fact, if your site has any of the following characteristics, modifications to the tracking code are required in order for visitor behavior to be accurately reported.

Figure: Ecommerce report

Ecommerce-you have an ecommerce site or a shopping cart and you want to track visitor activity related to purchases.

Multiple domains-your website presence spans multiple host names or domains, and you want to track visitor activity (including shopping cart activity) across those properties.

3rd-Party Shopping Carts-your website is hosted by a provider on a sub-directory and you want to track visitor activity across a part of the website (such as a shopping cart) located in another directory of the host's site.

Custom Campaign Tracking Variables-you already have links to your site that contain custom campaign tracking variables that you want to use.

In addition, you can make many other adjustments to the standard Google Analytics reporting behavior, such as adjusting the length of the visitor session, changing the length of a campaign session, or turning off collection of browser information.

You can customize reporting in two basic areas:

The administrative interface of the Google Analytics reports

The use of additional tracking code methods in your web pages

Customizing Using the Administrative Interface:

Figure: Interface tariff data

The administrative interface provides the following features you can use to refine your data display in the reports:


Set up goals for key pages on your site that you expect users to visit. Most commonly, goals are used in ecommerce sites to look at statistics for how customers come to the final purchase page in a set of related pages, such as shopping cart, order form, and order acknowledgment.

Figure: Goal setup

Task 4

Security Requirements:

Based on the scenario and the concept I have many chooses of securities but all of them I choose the 2 securities most. As a security my 1st choice is HTTP .SSL and second ones is fire well. The methods of security and the purposes of choosing these forms of securities are given and described below:

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS):

It is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol to provide encryption and secure identification of the server. It uses port 443. HTTPS connections are often used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web and for sensitive transactions in corporate information systems


This tool is known to build on Solaris 2.5.1 (SunOS 5.5.1) and Windows NT 4.0.


The SSI tap command opens a socket on a rendezvous port and waits for an incoming connection from the client side. Once this connection arrives, the tool makes another connection to the specified host name and port on the server side. It passes any data sent by the client to the server and vice versa. The tool also displays the data to the shell window from which it was called. It can do this for plain HTTP connections or any TCP protocol, as well as for SSL streams, as described here. The tool cannot and does not decrypt any encrypted message data. You use the tool to look at the plain text and binary data that are part of the handshake procedure, before the secure connection is established.


To run the SSL Debugging Tool, type this command in a command shell: ssl tap [-vhfsxl] [-p port] hostname: port


The command does not require any options other than hostname: port, but you normally use them to control the connection interception and output. The options for the command are the following:

Benefits of HTTP.SSL:

SP 52450: Enable the "HTTP SSL" service for improved internet security

Symptom: When you start the Services applet in "Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools", the "Startup Type" setting for the "HTTP SSL" service will be set to "Disabled".

Resolution: Modify the system registry settings to enable "Automatic" startup for the "HTTP SSL" service.

Additional Information: The "HTTP SSL" service implements the secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS) for the HTTP service, using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). It is an added security provision for sites that make use of HTTPS such as banking and e-commerce sites. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

Category: Startup, Service

Main Idea:

The main idea of HTTPS is to create a secure channel over an un secure network. This ensures reasonable protection from eaves dropper and man in the middle attacks, provided that adequate cipher suites are used and that the server certificate is verified and trusted.

The trust inherent in HTTPS is based on major certificate authorizes which come pre-installed in browser software (this is equivalent to saying "I trust certificate authority (e.g. Revising /Microsoft/etc.) to tell me whom I should trust"). Therefore an HTTPS connection to a website can be trusted if and only if all of the following are true:

The user trusts that their browser software correctly implements HTTPS with correctly pre-installed certificate authorities.

The user trusts the certificate authority to vouch only for legitimate websites without misleading names.

The website provides a valid certificate (an invalid certificate shows a warning in most browsers), which means it was signed by a trusted authority.

The certificate correctly identifies the website (e.g. visiting http:// examples and receiving a certificate for "Example Inc." and not anything else [see above]).

Either the intervening hops on the Internet are trustworthy, or the user trusts the protocol's encryption layer (IIs or SSL) is unbreakable by an eavesdropper.

Firewall security:

Firewall security software is one type of computer program that aims to protect a computer from computer viruses. A firewall monitors traffic coming into an operating system and helps stop harmful programs that attempt to gain access to the computer user's personal information or hinder the computer user's use of that computer. Typically, computers will not only have firewall, but antivirus and anti-spy ware software as well. Firewall security software can be purchased separately, though today, most operating systems have firewalls built in.

The firewall is usually located at the entry point of a network or individual computer. When Internet traffic accesses a computer, firewall security software is the first thing that receives it, and it is the last to handle outgoing traffic. When a user starts an Internet-related program, such as an online computer game, the computer connects to another website and sends information about the user's computer system. Before accessing the computer, however, the data has to pass through the firewall. If the user has set the firewall to allow transfers of data to this site, the data will be processed through.

One way security software protects the computer is through monitoring traffic packets. A packet is a small quantity of Internet data. It can include emails, file downloads, and cookies. Usually, the packets are sent in many batches and contain the information, request or command from the originating system. Packets also possess the source (IP) address, the destination and the code by which the packet is to be handled.

Firewall security software can also help stop mal ware, like a Trojan, or spy ware from taking over a user's Internet connection and sending out private information. Trojan horse share especially malicious, because they mask their functions and can go undetected by some security programs. Spy ware secretly surveys a user's online activity, collects and sends out information like visited websites, and can slow the computer's speed. Advanced forms of security software can monitor system files for changes and notify the user when any unauthorized operation takes place.

There are a few common problems that may result from using firewall security software. The programs may serve to block threats, but they may also sometimes block an Internet connection the user actually wants to make. Some websites may have their access restricted because they have been wrongly diagnosed, and sometimes users may experience trouble accessing email attachments. People trying to play games over a network often come across difficulties configuring the firewall so that it permits the game to function. Before attempting to adjust or disable the security software, however, it is recommended that users disconnect from the Internet to prevent harmful programs from getting in.

Task 5

Server Hosting Report:

As a server hosting my most favorite choice is collocating servers. There are many reasons to choose this server, it is safe and cheap way to host to own site in this server.

From choosing this server I can add more advanced functionality to the site in future. It can make me easier to control and maintain the site.

The benefits of choosing this site is given below that can make u clear about my choice of such a server.

Co-located Server:

In general, colocation is moving or placing things together, sometimes implying a proper order. In technology, colocation is the renting of physical space on a service provider's premises.

Data center colocation allows a small or mid-sized business to save money by storing and running parts of its IT infrastructure off-site instead of building and maintaining a large dedicated data center in-house. For instance, a start-up business might co-locate its servers. In such a scenario, the servers are owned by the business but are collocated to save money in overhead costs incurred by things like cooling, physical security or insurance. Some colocation providers also provide technical support for additional fees.

Advantages of co-located server:

Dedicated server hosting has to be the best type of web hosting for anyone, since you are not sharing your server with anyone else meaning that you have complete use of all the server resources; this means that you can allow for your large traffic website to flourish in a dedicated hosting environment. If you run your own small hosting business, then you are also able to ensure your clients a high level of reliability and uptime, meaning that their websites will also be up and available; with other types of hosting you isn't able to guarantee either of these factors since other websites and accounts could easily affect you.

Disadvantages of co-located servers:

There aren't really any disadvantages that you can directly apply to dedicated server hosting, which is one of the reasons why it is so popular with both businesses and individuals alike. The only factor nearest to a disadvantage that you could apply to dedicated server hosting is the cost of it; this is because dedicated servers cost quite a lot, compared to lower range hosting packages such as shared hosting packages an VPS hosting packages; the cost is only high because the server physically exists, and the original cost of the server for your provider was probably hundreds of pounds, and they need to make that money back in the short term, especially if they are providing many dedicated servers, otherwise they won't be making any profit on each server. The arrangement that your web host has with their data center can also affect the price of dedicated servers; this is because data centers charge a certain amount of each individual server that is hosted with them, to cover the cost of electricity, bandwidth and the rack space that has been filled - your web host has to deduct this amount from the cost of your dedicated server since they still want to maintain a profit from your server, but at the same time it needs to be located within a data center so that it is connected to the internet.

Dedicated server:

Dedicated server Web hosting means you are renting an entire physical server for use all by yourself. Getting a dedicated server means you don't have to share system resources with other websites. The downside is the high cost of renting and maintaining a dedicated server. Dedicated servers generally cost $200 or more.

Advantages of Dedicated servers:

A dedicated server is a type of web hosting system where the client leases a web server for themselves only, and no-one else shares it. Having a secure private network can give great peace of mind, particularly for firms who have sensitive personal and financial information concerning their clients.

This also means that you can be assured having full access to the data processing power and memory of the server whenever you may need it, as opposed to being at the mercy of other users on your server who may decide to take up a lot of power or memory just when you need it most.

Dis-advantages of dedicated server:

While using a dedicated server is ideal in many situations, there are also some disadvantages for those who choose this option. In some cases, these disadvantages are outweighed by the necessity for the space and control issues that are solved by avoiding a shared server situation. When making the choice between the two services, knowing the drawbacks to dedicated hosting is important to the decision making process.

One of the biggest disadvantages to using a dedicated server is the cost. While most hosting packages that make use of shared servers are relatively inexpensive, purchasing a hosting package that is not shared is very costly. As the expenses are not shared between several accounts, the price can be out of range for many start-up companies.

Virtual host:

If you don't plan on writing a lot of custom server-side programs and you don't need the flexibility of having an entire machine under your control, a virtual host may be the way to go. A virtual host allows you to have your own domain and it is fairly inexpensive. The catch is that you must share a machine with other domains.

A virtual host is much cheaper than a dedicated server. Rather than having a machine that hosts one Web site, an ISP can set up a machine to host hundreds of Web sites. To a user just browsing your Web site, it looks like you have a dedicated server. The downside to a virtual host is that your site is sharing the machine resources with all the other sites hosted on that machine. You may also be limited to what kinds of programs you can run on the server. If you can run CGJ programs, you will probably be restricted to very simple scripts or have to choose from a list of scripts that have been prechosen by the ISP. You may also be tied to whatever E-commerce solution the ISP has chosen (if any). See Lab 4.5 for more information on virtual hosts.

Advantages of virtual host:

In the example above, we show has to add the ScriptAlias directive as a means by which you can provide a local cgi-bin for your virtual host clients. As you may have guessed, the "ScriptAlias" directive is only one of the many available options.

Pretty much any directive can be placed inside the VirtualHost section giving your virtual host clients a customized environment.

For example, we can include the definition of a "Not Found Document" (Error Document 404) in the "" VirtualHost configuration (note this also shows the addition of a cgi-bin directory).

# point and to subdirectory example


Server Name

ServerAdmin [email protected]

Document Root /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/example

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/example/cgi-bin/

ErrorDocument 404 /errors/notfound.html


Importance of Virtual host on my site:

Today, fοr еνеrу successful business thеrе һаѕ tο be virtualization οf servers аѕ Ñ-t leads tο better utilization οf time, lower investment, low usage οf power, lower cooling costs аԁ provides fοr dynamic resource allocation. Tһе division οf a single physical server tο multiple servers Ñ-Ñ• called аѕ virtualization аnԁ wÑ-th virtual server management thе capability οf аnу operating system аnԁ Ñ-tÑ• hardware Ñ-Ñ• enhanced аnԁ doubled. Previously, thе standard web server used tο һаνе thе configuration οf one computer unit per server bÏ…t wÑ-tÒ» advancement in technology thеrе hаѕ bеen a need tο maximize resources аnd thus today wе hаνе one main dedicated server wÑ-tÒ» several virtual servers co-existing independently.

Virtual server management essentially entails analyzing аnԁ maintaining resources tο ensure high fidelity connections throughout tһе network. Thе performance οf thе server Ñ-Ñ• always under check аnԁ allocation οf tһе number οf virtual servers tο thе main server Ñ-Ñ• always tackled аnԁ analyzed fοr smooth performance οf tһе system. Though virtual servers hаνе advantages but one mÏ…Ñ•t always bе sure thаt thе virtual servers never extend thеÑ-r limited numbers. Putting аÆ-Æ- connections via one server wοuÆ-ԁ seriously disrupt tһе system аnԁ affect speed οf tһе websites Ñ-f thеу аrе nοt properly managed. Tο prevent such disruptions virtual server management ensures thаt virtual servers аrе evenly spaced аnԁ given thеÑ-r rightful allocation fοr optimum speed аnԁ performance without impeding thе speed οf thе main server.

Virtual server management аÆ-ѕο looks Ñ-ntο tһе performance οf tһе server. WÑ-tÒ» tһе һеÆ-Ñ€ οf various performance tools issues οf traffic, speed аnԁ security tһаt сουÆ-ԁ affect thе server, clients аnԁ thе еnԁ users аrе easily addressed аnԁ resolved. An image οf thе system Ñ-Ñ• сrеаtеԁ wÑ-th аÆ-Æ- thе routers, networks аnԁ connections ѕο thаt аnу glitch thаt mÑ-É¡ht occur Ñ-n thе system сοuÆ-ԁ bе immediately addressed. Several companies аrе dedicated tο serve tһе clients аnԁ Ñ-f thе еnԁ users саnnοt access thе websites thеn Ñ-t wοuÆ-ԁ seriously affect tһеÑ-r business. Tο prevent anything οf tÒ»Ñ-Ñ• sort from happening, virtual server managers аrе constantly working tο find better ways tο control thе virtual servers аnԁ adjust tһеm tο tһе main server without causing аnу disruptions or failure Ñ-n thе system.

Tһе advantages οf virtual servers аrе far reaching. A virtual hosted server allows a huɡе number οf applications аnԁ operating systems tο bе run οn thе single server without disrupting οr mismanaging аnу individual server. Mοѕt businesses аrе now opting fοr virtual servers аѕ Ñ-t cuts down tһеÑ-r cost οf web site hosting аnԁ аlѕο allows thеm tο mονе workloads from one virtual workspace tο another without disrupting thеÑ-r business. It аlѕο allows thеm tο run tһеÑ-r οwn operating system οn separate systems аnԁ reboot independently οf thе main server. Thе best раrt οf virtual server management Ñ-Ñ• thаt Ñ-t allows thе company tο chοοѕе thе operating system tο install аnԁ аÆ-ѕο cuts down οn thе hardware required fοr thе machines.

Lastly, virtual server management Ñ-Ñ• an fаntаѕtÑ-с technological discovery tһаt mÏ…Ñ•t bе taken advantage οf by еνеrу business entity. Organizations thаt want tο segregate work аnԁ operate autonomously over a single divided server muÑ•t ԁеfÑ-nÑ-tеÆ-у option fοr virtual servers.