Implementing TQM in Indian industries need to understand how customer defines quality in both the goods and services offer. The aim of this survey is based on the ground level programs to improve productivity after implementing TQM in different Indian leading industries. One way to measure product performance and quality is through customer surveys, which can help managers identify design or manufacturing problems. Here, we have proposed the different goals as sets. On the basis of collected data's, it may be concluded that the Indian industries are more concerned to improve the quality, information, planning and reduce the cost of the product.
Total Quality Management is a management approach that originated in the 1950s and has steadily become more popular since the early 1980s. TQM define the culture, attitude and organization of a company that satisfy the customers in terms of products and services requires by them. This is also provide an integrated system of principles, methods, and best practices that provide a framework for organizations to strive for excellence in everything they do. Total Quality Management (TQM) seeks to improve the quality of goods and services delivered through the participation of all levels and functions of the organization. It also increases customer satisfaction by restricting traditional management practices.
Before proceeding in the implementing of a TQM plan, it becomes necessary to communicate the strategic intentions of the organization to all the employees. TQM will be worthless if it does not carry commitment from everyone inside the organization. That is why communication is a crucial stage and has to be conducted with a lot of care and devotion.
There are following factors which should be kept in mind before starting a survey as:
Identifying the type of industries, using the principles of quality improvement and TQM programs in Indian industries.
Identifying application areas, total quality strategies and training sources utilized.
Identifying improvement resulting from the TQM efforts and problems experienced during the implementation.
Management must take the responsibility for improving the quality of goods and services.
Employee ideas should be solicited and acted on.
Recognize that a wide variety of techniques and tools have the potential for improving the TQM.
Innovation, not imitation, is the route to successful TQM efforts in Indian industries.
There some other factors also take into consideration like
A change in corporate culture about the importance of quality
Forging of internal team partnerships to achieve quality, process, and project improvements, and the creation of external partnerships with customers and suppliers
Audits to assure quality techniques
Removal of obstacles to successful implementation, such as lack of time or money in the short run
II.Principles of TQM
The key principles of TQM are as following:
Management Commitment
Plan (drive, direct)
Do (deploy, support, participate)
Check (review)
Act (recognize, communicate, revise)
Employee Empowerment
Suggestion scheme
Measurement and recognition
Excellence teams
Fact Based Decision Making
SPC (statistical process control)
The 7 statistical tools
TOPS (Ford 8D - team-oriented problem solving)
Continuous Improvement
Systematic measurement and focus on CONQ
Excellence teams
Cross-functional process management
Attain, maintain, improve standards
Customer Focus
Supplier partnership
Service relationship with internal customers
Never compromise quality
Customer driven standards
III. Features of TQM
TQM continuously improve the processes by incorporating the knowledge and experiences of employees. Its objective is "Do the right things, right the first time, every time. This is originally applied and used to manufacturing operations for many years. Now it is becoming recognized as a generic management tool, just as applicable in service and public sector organizations. There are a number of evolutionary strands, with different sectors creating their own versions from the common ancestor. TQM is the foundation for activities, which include:
Commitment by senior management and all employees
Meeting customer requirements
Reducing development cycle times
Just in time/demand flow manufacturing
Improvement teams
Reducing product and service costs
Systems to facilitate improvement
Line management ownership
Employee involvement and empowerment
Recognition and celebration
Challenging quantified goals and benchmarking
Focus on processes / improvement plans
Specific incorporation in strategic planning
IV.How to Implement Total Quality Management TQM?
The purpose of this study to implementation of a Total Quality Management TQM process by assigning the task and it should be completed at the right time and with quality improvement. The application of TQM is unique to each organization that implements it. However, there are Six Cs for successful implementation of a Total Quality Management (TQM) process are depicted as follows:
Commitment from Employees: In an organization the Total Quality Management (TQM) policies shall be binding on all employees of the organization. Effect of this, the quality improvement will become an essential part of every employees work.
Quality improvement culture: There shall be a Quality Improvement Culture in the organization. Top executive must provide the direction to incorporate quality into an organization's philosophy and integrate it in all aspects of operation. This will ensure comfort of an employee towards effective implementation and administration of allotted work.
Continuous improvement in process: A commitment to continuously monitor and improve all functions in an organization. This will always result in scope for improvement, although such improvement may be small.
Co-operation from Employees participation: Encourage and allow all employees to participate in achieving quality goals. The experience and cooperation of the employees are utilized in the development of improved strategies and performance measures.
Customer arrived quality: Customer perception of quality should drive the quality improvement program.
Action based on facts, data, analysis and control: A systematic approach to collect and analyze data to measure quality and to identify areas of improvement. The controls also help to rectify the deficiencies, if any, in the business process.
Figure 1
Table -2
Improved information system
Improved control
Improved planning
Improved scheduling
Improved way to design new shop
Improved way to implement changes
Other (reduce idle time)
V. Survey
There is growing interest of different sectors like manufacturing, service, public sector and PPP sectors etc, in india to improve the product and services. The concept of TQM is being adopted in different industries to improve the quality of the products and productivity. The objective of the TQM is to develop the different processes which are capable of consistently dsigning, producing the different products and delivery of different quality products after implementing the TQM organization architectures that motivate, support and enable quality management in all activities of an enterprise.
Table -1
Quality Improvement
Faster Delivery
Delivery on time
Cost Reduction
20I have undertaken the survey of many companies in different regions of national capital region (NCR) whose turnover are from 20 crore to 500 crore. During survey, we have the different goals as two sets and we ask about the first priority amongst the goals to manager of different industries after implementing TQM. The responses are shown as tables.
Figure 2
Figure 3
VI. Results
The survey also aimed to discover some of the most common problems and improvements experienced incorporating a program of total quality. The most troublesome problems were a lack of top management commitment, a lack of understanding regarding TQM and a hesitancy to change. By far the most common improvement from TQM was improvement in process control but other significant results are expressed in empowered employees, increased morale and team work and increased focus. I concluded from the figure 2 and 3 that the improvement of the quality and information system are the most significant factors as compared to the other factors as are in Table 1 and 2.
VII. Discussion
One of the main factors affecting the survey results are each company's interpretation of what they call total quality management. Another factor is the responder understands of TQM.
Finally the survey attempted to collect information on some of the common problems and improvements expressed from an effort to implement total quality.
Problem realized from the use or implementation of TQM include companies being reluctant to change their organization a lack of commitment, a lack of trained knowledgeable and skilled employees able to implement TQM skills and results emerging slowly from the company added effort.
Overall, mostly organizations were satisfied with their programs and results. Most feel that TQM is beneficial and important to being a successful tool for the organization. From the figures, we can say that most managers of manufacturing companies are concentrated to improve the quality of the product, information, planning and reduce the cost of the product.