Intravenous urography ivu examination of the urinary system
IVU intravenous Urography means radiographic examination of the urinary system with the inclusion of water-soluble contrast media to helps doctors to check the abnormal function of the urinary system or have problem with the urinary system patient. This inspection is to demonstrate anatomy and evaluate the function of structures that make up the system, such as kidney, urethra , urinary bladder and urethra. This examination aims to assess the rate of excretion and absorption of these structures. Besides the size, shape and position of soft tissue around the kidney will be shown. This check can also identify any pathology or disorder of the system through a series of radiographs taken. Another name same variations of this examination also can be called Intravenous pyelogram (IVP), Pyelography, Excretory urography, and Nephrotomography. Every type of the variation will give the good image, but the different is depends on the technique and special requirements. The some indication of doing the intravenous urography examination is to helps some problems like if the patients have the kidney stone. After the image done doing if have kidney stone, the stone inside the kidney or ureter can see clear at the image. The urine infection also, this examination may help the doctor to see whatever problem at the kidney or bladder such as blockage or other abnormality at the system. The various cause such infection is blood in urine, it not just cause the infection, it is also maybe can cause the inflammation or tumor, so from this examination it will be help clarify the problem. Obstruction, damage or get injured at the urinary tract, from the IVU it will can see the problem. The IVU examination can performed on adults and also children's. But for the trauma or emergency patient the intravenous urography (IVU) examination is not suitable for the trauma and emergency patient, this types of patient the doctor will do the CT scan or ultrasound for do the examination about this case.
Before the patient do the IVU, the patient must do the some preparation before to this examination. The preparation must the patient follow is the patient have to fasting to make sure the bowel it's clean. Its not mean the patient cannot take whatever foods or drinks, the patient still can eat n drink but only the soft food like fruit juice, plaint water, black tea or black coffee. But preferable patient not taking anything at least 4 hours before the procedure. After finish the examination, patient can take food n drinks like normal. Another preparation is the medical instruction. Actually the medical instruction no need to the patients if the patients not have any problem, unless the patient need the medication because have asthma also the patient known allergies. If the doctor know the benefits of the procedure will become more severe to patient condition. The doctor will give the patient a some type of steroid medication before the examination. If some conditions before do the examination, the doctor and patient do not know the patient have the allergic, and while doing the examination the patient have the allergic the patient may be given the injection of Hydrocortisone. The next preparation must patient do is bowel preparation. the patient may be give laxative to eat at night before do the examination tomorrow. Doctor must asked the patient to sign the form to the examination, before sign the patient must read all the procedure to understand and agree to do the examination. This situation must do because anything happen during the procedure the patient already know the step n risk of this examination.
During the examination, have some series have be taken. The patient have to undress and change their clothes to hospital gown to this examination. The patient also will be asked to empty the bladder. After that the patient must lie on the table at supine position at the room examination. Some picture x-ray will be taken before the patient get the injection of contrast media. After that, the patient will get the contras media injected at the hand or arm. The injection not very painful. The contrast media will go through to vein and blood stream. After get the injection, some series x-ray photo will be taken lower the abdomen about 5-10 minute while the contrast filter with kidney. Maybe the patients will get the compression applied at the lower abdomen to keep the contrast media more longer at the kidneys. The procedure will be done in the position the patient lie on their stomach its mean prone position to get better image of lower ureters, or upright position. To get the better image the patient must be asked to clean or empty the bladder to take the final x-ray photo. As we know, this examination using contrast media of a solution containing iodine compounds. The solution was injected into the vein. Contrast can be seen in both kidneys during the filtration process and can show the ability to function. This inspection is performed after injecting 50 to 70 ml. contrast media into the vein. Then the X-ray images routinely urinary system will be taken. In addition, radiographs, lateral radiographs and the other from the oblique view is taken where necessary. After the urinary tract can be seen at the film x-ray the examination is complete finish. The whole examination take time about 30 minute or 1 hour. It's also depends on the film taken and the situation.
The intravenous urography (IVU) is examination to helps the patient if have problem at the urinary tract. This examination commonly safe and not dangerous. However, the patient must not take easy this situation. Patient have to be aware of the possible effect and risk in this examination. But from this examination still have the side effect n risk to the patient. That why, before the examination the patient must give some education about the examination to give the patients understand and know the risk of the examination. At the time the patient get the injection, the patient may get warm or flushing. The patient also will feel the metallic taste at the mouth. The drop in blood pressure will happen at the patient, but its rarely happen. A some of rarely effect happen is breathing difficulties and the patient collapse. The acute kidney failure also may be happen. Even though the bad risk rarely happen, all the hospital department have to access full resuscitation equipment. Its really important. Another important about the risk and effect at this examination is, from the examination patient will be exposed to the radiation, the total dose patient received from this examination is same as the natural radiation get from environment about 14 month, that's why for the pregnant women, not recommended to do this examination and not only for IVU but for all types x-ray examination , it is because the radiation will cause the abnormal to the baby. All the hospital staff must to work together with patients to prevents from anything bad happen to patients.
The results of the IVU examination for the normal IVU is no visible abnormality at the structure urinary tract. The means of abnormality of urinary tract like the outline of kidney is a smooth non - lobulated, no clubbing , and no collection of abnormal fluid at the kidney. At the ureters must not detect the stones, because if have the stone the patient maybe have the symptoms for kidney stone. For the bladder, the result of image taken, at the bladder must empty and have smooth outline. For the result to abnormal patients is at the can detect have stone at the ureters. Then the delay at renal function maybe also can cause the renal disease. The abnormal amount of urine after the voiding maybe can suspect the prostate or bladder problems.
The IVU examination will help the patient who have the problems at the urinary system.
It also help the doctor to diagnose more easily.
Anatomy structure shows the part will be diagnosed.
This is example result x-ray of the IVU for normal patient.
After the injection given to patient into vein. The liquid of contrast will flow, and the contrast media will be see at the x-ray immediately after get the injection. Then, the radiographer will capture the different part at the urinary tract.
This result of IVU show the patient have the renal failure.