The Prevention On Breast Cancer Health Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1331

Attention Material Here, I would like to ask that whether anyone of you here able to recognise this picture and know well about it. It is not just necessary a simple pink ribbon,bt it is an international symbol on the awareness of breast cancer. According to the personal website of our Prime Minister, breast cancer is a major threat to the 14 million female population of Malaysia, while there is 1 in every 20 women in Malaysia are at the risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime, which also means that there are about 700,000 people are in risk.

Tie To Audience/ Relevancy Statement/ Reveal Your Topic: Dato' Sri Mohamad Najib also states that breast cancer represents almost one third, which is about 32% of all new cases of cancers affecting women. While breast cancer was accounted for 18% of all cancer cases, which is the first common cancer among Malaysians regardless of gender. So, guys over here, you should pay the same attention on this problems as ladies bacause the survival of a male patient who get breast cancer is even worse than a female patient as from overall, stated by Mikael Hartman, MD, PhD,from Department of Epidemiology and Public Health in Singapore in the Journal of clinical onchology.

Credibility Material: I did some research on breast cancer to get knew more about this disease and wish to help out when there were once my aunt who get breast cancer and feel sad, fear, emotional and deseperate on it. So, I try to giv her support physically and mentally with her family by lending her an ear and hands. I am now joining the pink ribbon charity walk to show my supports and concern on those breast cancer patient too.

Thesis & Preview: Prevention is better than cure, thus we should be aware and well-informed on the precaution and prevention of breast cancer to reduce the chances in getting it.

Preview: Today I will tell you about the prevention of breast cancer by eating in a correct way and inform you on the lifestyle risk factor to ensure you all will perform a healthy lifestyle.

Transition: According to New Straits Time, Prince Court Medical Center Consultant Breast and Endocrine Surgeon, Dr Harjit Kaur stated that "20 women estimated at the risk of getting breast cancer in Malaysia. More women may be dying of breast cancer in Malaysia than statistics indicate."


A.Main Point 1 : One of the prevention on breast cancer is by eating in a correct way for health and longevity.

1. Subpoint 1 :Anticancer food are useful in prevent and fight cancer as well.

i. Sub-sub point/elaboration: Dr. Servan-Schreiber states that the anticancer diet is principally composed of vegetables accompanied by olive oil, or organic butter, garlic, herbs and spices in his book named Anticancer, a new way of life.

ii. Sub-sub point/elaboration: There are a variety of anticancer food that you may take like green tea,soy, herbs and spices,citrus fruits, dark chocolates and more. As example,green tea is popular and welcomed by citizens of China and Japan, and you may found the lowest rate of breast cancer found in these country. Tea is considered as high in antioxidants,however green tea has the highest among tea. While the green tea leaves was the least processed bacause it is simply steamed.

2. Subpoint 2: Eating organically grown food is highly recommended

i. Sub-sub point/elaboration: An interesting study was done at Danish Institute of Agriculture Sciences that comparing the heath of rats that were fed organic food werw healthier, less obese, slept better and had a healthier immune system

ii. Sub-sub point/elaboration: By eating an organic apple a day may keep the oncologist away. The National Cancer Institute reported that foods like apple which contain flavenoids may reduce the risk of cancer. A study in Canada revealved that it contain five times more antioxidants in the apple's skin compared to the flesh.

3. Subpoint 3: Put effort in eliminating contaminated food in your meal

i. Sub-sub point/elaboration: It is difficult to eliminate or at least significantly reduce the amount of harmful foods and contaminants in your diet. The first step is to reduce your consumption of fatty animal foods, which highly contain industrial carcinogens, pseudoestrogens, and esrogens.

ii. Sub-sub point/elaboration: Research on your drinking water as well because by considering the pollution in our waterways, it is possible that carcinogenic pesticides and other pollutant contaminated our supply of drinking water. So it is better to request a water quality report from your municipality.

Transition: Now, let us proceed to the lifestyle risk factor that you should aware.

B. Main Point 2 : Lifestyle that we keep gives a high effect on prevention on breast cancer.

1. Subpoint 1 : Make exercise as part of your daily routine to stay healthy and beware of getting obese

i. Sub-sub point/elaboration: A 1994 Netherlands study in British Journal of Cancer found that the risk of breast cancer increased 90 percent among the heaviest women.By consuming more calories than it burns in your body that make you gain weight puts you at a greater risk in getting breast cancer.

ii. Sub-sub point/elaboration: It is an excuse that you are stating that you have no time for exercise because of work. You may choose to climb the stairs rather than taking elevators. You may choose to have a brief walk at the park, or around your housing estates that is sufficient to improve your general health and at the same time reduce the risks of breast cancer.

2. Subpoint 2: Limit your alcohol intake

i. Sub-sub point/elaboration Alcohol consumption is clearly linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer, and the risk increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. Women who have two to five drinks daily have about one-and-a-half times the risk of nondrinkers. If you are going to drink, limit your intake to one drink per day

ii. Sub-sub point/elaboration: It's truth that alcohol may offer protective benefits to our cardiovasular system, you may derive a better and safer alternative by practicing exercise, eating a low-fat diet or by taking antioxidants supplements.

3. Subpoint 3: Smoking will linked to breast cancer

i. Sub-sub point/elaboration: According to the BBC news, it stated that scientists have come out with data which suggest smoking will increases the risk of breast cancer.

ii. Sub-sub point/elaboration: In the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, a major study carried out by the California Department of Health Services on 116,000 women suggests that smoking did bring significant threat. There were 2,005 of the them in the study were diagnosed with breast cancer. Thus, women who smoke were leading of 30% higher in risk of getting breast cancer compared to those who do not smoke.

III. Conclusion

A & B. Brakelight & Summary: In the nutshell, breast cancer can definitely be lowered by giving out our own effort by eating in a correct way by taking anticancer food, eating organically and eliminate contiminated food in our meal. We also get informed about the lifestyle risk factor that must be awared by practising exercise, limit the alcohol intake and never smoke.

C. Tie Back to Audience : As you all know that increasing statistic of breast cancer that is so threatening, we must take our own responsibility to be caring to ourself by practicing those prevention step in order to lower the risk of getting breast cancer. We must always think for the sake of our family who cares and love us.

D. Concluding Memorable Remarks: Thus, all of us were encouraged to be involve in the breast cancer awareness,such as pink ribbon which organized for charity, educational and scientific purpose. We will know more about breast cancer symptoms and treatments, so that we will know well our body structure and detect any changes on it. We will have an early detection plan and this is the best way to fight against breast cancer at an early stage.