Web 1 0 And Web 2 0 Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2015

The Web 1.0 represents a web implementation that gives the user very less opportunity to interactive or contributes to the information read or found at the page. The early web owners intended it that way. They only want their readers to get the information and not contribute or be part of the information. On the other hand Web 2.0, provides more interactivity compared to Web 1.0. It represents freedom given to readers and become part of the idea being written on the owner's page. One of the most popular is YouTube, wherein users or subscribers can actually comment and rate the videos or information submitted by members. Web 2.0 is more revolutionary compared to Web 1.0. Though Web 2.0 has been on for a long time already but due to human being's need to interact and not become passive about what people think or do. It is more like making a cause to the society and to the world.

Plan of Work

This report discusses the relevant issues pertaining to the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Each will be thoroughly discuss, by pointing out the flow of information whether it is a one way or a two way flow. In this way, we will be able to see and compare the differences of the two. This report explains also the nature of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 regarding the date of its creation, the creator and the kind of web it evolves around, whether it is social or non-social.

It shows the impact that it has brought to business companies and what other institutions or organizations has pushed them to inquire about the technology to be imparted in to their system. These organizations learned that the innovation can develop their interest and provide further assistance to their target audience. The report will also try to find out if more people nowadays are using Web 2.0 or other still prefer the 'read-only web' called Web 1.0 as their source of information.

The report talks about the effect that Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 to people at work, at home or to the community in general. By the end of the report, one should be able to find evidence and be able to answer the question: Web 1.0 offered the widespread delivery of information; Web 2.0 also supports this, but what more does Web 2.0 offer in terms of communication. Is this revolutionary in comparison to Web 1.0?

Basically, this report explains and tries to find out which between the two is more revolutionized than the other by analyzing trends that brings impacts or influences the people to prefer one type over the other. To know the identifying factor that distinguishes one from the other. Each community has unique interests and needs thus; only a particular type web can answer, solve and cater to those needs. Like for example in a business community, people who are more into selling and buying gathers around and makes use of the information or system needed for business. It is the nature of their needs that makes choices for them and the web will only cater to those needs.

Discussion and Literature Review

To have a clear understanding of the two, it is important that we gain knowledge about what these two are about so we can have a full grasp of the discussion.

Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

It all started with the history of Internet when people saw the great help that it brings to their lives. It has made their means of communication and information sharing easier and helpful. It started in 1996, with approximately only about 250,000 sites. The web is simply for reading which according to Berners-Lee, Web 1.0 is considered as "read-only web" (Naik & Shivalingaiah 2008). It is about reading and getting information with no option given to the users. It is a one way flow of information where once it gets to the brain of the user it is kept there and utilized for his or her personal consumption only. It is about companies who want to publish contents on their web pages for their customers to look up to and make a sale with them. A very common example of this is AltaVista and Google. In these web pages is information people take and learn from, but no way where they can try to correct whatever the type of information they are getting.

Web 2.0 owes a lot to the foundation of Web 1.0 because it started from the fact that people saw the internet as a tool in communication sharing, thus they develop the need to interact with each other and improve communications with the community. Then Web 2.0 was created in October 2004. It all began with concept created by O'Reilly (2005) and MediaLive International. In their brainstorming session they found out that the web has really become more important than ever, as they were able to conceptualize exciting application tools. Though some people still get confused and find it hard to accept this new conventional wisdom (O'Reilly 2005).

It is like seeing the World Wide Web going through a transition that has emerged in its own right. Though no accurate or exact definition has been provided, it can be described as a shift from the way people make use of the web in their daily lives. It is a transition technology which evolved into something that people perceived would meet their needs and interests. Web 2.0 has hugely contributed to the communication services area, and it can be understood too that the important part that it brings is not the delivery of services but the manner that the presence of information is being managed to ensure the service delivered (Dialogic Corporation. 2009).

It has become the internet's largest buzzword. It creates significance and excitement to those who hears the word. It has also become more popular nowadays. People wanting to contribute what their mind has to say have become a trend and fascination among those who loves interacting with the community (Hildreth 2008). It came out like breakthrough from the read-only web that impedes the flow of information among users and the community as a whole. Now comes interactivity on the social web because everyone gets to participate and not only connect the information but also with people all over the world. It is an integration of people and the web (Banks 2008). It enhances something that people already found boring doing. Web 2.0 is an innovation to the obsolete technology of Web 1.0 (Hildreth 2008). It is a whole new concept of ideas needing to be well presented in graphs or on which ever manner that suits, for as long as it are can be easily understood by people (Hamid 2007). Examples of these websites are: Youtube, Orkut, Flickr, Google AdSense, Blogs, Wikipedia, Scribd (Naik & Shivalingaiah 2008).

Web 2.0 has now become a culture that people have depended on in every aspect of their interests. It is evolving very rapidly and has invaded most of the time we spent online. It is not surprising that everyday Web 2.0 s being launched like almost every day (Hamid 2007).

Its Differences

Web 1.0 was about reading and the user likewise is only receiving the information without any need to return the receiver's side of view while Web 2.0 is about both. In Web 2.0, the user is now able to make interaction and can now participate in topics especially in blog sites. The former is about companies and the latter is about communities (Goodier 2008). If you analyze, it actually make a lot of difference on the way it make impacts on people. Web 1.0 doesn't make much impact since the user only care less of what information he or she is getting for anyway one cannot react or participate on why such idea was made.

Moreover, Web 1.0 is clearly between clients to server relationship while Web 2.0 is a relationship among peers. Web 1.0 uses HTML and is about homepages while Web 2.0 is using XML and more about blogging. The former deals about lectures and ads, while the latter in concerned with conversations and word of mouth (Goodier 2008). In Web 1.0 people think that Netscape was the contender for the computer industry while in Web 2.0 is a realization period when people have thought that it's not just about the services delivered over the web and that there's more to it (Naik & Shivalingaiah 2008). In a related study, where the anchorage text usage between the two is being compared, it was concluded in the study that Web 2.0 offers a more simple and easier to generate a tag using anchor text ( Kinsella & Budura 2008).

Web 1.0 technology deals with page views while Web 2.0 is more on cost per click. Since the former is very simple with which one only needs to use the eye in receiving the information the latter not only requires the eyes in the process because it also needs the mouth and the brain to process the information. Web 1.0 is about simple publication while Web 2.0 is about participation. The term, Web 2.0, has taken hold of 9.5 million citations in Google. Though people were still in disagreement as to what this word really means (O'Reilly 2005).

Some finds it impossible to pinpoint which website is a Web 1.0 and which is a Web 2.0, the dividing factor in this case is innovation. It means that one can only see the difference in how the website would cater to the needs of the user. If there's a way that the user can upload documents, it is Web 2.0 since the word interactivity now comes to play. If it calls for the creativity of the user then also we can identify the site as a Web 2.0 (Goodier 2008).

Now to answer the question: in terms of communication, Web 2.0 is more revolutionized than Web 1.0, it's all plain to see since Web 2.0 has more to offer to the users and it can cater to more of our needs than that of Web 1.0. However, we still owe the emergence of Web 2.0 from Web 1.0. Without Web 1.0, we couldn't have thought about blogging or participating in community forums. It could have been such a boring and lonely online experience that we encounter every day.

According to Hamid (2007), "Web 2.0 is a revolutionary view of the Internet and the social and business uses of advanced technologies rather than the technical aspects of those technologies. According to him that the core concept of Web 2.0 is using the Internet as a platform and leverage network to effect and harness the collective intelligence in a cost-effective manner." Moreover, users are no longer dependent on direct communication but rather on a new whole system of social interaction. The users are already given more leeway in expressing and in how to make use of the knowledge or ideas they got from the web. It's no longer static but more dynamic in the sense that people have come to face reality by speaking out their thoughts.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The web is a world of opportunities. It encompasses wide range of opportunities for every individual who uses the computer and manages daily living using its application and tools. The web derives its transition from the needs of people who interacts with one another and who believes that communication is a way to understand one another. Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are merely tools created by us in our aim to connect and interact. Our human natures have influenced the brain to create a shift from a less conventional system to a more dynamic one. It impacts not only the social aspect but also the opportunity to meet their financial needs. It's therefore not surprising that more users are now into Web 2.0 than with Web 1.0 because people have found the breakthrough on how to empower and emerge into a shift from which we didn't really expect to develop from.