diabetes, or diabetic retinopathy

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1311

The most common eye problem caused by diabetes is called diabetic retinopathy. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. To see clearly, a person needs a healthy retina.

Diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels inside the retina and causes diabetic retinopathy. The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy include:

blurry or double vision

flashing lights or blank spots

dark or floating spots

pain or pressure in one or both of your eyes

trouble seeing things out of the corners of your eyes

Diabetes can also cause glaucoma which damages the nerves and the vessels in the eye, and cataract, which is the clouding of the lens of the eye.

2. What are the causes of brittle diabetes?

Answer: Brittle diabetes is a condition in which the blood glucose (sugar) level of patients with brittle diabetes often swings quickly from high to low and from low to high. This causes either high blood glucose (hyperglycemia) or low blood glucose (hypoglycemia). Therefore, brittle diabetes is also known as unstable diabetes or labile diabetes.

The causes of brittle diabetes are: (CORRECT)

Haemochromatosis: a disorder in which too much iron is absorbed from food and stored in various parts of the body which can cause damage.

Chronic pancreatitis: an inflammation of the pancreas

Cystic fibrosis: a disease that affects the lungs, intestines, liver and pancreas

Addison's disease: a disorder that causes the insufficient production of certain hormones called adrenal corticosteroids

Polyendochrine syndromes: some rare syndromes that cause autoimmune diseases in various body glands

3. What is borderline diabetes? (MINOR CHANGES)

Answer: Borderline diabetes is a condition in which your glucose level is between 100 and 125. Normal fasting blood sugar is lower than 100 mg/dl. Having blood sugar readings higher than normal indicates borderline diabetes, also known as pre-diabetes.

By and large, sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits cause borderline diabetes. It is unfortunate that Borderline diabetes usually goes unnoticed. People with borderline diabetes may exhibit following symptoms:


Increased thirst


Mood swings

Vision problems and

Increased urination.

Once you are diagnosed with this condition, you may have to check your blood sugar daily, until it is under control for you at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

By changing your lifestyle, following a diabetic diet and getting appropriate exercise can prevent the onset of diabetes and the serious medical problems associated with diabetes.

4. What are the guidelines for sugar diabetes?

Answer: Blood sugar level tells the amount of glucose in the blood. Foods containing starch such as bread, rice, potatoes, sugar and chocolate get digested and produce glucose. This glucose is carried through the cells of the body by a hormone called insulin. The cells use the glucose to produce energy. (Paragraph Break)

(Can be the Introduction) People with diabetes either have a lack of insulin, or cannot use what they have efficiently. So the glucose remains in the blood and leads to sugar diabetes, or pre-diabetes. (List in points ïƒ ) People can often recover from pre-diabetes through careful management of their food intake. If the person is obese, trying to lose weight is a great option. Including fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains is highly recommended. Fruit juices, junk foods, alcohol and salt should be restricted. Fruits such as banana, grapes and mangoes should be eaten in moderation.

5. How to eat healthy with diabetes? (Arrangement has been changed for people to get the idea in POINTS…try putting the answer in points wherever possible)

Answer: Eating a variety of healthy foods in moderate amounts and at regular intervals is the best way to manage your diabetes and control your weight.

To keep your blood sugar level in safe range, you should take a diet that is rich in nutrients and fiber such as whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits.

Foods that contain protein, such as meat, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and cheese.

You can spread your calories by eating three or more small meals a day rather than eating one or two large ones. This will reduce your hunger, control your blood sugar and prevent low blood sugar.

Along with a healthy eating plan, regular physical activity is important.

Avoid taking extra calories as it can cause an undesirable rise in blood glucose and lead to serious complications.

6. How excess fat affects diabetes?

Answer: Obesity is a condition in which excess fat is accumulated in the body which can lead to various health problems, such as heart disease, breathing difficulties, diabetes, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis. Links between obesity and diabetes have been firmly established. Without a healthy diet and appropriate exercise regimen, obesity often leads to diabetes.

Being overweight is the most important factor in the development of insulin resistance. When a person is overweight, the cells in the body become less sensitive to the insulin, and therefore make it much more likely for the person to develop diabetes.

7. How to measure diabetes at home?

Answer: Monitoring your blood sugar levels at home will help you in better management of your diabetes. Monitoring blood sugar at home is called home blood sugar monitoring, or self-testing. This helps you helps you determine which foods and activities affect your blood sugar levels.

All you will need is a small portable machine called a blood glucose meter, alcohol swaps and sterile test strips. The glucose meter helps to test your blood sugar at home or anywhere. It measures the amount of a type of sugar, called glucose, in your blood at the time of testing. Follow your doctor's advice and the instructions that come with your glucose meter when you use the machine

If you take insulin to control your diabetes, then you may need to check your blood sugar level several times a day. But it's better to check with your doctor about how often you should check your blood sugar.

8. Is there any difference b/w the symptoms of diabetes for men and women? (WELL PHRASED!!!)

Answer: Symptoms of diabetes are similar for both men and women but research says that men with diabetes suffer more from some diabetes-related health problems than women. Research says:

Limb amputation rates from diabetes-related problems are nearly three times higher in men than a woman's risk.

Men develop retinopathy (a vision disorder that could progress to a condition of total blindness) more quickly than women.

Men have an increased risk of heart problems associated with diabetes.

However, women with diabetes experience depression about twice as often as men with diabetes.

Difficulty in healing bodily injuries, such as cuts, bruises and sprains is more prevalent in female diabetics.

9. What is the scenario of diabetes in India?

Answer: According to a study, there are over 35 million diabetics in India, and nearly 13 million cases remain undiagnosed.

In fact, as per According to a research paper brought out by India's industry chamber Assocham in 2007, the number of diabetes patients has increased to 25 million from 19 million in 1995. The incidence of diabetics in urban India has increased 20 times In the last 20 years!

Another startling revelation is that over 50 percent cases of diabetes in rural India and 30 percent in urban areas go undiagnosed.

Studies show that the high incidence of diabetes is mainly because of sedentary lifestyle, erratic work schedules, obesity, lack of exercise and physical activity and stress.

10. What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes in senior citizens? (SLIGHT CHANGES)

Answer: The signs and symptoms of diabetes in senior citizens are similar to the ones in younger diabetics, such as:

Excessive thirst

Frequent urination

Fatigue and

Blurred vision.

Slow healing of wounds and cuts.

However, these symptoms are mostly overlooked because these are considered the side effects of ageing.

Research shows that senior citizens showing high levels of depression including irritability and sleeplessness have increased risk of developing diabetes.