The section selected deals specifically on how to perform an effective risk assessment at any job site. A risk assessment is supposed to be done before starting any job because ensures the safety of workers. The prospective safety officer must know what a risk assessment is, why a risk assessment is done, and how to perform a risk assessment. By doing a risk assessment it show that the company cares about its workers by ensuring a safe working, it can save money to prevent accidents and most important to observe the law of the land. It shows how to do my job by putting together safe operating procedures.
The most important lessons learnt are that a risk assessment is a six step approach to help eliminate hazards in the workplace and helping in saving lives, property and the environment. It showed the steps in going about identifying the hazards such as the tasks involved and who or what might be harmed. It helps to evaluate the risk which is the probability of it happening by the severity of the outcome. It helps to put the most risky situation e.g. working in confined space on top to the least risk e.g. slips and falls. The control measure consists of "1) Engineering-Elimination. Substitution and Isolation 2) Administrative-Job Rotation, P.P.E. Medical Surveillance and Training and Supervision 3) Safe Work Practice-L.O.T.O. (Lockout Tag Out) and Permit to Work.4) P.P.E-Personal protective equipment which is the last resort in eliminating any residual risk after the control measures are in place". Once control measures are in place the risk assessment must be continually reviewed at least once a year to know if it is working properly. The risk assessment is not meant to be kept away in a draw away from workers. It must be a fully functional safety tool to be used by management and workers to ensure a safe working environment.
2) Housekeeping
Work Cited-Online-No Author
Housekeeping and Fire Safey. (Retrieved: 22nd November 2011) Website: Files/Safety_Manual/Housekeeping.
Good Housekeeping is a very important part of any safety programme. It is the job of employers as well as employees to maintain a clean working environment. It is one of the major causes of injures in the workplace and a very important fire prevention method. For housekeeping to work properly there must be a one and done system in place at every job site.
All garbage must be disposed of immediately. It can lead to falls if the pathway is not kept clear from garbage. Therefore garbage containers should be located in all areas of the workplace. Garbage can play a key role in the start of a fire. Garbage containers must be labelled when disposing hazardous materials. This can help prevent accidental injuries or even prevent a fire with these toxic or flammable fuels. Tools should be stored away in not in use because it can lead to slips and falls. In the event of spilled liquid the safety officers should be notified immediately to ensure prompt clean up .A spill can lead to falls and can even be the cause for starting a fire if it is a flammable liquid. There must be a proper ventilation system in place to stop the spread of dangerous airborne dust and chemical which can lead to respiratory health problems. This happens when working in a construction environment. All welfare facilities should be kept clean so that workers can sanitize themselves after performing a task involving toxic substances. Proper lighting should be maintained throughout the building to enable workers to perform work safely.
The article presents a very important and often neglected area in maintaining safe work practices. Slips trips and fall contribute to about 60% of all construction injuries. It can be a major cause of fire in the workplace for example conducting welding in an area containing flammable liquids and combustibles materials can easily lead to a fire. It can be the cause of health problems such as lung diseases when inhaling hazardous dust or chemical over a period of time.
The lessons learnt here is to maintain a good disposal system throughout the workplace. All dangerous chemicals must be stored away in specially marked areas away from the worksite. There must be a MSDS labels on all chemicals in use at a job site. Spills should be taken care of immediately. Good housekeeping helps in maintaining a good fire prevention and fire protection system and can prevent injuries to workers.
3) Accident Causation Theory-The Domino Effect
Works Cited-Online-No Author
Accident Causation. (Retrieved 22nd November 2011).
This presentation deals with the numerous theories that can be the causes of an accident. "The Domino Theory" is the one that is the most interesting as it relates to the true reality of accident causation. It deals specifically with the environment in which a person is brought up in and the traits in which that person takes to the workplace as the first part of the domino effect, for instance when a person is accustomed to eating at a certain time he/she proceeds to lunch. Therefore he/she can leave a machine running which can overheat and can lead to an accident. Secondly in a culture or environment people are accustomed to working a certain way it never changes no matter what because they feel it is right even if it is not a safe work practice. It allows the negative to control the positive of a safe work culture which can lead to accidents.
Unsafe acts in the work place are a major cause of accidents. It has to do with following the trend of the most senior worker who may not follow the correct work practice. It also has to do with the behaviour of that society with the mentality of it cannot happen here as we do in Trinidad and Tobago. Unsafe conditions deal with the management aspects of accident causation in not spending enough time in training and supervision. Management failing to implement safe operating procedures such as risk assessments can help in the cause of accidents. This can be minor requiring first aid treatment, major requiring hospitalization and also death. Training is another aspect which is neglected. Workers need to be trained in safe work practices.
This presentation helps to better understand the reasons why accident happens in a workplace. By understanding this theory one can therefore develop a health and safety plan for a company and make it work efficiently. Most accidents are the results of people in the workplace. Therefore a safe work place starts with proper supervision and training from management to the workers. In recognizing the causes of accidents control measures could be put in place to prevent it from happening.
The accident causation theory shows that hazards can be controlled in a workplace by using a system known as the "hierarchy of control" which applied can includes engineering techniques, training of workers and enforcement of safe work by proper supervision.
4) Responsibilities of Employers and Employees in the Workplace
Work Cited-Legislative Law of Trinidad and Tobago
Government of Trinidad and Tobago (2004 ), OSH Act 1 of 2004 Part 11-General Duties (Section 6-13). Parliament. Government Printery Trinidad.
This section deals with the duties of the Employers and Employees in the workplace in maintaining a safe working environment. The main duty of an employer is the protection of employees from harm in the workplace and informing them about safety and health issues. Proper training and supervision is a must by all employers and must be an ongoing process. Tools and machinery must be in proper working conditions with adequate storage facilities. This can be done with a good inspection and maintenance programme. .There must a health and safety policy statement ensuring safe workplacewhich should include risk assessments and safe operating procedures in place. There must be a full functional safety and health committee. There must be an adequate emergency response plan together with first aid facilities. Health and welfare facilities must be in place such as proper ventilation, temperature control, lighting sanitary, washing and rest place. Precautions should be taken on flammable substances, noise and vibration. All incidents and accidents must be reported and recorded. The employer has to be responsible in maintaining safety and health to the surrounding people, property and the environment. Personal protective equipments must be provided by employers.
Employees' main responsibility is to ensure their own safety in the workplace. This can be done by ensuring they attend training sessions on safety and health issues. Personal protective equipment should be worn at all times in accordance with training instructions. They must not interfere with or misuse anything designed for providing safety, health or welfare. They must not come to work intoxicated to endanger the welfare of others. Employees have a right to refuse to work if the situation is unsafe. However there must be a process like reporting to the immediate supervisor, safety officers and union representatives. If no action is done then the OSH Agency needs to be notified and the worker can stop working. The worker has to be paid until the OSH Agency decides it is safe to work.
This section is informative because it shows the responsibilities of both employers and employees in the workplace. As safety officer one has to know the rights and responsibilities of both parties in order to carry out one's duty in a fair manner. The OSH Act No. 1 of 2004 Part 11 Section 6-13 is very helpful in creating a safer workplace. If properly followed it could help to keep the workplace as safe as possible. Both sides have their role to play and can be held accountable under the OSH Act No. 1 of 2004Part 11 Section 6-13.
5) Duties of an Employer as It Relates to Health
Work Cited-Legislative Law of Trinidad and Tobago
Government of Trinidad and Tobago (2004 ), OSH Act 1 of 2004 Part VI Health (Section 31-36). Parliament. Government Printery Trinidad.
This part of the Act deal with the duties of an employer in maintaining proper health standards in the workplace. It is the duty of an employer to ensure a clean and sanitary environment at all times and that proper arrangements are made to allow for the disposal of waste materials in the workplace. A proper lighting system should be in place for employees and customers. This can help in prevention of glares and therefore accidents. There must be steps taken to control the amount of noise and vibration in the workplace such as testing standards approved by the E.M.A. There must be no overcrowding of the workplace so as ensure a safe evacuation process in the event of an emergency. There must an adequate ventilation system in place to prevent coming in contact with harmful substances in the air which can eventually lead to respiratory diseases.
This part of the OSH Act No. 1 2004 Part VI Section 31-36 is important because it helps in increasing knowledge of the responsibilities of employers in protecting the health of workers. It deals with aspects not directly linked to the task at hand but the environment in which we work. This can lead to lead health issues over a period of time. The effect is not an acute one for instance lighting noise and vibration may not affect our health right away but over a period of time can eventually lead to disease of some kind. Therefore it is important that control measures are put in place to help make the working environment a safer place.
The lesson learnt here is that the environment in which people work in can affect the safety and health of workers. Therefore that link has to be maintained to ensure a safer workplace. Employers need to take preventive measure to ensure that there is a clean work environment by ensuring areas are cleaned on a regular basis as well as maintaining clean welfare facilities area. Lighting, noise and vibration must be included on an inspection checklist form. Standards need to be monitored and tested in compliance of E.M.A. recommendations.
6) Importance of a Safety Policy