On February 27, 2013, the bulletin The Star newspaper reporting that the Malaysian employee is not performs well in the organization. The reporter Mr Nicholas Cheng reporting that local which is Malaysian employee will spend more time on things outside the organization more than spending time on doing their job. The Malaysian employee will spend much time on thing which is not related to the company for example, social networking, lunch break, tea break, and searching internet such as Facebook, twitter, MSN and many more. Half of the working hour will spend on their personal and only half of the working only do their job and duty.
For the Journal 1 which is the title of The Enactment of Dynamic Leadership, author David Greenfield. This Journal is talking about how the leadership apply on the organization. The purpose of apply leadership style in the organization is want to get the trust and respect from the employee. This journal is wanted to study the how the group of team changed by the leadership sanctioned by manager. There are five acts of leadership style under Goleman Leadership Typology apply on this journal which is authoritative leadership, democratic leadership, coercive leadership, pacesetting and coaching leadership and affilitative and democratic leadership.
For the Journal 2 which is the title of how leader influence employee innovative behaviours, author Jeroen P.J de Jong and Deanne N. Den Hartog. This Journal is talking about how the leader bring organization become innovation is to take advantage on their employee based on their ability and performance. The research also integrates how leader can inspire idea generation and application behaviours. The leader using leader behaviour by developed in relation to performances outcomes rather than innovation related outcomes. In this journal found that there were 13 leadership behaviour uses to stimulating employee.
Based on the result that conducting, manager are playing important roles in the organization. Manager influence the employee by providing direction, leading and guiding them to do their job. The manager will supervise the group of employee in the organization. The manage must understand the organization because manager is a leader which has known how to monitor the employee.
Current Issue
The current issue that was happening recently in Malaysia is Malaysian workers lack performance culture. On the Stars newspaper reporting that, Malaysian workers are lack of performance culture on doing their task. Most of the workers are spending time on doing not related with their job. The Lead economics Chief Executive Officer Roshan Thiran saying that Malaysian worker complaint that the company want high employee performance with lower salary that is not rational. The Chief Executive Officer Roshan Thiran giving advised to all employees to accomplish self-confidentiality to classify unproductive actions that happening in the office. Based on The Star research, the Malaysian worker only work not more than four hour out of eight hours working period being productive. Most of the time spends on social networking, surfing internet, long lunches, cigarette breaks, tea breaks and office gossip or conversation. The manager needs to find out way to overcome the problem.
1) According to the author Mr David Greenfield, The Enactment of Dynamic Leadership. The author saying that the effective of leadership able to drive improvement in health care practise which including work together, quality and safety. The history has to change than only can achieve improvement. This report will show how leader or team manager influence the team to work together in organisation. The first is leadership typology of Goleman and summarize discussion about the challenge of clinical team leadership. The Leadership typology of Goleman and the challenge of clinical team leadership is a new development and will applied and playing important role in the organization. The second of leadership behaviours is Methodology. The third is the five acts of Leadership which is authoritative leadership, democratic leadership, coercive leadership, pacesetting and coaching leadership, affilitative and democratic leadership. This submission enabled understanding of the condition, manner and changes the team had faced.
The Leadership Typology of Goleman concept is to influence how people organize environment. This concept consists of six factors which are coercive, affiliation, authoritative, pacesetting, democratic and coaching. Each factor leading or help to get a common understanding that enables give feedback and consultations. The coercive style of leadership is a immediate acquiescence with advices and while not suitable in many state, it can be used well in a crunch. The coercive style provide clear trend by under commanding and expecting full compliance. The affiliation style of leadership is more focus on people which creates connection and team work within organization. It is a co-operative style which pays more attention on emotional needs over work needs. The disadvantage of affiliation is that beneficial feedback and direction can be overpass. The third leadership style is authoritative style. The authoritative style lead people move toward common vision by giving guideline where to go. The leader will motivate the team to compete forward to achieve the goal. This style is best using when a different track is needed but must be caution do not overbearing their approach. The other style is democratic style which is inspiring and occupies people by participation and listening to the newscast. The limitation is when people getting a lots listening, it will not bring much action on it. Following by style is pacesetting style, which is expecting excellence, stimulating goal for people and build challenge. This leadership style will have a habit of been low guidance and will expecting people to get what to do. This style will less work in long term which can be collapse and decline. It only happen in short term teamwork in organisation most of time. The final leadership style of Goleman leadership typology is coaching style. This leadership style will look on the skills and abilities on the people in the organization. The coaching style will work and find the strengths and weakness and will motivate them. This style has more advantage then weakness but this style will look like micromanaging.
The clinical leadership is means that doctor leadership. Based on the research on South Western Sydney Area Health Service (AHS), they found that many senior doctors have confusions of real. They may experts in their work but they know not mush about the organization. As a result, the AHS develop a Clinical Leadership which is playing an important role in the organisation by combines managerial and clinical responsibilities, the role exists at critical junctures in an organisation. It is more focus on team work or work together between top manager and first line manager which including participates effective management with high quality care. To accomplish the integration, the leadership must engage the self-organising process according to who are needed, rather than depending on people. The Methodology style is to investigative innovation and change in well-being services. The Methodology style is more focus on development and institutionalisation.
The Five Acts of Leadership which is Authoritative Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Coercive Leadership, pacesetting and coaching leadership and affilitative and democratic. Each act will represent the leadership style enacted by the NUM that in response to changing situation and environment. The first acts of leadership are authoritative leadership style. The Authoritative Leadership style is able to clearly identify the goal that will bring the organization to success. This leadership style will allow the follower to find the best way to achieve goals. The authoritative leadership playing important role in the NUM. They will have a team meeting which only provide information to the nurses. The nurses will carry out their duty that has been giving. The NUM have change from time to time. The new NUM bring different method to the organisation, which nurses making decision and figure out the best way about their work. The second leadership style is Democratic Leadership style. The new NUM attempted to occupy the nurses in the organising and supply of the nursing services. The NUM encouraged the nurses in the organisation sharing their idea and knowledge by providing purpose, direction and activities of the work rather than taking order and directing. The third leadership style is coercive leadership style. The nurses occupy in a conversation on how their services was organised. The manager receive a report about the two baby had serious underweight and the clinical service left the baby at the serious stage. The NUM making a changes which required all baby underweight will be reported and also ensure all staff in compliance. The four leadership style is pacesetting and coaching leadership style. The NUM took another action which giving seminar and encouraged a common culture for nursing team to make sure they had knowledge and skill. The final leadership style is affilitative and democratic leadership style. After the NUM undertake all the issue, the NUM will continue in decision making and risk taking. so the NUM only can keep improve and skill up to date from time to time.
2) According to the author Mr Jeroen P.J. de Jong and Deanne N. Den Hartog, How Leader influence Employees Innovative Behaviour. Based on the author research, there are one way to bring organization become innovation is to take advantage on their employee based on their ability and performance that can generate ideas and have better work processes and productivity. The research also integrates how leader can inspire idea generation and application behaviours. The leader using leader behaviour by developed in relation to performances outcomes rather than innovation related outcomes.
The current roles that playing by leader is by insight which combination of in depth interview and literature research to boost employee innovative. Thought the data collection and in depth interview, they recognized there are 13 leader behaviour that use for purposed to influence the three innovative behaviours which is idea generation, application or both. The range of well-known leader behaviour is wide so it is impossible not affect employee behaviours. Through the table present all leader behaviours; found that some leader behaviours can be taken as direct trigger to influence employee idea generation. Leaders differ in the extent to which they naturally show consulting, delegating and monitoring behaviour. The consulting is meaning that the person may not perform will if they giving them the wrong task. So it must make sure with the people before starting to changes. The delegating meaning that the leader has to giving subordinates self-sufficiency to define relatively independently how to do a job. The monitoring behaviours meaning that the leader has to make sure the team are kept on the same track and also helping them to work efficiency and effectively. As it show, the practises are likely to impact on employee in both idea generation and application behaviour. Through the discover, the leader trying to boost their employee to ensure that they have sufficient autonomy on doing their task.
The leadership behaviours also show that the leader with the clear purpose of inducing people innovation. In the leadership behaviours providing vision which is communicating an attractive vision that explicitly incorporates the role and preferred types of innovation may guide idea generation and application behaviour. It is also a opportunities for idea generation and application to enhanced directly stimulating and searching employees to generate ideas, supporting innovation and communication processes. Besides that, the employee frequently does external contacts with customer, suppliers and etc. They will have come out some idea but different employee will have different idea so may not come out idea similar with the leader expected. For example, the sales person will have an idea which they often met with customer. The resources such as organised feedback are needed to enhance employees’ motivation and ability to reach successful implementation. Once in a while, it may also help to provide financial rewards to encourage the desired behaviour.
Why it is important for a manager to have an understanding of managing organization is because manager will playing important role to keep the organization and management continue running. This is why manager are important in the organisation. If a company without a leader or a manager, the company or organization will not running properly as the organization did not have a person to guide them. To have a successful organization, the manager should work together or work as a team to achieve company goals. If the manager is under experience, therefore the organization may not achieve goals as the employees do not have a person to lend them. If this long term happens in the organization, it will affect the sales and may causes the organization bankruptcy.
The theory that I would like to recommend is transformational leadership. The transformational leadership theory contain of leadership types which is charismatic, and transactional leadership. The meaning transformational leadership theory is about how the leader influences the follower, which is the follower will trust, admire and respect the decision that make by their leader. The way to get things done is by injecting passion and energy. Besides that, the leader will enrich the motivation, moral and the performance of their team. The follower will feel unconfident, worried, and will not perform well when the organization change because the leader will focus more on the changes instead of the transition people must changes. The Transformational leadership also will evaluates based on the employee abilities and performance, ensures they are in the right position and place which they can perform well on their task.
Based on the transformational leadership theory, there are four type of component which is inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and individualized consideration. The inspirational motivation means that the idealized influence, which is will happen on the large scale most of the time. The leader will lead the follower to achieve goal by providing them guideline. The second type of leadership theory is intellectual stimulation. The meaning of intellectual stimulation is the leader will encourage the follower give or sharing their knowledge and will never criticize on them. The third type of leadership theory is idealized influence. The third type of leadership theory is idealized influence. The idealized influence is mean that the leader will influence by building trust and self-confident for the follower to become admired and respected. The leader will be the role model for the follower. The fourth type is individualized consideration. The meaning of individualized consideration is the leader appears to follower when they are needed. The leader will act as advisor or instructor to their follower and will reward them for creativity and innovation.
As a result of conducting this research on the journal, I understand that manager playing the important role in the organization. The manager in the organization will have the power to give direction for the follower and also responsible for forecasting and lead the team or monitoring their work. As a manager, he or she must understand the organization because manager is a leader which has known how to monitor the employee. The manager has the power to control over the organization. For example, manager can fire or promote the employee based on their performance. Every manager will have different responsibility. For example, in the large company, each department will have their manager to manage the work. Which is accounting manager will supervises the accounting; the manager of engineering will supervises on machine to make sure productivity. It is depend on the title of manager roles, regardless the manager in which department. The manager is still the one have to responsible on lending, planning, organizing, and monitoring the group of team.
Besides that, on the journal 1 and journal 2 are also define that the purpose of a manager is to enhance employee by giving motivation, encourage the employee sharing idea and knowledge. There are also help build self-confidence to the employee on doing their task. Once the group of team have been motivated, then it will be easier for a manager to achieve the organisation goal.