This research mainly will study about quality management system in restaurant and fast food businesses. As part of quality management system this study will focus on quality control and improvement in restaurant businesses in the case of Burger King. No medium and big businesses today including restaurant businesses run without quality system standards, because they believe that the quality of standards is what brings business to them from the stand point of customers. From this view point this study examines the essence of quality standards by studying the theory on quality management systems in the context of TQM and TQMEX.
Over the years quality management systems like Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained importance in every business including small scale and retail businesses. This can be integrated into any process of the organization because it is dynamic (Ross, 1993). TQM approach can be integrated flexibly starting from supplier (Anderson et al.,1994; Deming, 1986; Grandzol, 1996) to till the point of sale in any business. The concept of TQM has been defined and developed majorly by three quality gurus, W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and Philip Crosby and is represented as Quality Trilogy that includes Quality planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement. It is defined as "TQM relates the management methods used to enhance total quality and productivity in any given organization or business" by (Deming, 1986).
There appears to be several reasons why companies prefer quality management systems like TQM. This research shows that businesses chose to adopt TQM for promoting the growth of their businesses, customer satisfaction, employee empowerment, managing leadership, better place to work and for survival (Shea and Gobeli, 1995). However, on the other hand some businesses resist adopting TQM because of lack of resources, resistance to change, lack of experience, short term objectives and lack of objectives (Moreno-Luzon, 1998). In the view of finding out better quality management system this research studies to the contribution of TQM and TQMEX (Total Quality Management Excellence model).
Total Quality Management (TQM)
TQM has been given a lot of importance in literature from past few decades due to industrialization. It has gained importance in every business including small scale and retail businesses. This can be integrated into any process of the organization because it is dynamic (Ross, 1993). This flexibility has made it more attentive to researchers and relatively defined as per the area of research.
It is defined as "TQM relates the management methods used to enhance total quality and productivity in any given organization or business" by (Deming, 1986). TQM is a generic approach for any business as it can be integrated within any level of operation and irrespective of departments, industry and operators. TQM approach can be integrated flexibly starting from supplier (Anderson et al.,1994; Deming, 1986; Grandzol, 1996) to till the point of sale in any business.
TQM system is a continuous improvement approach, this can be well related to any customer driven businesses as customer satisfaction is the only priority for such businesses (Kanji, 1990; Moreno-Lonzo and Peris, 1998; Dean & Bowen, 1994). Similarly, it is defined as "An organisation-wide quality program to continuously improve products and services delivered to customers by developing supportive organisational culture and implementing statistical and management tools" (Madhu, 1998). This definition shows that the TQM is a system which can be implemented horizontally across the company to improve the quality of services.
Before looking into the arguments of this quality approach, let us draw a brief overview of how this approach has been developed and what are the key factors. TQM has been defined and developed majorly by three quality gurus, W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and Philip Crosby.
According to the Deming's perspective of TQM approach we can draw 14 key points (Walton, 1968).
Plan of action
Constancy of purpose
Adopting a philosophy
Education and Re-training
Constant Improvement
Driving out Fear
Eliminating Quota's
Eliminating Mass inspection
Eliminating Barriers
Eliminating slogans and exhortations
Pleasure of workmanship
Don't award business on price
Every industry or business can relate to these key factors in the whole process and can implement or work on their perspective of quality approach according to their limitations and boundaries. According to Deming these are the viable and generic elements which needed to be focused to improve the overall quality of any process.
Second guru, Joseph Juran's perspective of TQM is named as Quality Triology or Juran Triology (Juran, 1986).
Quality Planning
Quality Improvement
Quality Control
Figure 2.1.1 - Quality Triology
Quality Planning
Setting Goals
Classifying Customers
Indentifying Customer needs
Developing products
Developing processes
Quality Control
Performance Evaluation
Adapting to desired goals
Quality Improvement
Create / Define Controls
Providing resources
Defining Projects
Setting teams
Establish Infrastructure
Juran's approach is simple and yet integrates all the aspects of a process, and can be related to any industry with ease.
Similarly, third guru Crosby's TQM approach has 14 Quality steps as listed below (Crosby, 1979).
Goal Setting
Cost of quality evaluation
Management commitment
Quality Awareness
Quality Measurement
Quality Councils
Quality Improvement Teams
Corrective action
Zero defects committee
Zero defects day
Supervisor Training
Error cause removal
Do it all over again
Croby's 14 quality steps look self-explanatory and can be modified according to the operating variables in any industry to implement and maintain a quality management process.
Later research into TQM by many authors have given it much empirical value defined to the size of the industry and the market at which it is aimed at. Such as TQM approach for Medium and small business is defined as - Adopting to a quality culture with implementing a quality management system or initiative within all processes of the business aiming to construct a continuous improvement culture based on realistic financial and human resources anticipated to gain business success fulfilling customer requirements (Yosuf and Aspinwall, 2000).
TQM is portrayed as a management philosophy which is not just confined to improving quality internally and externally for consumers. It is defined as a phenomenon which creates an organizational culture at every stage in the process drawing commitment of management towards quality improvement and its strategic importance (Youssef et al., 1996; Koc, 2006) and managing organizational processes and procedures (Sullivan-Taylor and Wilson, 1996).
To gain a competitive edge and build a corporate operational process and leadership companies should implement TQM and improve it continuously (Dale, 1999). TQM implementation is not just an approach to improve the quality of certain processes in a company, but an improved awareness of the fact the adoption is question of organizational development (Thomsen et al., 1994). TQM is not an overall fit for organizational development; however a phenomenon which overlaps and shares the same plot of organizational development disciplines in many cases (Grieves, 2000) so it is considered to be a tool to improve operational efficiency.
TQM Adoption
The adoption and implementation of TQM is always spearheaded in large scale industries and companies leaving a less research and information of its adoption in mid-sized and SME's. Some few researches give insights into of implementation Total Quality management and in SME's (Husband and Mandal, 1999; Ghobadian and Gallear, 1996). Similarly, evident research on the implementation of TQM in small companies (Brown, 1993) and TQM in supply chain is also made in past decade (Lee and Oakes, 1995). However, it is argued by researchers that the implementation of TQM in mid-sized corporations and companies is complex (Kanji and Baker, 1996) and not as effective and efficient as a large company (Yusof and Aspinwall, 2000). Yet they recommend that the adoption of TQM is important for any company irrespective of its size to improve its organizational efficiency (Yusof and Aspinwall, 2000).
Small firms are lagging behind in the implementation of TQM when compared to large firms (Moreno-Luzon, 1993). Small firms which are successful after implementing TQM are mainly those who emphasize TQM on product and process innovation. Some researches based on case studies upon small firms conclude that SME's could adopt TQM or inherit it with considerable success (Ghobadian and Gallear, 1996).
Reasons behind adopting TQM
SME's have many factors to adopt TQM; some of those reasons were listed below after a research upon few companies by (Shea and Gobeli, 1995), they are:
Promoting the growth of the business
Customer satisfaction
Employee Empowerment
Managing leadership
Better place to work
These set of factors are almost proved viable by different researches depending upon the studies and the case studies of the industries such as studies by Brown, 1993 and Ghobadian and Gallear, 1996.
However, the Option of adoption TQM with the above listed reason is not valid and viable for every level of business except well organized or large businesses.
Reasons resisting adoption of TQM:
Moreno-Luzon (1993) have outlined some difficulties in the process of implementing quality culture in small sized firms, they are
Lack of resources - this might be workforce and financial resources available to the company, which might be always limited in SME's.
Resistance to change - Adapting to a change is always a complication in smaller firms due to lack of available evidence of success of post change.
Experience - Due to lack of experience about the quality culture and quality management firm tend to rethink about the adoption.
Short term objectives - As many firms work successfully with the traditional methods of achieving short term goals they will resist in adapting to a TQM system which is a long-term framework.
Lack of objectives - SME's and small business do not confine to frame an objective or a vision statement to achieve a quality level. So this might be a complexity in deciding to switch over to a quality culture which works out on a objective driven format.
Similarly, some more researchers have shown the resistance of SME's towards TQM which include ineffective communication in employees, lack of technical expertise internally to provide valiant information on the change process and effectiveness (Ghobadian and Gallear, 1996). There are further developments in TQM which resulted in integrated models designed to incorporate all the variables creating a perfect Quality management system such as TQMEX.
TQMEX - (Total Quality Management Excellence Model)
Due to Globalisation, international orientation of management shifted their focus on customer related strategies and technologies making the competition much stronger. The success criterion in current international market has been changing rapidly. For the expansion of the business, to set accurate and competitive long-term objectives, and to enter new international markets excellence is imperative.
For excellence to be achieved the corporate culture of managing people by treating them equally as assets and by providing high quality services and products consistently in the market. Total Quality Management (TQM) has been accepted widely in such environment, which has emerged as a challenging, new, saleable and marketable philosophy. The three spheres of changes which involve in an organisation are:
1. People
2. Technology
3. Structure (Tenner, and DeToro, 1992),
A systematic approach will be needed for the bonding of each element of the TQMEX. Oakland (1989) who developed the idea of 3-cornerstone model originated 4-pillar model which was developed to bring the requirements of the customers to the system. This completes the TQM approach. The extra pillar, satisfying customers is imperative because it clearly addresses the requirements of the customers. It completes the objectives of TQM.
The TQMEX Model modified an integrated approach in organize to maintain the modification to the systems management. It is regular process which involves constant improvement when the firm highly commits in maintaining the quality. The following Model explains the elements which form as the foundation to understand the TQM philosophy and its process implementation in organisation-wide.
Figure 2.5.1 - The Four Pillars of TQM, Source: Oakland (1989), Total Quality Management.
Figure 2.5.2 - The TQMEX Model / Structure - Source: Ho, (1995).
The Logic of TQMEX
An organized approach to TQM is essential to build up a theoretical model which has to be simple, logical and broadly ranged for the implementation of TQM yet should protract the changes in the business sector in current situation. The model also agrees with the contemporary quality professionals. The idea behind its development is the compilation of appropriate step by step recognised practices of TQM that can be applicable globally which are: (Peters,. 1982)
• Japanese 5-S Practice (5-S)
• Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
• Quality Control Circles (QCCs)
• ISO 9001/2 Quality Management System (ISO)
• Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
TQMEX is a sequential model which is simple yet easy to remember and to implement. This is similar to the quality principle KISS which means keep it short and simple. Though it is always difficult to make simple model (Ishikawa, 1986).
Objectives of the study:
The objectives of the study are as follows:
To study and understand the significance of quality management system from Total Quality Management perspective.
To enquire theoretically and empirically the quality control process and quality improvement system in restaurant business in the case of Burger King.
To determine the standards maintained in restaurant business in the case of Burger King through analysis of the findings.
The objectives of this study will be achieved by carrying out extensive research with Burger King Corporation and its franchises. The first objective will be achieved by studying the theories on quality management from Total Quality Management perspective through review of literature. The second objective will be achieved first through theoretically reviewing the literature on quality control process and quality improvement system in restaurant or fast food businesses in the case of Burger King and second through practically enquiring the quality control process and quality improvement in Burger King through mixed method of research. The third objective will achieved by analyzing the findings with the theory on quality standards.
The secondary data will be collected through reviewing the literature from books, journals and paper articles and internet articles. The primary data will be collected by conducting in-depth qualitative interviews and manual questionnaire surveys to the team leaders and the managers of Burger King Corporation and its franchises. The primary data collected through interviews and surveys will be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively with the secondary data collected in the literature review. The resultant of the analysis of the primary data and the secondary data will be concluded with relevant evidence and further to analysis this research proposes implication and some recommendations to Burger King Corporation and all other restaurant businesses as well.
Research Question:
This research attempts to inquire the quality control and quality improvement standards derived from quality management systems in restaurant businesses in the case of Burger King Corporation. In this view the research mainly attempts to answer the effectiveness in the quality standards of processes in Burger King Corp with laying focus on process control and improvement standards.
This chapter explains how the researcher will use different methods to analyse the main issues related to the research topic Quality control and improvement in the case of Burger King. According to Silverman (1994) "methodology like theories cannot be true or false, only more or less useful". Collis & Hussey (2003) defines "a methodology as the overall approach to the research process from the theoretical underpinning to the collection and analysis of data". The methodology is generally adapted to collect the information available and to analyse the data in deeply.
Type of Data
Data used is of two types;
According (Plaza, 2004) to Qualitative data is non-numeric data and quantitative is numeric data. Qualitative research is taken place in usually in routine environment (Van Maanen 1983). Whereas Quantitative research is in numeric form and is simple to analyze. Data will be presented in the form of graphs and the comparisons of different groups will take place (Plaza 2004). Due to quantitative analysis accurate statistical information can be achieved. The researcher will study and analyze the quality control measures taken by the Burger king in different franchises and how the quality can be improved.
Secondary Research
Secondary data is of two types;
Internal data is collected from the organization like documents, balance sheets and annual reports. This data will help in understanding the situation of the firm and which position it stands in the market.
External data is the information collected from outside the firm and usually from the general sources like journals, books, data from the markets, government publications, newspapers etc.
Questionnaire is the easiest and the quickest way of collecting information.
As questionnaire is of two types
Open ended
Close ended
Open ended are for the respondents who has got an opinion and has got an option to answer in his own way in specific area. Still the choices were available to save the time of the respondents. While the closed ended questions has to answer as dichotomous means either yes, no or to some extent. It is formed according to the requirement of the researcher. There are few disadvantages to this type of research. Much time is consumed if the questionnaire is answered in personal interview form and also cost will be very high. In spite of the disadvantages the method is still best because the researcher will be having the reliable answers.
Jankowicz (2005) defines "sampling as, the deliberate choice of people, the sample, who are going to provide the research with necessary data from which conclusions are to be drawn, those conclusions will be valid for a larger group of people, the population, which is represented by the sample" (p.155).
The samples of this research paper will be the team leaders and managers working in Burger King. The reason for choosing them is because they are the people responsible for managing quality control department and quality improvement department, but they were not chosen randomly. Also to address validity and reliability in responses these people were chosen as respondents and in way there is high probability to achieve appropriate information about their standards and their organization as well.
Research Pattern
Jankowicz (2005) defined as, "the deliberately arrangement of conditions for analysis and collection of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy of procedure".
Jankowicz (2005) stated that plan is appropriate in regulated way that the data will be:
relevant to research question or hypothesis
up to date, reliable and from a valid source
according to the situation, where researcher can explain it in well manner and can analyse it properly
Accurate so that researcher can be able to draw accurate findings and results according to that case and situation.
Saunders et al. (2003) stated that "validity is the extent to which the measurement device provides sufficient description of the investigative questions". So to address the content validity all the question were designed based on the theory related to quality process control and quality improvement. It was explained by Kiesler and Sproull (1986 cited in Baker 2003, p. 287) that the alternative form of testing for reliability is where the questions designed are in a state of comparability of the original questions with the alternative type of the same question or groups of questions. The questions designed in the questionnaire will be able to easily correlate with each other because the literature states that characteristics of process control and process improvements are also linked to each other.
The basic format of the questionnaire will be like multiple-choice questions. The multiple options for some questions that needed decisions are Yes and No. For one question that is related to customer satisfaction the options are Extremely Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, Satisfied and Extremely Satisfied. And for rest of other questions the options were framed based on the relativity of that particular context. The questions were designed based on the subtopics like quality standards, quality activities, maintenance of equipment, housekeeping, process control, inventory system, product and service quality inspection, training, communication, Health & Safety and finally customer satisfaction.
Structure of a Research method
This research takes a deductive approach because the objective of this research is to find out the quality in process control and improvement in Burger King. According to Saunders et al. (2003), "deductive approach is a process of developing a theory and hypothesis and designing a research strategy to test the hypothesis and also considering that deduction owes more to positivism compared to inductive which is interpretive". Based on the theory of quality process control and improvement the quality in the case of this organization's process control and improvement will be practically investigated. Hence the deductive approach was taken.
This research applies mixed method approach to investigate the research objective. This research makes use of a self-administered questionnaire method to collect the primary data because according to Saunders et al. (2003) questionnaires are the widely used investigation techniques for testing the organizational practices. But (Robson, 2002) cited in Saunders et al. (2007) argued that the questionnaire methods are not appropriately applicable for exploratory research or other researches that involves large number of open-ended questionnaires. In addition, Baker (2003, p. 287) asserted that the responses for questionnaire methods can be collected quickly compared to other research methods. Also there is an accuracy and control of respondents about the correct person answering the questionnaire. (Kiesler and Sproull, 1986) cited in Baker (2003, p. 287) determined that people tend to participate in questionnaires without regret and tend to concentrate more on the questions to provide self-disclosing opinions.