Effective business communication can be mentioned as two way sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party. For the business managers, effective communication is to facilitate information sharing between company employees and can substanily contribute to its commercial success. It is possible effective communication is highly influenced in the management of an effective team. In normal workplaces, they emphasis on internal competition and individual star performers, is the way of transforming. In US business trans to be a strong movement the use of teams is appearing. The professional management advisor suggest that a successful environment in workplace is affected by effective teamwork and leadership rather than management. Nowadays , most of companies are realizing the important of developing teams. They can work in a coordinated ,efficient and creative manners .To develope the communication skills in effective team ,we need to know some facts. There are cohesiveness, sharing and professional development.
Effective team need to work well together with strong and great relationships between team member. In effective team, communication is critical and is driven by the team leader who will work with the team to establish ground rules and work to bring the team together and then that can accomplish its goals.In effective team,they have stages if development start with forming and then storming(brain-storming) to norming and performing .By doing these stages orderly,we can build a good and strong relationship in effective team.
If we have good relationships in team, we can get good communication among us at the same time. Team communication skills are strong, it can be easily share good ideas and best practices. Team members can be hesitant to provide input for fear of being criticized or having their idea dismissed. If one person knows somethings important but he or she cannot share properly or clearly, it doesn’t work in effective team. So every person in team must be open minded,positive thinking and practices in supportive environment.
Professional Development
Effective team communication can lead to both personal and professional development. In effective team, team leader must be positive roll model in work place, these insights can help employees improve their own communication skills. Strong team communication.
Another good thing goal for communication companies is improving the training process.Teams within small communication companies may also strive to improve work quality.Everyone on the team must give some useful ideas to the gals and offer feedback as needed,according to experts at MindTools.com/
Nowadays, not only does business need to be able to communicate effectively, every type of jobs needs to have effective communication skill to be more productive and efficient. According a professor from University of Florida, communication is the process of sharing information, ideas, emotions between people through a mediums such as by oral, written or others but effective communication extends the concept to require that transmitted content is received and understood by the receiver in the way it was intended by the sender. Communicating effectively helps an organization and its members to build trust and respect which are the fundamental things to make members more commit to the organization’s goals. Not only effective communication is important but also behaviour of verbal, written and body language communication play a significant role in sharing ideas, feelings and commitments.
These facts have been proven by a research made by students from University of Technology Sydney (UTS). This research studied two groups of project teams that are working on the same project assignment. The first team consisted of the members who were willing to work in a group and have positive socio-emotional interaction*. The second team was composed of members who liked to do individually and have potential negative socio-emotional interaction. The two teams were given the same period for the project to accomplish. During tasks of given project was being carried out, first team had more efficient in doing the tasks, less conflicts and misinterpretations among the group members. They tend to have trust on each other and confident in what they were doing for the project. Unlike first team, second team seem to have some conflicts and disagreements on the tasks of the project. They are also some misunderstanding on the project goals which lead to the lesser productivity and efficiency. Researchers found out that second team had lesser commitment to the project objectives. As a result, the first team got more credits than the second on the given project.
The research was concluded that to have efficient communication there must be a positive socio-emotional interaction within the members of the teams. To develop the positive socio-emotional interaction, members need to have mutual understanding, trust and respect for each other. Behaviour of verbal, written and body language in communication are vital to gain respect and trust from the members of the team. Furthermore, seeking feedback, sharing opinions and frequent communication which the second team failed to do help to achieve mutual understanding in group. It is necessary for every member of the group to be an active listener, person who is willing to see things from the speaker’s perspective and keep an open mind, to increase the understanding among the members and solve misunderstandings within the group. Though it is difficult to adjust to work with difference group people since they bring their own experience, beliefs and interpretation which have great potential to misinterpretation, it is easier when there is effective communication and mutual understanding on each other can make goals easier and faster to achieve for the organization or team.
Among effective team and ineffective team, there are several kinds of difference between them. They can be mentioned as in many situations such as atmosphere, group objectives, communication, handling of conflict, decisionmaking, criticism, expressing personal feelings, task achievement, leadership and review of the team process.
The characteristics of effective team is informal, engaged, open, comfortable, nonthreatening and participative. In the view of communication way,that is open, honest, flows freely up, down sideways and also individuals build on each other’s ideas. For the teamleader,he or she has great control when is not an issue but how to get the job done.It is easily to review the team process in effective team because of the group is easily examine how well it is doing or what may be interfering with team functioning.
The characteristics of ineffective team is unduly formal, disengaged, tense, guarded, intimidating, stiff, fragmented, underchallenged. A few people dominate the discussions, selective listening, information is hoarded and also mixed messages on ineffective team communication.During making a decision in team, it can be happened like forced on majority voting, dictated decisions, emphasis on power and various level of commitment.