Technologist In Cure The Cancer Health Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 5423

The Egyptian scientist announced sovereign Mustafa about rising of group from expert and the scientists in center the researches - comprehensive Cairo - in measure of attempts around use [aalnaanw] technological and molecules of the gold in the annihilation of the cells cancerous and the confirming from lack her impact negative on health the human.

The gentleman said - during lecturer "flag [aalnaanw] technological" in library of Alexandria - indeed the cure through the use of the gold [waalnaanw] technological - to truth becomes - 7 years for the confirming from lack needs to [taathyrt] health of the human looted on, where the attempts on the animals occur first to 3 years removed your just as the attempts on the volunteers from the human being about 4 years occupy.

Despotic offer of use "technology [aalnaanw]" and molecules of the gold in cure of the cancer, and that through injections of the body in solved in him molecules of the gold which absorbs and the light reverses and the stricken cells and sound show and stubborn exposure of the cells stricken for the light degree heat of molecules of the gold rises and that cells demolish on and be destroyed her without to the sound cells touch

Sovereign Mustafa praised - who collected on high medal of America in domain of the flags presented him previous President the American valuable George Bush in ceremony in the house white - in powers of insisting scientific especially the advanced devices which uses her in domain [aalnaanw] technological, indicative of that [aalnaanw] technological scientific future the progress and the advanced craftsmen promises.

The Egyptian scientist confirmed sovereign Mustafa that library of Alexandria promises insisting wealth from wealths Haditha where the education in Egypt and the scientist perceived in accumulates, [mnwhaa] in to the technological development who witnesses him the scientist in 50 or 60 year last, especially in domain of the communication and calculating electronic; Finding scientific which occurs her knowledgeable.

Just as confirmed that the advice which presents her the scientists in the United States of America for the commanders and members [aalkwnjrs] [aalaamrykY] she supported scientific budgets of the research under what brands "in the exercise the human and the investment in the human resources", striking except that the scientific researches advanced promises essentially for industrial Al-Thawra; Of which aloe of the governments and the cooperation requires evident knowledgeable and specialized in different field and application of the results for service human.

About use of the substances in improvement of Al-Hayat, especially applications [aalnaanw] technological clarified that the industries straightens on use of the substances, and to technology [aalnaanw] division of the substances means available in front of us in the nature to parts small very so new elite the substance differs in what the scientists be possible and specialized from employment her and her exploitation in numerous domains.

Said that application [aalnaanw] technological big uses in the biological domain will realize and cure of the illness which suffers from her the human who [ytrkb] his body basically from [jzy'yaat] small very.


Use [aalnaanw] technologist in the concealment

The occurring on superior said the sovereign doctor Mustafa the Egyptian scientist handsome for the flags from the United States of America indeed applications of flags "[aalnaanw] technological" many cutters extend to and arrives to what considers him some similar to the magic in some domains.

The gentleman in interview with program indicated "tenth evening" on channel "[drym]" space yesterday evening to that he there substances uses in concealment of the things".

The Egyptian scientist in the interview confirmed which came her enumerated from the knowledgeable flags also: " she in the verb likewise, and to scientific method is in, where wanted coat some things is complete her concealment in substances the light does not reverse, of which prevents without her view, in considering that the light be reversed from on the bodies on the eye surface so sees him, to is there designating substances the light does not reverse be possible used her by means of [aalnaanw] technological in the purpose raved, identicals coat of the rockets in examples this substances and consequently her observation does not be possible.

For his part, the high doctor the shawl said professor of the physics in comprehensive Virginia, indeed there many applications [llnaanw] technological, lacs hit does not deceive ourselves there applications does not be complete did her in year [w'inmaa] already 50 year is complete after from now, indicative of that the flag raved cadres and readiness for Al-Mustaqbal need to.


Establishment of first one to [aalnaanw] technology for service sector of the petroleum and puzzles of the gas the native

The engineer rose forgave minister of the petroleum in establishment of first one understood [llnaanw] technology in institute following researches of the petroleum for ministry the searching the flag and the decided termination from her before coming end the year to is first of kind her [fY] Egypt [aaltY] wide sector of the petroleum and puzzles of the native serves.

The doctor praised crescent decision of the institute became easy establishment this one [llnaanw] technology in the institute [aaldhY] promises from the research institutes strengthen the follower for the ministry [aaltY] stratification of all evaluators the metrical flags and technological [fY] Egypt from spreading flag [wbraa'aat] first invention and examples and directors and produced industrial. .[laaftaa] except that this one the fruitful cooperation between scientists of insisting reverses [fY] outside [waaldaaxl] in general characteristic adequate domain of applications of technology [aalnaanw] in special characteristic.

Came that during opening efficient of symposium "future of applications [aalnaa] [nwtknwlwjyaa] [fY] domain of the petroleum and puzzles of the native [fY] Egypt" [waaltY] the education built in this insisting occasion in attendance of the scientist the sovereign doctor Mustafa under care of minister high and the state for the research the flag and the petroleum.

Minister matters of the searching confirmed the flag - indeed the institute be distinguished in his signer [aalaastraatyjY] between Egyptian companies of the petroleum of which exchange of view and the thoughts allows in between knowledgeable his and special companies of the petroleum and governmental with the aim of petroliferous improvement the products different. Clarifying that the institute rose for the first time [fY] Egypt in application regime stimulant where reward straightens in research who collected on [braa'aat] their invention and catalysis is material.

Just as the engineer confirmed forgave minister of the petroleum understood that the current stage requires suits extra from the effort to moved and technological assimilation and development Haditha and the work on deepening of use her for confrontation of the challenges worldwide [aaltY] faced the sector and her raved blessing of the important financial crisis and changeable markets of the petroleum and lack accuracy of statements of the offer and the request the request on the level the scientist and complete worldwide sources of the energy and retraction of the investments [fY] different domains industry of the petroleum especially [fY] domains of the searching and the exploration and the development of which average outputs in general face prefer on.

- and indeed him indeed him [fY] light of the challenges [aaltY] imposes her changeable successive transient sector of the petroleum concentrates his efforts to realizing of strategic his complete [waaltY] the searching depends on several essential supports adequate her introduction the flag and the development. Clarifying that he importance role of the searching looked for the flag [fY] development industry of the petroleum and puzzles [fY] transient Egypt the ministry assumed the sector raved importance of remoteness.

Added that domains and goals and applications of the searching the flag multiplies [fY] industry of the petroleum and her blessing of important is researches [aalnaanw] technology [waaltY] her importance appears the scientist for the energy looked for the expectations in increase the request during the three year coming of which scientific encouragement Al-Thawra current necessitates [fY] technology area of use [aalnaanw] [fY] scurvy [aalaabaar] petroliferous.

Clarified that technicality [aalnaanw] the defined mixing between branches different be distinguished in of which makes from her cornerstone for many from the technicalities futuristic [fY] domain of the petroleum and current on the level the scientist be interested the short researches the extension in technological applications [aalnaanw] [fY] domains liquefaction of the gas the native and trick him to liquid fuel and originality of the laborers concentrates on the catalytic exceptional smallness and increase opportunities of improvement of the production through development elite of the connecting for the substances

Added that domains and goals and applications of the searching the flag multiplies [fY] industry of the petroleum and her blessing of important is researches [aalnaanw] technology [waaltY] her importance appears the scientist for the energy looked for the expectations in increase the request during the three year coming of which scientific encouragement Al-Thawra current necessitates [fY] technology area of use [aalnaanw] [fY] scurvy [aalaabaar] petroliferous.

Clarified that technicality [aalnaanw] the defined mixing between branches different be distinguished in of which makes from her cornerstone for many from the technicalities futuristic [fY] domain of the petroleum and current on the level the scientist be interested the short researches the extension in technological applications [aalnaanw] [fY] domains liquefaction of the gas the native and trick him to liquid fuel and originality of the laborers concentrates on the catalytic exceptional smallness and increase opportunities of improvement of the production through development of elite [aaltwwaashaar] except that the medium researches the extension in applications [aalnaanw] domains industry of pipelines be interested in exceptional self of elite and ways of the production and roads storing of the gas the native [aaltY] development of the pipes depends on the exceptional smallness self of the strength and the light weight the weight and the resistant corrosion while the tall researches the extension in applications raise [aalnaanw] [fY] domains of optimal use for the gas the native.

Manager institute of researches of the petroleum confirmed the doctor Ahmed the dye that the institute includes elite from the research youths and knowledgeable who straightens presently in measure of the researches scientific [fY] domain [aalnaanwtknwlwjyaa] self of the tie in craftsman of the petroleum in what he available from possibilities in the institute in addition to exploitation of the opportunities available for the visits scientific external of which helps them on their scientific development of experiences.

Said indeed the institute prioritizes big interests in compliance of vines the advanced scientist [fY] applications of technology [aalnaanw] where rose [fY] the instructional respect in organization many from the cycles and workshop of the work raved [fY] technology area [aalnaanw] and spreading obstacle of 30 researches international are complete [fY] the knowledgeable domain in addition to participation raved [fY] 10 conferences international self of the tie hereby the domain [aalHywY] and registration 22 letter master's degree and doctorate [fY] domain preparation of the substances [naanwmtryt] the size and her applications self of the tie in craftsman of the petroleum and puzzles [aalTbye'YSyl] for the substances

Added that the institute rose in the participation [fY] research projects [fY] domain [aalnaanw] technology within projects the union [aalaawrwbY] with organization "zucchini" and Greece and cooperation of flag creates joint with America and German and frenchified and scientists of the institute on patent collect [fY] the domain raved.

Just as the scientist confirmed the insisting sovereign doctor Mustafa [fY] spoke him [fY] opening of symposium "future of applications [aalnaanw] technology [fY] domain of the petroleum and puzzles of the native [fY] Egypt" that Egypt is alternatives [tsaayr] advanced vines of the scientist [fY] domain of the searching the flag result for the interest big [aaldhY] undertaking his the Egyptian government presently by collaboration with men of the operation and the craftsman for the rise in practical research [fY] Egypt especially [fY] domain of technology [aalnaanw].

Confirmed that future of technology [aalnaanw] [fY] domain of industry and researches of the petroleum [waalGaazaalTbye'Y] will be exemplary. Indicative of importance of the interaction is evident knowledgeable and men of the industry to complying of the needs is special [fY] the technological domains new.

The sovereign doctor Mustafa said indeed all vines [fY] beginning of the road [fY] domain of use and application of technology [aalnaanw] and consequently transient insisting breath of the steps writes in [aaltY] writes her the United States of America [fY] the respect raved


[aalnaanw] technologist in activities the searching about the petroleum

The engineer announced forgave understood me minister of the petroleum the beginning in study is use of applications [aalnaanw] technologist in activities the old searching about the petroleum and holes of the wells and extraction of the reservists remnant in the fields and which extraction in the traditional ways becomes difficult her and increase in production averages the oil crude and puzzles of the naturalist is adequate activities of the searching about the metallic wealths especially the gold and his applications.

.[w] the sovereign doctor Mustafa clarified that he the agreement with minister was complete the petroleum on contract meeting includes metallic cadres sector of the petroleum and the wealth and collected from the knowledgeable foreigners who applied [aalnaanw] technological outside and applications for her succeeded in her execution in [mSr].[waaDaaf] that he the agreement was complete also on forming group of joint work from comprehensive [aaTlnTaa] Georgian American and sector of the petroleum and the continuous communication between them to preparing and practice of the Egyptian cadres in this respect new.

Added that sector of the petroleum one of of the cutters distinguished which the technologists Haditha use and distinguished cadres include be possible to contains the technologists happen especially that there big developments in activities of industry the petroleum and the gas and petrochemical and the metallic wealths and that the domain open for assimilation and use of applications technological Haditha in sector the petroleum especially that there increasing concerns from ministry of the petroleum through the use of the Egyptian naturalist happens the technologists for glorification customs of the wealths. The minister added that he searched with [d]. sovereign Mustafa also spike of use happens the researches and technological which reached to her in his researches in domain of the polymers and the petrochemical craftsmen.


Egypt includes scientists without base in inductance

[d]. Mohammed the starch: Egypt includes scientists without base in inductance. Depreciates her the suitable man in the suitable place put

Goodnesses wrote [aalsnwsy] 16/ 2/ 2007 Egyptian ties of the scientist the candidate for allowable Nobel in the physics the scientific doctor Mohammed the starch between Al-Thawra to "[aalnaatwtknwlwjy]" and the evident revolutions economic which witnesses her the scientist internationalized, assured that the scientific researches pours direct in the economy, and ends domain for the research scientific without presentation of supporting material from the state and the private sector.

The starch said in spoke him yesterday in symposium salon of the opera which runs her the journalistic writer Osama is skeleton simply indeed word "[naanw]" the small things mean, and synonymous her in the Greek language old he "the young child", and consequently transient term "[naanwtknwlwjy]" the small things in the flags mean and technological Haditha.

Added the scientists expect that speaking revolution of huge during the 50 year next in flag [aalnaanwtknwlwjy], from her daily matter our change manner of live in what the economic case in shackles be reversed on all vines expanded in the scientist.

Following: Is not for us freedom of the choice in scientific accompaniment the development to through suits far of effort to solving problems of the scientific research in Egypt.

Said: There researches appears her investigation now impossible matters to that he with the time truth will be, especially that future [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] specializations of the engineer about the doctor about the economist do not itemize, and hit him this specializations in person one will accumulate between, tightening on necessity of the interest scientific full moons of the research in Egypt.

Added: There Arabic vines preceded us in the scientific research and the real danger for lack of accompaniment ascertained revolution [aalnaanwtknwlwjy], clarifying that Egypt at her knowledgeable ['afaaDl] from them the doctor is honorable [aal'iskndraany] friend 36 scientific researches in [aalnaanwtknwlwjy].

Around his clean meeting in the doctor Ahmed head council of the ministers, concerning nuclear announcing the initiative Egyptian, the starch said: Lives to any signer do not seek in or position inside Egypt after absence about Al-Watan lasted to 12 year increases from, followed hidden secret that at confidence in the leaderships Egyptian since agreement Mohammed on Pasha, and to is when is for me saw says him courageously then obeyed first the matter.

Clarified that he compliance from the leadership found Egyptian and positive reactions while proposed hang in his around the nuclear initiative.

Incoming on question around nominating his for prize of Nobel in the physics the starch said: Question of nominating from his did not be interested in my lack and to reasons of the nominating are habituation to book issued him and confirmed in him merits for prize Nobel instead of scientist the physics who collected on her the last year,

The book confirmed that I the applied aspect for flags of the engineering from new evidence of theory managed in make sure athletic equality reconciled for that there more than after theory of Einstein adds for, and which indicates until there three distances for the size, and distance for the time.

The starch said: In opinions personal that who deserves "Nobel" he from useful works present respects human, and raved what presented him the Egyptian scientist Ahmed Zeul, [wmaalm] investigation Einstein manages from his.

About the scientific research in Egypt the starch said: Base in inductance in Egypt does not create, [w'inmaa] real scientists create inside her and outside her, and mentions from them the doctor Mohammed [Gnym] professor alkylates me in Mansoura, and the doctor Michael Atiyyeh, scientist of the athletes first in England and changes them.

Added: What decreases us he the suitable man in the suitable place, just as that scientific Al-Qaeda in need to financing, and raved what the scientist happens in all him.


The applications [aalHrbyh] [llnaanwtknwlwjy]

The war applications [llnaanwtknwlwjy] in the period which 1999 stature preceded the United States of America in supplying 92 from the struggles in the weapons and technological war developed. Causing raved in deterioration of the case [aal'ajtmaae'yt] [waal'aqtSaadyt] for the countries developing which ratio 68% from the vines idealizes [aalmsthlkh] for this military technologists. Reason ['astxdaam] and trying many from the governments in all aspects the scientist for this technology she forms her more effectiveness and cheap. Formative she is straightens through the use of [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] in [aal'aste'maalaat] war without her codification mother straightens in her codification without knowledge extension her of application. Group entrusted for from research responsibility investigation of goals the justified millenium and the confirming from extension is impact [aal'astxdaamaat] war [llnaanwtknwlwjy] on the health and the environment. Breath of the time fulfilled knowledge favored their wants of researches on [aalmsaae'dh] in the border and the lightening from the polluting and the dangers. Formative stature this committee from 20 specialized precisely important [aal'astxdaamaat] war [llnaanwtknwlwjy] which Alan spoke from year 2025 with the sign corroded to the important problems and the healthy dangers and the environmental pollution… etc. Stature of the committee precisely and evaluation questions of the searching which already leads us the answers on her to defined production helps us on healthy avoiding the dangers and resulting polluting the environment about [aal'astxdaamaat] military [llnaanwtknwlwjy]. The final report considers that the healthy polluting and the dangers the important problems and increases her complexity. The final report empowered the light on many from [aal'astxdaamaat] the possible soldier [llnaanwtknwlwjy] which spoke corroded [e'aam]2010. While follows [nsrd] the detailed pillar [l'aste'maal] substances [aalnaanw] identicals [aalnaanwtywb] in her the military attire and the preparers for making strengthens and frightens and be possible to performs to [aalnaanwfybr] identicals of the substances which the clothes cut off from or the preparers and intervention in the body and the environment.

Molecules [aalnaanw]: His the surface covers for making most solidity and smoothness of smoothness and lightness and blessing increases possible that [ytEEkl] and inhales him the soldiers or the citizens. Enables to substances use [aalnaanw] [kflaatr] to ultra-cheap elimination of the blemishes from the liquids in eighth and fear from possibility creates leakage of some blemishes poisonous to this liquids. Will clarify while follows the important dangers healthy which occurrence after 2010 oasis 2025 be possible her so possible to industrial cells of the blood perform - which performance of the body be reinforced - inflation in the blood [w'aste'maal] the big quantities from the intelligent weapons especially reduced from her and the automatic weapons and the opposite supply about after be possible to losses in rows perform for the fighters and civil and destruction brown underneath and polluting of the environment. The awake futures reinforced small and the designed designer for increase and period reply of the verb caused the lasting addiction and the fatigue and the neurological illness and already the death arrives to.

This some [aal'asy'lh] which the scientists try [aal'ajaabh] on her:

How sucking of molecules is complete [aalnaanw] inside the body transcutaneous and the digestive eyes and the ear and the lungs and the device? Is this molecules be possible for natural avoiding the resistance the stubborn human and the animal? What he possibility acquaintance of the preventive device on this molecules? What she forged the exposure [aalmHtmlh] for substances [aalnaanw] in the water and the air according to whether? Is molecules be possible for [aalnaanw] that intervention in the series nutritious about road the entering to the bacterium and accumulates in her? How substances leak [aalnaanw] to the environment? How changes stubborn [aal'antqaal] from medium environment as the air to last as the water? How will determine and garbage remove from [aalnaanw]? How be possible to uses [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] for cleaning arena of the battle [bmaa] [fy] her in her the biological weapons chemical and the nuclear garbage [HtY] [laa] [ttlwth] [aalbyy'h]? What who will happen at that moment?

In fact [ndry]. Raved and institute of the soldier straightens [llnaanwtknwlwjy] in facilitating of the road to high technology and developed about road scattered ['astxdaam] the flag and technological and the engineering. Capable of concentration of the institute on design of soldier raises [aal'axtraaq] through the use of [aalnaanwtknwlwjy]. Understanding wants increase of the soldiers the survivors from arena the battle. They for de their his fifth strategic domains ranges between completeness of regime [aalnaanw] and battle symmetry of the medicine


The digital war

For this creatures [aalnaanwyt] huge applications in the military domain, weak dangerous by far from the atomic weapons [waalhaaydrwjynyt], in fact she is dangerous than all what invents him the human corroded Alan, and already clarified [aal'admyraal] David [jrmaayaa] deputy of President previous for beautiful American pillars of the war is gravity [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] his greens" indeed for the military applications for technological [aalnaanw] possibilities of big than the nuclear weapons in change of balance threw me radical, where devouring of strength be possible little opponent in hours in herds other than visible about [ltrylywnaat] from automatic devices of the human which copies himself and this method increases in"

That raved means simply that armies received the human being does not be formed from yet from this beings [aalnaanwyt] which sending be possible her to any spot opponent for the annihilation of all from in her from little human being during hours, and kisses of that formation devices of the computer demolished on all favored for civil and roads of the control in the state the opponent, from electrical destruction of nets the communication and the energy etc, aiming formation the area is preparer completely ironing straightens armies [aalnaanw] in her work, followed the digression wanted most in digital subject the war be soft applications and faces have fun does not be about to her abundance restricts for, and in the possibility formation of books in her

For new gravity this technicality ([aalnaanwtknwlwjy]) losing pertained the advanced vines huge budgets to her researches scattered, suffices to knows that Japan identicals pertained amount of billion dollar to researches scattered [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] in the last year only, as for America losing pertained huge amounts trillion of dollar affords in to researches waver [aalnaanw] technological and that the year 2015 corroded, just as that enemy America Alan small armies from knowledgeable [aalnaanw] number in 40000 scientist affords their only


Small scientist his future is big

Rose [aalbaaHthh] [aalmSryh] his characteristics of peace is rear [b'aSdaar] new book about [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] entitled "small scientist his future is big" and in his presentation for the book scientist of the physics says the professor illuminative [naayfh] in to technicality [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] from new domains of the searching and active and ultra-fast and which straightens in studious her many from knowledgeable in all aspects the scientist in laboratories is governmental and commercial and academic and which industrial speaking of revolution new in the future will close in various domains of Al-Hayat. Indicates that what makes the domain in purpose raved the importance and glimmer from the hope for the developing states gives that some bases this technology depends significantly on the human laborer and the wealths natural adequate breath of the time having humble cost weak of conditions and requirements existing in the scientist Arabic. In addition to that Fann that technology [maazaalt] in the first stages from the maturity of which the domain makes open in all shutters his for the associated scientist Arabic real participation on superior of level from the worldwide development and the update. The professor asks [naayft] is it is possible to the Arabic scientist loses opportunity associated and onlooker stays? Indicative of that the book raved important part from methods of the enlightenment in the Arabic scientist not on level demanding and the professors and the researchers so according to will yet be useful very on level from in orientation make decision the official research scientific and the development in all centers and special. Presentation for the book fulfilled her the author make sure provided that the scientific enlightenment in technicality [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] important parts and necessary consider side walks to near with the scientific politics and technological in the state. Just as necessity presence of scientific initiative indicated to integral Arab in domain [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] is complete from during her coordination and organization of the efforts and the researches and which accompanies her scientific consciousness Arabic in technological [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] simplification for the meanings imitates in her blessing demanding and research and the general people and her apprehension of distances in life of the individuals and her role in gathered builder and progress and the people

The chapter came first of the book in address "flag [aalnaanwtknwlwjy]" and took in him the author the definition in flag [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] and concise his worldwide summary for historiography and his importance and size of the investments and forms and roads of industrialization of the substances [aalnaanwyt]. The chapter fulfilled second took [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] in scientific works of the horseman where importance confirmed on and valuable scientific works of the horseman in development the flag and technological just as indicated except that technicality [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] [kGyrhaa] from technological antecedence of the prediction in her and her discovery in works of the horseman scientific since time far before is complete scattered her in treated of the researches and the development. The chapter parades third pipes of the carbon [aalnaanwyt] "[aalnaanwtywb]" and her horizon [aalwaae'dh] in present and Al-Mustaqbal. As for the chapter fourth losing came in address "the promising applications for technicality [aalnaanwtknwlwjy]" and took in him [aalbaaHthh] in the detail the current horizon and the applications and futuristic for technological [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] in many from the domains. The chapter fulfilled fifth in address "[aalnaanwtknwlwjy]: Dangers and fears" took [aalbaaHthh] the interview about the fears from the healthy effects and environmental possible for technological [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] and thus the fears from applications [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] in the military domains and indicated except that financing of the researches relative to the effects healthy and environmental resulting on [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] be necessary to financing of the researches suits with relative to development that technology and needed creating the way to the new dangers possible and the dealing balance with her efficiently [mn] ['ajl] safe future for this technology new. The chapter fulfilled sixth and last took [aalbaaHthh] examples from the efforts Arabic in the interest in technological [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] indicative to that he in light of race [aalnaanw] worldwide fast in address "[aallHaaq] or the contrition" still there extra and extra in front of scientist our Arabic for center in stirrups the advanced vines in this respect and becomes there [Drwrh] urgent for initiated Arabic in [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] is complete from during her unification of the efforts and specification of priority and technology areas [aalnaanw] which national economy serves our. The author in the end and the recommendations indicated to the important entrances and the essential requests which Arabic scientist reports our in [aallHaaq] and associated effective in race [aalnaanw] worldwide fast. Book composed and the researcher is characteristics of safety worthy in the supporting and the estimate and the encouragement losing came his choice of address "small scientist and big future" suitable for importance flag and scientist [aalnaanwtknwlwjy] "small" and received his "big" and the book forms in his summary important contributions and distinguished and important returns for specialized and research and the students and the general audience in this respect new and promising.


The war domain or military (the weapons)

To you tough summary for visualizations of uses [aalnaanw] technologist in the domain military: The fertile domain have fun he domain of the spying to the extent that some fears that civil Al-Hayat for the persons will be exposed for the view with this technicality frightening so what is not there special for one in his house!

So the advanced states reached to making of flying [tjssyt] in size went him the hand by means of technicality [aalnaanw] adequate domain industry of the weapons and the bombs so the field fertile for production her in technological [aalnaanw], actually way of the example is transient small insect of formation in size 200 [maaykrwn] and this the suitable size for the capable of weapons pursuit of the persons idealizes other than protected and their the poisons enclosed in bodies. This deadly doses informs 100 [naanwjraam] or 1/the 100 from size weapon.

From the proposed thoughts and directions directions of the military employment current for the technology:

- electronic creating of substitute for the part vital from the brains the human favor is smiling (century [EEmwn]), for the arrival to status can with him the brain accompanied modified electronic loading of the memory in hundred multiples what he is available natural, and complicated storing the educations, and the power on investigation the communication and the continuity is evident brain bring good news me and last.

- originality of members and industrialized substitutes for parts from the body in what raising of level is easy and human powers of the performance.

- industry disks of change of operations [aalaastqlaab] in cells bodies of the soldiers in what grants them the power on the stay for several days without sleep or food.

- making [rwbwtaat] correspondence of the beings be about to live, designer alike the cockroaches, the climbing on the walls can [waalslaalm] and the rocky reliefs different

- use of bees capable of discovery explosive.

- making of regimes awaited from far distance the case mental for the questionable persons in they, or desirable in observation their and the spying on thoughts their, through the use of close technicality from the photography in the ringing magnetic and apart from him, in such a manner that this regimes from detection of intentions manage the person and reading of thoughts his advance.

In the close yesterday debt of weapons of mass destruction was for (Massive Destruction Weapons), and which the biological weapon includes (Biological Weapons), and the chemical weapon (Chemical Weapons), and the nuclear weapon (Nuclear Weapons), and that to producing weapons of lethal effective self of impact fast. Then development of the matter to mixture debt from the weapon becomes for most ferocity the weapons accumulate between the three precedent, and was complete to the bone found that of which the astounding scientist from gravity that strange resultant. The day was complete the moving completely from that his reliable weapons the traditional modern agreement to the weapon on technician [aalnaanw].
