Entirely by an individual
No assignment is created entirely by an individual. Writing my assignment was a spiritual experience. When I stared this assignment I felled a varieties problem but my honorable teacher Mr. Touhidur Rahman helped me by his patience. I am also gratitude for my local teacher for helping me on behalf of my Programming Method. This assignment has been a model, which is going to preparing me for the future when I will be facing competition in the real work. I have enjoyed doing this assignment and while I was doing it I have learned many mew things. Not only that, I have faced challenging problems but with the help of my teachers and other authority I am able to solve them. My batch mates were supportive and helped me in doing the assignment, and hence I would like to extend my thanks to them and put some speech about my lecturer of the subject.
My course teacher and lecturer of Programming Method Mr. Touhidur Rahman in IDCS of Daffodil Institute of Information Technology, has been a major inspiration and help for me and he has tried his best to help me in the assignment when I had countered problems, without his help, perhaps, I would not have make it to this far in my assignment.
I also like to show my thanks to NCC for giving me the chance to do the job.
I would also like to thank each one my well-wishers & my friends, being co-operative and supportive.
Rope skipping is a simple sport that many people have played in the school playground. It involves swinging a rope so that it goes over the head and under the feet. As the rope passes under the feet the player jumps. There are many different rope skipping techniques. Some involve three people, two turn the rope and the third jumps. However, many techniques can be accomplished by a single participant who both turns and jumps the rope. In addition to being a fun pastime for children, rope skipping is also a useful form of exercise. It provides a good cardiovascular workout, it tones muscles, develops hand-eye co-ordination and there is even some research to suggest it can help prevent osteoporosis. In comparison to many sports, skipping can be appealing to reluctant exercisers. It doesn't require expensive equipment, it is easy to learn the basic techniques, and it can be done indoors or outdoors.
A skipping rope manufacturer has approached you to develop a website that will promote the sport of rope skipping. They specifically want to encourage adults that aren't usually interested in sport and exercise to take up skipping. As a consequence it is important that the website emphasises the health benefits of skipping and the fun nature of the sport.
Task 1
Problem Statement
There are many web sites with information about rope skipping. You should do some research using these websites. When conducting your research bear in mind the purpose and aim of your website, to introduce rope skipping as an accessible and enjoyable way to get fit. You should make notes and record the addresses of useful web sites that you find. Discuss these notes and ideas for your website with your tutor before proceeding.
After having done the research it is found than there is many website with information about Rope Skipping.
Problem Decomposition:
Below are some websites on rope skipping:
USA Jump Rope is proud to support the organization One World One Rope.
Its mission is to teach jump rope to children in Tanzania and Kenya, using it as a means of fostering confidence, teamwork, and leadership, and to provide an infrastructure in which participants can succeed, develop healthy lifestyles, take on leadership roles and strengthen social ties.
The British Skipping Rope Association provides a focus for skipping in Britain and tries to secure funding for skipping through sponsorship and grants. The BRSA organises an events calandar and skills workshops. As a member of European and International skipping organisations, the BRSA enables British skippers to compete at an International Level.
Task 2
Problem statement:
Produce a project plan for the way you intend to complete the rest of this assignment. For planning, use the timescale you have been allocated for this assignment i.e. from the date you start to the date you submit your assignment. Submit a copy of your plan to your tutor before you proceed further with the assignment.
Task 3
Problem Statement:
Using appropriate techniques, you are required to specify the structure and navigation of the proposed site. The specification should be neat, use appropriate techniques and be easy to understand. Imagine the specification is being used to explain your proposed website to someone with no prior knowledge. There should be enough detail, presented in such a way, that the viewer can quickly understand what will be developed.
Problem Decomposition:
Design Specification is in the next page:
Task 4
Problem Statement:
The web site must be developed using XHTML 1.0 (Transitional or Strict) and consist of between four and six inter-linked pages. The website will need to provide the following features:
• A homepage that clearly explains what rope skipping is and shows a video of rope skipping.
• A page that explains the basic technique of rope skipping for a single person: basic safety information, getting the correct rope length, practice exercises etc. Video should not be used for this part of the website.
• A page that outlines the health benefits of rope skipping.
• A page that describes a number of different rope skipping techniques. The name of each technique should be accompanied by a brief description of the technique. The information in this page should be presented as an HTML table.
• A page that demonstrates the use of HTML forms. This will provide an interface through which users can sign up for a monthly newsletter that will provide information on additional skipping tricks and techniques.
• The web site must demonstrate the integration of media. For example, relevant images of people skipping.
• The web site should demonstrate the use of hyperlinks. The pages in the site should be linked together with suitable navigation throughout. There should also be a links page which provides links to external web sites for further information.
• The web site should work fully in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. You should consult your tutor for guidance on the specific versions of these browsers you should use.
• Pages should be viewable on monitors with screen resolutions of 800x600 without users having to scroll horizontally.
• The content of the web site should be presented clearly and neatly. The web site should demonstrate good application of web design principles and be easy to navigate.
Problem Decomposition:
Below this is the home page of the website made.
It is described in the home page is that what skipping rope is.
This page explains the basic technique of rope skipping for a single person.
This page outlines the health benefits of rope skipping.
This page describes a number of different rope skipping techniques.
This page demonstrates the use of HTML forms. This will provide an interface through which users can sign up for a monthly newsletter that will provide information on additional skipping tricks and techniques.
From this page people can log into this website for the monthly newsletter
Use of hyperlinks
This assignment was not very easy to complete without my class teacher. I had needed more time spent to complete this assignment. But this assignment has many limitations. I searched many book for completing this assignment.
Book Reference:
[1] Web Design (IDCS) 2009
Web Reference:
(1) www.usajumprope.com
(2) www.brsa.org.uk
(3) www.jumpem.com
(4) www.en.wikipedia.org
(5) www.jumpropeindia.com
(6) www.erso.info
(7) www.google.com
Statement and confirmation of own work
Programme /qualification name: Rope Skipping Website
Student declaration
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