Nvq Level 2

Published: October 20, 2015 Words: 313

NVQ Level 2 Certificate in preparing to work in Adult Social Care


Part 1


The legislation that relates to recording, storage and sharing of information in social care is The Health and Social Care Act 2008 & 2012, The Human Rights Act 1998, The Data Protection Act 1998 and The Disabilities Discrimination Act.


It is important to have secure systems for recording and storing information in a social care setting so that the individual’s and staff’s private information is protected from unauthorised viewing. This complies with legislation set out to protect our human rights. As part of our “duty of care” we must make sure that information is accessible only to the people that need to see it, is kept confidential and is in a secure place so as to prevent identity theft. All information must be kept securely whether it is manually or electronically stored.

Part 2


Guidance, advice and information about handling information is set out in policies for agreed ways of working, these will include those set out between inter-agencies as well as multi-agencies. We must understand these policies as well as our own roles and responsibilities. It is essential that all staff are given staff training on issues relating to handling information. Procedures and codes of practice must always be followed for handling information whilst permission from the appropriate person is essential when required. The NHS Information Governance training and the Information Commissioners Office are organisations that offer guidance and support in relation to handling information.


If there are concerns regarding recording, storage or sharing information I would firstly speak to my line manager to raise any concerns. The organisation can put various measures in place eg. System measures such as electronic audit trails, encrypted passwords, system information checking, agreed ways of working with specific policies and procedures. Physical measures such as secure...