Human nature is very unpredictable one. There is great diversity, every human has different nature, and every one acts differently in different situations. Organizations have human resources as basic and essential element. Management of these resources is a critical task for organization. This paper analyses different aspects of employee behavior in organization, Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and their behavior with context of workplace settings. To observe organizational behavior includes the areas of psychology, sociology, communication and management. In context of organizational behavior, management of and dealing with work attitudes is examined with reference to related articles.
In the reference of organizational behavior, the article "Interactive effects of work group and organizational identification on job satisfaction and extra-role behavior" by Rolf van Dick was observed. This article observes the effects of identification of employee and work group on job satisfaction and extra role behavior of employees of organization. However, employees or individuals within organization mat have identity with multiple organization based groups, but the identification with organization as whole is or we may call it organizational identification, and identification with work group, with which employee is interacting a lot and spending most of time is more important factor in determining employee satisfaction and attitude toward the job (Van et al, 2008). Both of these identities seem to have positive relationship, but here they are assumed to be independent to some extent. Even a negative relationship between these identifications can supposed to exist such as in norms of a team and its values may be different from organization's values and norms. So in this context, it is relevant to think about that how work group and organizational identification differ in relationship with job attitudes and behavior (Klarner, & Diefenbach, 2011). Literature gives evidence that in past focus was on differential relationship of work group and organizational identification with certain attitudes and behaviors. Comparison of organizational membership and work group membership is usually more salient. As common practice, employees in everyday organizational context have more interaction with group members than organizational members. Another important factor that is identified here is people have more tendencies for identity with relatively small group than a larger social group. This view is supported by theory of optimal distinctiveness, as this theory states that individuals try to achieve balance between being considered as individual with his or her respective abilities and recognition as members of social group (Van et al, 2008). So it is concluded at this stage that group identification is stronger than organizational identification. Article preceded the research with hypothesis that "The higher organizational identification, the more positive is the relationship between work group identification and job satisfaction". The hypothesis was supported by both studies. Firstly it is supported that work group and organizational identification contributes a lot in explanation of attitudes and self-reported behavior. Effects of interaction, predicted initially were also significant in study of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior. Between work group identification and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior identified as stronger when employees are identified more with organization as a whole (Podsakoff et al, 2000).
While observing the area of individual behavior and attitudes, an article "The impact of life events on job satisfaction" by L. Thomas., T. Vurain., & G. Yannis, was reviewed. It is revealed by literature review that workplace behavior of employees such as commitment, productivity, absenteeism and quit etc. has linkage with job satisfaction. So it is important to identify important determinants of job satisfaction, exploring work related and non-work related factors. Several factors that determine the job satisfaction include workplace socialization, working hours, and working environment, organizational control, training and participation and other factors related to workplace (Feather, & Rauter,2004), affects the level of job satisfaction. All these are work related factors, non-work related factors that affect job satisfaction include work life conflict arguments, focus on personality and disposition etc. The article draws evidence on the basis of small samples, data of contemporaneous nature, and indirect comparisons instead of casual and direct examination (Georgellis, Lange, & Tabvuma, 2011).
Different life events and their impact on job satisfaction were observed in this article by developing a set of research questions. Different events that were observed for their impact on job satisfaction include first marriage and birth of first child and its impact on job satisfaction. This study explored these two factors and their impact on job satisfaction. Evidence of simultaneous relationship was identified. Previous literature and findings also supports this evidence. In this research longitudinal tool was used that allowed researchers to add new dimension to previous findings (Georgellis, Lange, & Tabvuma, 2011). This new dimension focused on dynamic aspect of relationship between job satisfaction and life events, and interaction between life events and work life of employees. Feeling and job satisfaction is more closely related to birth of first child, after this life event there is long lasting impact on how employee feels about his or job, than after first marriage. Due to is more salient affect, birth of first child can be considered as a life changing event or it can be said as work life changing event. This event brings a long term commitment, of financial and emotional resources by working parents. While testing the evidence for anticipation, results show that there is increased level of job satisfaction prior to first marriage and it is consistent with evidence of first marriage with evidence of anticipation, but a weak relationship is observed in case of birth of first child with the expectation of job satisfaction of females in private sector. These factors and their impact on job satisfaction, is consistent with predictions of adaption level theory as well as dynamic interaction of work life and personal life events (Georgellis, Lange, & Tabvuma, 2011).
Under the head of stress management and emotions of employees, an article "Employee emotions during organizational change" by K. Patricia., T. Rune., & D. Thomas was considered as reference to stress management among employees. In this research paper, major focus was o role of employee emotions during organizational change. Emotion and change are analyzed as snapshot events. In specific, role of employee emotions during sequential and simultaneous changes were observed with six suggestions for further research in this context. Organizational change can exist due to internal as well external factors. Arranged and internal organizational change was focused in this research paper. Arranged or intentional change refers to planned series of action by organization that brings change in organization at different levels. This series of planned events comes from initiators or higher organizational level. Change has to face proponents, especially when change is planned or arranged type. When change comes from higher level of organization, the recipients of change are usually employees at different levels of organizational hierarchy. They have to cope with this change. Emotions, behavior and attitude of employees have an impact on outcomes of change. In the recent settings and business trends, employees have to adopt changes coming within the organization, in order to achieve refined goals and objectives. Emotions play very critical role in process of adaptation of change in organization. Emotions related to organizational change can be of positive nature as excitement, joy, sense of pleasure and they can be of negative nature as well, such as fear and grief etc. in specific organizational setting, positive behavior related to change include being confident about change and increased trust. Whereas negative emotions related to change include feeling of insecurity that leads to mistrust. When there is failure from employee side to adopt changes, it brings resistance in incorporation of change in organization. Negative emotions are related to resistance to change and beliefs that change is unnecessary. For detailed study of employee emotions, behavior and attitude towards change, varicose psychological models was used in this study. A component process definition of emotions was used in this study as an alternative view that incorporates dynamic and evolving dimension of emotions and allows for set of emotions to co-exist. Psychological stage models of emotions cannot fully account for complexity of change. It is also concluded in this paper that studying the emotions during a single change process does not fully account for complex situation when change is occurring on frequent basis. On the basis of definition of emotions and taking change as on-going process, sequential and simultaneous change scenarios were discussed here. At the six suggestions were proposed for future research on this topic.
This paper had a consistent focus on organizational behavior of employees. Organizational behavior of employees is determined by various factors. There are number of elements that have good or bad effect on employee behavior at work place. These factors may internal or external or personal. As reference to describing the effect of different factors on organizational behavior of employees, three articles are discussed. Different indicators and attribute that directly and or indirectly affects the behavior of employees related to their job are identified in these articles, such as important life events, role of work group identification and organizational identification towards job satisfaction and emotions of employees toward organizational change are discussed.