For the purpose of meeting and achieving the each and every goal and objective of personal and organizational in relation to effective management, some skills are needed such as: the skill of communicating with other peoples, skill of IT, problem solving skill, skill of working with team, self performance and learning skill. These skills are considered as basic skills which are very much important for achieving personal objectives.
Personal Skills:
Personal skill is also considered as the interpersonal skill of the person which is consisted of the algorithm of mental and communicative which is applied for the purpose of conducting social communication and interacting with other peoples in order to identify achieve specific effects or outcome.
In order to being a successful manager, he or she should has to contain some professional and personal skills such as: leadership, time management skill, meeting running, presentation making, management of stress etc. The importances of these skills are now evaluated:
Leadership skill:
Leadership skill is considered as the managerial skill which is used for the purpose of motivating the peoples of the group in order to achieve the common goal. In this competitive market, it is very much needed to contain the skill of leadership by the manager through which he or she can lead the organization effectively and efficiently. Leadership is mainly related with the capacity where leader contains the capacity to listen others' opinion and observe the activities of employees. Not only is this, in the decision making areas, the skills very much needed for the manager of an organization. One more thing is that if the employees are not motivated to do their works then the business can't be run and the manager with leadership skill can be greatly motivated to the employees of their works and try to give their best.
Time management skill:
The definition of time management skill can be given as the process and tools of developing the skills in order to enhancing the efficiency and productivity. Time management skill is considered as the personal skill which is directed towards the using the valuable resources within the time frame. For the purpose of managing time, the manager should be more organized, efficient and as well as happier. The skill of personal time management is consisted of the activities of setting of goals, planning, prioritizing, make the decision, delegating and scheduling. By using time management skill, wastage can be eliminated, make preparation for attending the meeting, excessive workload refusing, project progress can be monitored, plans can be made for each day and each week efficiently and effectively.
Stress management skill:
The definition of stress can be provided as the reaction of nervous system of the body towards the specific events. Stress management can be defined as the system with the aim of stress reducing and along with the person who contains this skill can be facilitated in order to adjust with the specific situation. Stress management skill is very much needed for manager for the purpose of attending the meeting and represents the meeting, on that time the manager should control the stress.
The above skills such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal.
Professional skill:
The definition of professional skill can be provided as the skills and knowledge which are achieved for the purpose of personal development and along with the advancement of career. The opportunities of learning as facilitated are encompassed by the personal development which is related with the range of formal work, conferences and the practice of the opportunities of learning as facilitated. The features of the learning opportunities are intensive and collaborative which are related with the evaluative stage. Personal development includes of several approaches for example: consultation, coaching and practice of communities, study of lesson, training, supervision as reflective, and the assistance of technology.
These are the basic skills which I need for being an manager. But for being a successful manager that is doing or establishing business successfully, I need some managerial skills in relation to business:
1. Planning skill:
Planning is the process of identifying the goals of doing business and find out the way of achieving the objectives of business. Planning consists of the cost estimation that means conduct a budget about business planning and measuring time for implementing the goals of business. At a regular basis, the plan of business needs to be documented and reviewed. Along with calculating cost of business, an manager has to find out the way of getting resources. Plan of business should be shared with the employees and getting the feedback of them. All these function of planning process, an manager has to done and for doing these he or she has to skill of planning.
2. Organizing skill:
This skill consists of allocating resourcing and task formulating around the business organization. In relation to this skill, I have to identify the basic goal of the organization and determine the business strategies to set up the business. Also, I have to spilt all tasks of business activities and make easy for employees.
3. Leading skill:
It is the most significant skill for a manager and also for an manager. For being a successful leader, I have to have confidence, have the feelings of appreciating follower and be sincere with the organizational activities. Innovation is the main aspect for leadership skill. According to this skill, manager or manager should have the ability to lead or motivate others to do work effectively.
4. Coordination skill:
For doing business as successful, this skill is very much important. This skill helps a manager and also an manager, direct each organizational activities towards the achieving objectives and take decision for doing implementing next activities.
Methods to improve professional and personal skills:
There are existed several methods of that are appropriate for the purpose of advancing the skill of professional and personal such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal.
For the purpose of developing these required skills, some ways can be adopted and these ways are described below:
The approach as structured are used for the purpose of solving the problem
Provide training program
Create the link in between the problems and try to solve it
Create relationship in between solving the problem and making decision as well
Problem can be solves through get support from the people by taking their opinion and as well as use the required resources on developing the problem skill
Here, training program and practice to develop the professional and personal skill as by own are considered as the most practical method which is used for the purpose of developing the personal and professional skill. The program of training is mainly related with the process of learning which consists of the knowledge acquisition, skill sharpening, attitudes and behaviours changes, in order to employee performance enhancing.
Not only this, by practicing as by the person own, one person can achieve the required skill such as: by practising, the person can manage the time, can solve the problem
Auditing skills:
Concentrate on scope of area and choose the right column which can match your skill and then in the last column select the importance for you in the improvement of this skill.
Scope of developing skill
Do very properly
Ok, but require more exercise
Is not done by me
Give more and more importance.
1 = extremely required,
2 = less required,
3 = not required
Organizing ability
I can make strategic plan and managing time.
Give importancemy tasks andactivities
I can do my task within a time frame
It is realize by me which things can improve my learning
Finding Information ability
Collect information from different website related to my job.
Have the ability to find information from different sources.
Have the ability to use internet sources.
Communication Skills
Capacity to share my ideas with another
Positive thinking
Making and implementing plan
Able to make power point presentation
Feeling good to work under a team
Concentrate on listening other people ideas
IT Skills
Used and experienced to install software.
Used to apply mc word, excel, access.
Working with Numbers
Ability to calculate numbering.
Measuring statistical information effectively.
Ability to use statistical method.
Stress Management
Handling difficult situation.
Conscious about my anger.
Make plan to handle stress.
Personal Development Planning
Measuring personal goals
Find out strength and weakness
Find out scope of Ares
Identify personal aim
learning styles:
There are various theories which are used as learning style such as: Kolb's learning style, Honey and Mumford's learning style etc. among these styles of learning, here I use Kolb's learning style by which I can identify the way of learning of people for identifying suitable methods for development of a business manager.
Kolb's learning styles:
Understanding the learning style of people and also for own enables learning us in accordance with the method which is preferred. For identifying the best method of development, every person has to respond to the styles of learning. There are four Kolb's learning styles:
1. Diverging:
According to this learning style, people take all things at different aspects. They use their imagination to learn any things. In this style, people like to watch, collect information, and for solving problem use their imagination. Group work and receiving feedback by the people are existed in this learning style.
2. Assimilating:
An approach which is concise and logical is used on this style. The main aspect of this style is ideas and concept. According to this learning style, people has to a clear idea and understanding about anything. They like to use and organizing lots of information in a structural way as a logical format.
3. Converging:
For solving problems, this learning style is used. By this style, proper solution can be identified. For practical ideas and theories, this learning style is used.
4. Accomodating:
These types of people are intuitive rather than logical. They like to take challenges and being experienced by doing things practically.
SMART analysis:
Organization objectives:
In relation to the SMART acronym, an organizational manager should has to achieve the five objectives which should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time boundary. And the objectives with these features which should be achieved by the organizational manager are described below:
Forecasting and planning:
→ the manager should have clear vision in relation to the forecasting and make planning within the organization from the perspective of SMART objectives of achievable, measurable, specific, realistic, and time boundary.
→ manager should make the structure of the plan
→ several parts are made for the specific task so that it can be easily get understand by the employees and as well as can be easily accomplished
→ manager should determine the resources such as: the resources of human, monetary, technology and materials
→ make sure about the work of sensitivity and job security of the employees
→ manager should have to distribute the task among the employees
→ manager should maintain the level of hierarchy within the organization and as well as reported this
→ controlling activities are taking by the manager for the purpose of leading the work force
→ manager should unified and harmonised the activities of the organization and as well as organized these activities
→ the manager supervise the activities of the organization as coordinated and the activities and efforts are also harmonised and unified by the manager
→ manager should also provide the support to the organization and as well as the employees of the organization to do their job and motivate them
→ lead the organization and along with motivate the subordinates to give their best efforts on their job
Manager has to be controlled and monitored the organizational activities and command the organization as a group of team so that the subordinated can do their works effectively and never faced any difficulties to accomplish their work.
SWOT analysis:
The acronym of the analysis of SWOT is directed on the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat and as per the requirement of this question, the analysis of SWOT is conducted where it can be find out what is my strength, weakness, opportunity and threat in relation to the personal information.
I can make effective decision
Good in managing time and use the time effectively
Achieve the leadership skill as good
Not enough idea about the IT that is information technology sector
I feel nervous on giving the presentation in front of the people and feel stresses
Can't communicate with people effectively and feel nervous as well.
Have the ability to create new things or can use the new opportunity
Use the managerial skill to lead the team
Can adjust to work in a team or a group.
Due to lack of the skill of communication, the new opportunities or scope can be escaped.
Nervousness or stress might be considered as threat for me in order to achieve the goal of personal and as well as professional
Name: Mushir Ahmed Sk Date: 12/02/2011
Success criteria
Able to work well in a team of people &to perform a number of team role
Able to work all in all in team &achieve outcome
On job coaching
Have a sector wide issues as a regular item on team agenda
Able to plan &organize large group of people to achieve a large project by a outline time period
Well organised &plan about the project
Monitoring programme
Volunteer to be a project team looking at new development
Want to be a good listener
Active listening and express feeling
Practice of listening
Be active on presentation of other
Influencing skills &persuasion others
Want to develop sales skills
When I could sell more products to the customers and earn more profit on my expectation
Sales training
Start to selling small products does more practice to sell more of products.
Presentation skill
Give power point presentation in front of large group of people.
Practice to do power point presentation.
Personal development plan can be defined as the development of the skill of a person which is very much important for personal career and also professional career of that person. This plan also indicates to the advancement of the personality of individual person. It helps a person to make him capable and confident in his profession. The development of a person's characteristics and professional development is considered as important aspect of the career of a person. Therefore, having a personal professional development is very much required for a person.
After evaluating my skill and assessing my main objectives, I find out my strengths and weaknesses and try to develop those by conducting a personal development plan. I make this personal development plan in according to my personal and professional career such as: for being a manager or an manager.
Personal development planning is the process through which I ponder on the learning, performance and accomplishment of mine and it can help to evaluate and develop my skill. This learning and achievement helps to improve my CV and also helps to ready the form of application for recruitment. In fact, personal development plan helps me to determine my objectives and take further decision to achieve these objectives. This plan supports me to identify my strength and weakness and motivate me to establish my objectives according to the feedback. It provides tools by which I can assess the achievement of mine. For conducting this plan successfully, I have to document my personal development plan. Also, I can participate on training program which may be on the job or off the job training or e-learning.
After doing my personal development planning, I reset my objectives on the basis of feedback. Now my objectives are to prove myself as a capable candidate for recruitment. For this reason, I improve the feature or personality of mine and also develop my CV as the requirement of each employment of different companies.
In order to being a successful manager, he or she should has to contain some professional and personal skills such as: leadership, time management skill, meeting running, presentation making, management of stress etc. Leadership skill is considered as the managerial skill which is used for the purpose of motivating the peoples of the group in order to achieve the common goal. In this competitive market, it is very much needed to contain the skill of leadership by the manager through which he or she can lead the organization effectively and efficiently. Leadership is mainly related with the capacity where leader contains the capacity to listen others' opinion and observe the activities of employees. Not only is this, in the decision making areas, the skills very much needed for the manager of an organization. One more thing is that if the employees are not motivated to do their works then the business can't be run and the manager with leadership skill can be greatly motivated to the employees of their works and try to give their best. For the purpose of managing time, the manager should be more organized, efficient and as well as happier. The skill of personal time management is consisted of the activities of setting of goals, planning, prioritizing, make the decision, delegating and scheduling. By using time management skill, wastage can be eliminated, make preparation for attending the meeting, excessive workload refusing, project progress can be monitored, plans can be made for each day and each week efficiently and effectively.
To survive in such a competitive market and for developing personal character, any individual person must continue to build a strong personal development plan. Though we know that the organization should concentrate on external environment i.e. its competitor, its image etc, but alongside it should also give emphasis on its internal sector i.e. its employees. Because, for any company, employees are the main strength and without them any work such as production or administrative service can not run. These employees play main role in their working place on achieving competitive advantage against other companies and gain long-term sustainable growth. For this reason, an employee as a person should develop his character and make a personal development plan.