Health and Safety

Published: October 20, 2015 Words: 350

Katie Burne



It is important to prevent the spread of infection in an early years setting by taking the following steps:

Hand Washing: It is important that children learn to wash their hands effectively, using soap, warm water and disposable paper towels. They need to thoroughly wash their hands before meals, after using the toilet and after messy or dirty play. This practise will go a long way to reducing the spread of infection in schools and nurseries.

Personal Protective Equipment: The term PPE includes single – use disposable plastic gloves and single use disposable plastic aprons. Whether these are needed will depend on staff coming in contact with bodily fluids.

Dealing with spillages safely: All staff must be trained in how to safely clear up spillages of blood and bodily fluids by:

Cleaning up any spillages as quickly as possible and keeping the children away from the spill. Staff must wash their hands and ensure all cuts and grazes are covered with bandages ad that they put on PPE. Staff must prepare a solution of general purpose neutral detergent and a solution of disinfectant. Paper towels must be used to clear up spills and then placed me a disposable leak proof bag. Following this, staff must apply the disinfectant solution and ensure any solution is wiped up afterwards. The area must then be wiped down with paper towels and detergent and dried. Only the can PPE be removed and disposed of in a waste bin and once that is done, last but not least, wash your hands.

Safe disposal of waste: There must be lined pedal bins in areas where waste is produced e.g. Food, nappies. It is important that bins are not overfilled and that once they are ¾ full they are tied up and put I the main waste bin. It is important to implement a schedule for emptying the bins at the setting and that the main waste bin is situated away from the main play areas and that animals are unable to access this. All bins should be regularly cleaned and...