Implementing a total quality management programme

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1017


1.1 Total Quality Management

In the present's world due to insufficient quality or indifference to quality lead to disputes, this imposes serious drain on the financial resources of a company and limits profit potential. And to be standing in competition of today's market, it is essential for organization to provide more consistent quality and value to their customers. It is high time to develop better and more direct relationships with customers.

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach to the management techniques, started in the 1950's at the Japanese industry development after Second World War. It has become more popular in the West since the early 1980's growing steadily since. Total Quality is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company that strives to provide customers with products and services that satisfy their needs. The culture requires quality in all aspects of the company's operations, with processes being done right the first time and defects and waste eradicated from operations.


The organisation should be more focusing on TQM and adopt the concept of continuous improvement in an organisation. The TQM philosophy integrates organisation-wide perspective involving everyone in the organisation. It must primarily focuses on total satisfaction for both the internal and external customers, within a management environment that seeks continuous improvement of all systems and processes. And Quality Management System must be defined as an assembly of component, such as organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing total quality management.


Due to poor quality management in Holloware, and lack of well define quality standards. Before top executive and steering committee can function as a total quality team they should be trained, and after the steering committee has being trained they must commit themselves and considering amount of their time being used to in total quality effort. Moreover they should also be involved as leader in the changes that require for the successful implementation of TQM. The organization must concentrate on the key elements of TQM such as:

3.1 Leadership Commitment and personal involvement

Leadership Commitment and personal involvement is required from top management in creating and deploying clear quality values and goals consistent with the objectives of the company, and in creating and deploying well defined systems, methods and performance measures for achieving those goals.

3.2 Ethics -

Ethics is the discipline concerned with good and bad in any situation. It is a two-faceted subject represented by organizational and individual ethics. Organizational ethics establish a business code of ethics that outlines guidelines that all employees are to adhere to in the performance of their work.

3.3 Integrity -

Integrity implies honesty, morals, values, fairness, and adherence to the facts and sincerity. The characteristic is what customers (internal or external) expect and deserve to receive.

3.4 Trust -

Without trust, the framework of TQM cannot be built. Trust fosters full participation of all members. It allows empowerment that encourages pride ownership and it encourages commitment. It allows decision making at appropriate levels in the organization, for continuous improvement and helps to ensure that measurements focus on improvement of process. Trust is essential to ensure customer satisfaction. So, trust builds the cooperative environment essential for TQM

3.5 Training -

Training is very important for employees to be highly productive. Supervisors are solely responsible for implementing TQM within their departments, and teaching their employees the philosophies of TQM. Training that employees require are interpersonal skills, the ability to function within teams, problem solving, decision making, job management performance analysis and improvement, business economics and technical skills. During the creation and formation of TQM, employees are trained so that they can become effective employees for the company.

3.6 Teamwork -

Teams consist of small groups of skilled workers who share tasks and responsibilities. With team, the business will receive quicker and better solutions to problems. Teams should provide more permanent improvements in processes and operations. In teams, people feel more comfortable bringing up problems that may occur, and can get help from other workers to find a solution and put into place.

3.7 Communication -

everything is bound by strong mortar of communication. Communication means a common understanding of ideas between the sender and the receiver. The success of TQM demands communication with and among all the organization members, suppliers and customers. Communication must be clear and receiver must interpret in the way the sender intended.

3.8 Recognition -

Recognition should be provided for both suggestions and achievements for teams as well as individuals. As people are recognized, there can be huge changes in self-esteem, productivity, quality and the amount of effort exhorted to the task at hand.

3.9 Continuous improvement.

Once it is recognized that customer satisfaction can only be obtained by providing a high-quality product, continuous improvement of the quality of the product is seen as the only way to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction

3.10 Benefits

The benefits of the implementation of TQM are reductions in manufacturing costs, reductions in scrap, and reductions in overhead costs. Change in company culture. The TQM training provided, the employees are better prepared to capitalize the opportunities for improvement and prepared to solve problems in the most efficient and effective manner.

3.11. Cost -

The cost implement TQM would be the cost of training and team development, the cost of materials that would be used and off side activities during the training cycle. The time that would take some

4. Conclusion

Finally to implement TQM effectively the organisation must be patience because TQM takes a long time to implement, and requires major changes in cultural aspects as well as employee mindset in an organization.

Management commitment and management understanding of Quality understanding of TQM guidelines, methods and implementation plan. Understanding customers is the Key to the organizational success. Understanding the importance of continuous improvement and incorporating it into the system.

5. Reference

1. Introduction To Total Quality: Quality Management For Production, Processing, And Services by David L. Goetsch Stanley B. Davis





