This chapter will be included an exploring among previous studies and researches in order to understand effective factors on customers satisfaction, as well as supporting a strong framework. The literature of this paper will be divided into two parts. In the first part, some of the most important previous studies will be brought in order to explore the relationship between effective factors and the customer satisfaction level. After that, this research will go through the studies that have been done in Malaysia and the results of these two parts lead to find a gap in the previous studies which this research will cover. Furthermore, in this part, important factors which have been used by previous researches will be defined to use for this research.
2.2 Customer Satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction can be defined as a measuring of a firm's products and services offering that can surpass users' expectoration. Customer satisfaction is a key performance indicator in business studies, in addition it is a balance scorecard items (Lawrence and McDaniel, 2005).
Customers' satisfaction is the most vital parts in company success; it can be categorized as a qualitative measures of performance the same as defined by customers. In 1988, Oliver designed a conceptual definition of customer satisfaction. It was a judgment that service of product feature, providing an enjoyable level of expenditure related fulfillment, including level of under or over fulfillment.
In a study that has been done by Gilbert and Balestrini in 2004, factors were defined to measure the attitudes towards online services. Based on their research, less time, cost, avoiding direct interaction related to benefits, experience, information quality, financial security, low stress, trust and visual appeal are barriers to adoption. The results of the Balestrini (2004) clear that all of mentioned factors, except avoid interaction, have strong relationship with customers' satisfaction in online transactions.
As it was mentioned, having a right view about customer satisfaction are necessary to find the factors that affect this satisfaction. According to the previous section there are a lot of researches that offer definitions about customer satisfaction. One of these researches belongs to Oliver (1988). Oliver studied five casual factors of satisfaction and individual differences in satisfaction pattern such as manipulations of attribution, expectancy, performance, disconfirmation, and equity which were examined as satisfaction casual factors. All of these factors were significant in Oliver study.
Now, it is important to find factors that impact on satisfaction level. In 2002, Srinivasan et al, worked on eight factors that are important for customer loyalty in e-commerce. Factors such as customization, contact, care, community, convenience, cultivation, choice, and character were items that were tested in Srinivasan et al.'s study. The results of their work showed that only convenience can not affect the customer satisfaction level. Moreover, all remain seven factors have direct positive relationship with level of satisfaction. It means, for example if an online website offers more customized items, likelihood that the customers back to this website is more than others which do not offer customization items.
Elsewhere, Dina ribbink, VanReil, Liljander and Streukens (2004) tried to find some other factors that can influence level of customers' satisfaction. Based on their study, loyalty is powered by satisfaction with quality of service and product. Reinartz and Kumar (2002) believed that it is necessary for online companies to attract more loyal customers by creating more satisfaction level for their customers.
As an effort to find customers' acceptance of using an ecommerce website, Pavlou (2003) in his research that was entitled as "Consumer acceptance of Electronic Commerce Integrating trust and risk with the Technology Acceptance Model " tried to bring Technology acceptance Model construct and ecommerce aspects of technology together in order to provide a solid theoretical basis for selecting influential driving factors, constructs of TAM including ease of use and usefulness were brought with two other constructs which were important in online business, risk, and trust. Additionally to the previous researches, some other factors were examined during robust of E‑business. Meanwhile, factors such as convenience, merchandising (product offering and product information), site design, and financial security were tested in a study by Szymanski Hise (2000). They found that although factors including website design, financial security, and convenience have great significant effects on the customer satisfaction level, product offering did not have any effect on the customer satisfaction. Besides, information has effect on customer satisfaction though it is not very significant.
Term of website can refer to number of pages that are linked to each other which can lead to deeper search and finding more accurate information (Huizingh, 2000). Base on the Heldal et al. (2004) a website must be fill the users' necessities for particular kind of information. Usability is an important point in preparing a successful website by offering more valuable information. It is possible by looking at elements such as text, content, layout, and colors in a mode that leads to have an easy comprehend website. Base on Nielson (2000) idea, straightforwardness is the main purpose for many websites. Customers visit website to complete or do transaction in order to save their time. Response time is recognized by online website designers as the important factors in design a web page. Miller (1968) believed that users' mind duration will stand for only ten seconds of indolence. Base on Nielson study, five criteria can be defined for usable successful design of a website which are easy to learn, efficient to use, few and insignificant errors, easy to remember, and subjective satisfaction. In spite of the fact that the Internet products such as streaming video and audio will give varies range of multimedia potential to customers, but these media only can be used when they add values to the information that HTML alone cannot support. Base on Cannon and Perrault (1999) satisfaction is the most important items in relationship marketing. In order to have a clear and wide understand of a website as a communicative tools with customer, not only is it necessary to have ease of use interaction elements, but also it is important to know the users' feelings and thoughts. Admitting that involve and emotion have important part in the idea of satisfaction. These emotions are based on the individual differences and favorites. Base on the Fernandes (1995) a point view of individuals' dissimilarities is possible to design by going through people culture, ethnic group, race, and linguistic background. Design a website for global using needs more research to find best way to communicate with people.
A study by Zviran, Glezer, and Avni in 2006 went through factors which can influence the customer satisfaction in online websites. They tried to show the effect of website design and website use in customer satisfaction level. Base on Zviran et al. (2006) study, in order to measure the successful of an ecommerce website, factors such as site usability, design features, information and web page quality, user characteristics, total business attracted, and fundamental purpose become visible relevant signs. User satisfaction is a popular measure of information system success for which different normalized instruments have been expanded and examined. Customer satisfaction is a vital dimension, because it is connected to other significant variables in system analysis and design; therefore, it will be used to access information system success and effectiveness. According to the Zvarin et al. (2006), five measures were defined to involve users' satisfaction. End user trust in the system, presenting accurate information, using an obvious presentation format, timeliness of information, and ease of use were these five measures. Identification of the power of customer satisfaction level in the achievement of an ecommerce application can lead to raise endeavor on the research parts in order to discover how measure and model end user satisfaction. A research which has done by Muylle et al. (2000) was defined a three part instruments which was included information, connection, and layout. Information dimension divided into four items in order to measure customer satisfaction. Relevancy, accuracy, comprehensibility, and comprehensiveness were items for information. In case of connection, ease of use, entry guidance, structure, hyperlink connection, and speed were defined for this dimension. Base on Trepper (2004) site design and financial security can create an effective impact on the customers' perspectives. In order to achieve best result of this issue, it is necessary to notice to the website classification. By existing vary type's websites with different target in their business; it is hard to categorize them. Yeng and Lu (2004) evaluated the functional characteristics of 98 commercial sites based in Hong Kong. Base on their paper; although the content of websites grew, the functional of these websites were only insignificantly enhanced. In 1995, Hoffman offered classification of websites base on six sorts out: the Internet presence, content, mall, incentive, storefront, and search agent. Cappel and Myerscough (2000) categorized the web business into market place awareness, customer support, sales, advertising, and electronic information services.
In a very recent paper in 2009 that has been done by Kim, Oh, shin, and Chae, information and services qualities were considered as important factors that can make effects on customer satisfaction level. They measured system quality constructs by referring to the accessibility, stability, and ease of use. Furthermore, for information quality constructs they considered three different items which are accuracy, timeliness, and relevance which were measured as information quality. According to their findings, information quality is more important than system quality in order to measure customer satisfaction level. Competence was another dimension s in website design which was examined by Cox and Dale (2001) in line with other items such as comfort and user friendly of website. Yoo and Donthu (2001) developed a four dimensions instrument to measuring online retailers' website quality. Security, processing speed, aesthetic design, and ease of use were their instruments items. WEBQUAL, another highly mentioned instrument improved by Loiacono et al. (2002), it was included twelve dimensions. Interaction, trust, information fit to task, response time, intuitiveness, visual appeal, flow, design, innovativeness, business process, substitutability, and integrated communication were Loiacono dimensions in their study. Liu and Arnett in 2000, worked on the factors in successful websites, and they found four major items. Information and service quality, playfulness, system use, and system design quality were marked ad effective factors on the successful websites.
In another recent study on the customers' satisfaction factors, Jianchi and Xiaohong (2009) worked on the mentioned factors such as web site design, information quality, and security again; however, they added two new factors to their framework which were customer services and website intelligence. Moreover, they defined several items for each construct, and then designed their questionnaire based on these items in order to study the significantly of each construct separately. In their study, website design includes system stability, page loading speed, good structure, and overall artistic as well. Information quality construct is divided into four items which are accuracy, integrity, update timely, and relevant. Search engine, response timely, customer forum, and FAQ are under costumer service construct and website security contains security policy and privacy. The last construct in Jianchi, Xiaohong (2009) is website intelligence includes personalized service and adaptive website, they believed that a poor website design can lead to lose customers. Results of their survey showed that all these constructs were supported, it means that website design, and information quality, security, customer service, and website intelligence are important factors in order to estimate customer satisfaction level. Furthermore, again by referring to the Delone and Mclean's (2003) study on the Information system and ecommerce success, it can be said that a successful website needs to attract more customers in the competitive online business market. In addition, staying in the market needs to be intelligence and finding factors which attract more customers and increase their level of satisfaction. This process leads to create loyal customers who bring more profit for online business companies.
Delone and Mclean model suggests that there are six dimensions in order to define a successful website for marketing. These six dimensions are defined as system quality, information quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction, and net benefits and each of them has subdimentions. Delone and Mclean defined adaptability, availability, reliability, response time, and usability as system quality indicators. On the other hand, Completeness, ease of understanding, personalization, relevance, and security were defined for information quality in their research. Moreover, service quality can be described by assurance, empathy, and responsiveness. Besides, use dimension was divided into four parts which are nature of use, navigation patterns, number of site visits, and number of transactions executed and repeat purchases, repeat visits and user survey are under the user satisfaction dimension. Finally, the last dimension, net benefits, contains cost saving, expanded markets, incremental additional sales, reduced search costs, and time saves as well.
Delone and Mclean model was used during the years by different researchers in order to determine factors that can affect website successfulness, by referring to the level of customers' satisfaction.
By referring to the Aque et al.(2009), one of the popular online marketing and doing transaction and business online e-banking, internet banking, and the use of computer-based office banking software, which have been had numerous advantages for the banks as result of innovative technologies. Gerrard and Cunningham (2003); and Hernandez and Mazzon (2007), worked on factors such as customer behavior, innovation and acceptance of innovations. Elsewhere, Mukhrejee and Nath (2003) focused on the relationship marketing and adopters versus non- adapters users. Customer attitudes and motivation study were other important issues that researchers worked on them (Akinci, 2004).
Toe and Yu (2004) worked on customers' online buying behavior. They explored people behaviors from the economics perspectives. They performed an empirical research in Singapore to explore their model's factors. The results of their study cleared that people willingness to online shopping has a negative relationship with people perceived transaction cost; besides, perceived transaction cost is related to the uncertainty and dependability of online shops. The more dependability of online stores leads to the less uncertainty in online buying which results in the more people who try online shopping.
Antovki (2001) did a study on e-services. He went through Online banking services as part of online marketing. He defied three factors are important in order to expand Internet baking for financial institutes. High availability, scalability, and security are these factors. Availability refers to provide easy and continues services to customers. Developing of the system infrastructure was included in availability (Yibin and Mu, 2003). This improvement of system contains of developing in credit card and transaction system, transaction reporting services, developing in payment services, and telecommunications infrastructure development. Security considered as a barrier by some researches (Gerrard and Cunningham, 2003; Rotchanakitumnuai, 2003). Security is the most important factors when people attitude towards online shopping is investigated. Muller (2001) security can refer to a website policy to ensure its customer about their personal information security. Thomas (2002) defined security based on soft and hard infrastructure. Soft infrastructure refers to policies, procedures, and protocols to protect system and data. Hard infrastructure can be included of hardware and software which are needed for protecting system and data from internal and external threats. Thomas (2002) believed that because of criminal activities in the virtual web spaces, e-security issues are seriously important factors and his idea is completely match with Raigaga (2002) who mentioned that the security is the most important issues facing with bankers. According to Ratnasingam (2002), the results of security issues in web services can be explained as digital signatures, authorization, and encryption. In 1999, Sathye explored that Australian customers of online banking are affected by variables of system insecurity, awareness of service, ease of use, and availability of infrastructure. Ragigaga (2000) believed it is necessary for online websites to protect their data from different kinds of security threats and hazards. Negligence in security issues can lead to financial loses and damage in brand image between its customers. Hence, before to established online transaction, online companies must take some realistic activities to ensure security. Next variable that have attracted many researchers is trust. Moreover, most previous literatures argued that the firm image and customer trust are critical factors in purchasing performances (Ratnasingham, 1998). In addition, this researcher believed that trust can influence individual behavior significantly. Additionally, Gefen (2003) mentioned that trust is a vital channel in transactional relationships and it concludes the character of different businesses and their social image. Based on this explanation, trust can be an issue when risk in engaged. According to the Lee and Turban (2001), security of system, disbelieve of service providers, and worries about the reliability of Internet services are reasons that cause to create uncertainty and distrust in customers. Chellappa (2002) believed that increasing in perception of electronic commerce, leads to raise the trust in customers. Again from discussion it gains that customer doubtful behavior towards e-transaction's security is a barrier against expanding of online shopping. "Confidence is a plant of slow growth." This quote is from Willian Pitt, British statesman from eighteenth century who emphasized on this discussion again. Elsewhere, a survey by Electronical Financial Transactions Systems (E-FITS) showed that customer confidence to offer e-financing is very crucial. Customer satisfaction in online shopping can be directly related to the trust in their relationship. Additionally, quality of services and products can play important roles in customer satisfaction (Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Kelly and Davis, 1994). When the transactions and exchanging of services or products did through website, it is clear that quality of service is one of the most important factors to bring satisfaction to customers (Mahajan, 2002). In the importance of quality of offering services and products online, it is sufficient to say that many researches work on this issue during years.
A very recent study which have done in 2010, Udo, Bagchi, and Kirs work on an assessment of customers' e-service quality perception, satisfaction, and intention. In their study, they try to explore different dimensions of web service quality according to the users of online services. Base on prior studies, service quality theories are regularly come from the disciplines of marketing and information systems. Information system theories are grounded from theories such as learning theories, expectancy-value theories (Fishbein, 1963). The theory of reasoned action (TRA) (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) tries to show that if people believe to a behavior as positive one, and if they assume that others would desire them to do behavior (subjective norm); therefore, there will be a greater intention (motivation) to act in that special approach. Refer to the information system researches self-efficacy or the verdict of an individual's aptitude to exercise a computer base system (Compeau, Higgins, and Huff, 1999) is an important dimension to adopt a new technology and make people satisfied by offering technology. There is an agreement to keep service quality as a separated construct, although there is a disagreement on measuring this construct. Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Beryy (1988) developed constructs to measure service quality. Their instrument supported managers with approaching into information system services observations. Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are dimensions in SERVQUAL instrument which have used by Udo et al. (2010) in their study. Tangibles dimensions include the form of physical faculties, equipment, personnel, and communication material. Reliability refers to ability to do the promised service accuracy. Responsiveness is willingness to help customers and supply without delay service. Assurance refers to information and politeness of employees and their capability to motivate trust and confidence. Finally, empathy means caring and individualized notice that the firm offer to its customer. In Udo study (2010), they examined different dimensions to find customers satisfaction level in e-business. Individual PC skill, service convenience, perceived risk, website content, web service quality, and behavioral intentions were dimensions in Udo paper (2010). The skill of online users in influencing the existing technology can lead to affect the result of the service understanding. Ford (2001) sets up a tough relationship between individual differences and behavior in internet search. Base on Rowley (2006) study, increasing the customers information and skill in line with service progress can be a key organizational strategy for increasing customer satisfaction. She preserves that organizational need to go beyond purely supporting good website design and clear navigation instructions to applying gain knowledge of processes which will handle their online customers and create more knowledgeable customers. Learning progress must detain unique user inclinations, learning approach, and talent level. In 2005, Sanches and Roldan identified the fact that dissimilarities in individual skill can description for differences in perceived online service quality and customer satisfaction. Udo et al. (2010) believed the more adroit users of online websites have ability to rise above website challenges, the more they have to appraisal of web service. Service convenience is one of the main advantages of online shopping in expression of admission, information accessibility, be deficient in of time or geographical barriers, and secrecy. Base on some studies, convenience is one major reason for doing online business according to customers perspective (chang et al., 2005; King and Liou, 2004; Yang et al. 2001). Kim (2006) believed that customers' satisfaction can be affected by convenience of online market place. Researchers such as srinivasan, Anderson, and Ponnavolu (2002) found the service convenience significant effects on perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. In case of barriers, risk can be mentioned as one of the most important barriers to online shopping. Perceived risk can be indicated by terms such as personal risk, privacy risk, economic risk, psychological risk, and technological risk. It is easy to understand how perceived risk can affect users satisfaction level by going through the system failure as part of perceived risk. A study has done by Lopez and Castillo (2008) show that risk can influence shopping behavior and online purchasing aims. It is negative relation between perceived risk and customer intention to online shopping. The higher risk, the less online customers aim to buy. Pavlou (2003) believed that perceived risk expresses bad or good sentiments which can affect beliefs, attitudes, and behavior intention. Furthermore Zhang and Prybutok (2005) found that perceived risk lead to change of online user perceptions. In line with the previous studies, Udo (2010) examines the website content effect on customer satisfaction. Web site content can refer to the presentation and layout of data and information that can lead to firm reputation and powerful image, and it is a factor that can affect customers perceived web service quality (Chen and Macredie, 2005; Huang, 2002). Information quality, type of media, presentation mode, size and type of the image, fitting information, and on the whole application of the website are dimensions under the website content construct. A mixture of photos, pictures, animations, and graphics can be put on the website in line with the main text in order to develop the website quality. Six dimensions of online service quality were defined in a study by Yang (2001). Four of these six dimensions are base on content. Website substance, accuracy of the content, aesthetics with site attractiveness item, and picture and graphics are these four content dimensions. Koernig (2003) argued that the more a website includes effective contents, the more it can influence its users in positive manner, and this can lead to continue shopping by the customer and change them to loyal ones. Landrum (2007) found that the effective website content leads to make web base service more real and reliable to the users. Style of graphics and size of website maybe lead to influence customers' satisfaction level in online shopping. Base on Dabholkar (1995) the prior role of satisfaction relies on customers' behavior, some customers are cognitive; meanwhile, others are affective. Customers with cognitive orientation recognize satisfaction level as being affected by service quality. Affective oriented customers will recognize service quality as being affected by satisfaction.
By referring to the Zeithaml et al. (1996) model, behavioral intentions can be measured by purchase intentions, price sensitivity, complaining behavior, loyalty, word of mouth. The more service quality offers by the online website, the more they can enjoy increasing customers' satisfaction. Zhang and Prybutok (2005) believed that customers' knowledge is associated to behavioral intentions. Base on Ajzem (1985), Bhattacherjee (2001), and Venkatesh et al. (2003), behavioral intentions can be marked as an indicator of system success. The result of Udo et al (2010) study shows the individual skills construct differences can affect service convenience directly which is line with previous finding in this issue. Another finding of their study confirmed the service convinces and website content remarkable effect on customer satisfaction level in online websites. Base on Udo (2010) not only can the web service quality affect the behavioral intentions, but also it has an important roundabout effect on customer satisfaction level; besides, the main important finding of Udo (2010) paper is the non-significant relationships between perceived risk and behavioral intention and customer satisfaction. The aims of their paper, understanding the online users' anticipations, examining the relationship between web service quality, online users' satisfaction, and behavioral intentions to buy, were supported and conformed in Udo et al (2010) paper.
According to above discussion, it is clear that trust is very effective factors on people perception in online shopping. Beside this factor, variable such as information quality, website design, and customization of services have very effective role in customer satisfaction level in online shopping and have been examined by different researches during years.
Referring to the table 2.1 can give clear perspective about previous studies:
Key dimensions
Main focus
Doll et al. (1994)
Content, accuracy, format,
ease of use, and timeliness
End-user satisfaction with
information and network
Liu and Arnett
Quality of information and
service, system use,
playfulness, and system
design quality
Web site design quality
Yoo and Donthu
Ease of use, aesthetic design,
processing speed, security
Evaluation of online retailers'
Web site usability
Loiacono et al.
Information fit to task,
interaction, trust, response
time, design, intuitiveness,
visual appeal, innovativeness,
flow, integrated
communication, business
process, and substitutability
WEBQUAL (Web quality)
Zeithaml et al.
Efficiency, reliability,
fulfillment, privacy,
compensation, and contact
Service quality in general
and Gilly (2002)
Web site design, reliability,
privacy/security, customer
Online retailing service
Zeithaml et al.
Access, ease of navigation,
efficiency, flexibility,
reliability, personalization,
assurance/trust, site
aesthetics, price knowledge
Online banking service
Cox and Dale
communication, credibility,
understanding, appearance,
Online retailing service
Yang and Jun
Reliability, access, ease of use,
personalization, security,
Online retailing service
Madu and Madu
Performance, features,
structure, aesthetics,
reliability, storage capacity,
serviceability, security and
system integrity, trust,
differentiation and
customization, Web store
policies, reputation,
assurance, empathy
Online banking service
Kaynama and
Black (2000)
Content and purpose,
accessibility, navigation,
design and presentation,
responsiveness, background,
personalization and
Online travel agencies
Van Riel et al.
Core service, supporting
service, user interface
Portal site service
Table 2.1: Some of Previous Studies
Through a study that have done by Yang Z. and Fang X, (2004), different factors can be explored to find effective item on the customer satisfaction in online services. The dimensions of their studies were responsiveness, reliability, credibility, competence, access, courtesy, continue improvement communication, service portfolio, content, timeliness, security, and aesthetic, ease of use, system reliability, and system flexibility. Responsibility dimension contained four items. Prompt response to e-mails, quick order execution, and prompt services were under the responsibility dimension. Reliability was explained by accurate order fulfillment, accurate record, accurate quote, accurate calculation promise, keep service promise, and keep promotion promise. Confidence and company reputation were defined as credibility. Another factor in Yang and Fang (2004) study was competence which was measured by ability to solve problem, knowledge to answer problem, research capacity, and quickly solve problem. Going through access dimension is possible by looking at website accessibility and email access. Courtesy dimension was measured by politeness and care and friendliness of contact personnel. System improvement, website improvement, prompt warning, and prompt notification were items in continue improvement communication. Service portfolio was clarified by research reports and investment tools. Content was made clear by information availability, information clarity, and information accuracy. Timeliness was measured base on account update and quote update. Security was defined base on information privacy and customer protection. Attractive of websites, easy navigation, easy use, effective navigation, functionality, and speed were clarified as ease of use dimension. System shutdown and failures were items for system reliability, and finally system flexibility was measured base on compatibility with some operation systems.
Next part of this literature will go through the studies that have been done on Malaysian customer satisfaction level in online shopping.
2.3. Customer satisfaction in online marketing: Malaysian Studies:
A study did by Paynter J. and Lim J. (2001) which was conducted in Malaysia, went through the influence of websites and online shopping on Malaysian users' life and the future trends of shopping online in Malaysia. They run they study by going through the corporations which were established in Malaysia. Demographic factors were the focus of their study. Base on painter and Lim (2001) the beginning of the Internet was the 1995 in Malaysia. Base on first Malaysian research on the Internet, which was conducted in 1995, around 1% of Malaysian population accessed to the Internet, this rate increased to 2.6% in 1998. Base on a survey of energy, communication, and multimedia ministry in 2000, around 7% registered for the Internet. Table 2.2 shows the number of registration for different domains in Malaysia during a five year period.
Yearly total
Table 2.2: the number of registration for different domains in Malaysia Source: MYNIC (malaysian Network Information Centre).
By increasing the penetration rate on the Internet using in Malaysia, people used it as a virtual place for sharing opinions, conducting social communities, and offering new way of doing business. Ecommerce grows in Malaysia business during last decade. The electronic payment system supports chances for opening new window to the rest of the world markets. Nowadays Malaysian appears more interested to shop online; besides, they are very comfortable with doing their transaction online without going to the bank branches.
Sohail M. and Shanmugham B. (2003) tried to determine the basic demographic factors which affect usage of online shopping and in their study specifically online banking in Malaysia, additionally their study determined factors related to the adoption of e-banking and made differences between non-Internet users and Internet users associated to these factors. In their study, age, monthly income, percentage of graduates and undergraduates were demographics factors which were examined. For adaption of electronic banking their selected items such as accessibility (Internet access and Internet connection speed), Reluctance (willingness to adopt technology enhancement, level of awareness of current trends, and attitude towards change), costs (cost of computers and cost of Internet connection), trust in one's bank (banks reliabilities in correcting erroneous transactions, trust in the bank to compensate for losses due to security, infringements, and banks response rate to queries), security concerns (clear and understandable instruction, security of Internet transaction, and convenient way of doing bank transactions), and ease of use (ease of performing e-banking transaction, ease of navigation in the banks site). The results of their study cleared that younger generation, higher educational persons, and people with more access to the Internet and computer are more interested to do their transaction inline. It can be concluded that demographical factors affect on online banking usage in Malaysia, moreover, Internet accessibility, reluctance to change, cost, trust, security concerns, convenience, and ease of use were significant factors related to adaption of online shopping in Malaysia.
Based on the literature study, this paper will examine constructs includes security, trust, web design, information quality and customization factors that affect on customer satisfaction level in online marketing in Malaysia.
One of the most important studies that have done in Malaysia recently is "Electronic transaction of Internet Banking and its Perception of Malaysian Online Customers". This research has done by Haque, Tarofder, Rahman, and Raquid in 2009. Below (table 2.2) are the variables that have examined by these researchers.
Security of transaction was the most important variables in Malaysian respondent perspectives when they are going through the online shopping (Paynter, J. & Lim, J). Moreover, trust and confidence on the online security system were significant items. Within technology development and adequate instruments dimensions, case sensitivity of ID and Password were significant variables. Remain items have no significant relations with customer satisfactions. This result may come from the lack of knowledge of the security options. In service quality dimension, it can be concluded that bank correct transaction error, e-bank supports logically organized, and clear information are items that are not significant relation to the customer satisfaction, it means that bankers have offered different services that in users' point of view do not consider these services as an important determining of satisfaction. Awareness of regularity is one of the effective elements on customer satisfaction on security issue. The results of the study show that online shopping users in Malaysia need better services and more exposure about security. Lack of sufficient information can lead to increase fear among online users. In Haque (2009) study, he gave some suggestions to the bank managers as a popular online transaction in Malaysia in these days. Offering more appropriate educational program in media, issuing the online banking knowledge and information on security violation for public awareness, and double checking and verification of transactions are ways can help managers of banks to educate their customers. Hence, giving more accurate information to users, educate them with possible security issue, having the relationship with them, and updating the mechanism of the online marketing system were factors that can lead to increase in satisfaction level between Malaysian online shopping users.
On the other hand, it is clear that there are no sufficient studies in this issue in Malaysia Based on this discussion the literature gap will be explained in next section.
2.4 Literature Gaps:
Although prior researchers explored usage of the Internet (Teo, Lim, 1999); besides, Teo an Yu (2004) examined the online shopping factors, Gonzalez and Palacios (2004) went through commercial websites, and Kim (2003) worked on website design, and website effectiveness was explored by Bell and Tang (1998) , there is a lack of literature in Malaysian perspectives; consequently, this paper seeks to fulfill gap in Malaysian literature by going through factors such as Information quality, website design, customization, and trust in online marketing.
Based on previous discussion, factors such as, trust, customization, information quality, and website design were selected as main factors that will affect customer satisfaction level. Most previous studies work on these factors, however, as general. Moreover, the results of these studies were not specific for different sectors and this point is recognized as a gap for further research. Another area for research can be explained in the light of Malaysian market. While using online marketing have increased between Malaysian people during the last decade, still there is not a complete study which works on critical factors that affect Malaysian satisfaction level in online shopping to help decision makers allocate their resources efficiently.
Examining the critical factors in customer satisfaction level is a purpose of this study which has not done previously in Malaysian users' perceptions. In order to write about the important of finding these critical factors it is sufficient to say that it can open a new window in front of managers and companies' website holders to create the best possible user friendly websites with a broad range of facilities based on Malaysian needs and perceptions.
In addition, as Malaysia is a developing country, they need to learn and employ developed countries' knowledge and experience in this issue. On the other hands, domestic companies know the culture, taste, and needs of their people to a greater degree. Hence, this research by recognizing the critical success factors of foreign and domestic corporations in Malaysia's market can help those who are interested in online marketing. As mentioned in the literature, although it is a critical issue in Malaysian online shopping industry, there is not enough research on this issue.
Therefore, in order to fill these gaps, this study will focus on online shopping in Malaysia's market. The unique findings of this study can help managers and website designer to attract more customers and change them into loyal ones.