Stress management is a very important

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1155


Stress management is a very important way in the life that can from it control the

stress which is one of a very common condition in the world and affect most of the

people with different and many reasons for it. However, the persons in middle aged

are the most who influenced of it because their income for life and know the troubles

and affected by different types of life experience. So the stress in general is a feeling

of physical or emotional tension. The emotional stress usually occurs when situations

are considered difficult or unmanageable. Therefore, different people consider

different situations as stressful and the physical stress refers to a physiological

reaction of the body to various triggers. The pain experienced after surgery is an

example of physical stress. Physical stress often leads to emotional stress, and

emotional stress is frequently experienced as physical discomfort.

Stress management

Stress management is one of the most spread conditions and has the historically

neglected as a public health issue. It was once believed that this condition is normal

And there was no need to treat it, but now days few people subscribe to this


Many people now are considering reducing this stress. I choose this topic to give

general information about this condition to get benefit background about it and to

explain the important things to take the people warning from this condition.

This paper on stress management will include the main types of stressors and the

symptoms of stress. The paper will also discuss the causes and some ways to avoid it.

The purpose of this paper is to help people to be careful and it aim to assist people to

identify some details about how to prevent this condition.

The types of stressors

In any way the same regardless of how traumatic can be harmful of health. Stress

becomes problematic when stressors accumulate or become repeated, that leading to

distress or feelings of anxiety and despair. Stressors come in a variety of different

forms. Long (ND) identify different types of stressors.

The factors of stress

Stress is simply a fact of nature forces from the outside world affecting the individual.

In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors.

The causes of stress

Stress in human results from interactions between persons and their environment.

Therefore, the causes of tension can include any event or occurrence that threat in the

live .

Both positive and negative events in one's life can be stressful. However, major life

changes are the greatest contributors of stress for most people. So there are two main

causes of stress the major life changes and the environmental events.

Stress Symptoms

Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. When

you are stressed, your body responds as thought you are in danger. It makes

hormones that speed up your heart, make your breath faster and give you a burst

of energy. However, some stress is normal and even useful, stress can help if you

need to work hard or react quickly. But, if stress happen too often or lasts too

long, it can have bad effects. It can be linked to headaches, an upset stomach,

back pain and trouble sleeping. So in detail there are several symptoms that may

be noticed when are experiencing stress. These symptoms fall into four categories:

feelings, thoughts, behavior and physiology. When one is under stress will

experience one or more of the following:-


There are many kinds of feelings such as feeling anxious, feeling scared, feeling

irritable and feeling moody.

Thoughts (low self esteem) -

The thoughts is related to emotional effects because of a major changes in one's

life situation such as marriage, completing one's education, becoming a parent,

losing a job or retiring. According to (Jacqueline L.Longe, Editor, P2596 -2598)

that make a person feel like fear or failure, inability to concentrate, embarrassing

easily, worrying about the future, preoccupation with thoughts, tasks or



The symptoms can appear in the behavior like difficulties in speech difficulties,

crying for no apparent reason, acting recklessly and easily, startling easily, and

laughing in a high degree of nervousness and tone of voice.

Physiology -

It is related to physical effects Such as increased heart beat,

Chronic headache, blood pressure digestive disorder, urinating frequently,

sleeping problems. According to (Jacqueline L.Longe, Editor, P2596 -2598).

Stress diagnosis

If you are suffering from stress, you may experience many symptoms that prompt to

see the doctor. This is a good thing when the stress response goes on far long

hormones weaken the immune system's ability to fight disease and can get sick.

According to (Jacqueline L.Longe, Editor, P2596 -2598) .

Medical exam -

There is no one specific test that doctors use to diagnose stress. These may include a

personal and family health history, blood tests including testing for elevated insulin

levels, urine tests and other laboratory tests.

Mental health exam -

Through the work of some tests necessary to mental health of the patient which can

identify the symptoms of pressure or stress and which can be reached for reasons.

How to manage and relieve stress in the moment

Setting goal to reduce stress

If you are ready to reduce stress in your life, setting a goal may help. Try following

these three steps :-

Set a goal

Think about a long term and a short time goal to reduce stress in your life.

Avoiding stress

Stress is a very common problem that can affect the person's health. So, the

stressors can be changed, eliminated or minimized. Here are some thinks to reduce

this stress:-

Treatment of stress

Some stress is a natural and inevitable pat of our lives, feeling burden teal copy

can be problematic and can seriously affect your mental and physical.

Recent advances in the understanding of the many complex connections between

the human mind and body have produced a variety illness.

Present treatment regimens may include one or more of the following:-

These may be either individual of group treatments and usually analysis of the

stressors in the patient's life.

Through this form of therapy, a patient learns to control the

Interactions and discovers how to control them. According to (Jacqueline

L.Long, P 2596-2598).

At the end we know that we all face in our life demands that cause stress and it is

a normal even that having to all people with different conditions that cause it.

However the levels that can this stress affect the people are different and it is

depends of the kind of the stress affect the person that can be acute, sequential ,

intermittent or chronic, However , every person should be to eliminate

unnecessary stressors in the life , in spite of the relatively simple concept , any

kind of stress can affect the person . So you should reduce or prevent it to safe

yourself healthy.
