Peanut Butter As A Healthy Food Choice Health Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 2623

These words might remind you of the famous quote from 'The Godfather', but trust me friends ,these are truly my feelings when I talk of the benefits of making peanut butter a part of your daily diet.

Peanut butter has always been into our kitchen either making its way through the yummilicious peanut butter sandwiches or through more sophisticated dishes like pasta or salad.

The nutritional value of the peanut butter can be estimated by the fact that it is even used as a base emergency food for famine stricken countries due to its high fat and protein content.

But you have heard about it containing saturated fats .Then how exactly does peanut butter fits into the category of a healthy food choice,you may ask!

Well , here are some of the facts listed about the nutritional value of peanut butter that will turn you into an avid fan of peanut butter:

 Peanut butter is a very high caloric, yet very healthy food.

One serving (about 2 tablespoons)of peanut butter contains:

Protein(8 g), Fiber(2g),vitamin(2mg),calcium(.04g),thiamen(.04g)

and copper(.17mg).

 Protects against high risk of cardiovascular disease due to high levels of monosaturated fats and resveratrol.Resveratrol is said to contain the antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities in it.

 Over the years, many studies done have shown that people with regular intake of peanut butter in their diets are less likely to develop heart disease or Type2 diabetes.

 When taken on a regular basis, helps protect against Alzheimer disease and formation of gallstones.In addition to it, peanut butter contains higher level of antioxidants than present in apple or carrots.

 Contains dietary fiber upto 8% which is known to reduce the blood sugar level and also reduces the risk of colorectal cancer(one of the deadly diseases causing many deaths in countries like U.S.).

 Vitamin B3 contained in it is known for its benefits such as aiding in the recovery of cell DNA damage and proper functioning of sex organs by causing the proper secretion of sexual hormones .

 Rich source of potassium and calcium providing benefits like hypertension reduction , healthy bones and reduction of muscle spasms.

Ok, I know, now you can hardly resist yourself from gorging into all types of peanut butter dishes !! But make one thing sure, that if you are allergic to the peanut butter , then consult your doctor before making it a part of your diet.

So, as Channing Pollock has said "No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut " ,I guess it would be better to say now that no man can stop himself from making peanut butter a part of their daily diet!!

Article No-2


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Best vegetarian sources of omega3 fatty acids

"All animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends!" George Bernard shaw.

Yes, you are a true believer in these thoughts on vegetarianism and you should be proud of yourself that you have adopted a healthy food habit .

But you fear that you might be devoid of the essential minerals that are an integral part of a non vegetarian diet. If u are a newly converted vegan, then many perceptions might be there in your mind about the nutritional value of a veggie diet.

One of the most wrongly perceived notion being that a vegetarian diet cannot provide you with the supplements of minerals as important as omega 3 fatty acids.

Now the question arises as to what exactly are omega 3 fatty acids and why are they so important to human health?

Well, to start with, omega 3 fatty acids are the essential fatty acids necessary for human health but the body is unable to synthesize them.You have to get them through food sources.

Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the probability of heart disease,cancer, arthritis and other deadly diseases.

They are important for cognitive(brain related functions) and behavioural functions.

Two types of omega 3 fatty acids are present :ALA and DHA.The body essentially converts ALA to DHA.

Deficiency of omega 3 in our body can cause fatigue, poor memory, heart problems , dry skin,depression

And other health problems.

Is vegetarian diet deficient in omega 3 fatty acids?

Fish and other non veg diets are supposed to be rich in these type of fatty acids which makes the assumption stronger that vegetarian diet is deficient in these acids.

One thing has to be made clear in your mind that there is no such nutrient which is essential for human health and is not present in a veg diet.

Infact, vegetarian diet is the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Vegetarian sources of omega 3 fatty acids::

1. Flaxseed oil contains great amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition to it , it also contains the advantages of fibres and lignans good for health.

2. Hemp seeds contains good balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and significant amounts of GLA already.

3. Organic milk is said to contain 60-70% higher level of ALA(type of omega 3) in it than an ordinary milk.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in smaller quantities in nuts, seeds, and soy products, as well as beans, vegetables, and whole grains.

5. Walnuts and soyabeans also contain good amount of omega 3 fatty acids necessary for health.

6. Leafy green vegetables contain correct amount of omega 3 as well as omega 6 in them .Regular intake of green leafy vegetables ensures supply of omega 3 in your body.

7. Pumpkin seeds and food cooked in olive oil also are good supplements of omega 3 fatty acids.

It is fairly easy for everyone consuming a balanced diet to meet the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations for Omega 3 acids intake.

A typical adult consuming 2000 calories per day would need about 1.3 - 2.7 grams ALA per day; equalling about one-quarter of a teaspoon of flax seed oil, less than a tablespoon of walnuts or 1.3 tablespoons of soybean oil.

Thus , a healthy balanced vegetarian diet is very unlikely to be deficient in omega 3 fatty acids.

So next time when you are eating your veggie food and someone points out that it is not as rich in nutrients as a non vegetarian diet, give them an insight into the benefits of the vegetarian diet and feel proud to be a vegetarian!

Article No-3


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Taking multivitamins without a prescription can lead to health problems.

"All drugs are poisons,the benefits depends on the dosage."

History has always taught us that the best medicine is to take no medicine, but as the human tendency is, we don't learn anything from our past.The same thing applies when we look at the current trend of relying on the multivitamins and external supplements by common people.

Why multivitamins are important??

Ideally, humans should get wholly nutritious diets rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

But the fact is, most people do not meet all of their nutritional needs through their food.

As a result, many of us rely on multivitamins and supplements to achieve complete nutrition.

No matter how unhealthy our diet is, we always try to make up for it through external supplements.We think that we can escape the illeffects caused by junk food through these supplements.

The big question arises that can we skip our daily servings of fruits and vegetables

And take a vitamin supplement instead? Unfortunately, the answer is , no.

Although a limited amount of multivitamins within the prescription of a doctor can help you gain the benefits of these supplements but the real danger arises when people play with their life by taking these multivitamins without any prescription .

Taking multivitamins without prescription

The worst thing you could do to your body is to make it habitual of external supplements.

Unfortunately,these days most of the people around the world are doing the same in the name of better health and nutrient supply to the body.

Even the manufacturers of these supplements make false claims about these multivitamins being without any sideeffects but the picture is not as rosy as they claim.

While they contain good ingredients,the truth is when taken in excess, these multivitamins are not absorbed by the body and hence lead to various complications.

Also, various cheap multivitamins present in the market contain toxic substances in them which can be dangerous for your health.

If you think that by taking these multivitamins without any prescription ,nothing harmful is done,then you are mistaken. Taking them in excess or without being prescribed leads to slow death.

Every body has different needs of these nutrients and only your doctor has the proper knowledge and authority as to what type and amount of multivitamins are best for you.

Do not try to become your own doctor and take them in amounts you feel right.The best way to avoid the ill effects of these multivitamins is to always consult your doctor about their consumption .

While the best option is to opt for organic food to satisfy the bodily requirements of important minerals and vitamins.Organic food is said to contain high amounts of nutrients in it which can satisfy the nutrient requirement. Add high quality supplements which provide your body with bio-available vitamins and minerals, and it becomes easy to live a long, healthy life while consuming fewer calories and still obtaining the nutrients you need to function optimally.

Article No-4


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Excess of proteins can lead to joint pains

"One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other 3 quarter keeps your doctor alive."

We humans pretend to take so much care of our health that sometimes we forget the sideeffects of these measures.As in this case, we all are aware of the importance of protein for our health but we hastily consume so much protein that it becomes a burden for the body.

What , don't tell me!! Even proteins consumed in excess have ill effects associated with them?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.Proteins when present in excess can lead to serious complications in the body like joint pains and other diseases. Here in this article we focus on how excess proteins are responsible for that severe pain in your joints you feel everytime you wake up in the morning .

What are proteins and why are they so important?

Proteins are one of the basic nutrients needed by human body being about 16% of the total body weight.Most of the body tissues,skin,muscle,hair need protein for their well being.

Even the important chemicals like enzymes,hormones,transmitters and dna which constitute our body are made up of protein.

What amount of protein is needed?

Protein requirements vary according to your age,size and activity level.Sportspersons and atheletes need greater amounts of protein than an average person.

A proportion of 0.5 to 0.8g/pound of protein is recommended for active people by the doctors.

What does excess protein do?

Proteins take a long time to digest(about 4 to 6 hrs.)by our body.Too much protein in the diet can lead to high cholesterol or calcium loss from bone.It also puts a high strain on kidneys and the liver.

But the most dangerous consequence of a high protein diet is loss of calcium which leads ro joint pains.

When amino acids present in the proteins are ingested in the blood , the body uses calcium to buffer this increase in blood acidity which leads to excretion of calcium from the bones.

Protein level in the fluids surrounding painful joints is twice as high compared to pain free joints.

Reduce protein level in your diet if you suffer from joint pain

Try to avoid high protein sources of food like red meat,nuts and legumes if you are one of the victims of a high protein diet. Taking protein according to the correct level is very important to protect against the loss of calcium in the body.Avoid animal sources of protein because they are known to contain excess amount of proteins. Consult your doctor to know more about the right mix of protein in your diet.

Thus ,while it is nice to have protein in your diet but do not try to turn it into the case of

"too much of a good thing" precisely!!

Article No-5


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Increase your fibre intake to lower the risk of health problems.

We have all heard about fibres and their benefits in keeping the body healthy and fit.

But often we think as to why the consumption of fibres is so much important. Here is why:

Fibre is largely a carbohydrate. The building blocks of all carbohydrates are different types of sugars and they can be classified according to how many sugar molecules are combined in the carbohydrate:

Simple sugars - consist of 1-2 sugar molecules; for example glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose and lactose.

Oligosaccharides - consist of 3-10 glucose molecules joined together.

Starch polysaccharides - have more than 10 glucose molecules joined together.

Various health benefits are associated with the fibres. So it is very necessary to know more about them.

Keeps the digestive system healthy

Soluble fibre absorbs water like a sponge and allows excretion of waste materials from the body easily keeping the digestive system functioning properly.

Good for Diabetes

Eating a diet high in fibre slows glucose absorption from the small intestine into the blood. This reduces the possibility of a surge of insulin, the hormone produced by the pancreas to stabilise blood glucose levels.

Lowers blood cholesterol level to protect from heart ailments

Recently, there has been a great deal of interest in oat bran, since some studies showed that regular intake of foods high in soluble fibre - such as oat bran, baked beans and soybeans - reduced blood cholesterol levels. When blood cholesterol levels are high, fatty streaks and plaques are deposited along the walls of arteries. This can make them dangerously narrow and lead to an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

It is thought that soluble fibre lowers blood cholesterol by binding bile acids (which are made from cholesterol to digest dietary fats) and then excreting them.

->When eaten regularly as part of a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, soluble fiber has been associated with increased diet quality and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

->Soluble or viscous fibers modestly reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol beyond levels achieved by a diet low in saturated and trans fats and cholesterol alone.

-> Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pulp.

->Insoluble fiber decreases cardiovascular risk and slows progression of cardiovascular disease in high-risk individuals.

->Foods containing insoluble fibers such as whole-wheat breads, wheat cereals, wheat bran, rye, rice, barley, most other grains, cabbage, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin are readily available.

So if you want to keep your heart young and beating increase your daily intake of fibres through the natural souces of fibres present and stay away from all heart ailments.