Leadership Aspects Are Needed By Project Managers Management Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 3140

The study will focus on human resource management function to be precise see the relationship aspect of leadership in project management body of knowledge. In Project management possessing leadership focuses on leadership skills and the particular of human resources in project management. Both management and leadership aspects are needed by project managers to handle their stakeholders and project team in order to achieve the project objectives and goals. Some opinions stated that leadership and personal skills of project managers are an important component in management skills, team building and communication skills (Burke Rory, 2006)

2.0 Part 1: Theory: Human Resource Management in PMBOK

2.1 Theory

The unique natures of projects with nine knowledge areas that are divided into two main categories, all projects are bound by the traditional constraints core functions (scope, time, cost and quality). Quality is affected by the balance of these three components. The Triple Constraints mode is also know as the Iron Triangle as shown in the following figure 1, if any one angel of the triangle changes, the other two should change as well if not, quality will suffer.

Figure 1 The Triple Constraints mode

Hence, facilitating functions (human resource, communication, risk and procurement) with integration management trying it all together to enhance by project leader takes on a more condensed and temporary nature in order to facilitate the best results of project succeed.

2.2 Human Resource Management in PMBOK

PMBOK describe that there are four process involved in human resources management. The first of these processes is human resource planning. Human resource planning includes planning for the people who are required for the project team. It's involves knowing how many people will be required to get the job done on time and which is needed specialists and skills. The human resources plan should be included as part of the project charter.

The second process in human resources management is the acquisition of project team. This process includes interviewing, negotiating, hiring and provide training for the people. This process is together with human resources plan, reliable and possessing accurate estimates of scope, duration time and cost. If hired a wrong people or too few employees are hired, overall process and project will becomes a risk. If too many employees are brought on, then the project becomes too costly, over budget and scattered.

The third process for PMBOK standards is to developing project team. For the period of this process or in the project closure, team building practices are encouraged. Team building activities involves having an orientation meeting, facilitating communication between members and engaging members in games designed to create relationship between those team members. Team building activities create a sense of community where communication and trust can run rampant. Every now and then conflict resolution must be practiced when team members clash. It is important to identification of this potential issue between resources early to take proactive and preventive before they turn out to be unmanageable.

The fourth and final process is team management. Team management involves ensuring that the process of human resources plan is implemented properly. It's because the project manager has to ensure teamwork between all team members are being productive and efficient with all tasks completed on time and within the budget (PMI, 2008).

Although, the project environment, possessing human resource management skills but it's not sufficient to be successful (Thite, 2000). Project management practices require that managers have 4 knowledge and experience in management and leadership, and the relationship to project success (Berg & Karlsen, 2007). Certainly, we would able to see a distinction between the style of leaders and managers according to their primary focus. The respective positions of leaders and managers on a number of issues are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 A Comparison of Management and Leadership Competencies.

Source: Northouse, 2007, p. 10.

The leadership in a project internal environment requires the project manager to integrate and led the direction work of the project team (Berg& Karlsen, 2007). Project management is not an isolated task or activity, but rather a team effort. A team requires leadership in order to function effectively (Cathcart & Samovar, 1992). According to plethora of research, project managers continue to encounter many challenges and issue concerning to leadership, for example, style of leadership, stress, uncertainty, learning, motivation and teamwork (Berg & Karlsen, 2007). Hauschildt et al. (2000) reported that the success of a project depend a lot of human factors, such as project leadership, top management support, and project team, rather than on technical factors. They also found that the human factors increased in importance as projects increased in risk, complexity, and innovation. The researchers point out that the important role of the project manager's leadership influencing the direct correlation to project outcomes (Hauschildt et al., 2000).

3.0 Part 2: Application processes

3.1 Section A: AT& T Company Background

AT&T is operates the nation fastest mobile broadband network- built on GSM network technology that is implemented by nearly 90% of global wireless subscribers. And also large AT&T. Wi-Fi network in US. AT&T completed deployment of HSPA+ to virtually 100% of their own mobile broadband network in 2010, which is combined with enhanced backhaul, enables 4G speeds. Further more, with the planned launch of LTE in mid-2011 it would be the only one who holds in U.S.

AT&T offers the broadest global reach, with the widest choice of smart phones and devices that work in the most countries and they're Support for more Smartphone customers globalize and also provider Simultaneous voice and data on mobile broadband. Hence, you can talk and email/surf the web at the same time Access to 100,000+ mobile enterprise applications worldwide with select devices. Wireless voice coverage in more than 220 countries and data coverage in more than 200 countries 3G data roaming in 125 countries. (AT&T, 2012)

3.1.1 Scope

The increases in wireless network bandwidth and demand from mobile users, mobile data usage is exploding. Companies are under mounting pressure to take advantage of the bandwidth. For example, sales managers want customer relationship information at their fingertips, delivery personnel want up-to-date location information, and fleet managers want to maximize the productivity of their workers.

In this study, we are focus on mobile application development and the development process. To attained of additional detailed level of abstraction by dividing the project management into processes groups. To process of grouping are consisted of individual activities. The essential processes groups are the following: Initialization processes, Planning processes, Executing processes, Controlling and monitoring processes, closing processes.

In earlier stage to embarking on specific initiatives for the development and deployment of mobility application, AT&T advises defining a proper process for mapping an overall mobility strategy technique and skills. According the strategy formulation process is related to the strategic planning process used in other disciplines within the project.

According to the Chaos reports by the Standish Group (1994, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009) pointed out that issue related to successful project outcomes and inevitably the solution to achieving project objectives that meet stakeholders' expectations by identify and interview those key stakeholder in this software development project, they're including direct user, indirect user, senior manager, manager of users, operations staff member, the "gold owner" who funds the project, support (help desk) staff member, auditors, program/portfolio manager, developer/programmer and who are working on other systems that integrate or interact with the one under development, or maintenance professionals potentially affected by the development and/or deployment of a software project.

Project objectives on the other hand are those targets to be achieved by the project and project manager that identifies needed and to ensure that the stakeholder(s) goals can be attained. The project manager can use stakeholder analysis (for example RACI) to determine the stakes and expectations of the stakeholder and by perform a stakeholder analysis we are looking at develop list of stakeholders with an interest in the project, identify their interest in project, gauge their influence over project, define a role for each stakeholder, identify an objective for each stakeholder and identify strategies for each stakeholder.

3.2 Section B: Human Resource Management and Leadership

When the project manager set their sights on deadline or deliverables, tight time schedules and within budget, they have to select and manage a team of experience and to competent professionals who able to meet the challenge. This requires the project manage understand the project Human resource processes of planning, selecting, developing and managing a project team.

Human resource planning process help organization in developing staffing management plan, determines project roles, responsibilities and reporting responsibilities in the software environment. This staffing plan details how and when project teams will be acquired, determining if a training need exists and if it does what training is required to fill the gap, recognition and reward and safety plan. Project roles and designated for persons or group from inside or outside the organization. It also includes compliance considerations time of acquirement of resource and criteria for reading them the project. There are various formats available to document team member roles and responsibilities and most fall into the three types: hierarchical, matrix and text oriented.

Figure 2 depicts a process model of Software Development Company. This structure is suitable for organizations which is held iterative model or classical waterfall model of software development (normally use for small projects). Primary phases of 3G application development are dividing by hatch vertical lines. Individual participant roles are stated in left column. Positioning of processes and activities into lines with respective roles makes it easy to understand competencies of each role. Size of production team and extent of produced art is important. In small teams one person is typically assigned to many roles while, on the other hand when in large teams there can be more persons acting as 1 role in many cases.

Figure2 A process model of Software Development Company

Although a project is huge part defined by requirement and what technology to be used, the major influential factors of what makes a project different from another is people. The software project management and it entire process is strongly depend on stakeholder-driven. Project manager need to handle a project to really grasp, and it would impact of people on your endeavor. To lead a team to deliver a project under time, cost and within the scope is pressure to understand the constructive power of motivated people or the destructive pore of de-motivated team members.

Hence, in a business environment it is believed that a manager makes sure tasks and duties are completed, while a leader is sensitive to the needs of people and what followers need to be exceptional employees (Maccoby, 2000). Thite (2000) suggested that integrating leadership concepts allows project managers to apply logic and analytical skills to project activities, tactics and technique. By provides leadership instead to enhance project performance and progress. A heightened awareness of project status enables leaders to establish measures of project success, enable stakeholder focus and alignment, quantify value commensurate with cost, optimize the use of company resources, incorporate quality principles, put strategic plans into practice, and ensure fast time-to-market. When projects become get affected with cost overruns, delays, and quality issues, organizations and stakeholders suffer consequential losses and face credibility issues.

Table 2 Comparison Leader and Manager

Table 2 shown that comparison on leader and manager are focus on. According Thite (2000) further suggested that project managers can integrate leadership concept by being sensitive to and working with project team members as individuals with needs and desires related to their work and careers. While leadership may be singled out as an individual contributor to failure, it transcends all other company factors (Roepke, Agarwal, & Ferratt, 2000). Leadership affects corporate culture, project culture, project strategy, and project team commitment (Shore, 2005). It also affects business process reengineering, systems design and development, software selection, implementation, and maintenance. Without appropriate leadership, the risk of project failure increases (Shore, 2005). Although researchers in project management have identified leadership as critical to the success factor of projects (Baker, Murphy & Fischer, 1983; Finch, 2003; Turner & Müller (2006); Cleland & King, 1983; Pinto & Trailer, 1998; Zimmerer & Yasin, 1998),

In view of the effects of challenged projects, leaders may seek to identify the factors that influence project performance or reasons for the high rate of challenged projects. Further, leaders may wish to ascertain the factors that influence and contribute to successful project performance. With the relationship between organizational culture factors and project management is scant. This gap signifies the importance of this study to the profession of project management. The attention of leadership is attracted because of the principal role of project management in an organization to maintain operations and to sustain its economic viability. Typically, project management has centered on characteristics of effective project managers, the role of project teams, and project management tools, techniques, models, and processes practiced in the profession. The impact of organizational culture and its potential influence on project management have not been brought to focus in most cases of project implementation.

Responding to a debate with business professionals whether leadership is a different function and activity from management, John P. Kotter of Harvard Business School says that while management is about coping with complexity, leadership, in contrast, is about coping with change. Kotter also states that leadership is only an important part of management; management also involves planning, organizing, staffing, budgeting and controlling. While management produces a degree of predictability and order but leaders establish direction by unfold a vision; then they willing and enthusiastic behavior for their follower to overcome obstacles. While both leadership and management exalts effectiveness of organizational, but most companies are over-managed and under-led.

(Kotter, J.P. 1996)

In the past, project managers typically dealt with the management aspect of managing the triple constraints - cost, time, and scope/quality. Nowadays, there is a leadership element added, and it is beginning to take hold at the portfolio and program levels. However, as the field of project management evolves, that leadership element will filter down to the project manager level, and project managers will need to understand good project leadership practices to become competent project leaders.

Numerous factors can improve the chances of project success, but high on the list is leadership. Prabhakar (2005) agrees when he states, "effective project manager leadership is an important success factor on projects. Management of projects only ensures that the tasks are completed and the immediate problems eliminated. Thus, project managers focus on how to do things. Whereas, according to Shenhar (2007), leaders "create vision and meaning, and develop fresh approaches to long-standing problems. Thus, project leaders focus on making sure the project managers do the right things.

Further, project success can improve by choosing credible project leaders. According to Geoghegan & Dulewicz (2008), these leadership traits include creative problem solving, tolerance of ambiguity, and effective communicators. Credibility appears to be a key aspect of effective project leadership. Even though project success has many determining factors, leadership plays a crucial role in project success.

When the project reaches its closure, the developer's human resources team make plans for the project team to move to other on-going or new projects within the parent companies' strategic business units. One of the areas, that can benefit from project leadership good practices, is in team building. To create efficient project teams from a group of individuals in a relatively short time. Often team-members have never worked together have limited project experience, and most work in different functional areas. Normally, these new team members understand the management side of project management, but have little understanding of the project's strategic goals.

3.3 Section C: Limitation

3.3.1 Cultural, Technology and Internal/ External Matters

Kumar (2000), in a study of reengineering projects, found that failure was primarily linked to the organizational context and could attribute to the lack organizational culture, the lack of integration, and the lack of commitment by senior management. It is very difficult to ascertain the future manpower requirements of an organization, the future is always uncertain. As such the predictions are bound to go wrong. The future in any country is uncertain i.e. there are cultural, political, technological changes taking place every day. This effects the employment situation. Accordingly the company may have to appoint or remove people. Therefore Human Resource Plan can only be a guiding factor. We cannot rely too much on it and do every action according to it.

Much top management adopts a conservative attitude and is not ready to make changes. The process of Human Resource Plan involves either appointing. Therefore it becomes very difficult to implement Human Resource Plan in organization because top management does not support the decisions of other department.

3.3.2 Scale and Complexity Matter

In general speaking many ideas that work at one scale don't work at another scale. The focus of software design decision changes with scale. At large scale, you are dealing with strategy, tactics and technique but at small scale you are really dealing with details. For example, when you handle a large scale project, if you make a mistake or wrong decision something badly, you have a very high risk of harmful impact in your project. It's because the concept of risk dominates working at this scale. Another trend is the move toward hosted project management applications for example Gantt chart is that it only works well with smaller projects. Once the durations and tasks stretch past one page, the Gantt chart begins to lose its functionality. Part of the reason this is undesirable is that if the chart is more than one page, it will become difficult to view the chart on a computer screen. Moreover, the Gantt chart does not do well to depict complexities. Finally, Gantt charts do not do well with dealing with project triple constraints. The triple constraints are: Time, cost, and scope. The cost of a project is not depicted on a Gantt chart. Also, the full scope of a project cannot be depicted in a Gantt chart. No matter how detailed the Gantt chart is, the full complexity is not depicted. This is because the main focus of the Gantt chart is time.

3.0 Conclusion

Evidence from many researchers indicates a strong link between project leadership and project success. Project managers need to understand and accept these differences and complete the project within the planned scope, time and costs, reflect on in what other ways a project is assessed when process of human resource planning, extend to develop it, how to implementing in the project perfectly. Some opinion a leader is one who can manage and leading the team to get the work done at the right time with right price. The same fundamental goes to the project manager as well while executing the project. And this is possible only through good and solid human resource planning.