Human Resources Management at Solar Industries

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 3199


Human resource management can be viewed as an approach to management that considers people as the key resource. I t subscribes that it is important to communicate well with the employees, to involve them in what is going on and their commitment and encouragement with the organization. Human Resource Planning for some its 'manpower planning' and for others it is described a 'planned' or 'strategic' approach. Human resource planning is concerned with matching the organizational demands for quality and quantity of employees with the available supply. Human Resource Management is people management and provides a frame work for its role within the business

HRM has absorbed ideas and techniques from a number of areas. Personal managements have been organized function in the USA since NCR opened a personal office in the 1890's. The functions were for recruitment they did advertising for new employees and with employment agencies. T he over all purpose of Human Resource Management is to ensure that the organisation able to achieve success through employees. As Ulrich and Lake (1990) have remarked: 'Human Resources Management system may be the source of organisational capabilities allow organiusation to learn and capitalize on new opportunities. Human Resources Management is concerned with achieving objectives in the areas like resourcing and development, valuing employees, relationship and ethical approach.


The Solar industry has been famous in the electronic media and regional magazines business reports as an emergent and fast growing sector of the green technology sector. The research study identifies the key of Solar industries occupations that are very relevant to the community colleges. It develops projections of future employment growth. It also identifies the employer challenges in the recruiting, hiring, and retaining workers. It defines that skills set and educations requirements needs for the relevant solar industries.

The research finds which are being released fully for the first time in the reports, provide colleges with timely and important information for the development of redesign of solar training and education programs.

The three Key HRM activities in Solar Industries are as follow:

HR Development

Reward Management

Employee Relations

From the Case study provide we can effectively say that the above 3 key HRM activities perfectly fit into Solar Industries as the HR Director and his associates are applying A High-performance work systems (HPWS), which includes development through a 360 degree feedback which helps employee identify its flaws and improve on them. Human Resource Development is the framework for helping employees their skill and develop their personal and organizational skills, and training and development knowledge, and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such as employees training and development, employee career improvement, performance training and development management, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification, tuitions assistances and organisation developments. From the all aspect of Human Resource Development is on developing the more superior workforce so that the organisation and individual employee can accomplish their work goals and mission in service to customers.Human Resource Development may be formal such as in college training, a college course and training or an organisational planned change efforts.

The Industries also applies Reward Management by a total reward management where employees get rewarded via profit sharing, contribution-related pay etc. Reward systems are one of the HRM policy areas incorporated into Beer et al 's (1984) & Fombrun et al.'s (1984) models. The design of management of reward system constitute one of the most difficult HRM tasks for the general manager: (1984,P.113). Economic & social factors present further challenges with managing reward systems. Human resource managers seek to design reward systems that facilitate achieving the organization's strategic goals & meet the goals of individual employer.

And Employee Relations are view when a High-involvement practices, which includes extensive communication on Industries plans and results, participation in reviewing key business and people issues, regular staff surveys etc. The Employee Relations section of Human Resources Management is dedicated to the improve of a quality of working environment for companies employees by encouraging positive communication between employees and managers. We provide avenues to conflict resolution and other possible way in accordance with the Policy Statements and State and Federal laws, The research on employment relations has a strong international flavour. It explores the changing role of trade unions in contemporary organisations and how they can maintain an effective influence. It analyses the part played by employment relations in mergers and acquisitions in different countries. It examines the role of partnership arrangements in the workplace and how these contribute to trust relations.

Solar Industries applies the HRM model of Human Resource Cycle (Adapted from Fombrun et al, 1984)



Performance management



Solar Industries deploys the model of Human Resource Cycle because as seen from the case study we can observe that the young HR Director and his associates exercises a high

performance work system whose main features includes staff assessment regularly and helping them develop by giving them a 360 degree feedback and then provide them with a total reward approach where they will be rewarded according to their performance (E.g. Better Pay, Employee share ownership scheme, profit sharing etc.)

TASK 2: Training and Development


SOLAR INDUSTRIES is extent work force by international mobility to achieve more expert and ambitious people to manage international store and SOLAR INDUSTRIES deal with high standard class people to globally. So there is a wide class of the people who believe in the standard brands. So there is a need of more and more expatriate to join the SOLAR INDUSTRIES. So they can know about global attitude of market and global manager level skills.


SOLAR INDUSTRIES recruitment is very wide spread for international mobility concept. This concept is helps the industries to extent globally. And they have their own standard for global market. They have good chance to grow fast and quicker to get top position in the Industries.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES have key words for all function level is the 'Passionate About Creativity'. The key words are present the worldwide. SOLAR INDUSTRIES is very well known in world. So aim has to recruit huge number of people on global level recruitment. And the industries must success in developing its employees' global skills and expatriation is an integral of SOLAR INDUSTRIES's HRM policy. It should be to extent their global work force to attract number of people to buy products and their services in global market.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES would like to expand its labour source to international level. It should be a decentralized organisation. Along with the campus job fairs, the website of the Industries is the main source of recruitment of candidates. These is because to support international growth. Number of employees involved in international transfers is increasing.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES targeted recruitment is a method of encouraging to apply for vacancies for global level and they are find out best out of all around the world. The Industries aims to get enthusiastic and next generation group for fashion industry. They believe in broad minded. About cultured value no restrict to anyone. So SOLAR INDUSTRIES expand to more active in country to country and give best facility to their employee and make an example in the world level. SOLAR INDUSTRIES attracted a much greater pool of suitable candidates and not only from the special candidates. So as its side effect, it also attracts application from better candidates in general.

Organisations recruiting for international operations can make choice about where they wish to focus their recruitment efforts the four approaches identified (by Perlmutter and Heenan (1974)) are ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric or geocentric or indeed a combination of all.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES follows geocentric approach. It is a recruitment from anywhere in the world and it is obviously encourage greater diversity but this then needs to be managed in order to gain the maximum benefits.

The development of employees in the workplace is essential for all categories of staff and can play a significant role in any change or integration process.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES is global Industries with lots of luxurious products. They need proper plan for training of their managers. Industries need to make a group of manager with their skills, with they can decide the level. With this group they can make training program, this make very easy work with perfection.


SOLAR INDUSTRIES needs to think about their training system. First they need to think about technical. In technical training they can make group about executive and others. For executives they can give different training than others.


Cross culture training is also important for global firms. Who are recruiting for particular place they should have knowledge about that particular country. Because SOLAR INDUSTRIES is spread all over the world. They need to follow that country's rules or culture.


In some part of world lots people doesn't know proper English or French etc. So, Industries need to give training for language as well. Managers can solve some problem very easily.


Industries need to give information about particular country; just like rules and regulation, weather, taxation, about culture, availability of daily routing groceries etc.


Industries and managers both can get benefit from training. With proper training the business of the Industries can go very high. Managers can work easily with local employees.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES training and development and expatriate compensation

SOLAR INDUSTRIES aim for expatriates not to give high compensation but 'give, good give' compare of other Industries. And expatriates got best chance to abroad assignment in well-known Industries.

So SOLAR INDUSTRIES focus for the training and development:

Developing the individual

Performance management

Appraisal schemes

Investors in people

Employee development programs

A qualified workforce

All the employees involvement techniques that we have discuss contribute to the development of employees. Better communication means that people are well informed encouragement to share ideas through consultation. The encouragement to develop ideas increases the awareness and knowledge of the economic performance. And become more able to participate in decisions. The employers need to be aware of community with which they operate and this can mean the global community as well as the local community. It should make employees proud to be associated with the organisation.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES follow the International Labour Organisation (ILO). It conducts research on equality standard on a global basis. It finds that improvement is still needed in many countries and state that despite advances particularly the considerable progress in women's educations. Women continue to earn less than men everywhere and the unequal burden of family responsibilities places then at a disadvantage in finding fall time employment (ILO2007 ix).

SOLAR INDUSTRIES gives compensate for their employee personal and social responsibility to fulfill. So employer and employee relations maintain well. Because of this employee get good standard of work attendance and more productivity.

As per the Abraham Maslow (1954), who was one of the first waiters, motivation in terms of human need, one of the need is social needs for relationships and many employers wish to be recognised as 'good employers'. Especially since corporate image can affect an organisations ability to attract and retain good employees and can therefore have major impact on the success of the organisation.


We have seen that the relationship between employer and employee consists of rights and obligations on both sides and that these are determination by law and various other agreements. An innovation in terms, conditions and working arrangement are a sign of the times as organisations attempt to respond to increasing competitive challenges and to social such as increasing expectations of an acceptable work-life balance.

The expectation of further Developments in legislation also guarantees that this will continue to be area of change in the future, Main benefit for both side is favourable to make well- being relation and develop good working relationships so employer and employee have one side of coin they give good so they get good from employee and employee's are main asset of HRM structure in organisation.

TASK 3: Talent management

Talent management:

Definition of Talent management

Talent Management is a recruitment selection and retention operation for sophisticated organisations. Recruitment cell has to shoulder responsibilities of recruiting mostly at all kind of departments all kind of employees. My view of focus here is that Talent Management has to look after the highest levels of employees whose job are quite challenging and tough, dynamic in nature. Jobs like attendance, time keeping, housekeeping, canteen and security need not be brought under the preview of Talent Management. The people with these mentioned work category have more or less monotonous work and we can't expect more growth with their work profiles and work skills. Continues development and training is vital for any organisation. Through that we can look for T M so the modern term is need to changed for TM instead of HRM. I just want to distinguish with the terms Talent Management and HRM they are just the same TM at lower cider employees will not be challenging as it would be very challenging in the case of higher level employees. Talent Management, including the following:

Onboarding, recruiting attracting, sourcing and qualified employees with competitive backgrounds

Selections, Managing and offering good salaries

Performance management processes

Training and development opportunities

Promotion and transitioning

I just want to distinguish with the terms Talent Management and HRM they are just the same Talent Management at lower cadre employees will not be challenging as it would be very challenging in the case of higher level employees.

Hendry et al (1997)

'A systemic approach to improving individual and team performance in order to achieve organisational goals. The approach you take should depend on your organisation, its culture, its relationship with employees and the types of jobs they do.'

'Best practice' models take little account of how the context of different interests of various organisational actors will influence PM.

The origins of Talent management

Since the late 1980's PM has risen rapidly up the managerial agenda

Linked to the growth of strategic HRM

Influenced by a convergence of economic, cultural and institutional factors

Measuring Talent management

Talent management: 'Employees turnovers' metrics

Cost per Hire

Turnover Costs of employees

Turnover Rate

Time to Fill the vacancy

Length of Employment

Talent management : 'Recruiting' metrics

Turnover Rates of New Hires

Vacant Period (for how long vacancy is unfilled)

New Hires Performances Appraisals

Management Satisfactions

Financial Impact of Bad Hire

Talent management: 'Training and development' metrics

Opportunity for New Hires

Learning's and Growths Opportunities

On-the-job learning Contentment's

Talent management: 'Retention' metrics

Preventable Turnovers

Financial Impacts

Diversity Turnover

Overall Employee Turnovers

The Balance Scorecard model

The balance scorecard is a full management system and we used extensively strategic planning in government, small ,large and non-profit organisation business and industry, and the worldwide to aline business activities to the strategy of the organisation and vision of the organisation, for the better external and internal communications and small, large, medium size organisation performance against strategic goal. It is originated through David Norton and Dr. Kaplan as a performance measurement.

Norton and dr Kaplan explain the innovation of the balanced scorecard as below:

"The balanced scorecard retains management and traditional financial measures. These management and financial measures are inadequate, and evaluating the travel that information age companies should make to create future value through investment in companies employees innovation supplies, customers processes, and training and technology." and the financial measurements tells the story of previous events, and an adequate performance for industrial age companies for which investments in long term skilled and the relationship of people were not critical for achivements.

The Balanced Scorecard Model (BCM) of PM

It was introduced in recognition of the need to supplement mainly traditional financial measures. It includes additional perspectives like; customers, internal business processes, learning and growth. It allows companies to track financial results while building capabilities to facilitate future growth. Thus there are four perspectives proposed:



Internal Business Processes

Learning and Growth

The Financial Perspectives covers the financial objectives of companies and allows management to track the financial success and the shareholder value.

The Customers Perspectives cover the customer's objectives, aim, mission such as customer's satisfactions, markets goals as well as products and services attributes.

The Internal and external Process covers internal and external operational goals, missions, and objectives and outlines the key necessary processes to deliver the customer objectives and aims.

The Training & developments and Growth Perspective covers the intangible of success of the companies such as human capital, companies funds and knowledge including skills, training, development, companies environment, leadership style, systems and data bases.

Monitoring of Talent management

Corporate HR's purpose is to define clear and simple principles that can be applied to all subsidiaries in all countries. In order to facilitate mobility within the group, SOLAR INDUSTRIES is trying to harmonize its practices to allow for a more global workforce. The prime condition for achieving this goal is to make equity a priority, between both countries and employees. SOLAR INDUSTRIES did not choose set up an international corporation which would centralize HRM and would dictate the compensation policy of the entire organisation. The organisation would like to avoid situations where line managers are confronted with the frustrations of expatriates earning less than their colleagues in the same position. As a result the manager could feel uneasy and would not know how to cope with such discrepancies. SOLAR INDUSTRIES has chosen to maintain decentralizes organisation where corporate HR defines general principles.


The globalization of World Economy has led to liberalization of numerous markets and to the reduction of the entry barriers. The entry on these markets and the further expansion might bring various benefits for the brands of the group. However, to leverage the emerging opportunities and establish the strong presence on the fast growing regions the group needs to develop an appropriate strategic human resource management approach through career development and international mobility. This approach should address the present and future changes of environmental factors and the strategic content of the firm. The human resource strategy should facilitate the development of human capital and expertise of working in culturally distant environments. It should create the favourable conditions for employees' internal mobility and contribute to the shaping of the group's image as a favourable employment opportunity. The management should realize the present drawbacks of existing ethnocentrism that affects the possible career opportunities for non-French employees. At the same time the strategy should also consider the adequacy of its "Ready to Move" approach.

SOLAR INDUSTRIES international transfer policy can help to motivate employee. Because it should be noted that the different kinds of benefits and allowances offered to employees can depend on the size and types of the business and its location. Let's take an example; SOLAR INDUSTRIES is a huge industries. The SOLAR INDUSTRIES industries would be more likely to gives people benefits free of cost products, and employees benefits should be the big deciding factor for many employees when choosing a company for employment. In order to retain and attract the best qualities employees to give a chance for international transfer, companies should be willing to offer extensive and flexible kind of benefit to different employee needs and it's motivating the employees.