Design And Implementation Of Solarised Mobile Robot Environmental Sciences Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 1963

Agriculture in India is a major economic sector. In rural areas, spraying pesticides is done by hand spray. These require manual operation for its operation. For these issues, a new protocol is developed viz. Solarised Mobile Robot (SMR) is an innovative product developed for rural applications which utilizes the solar energy as a fuel. This developed Solarised Mobile Robot protocol is an innovative product especially developed for rural applications which utilizes the energy from the solar arrays is used for spraying the pesticides. The solar array was traped by using solar photovoltaic panel and this energy is stored in the Lead Acid battery. The DC motor is powered by battery and coupled fan and it's used to extract the atmospheric air. Due to gravitational force the pesticides flows down and the DC Motor is attached to a blower to boost the air pressure in spraying the pesticide. In nozzle both the pesticide and pressurized air mixes and pesticide is sprayed. The main advantage of the developed protocol is it does not affect farmer health by any means and also it does not contribute to green house gas emission. This developed model proves an efficient and economic way of spraying pesticides and we also found that this method is more reliable.

Keywords: Battery, DC Pump, Photovoltaic cells, pesticide tank, PIC microcontroller, Robot wheel control.


Spraying operation is important part in the agricultural production. Through spraying the germicide or insecticide, crop insect pest is avoided validly. Spraying chemical fertilizer and plant growth hormone could promote crop growth; spraying medicament could disinfect the soil and sterilization, and so on. Presently the spraying operation domestically in small and medium sized greenhouse is finished manually. With the development of the automated technology and spraying technology, using spraying robot could improve working efficiency sufficiently.

Energy is the most basic and essential of all resources. In the Earth all energy comes from fission or fusion of atomic nuclei or from energy stored in the Earth. The both fission and fusion have a very dangerous radio activity and side effects [3]. Agriculture is very essential for satisfying the human needs, protection and food production is ensuring, energy and as well as for social and economic development in society, restoration of ecosystem and for sustainable development. Energy is the most basic and essential of allresources. In the Earth all energy comes from fission or fusion of atomic nuclei, or from earth to store energy. The both fission and fusion have very dangerous radioactivity and side effect [3].

Therefore, most of the generation of energy in our modem industrialized society is strongly depending on very limited non-renewable resources, particularly fossil fuel.Due to increase the energy demand and resources become scarced, the alternative energy resources has become an important issue in this period.

Among the different green power technologies, the most effective and harmless prominent energy source is solar energy .The most effective and harmless energy source is probably solar energy. The use of new efficient photovoltaic solar cells (PVSCs) has emerged as an alternative measure of renewable green power, energy conservation and demand-side management.Due to their high initial cost, PVSCs have not yet been fully used as an attractive alternative for electric energy users who are able to buy cheaper electrical power from the utility grid. However, they can be used extensively used for pumping the water and air conditioning in remote areas and isolated areas, where utility power is not available or is too expensive to transport [4].

In the previous inventions small scale agro sprayers are used on manual spraying, and using the fossilfuels to spray the pesticides. The main disadvantage of theprevious invention is the weight of the sprayer; the fossilfuel also adds weight to it and pesticide exposure causes acute poisoning, cancer and neurological impairment, reproductive and developmental problems. As this solar agro sprayer ispowered by photovoltaic solar cells there no need for thefarmers to use fossil fuels for spraying. In this case fossilfuels can be used for some other needs and it can be used forthe other development fields and also man power doesn't need. This paper will be thepermanent solution for this grievance and will be moreefficient one. When these are both managed correctly thereis a high potential to increase economies in the sprayingbudget.


Recently, research work was focused on developing the smart agro sprayers for small scale application which does not harm the farmers by any means. Earliest work from the history clearly says that there has been a noticeable increase in the development for new protocol in agro sprayer for small scale application. Initially the powder pest was sprayed by the farmers in their raw hand. After this, hand sprayer or mechanical sprayer was introduced in early 1960's. In early 1980's Power sprayer came in the market, as an evolutionary version of hand sprayer. Power sprayer is powered by either petrol/kerosene, which drives the DC pump for spraying the pesticide. For a liter of Petrol 0.78 Acre of land can be covered and in a liter of kerosene 0.50 Acre of land can be covered [5].

In the year of 2012, Solarised Agro Sprayer introduced. However, from the literature mentioned above, can be implies that none of the protocol is sustainable. In case of hand sprayer, powder sprayed over the land by the raw hand, pest spraying leads to affect the farmer's health condition. It is worsen either by intake of it or by the wounds in their hand. At the same time, hand sprayer farmers should use their fingers in the nozzle to produce the pressure, this leads to create severe hand pain and health problems.



Figure: 1: Structural Block of Proposed Protocol


The solarised mobile robot consists of power supply unit and robot unit. These power supply units have a two segments and the robot unit have a four segments.


The generation of energy in our modern industrialized society is strongly depending on very limited non-renewable resources, particularly fossil fuels.Due to increase the energy demand and energy resources become used , the alternative energy resources has become an important issue in this period. Also rapid growth in energy consumption is the major requisite over the past few years. The availability of existing energy is limited and is not sufficient to meet the growing energy demands. Though the fossil fuels are currently available in large quantities, they eventually will empty and on the other side, the use of fossil fuels lead to environmental concerns such as global warming and green house gas emission. This is viewed as serious issue and requires significant attention and planning. To address this issue, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, biomass and fuel cells are the only substitute.




Figure 2: Solar generation method

Solar panel comprised of solar or PV cells. I t is one type of active transducer. Solar or PV cells are made of semiconducting materials that can convert sunlight directly into electric energy. When sunlight strikes the cells, it distorted and liberates electrons within the cell material.Due to this movement of electron to produce a DC current.

Solar photovoltaic systems are able to produce electricity only when the sunlight is available, therefore stand-alone systems obviously need some sort of backup energy storage which makes them available through the night or bad weather conditions. Among many possible storage technologies, the lead-acid battery continues to be the workhorse of many PV systems because it is relatively inexpensive and widely available. In addition to energy storage, the battery also has ability to provide surges of current that are much higher than the instantaneous current available from the solar array, as well as the solar arrays is used for inherent and automatic property controlling the output voltage . so that loads receive voltages within their own range of acceptability [6]. These motors will run directly from a battery so an inverter is not needed. Starting torque is high in DC motor. Also this motor reduces the loss [5].


1. 1. The DC Motor and fan are coupled together and these units are attached by anti-vibration mountings to backrest. This type of design is to allow the sprayer to stand upright on the ground. An innovative swirl fan nozzle is mounted on the end of the air delivery tube which produces a fine mist spray. These mist blowers are able to spray liquid rom 0.3 liters to 2 liters per minute with the help of flow regulator. An on/off tap is also attached to the air delivery tube. Starting torque is high in Dcmotor [7].

2. Blower is used to boost the pressure created by theDC fan. The influential and versatile this mistblower is the specialist for use in every environment. This is made to fit the body and alsothe blower is comfortable to carry. The spray is dispersed over a large range. This is achieved by the high exit speed of the air stream [5].

3. 3. Pesticide tank is used to store the insect repellent in liquidforms. Intake is given from the top of the tank and outlet is taken from bottom of the tank.

4. 4. PIC16F877A perfectly fits many uses, from automotive industries and controlling home appliances to industrial instruments, remote sensors, electrical door locks and safety devices. It is also ideal for smart cards as well as for battery supplied devices because of its low consumption. EEPROM memory makes it easier to apply microcontrollers to devices where permanent storage of various parameters is needed (codes for transmitters, motor speed, receiver frequencies, etc.). Low cost, low consumption, easy handling and flexibility make PIC16F877A applicable even in areas where microcontrollers had not previously been considered (example: timer functions, interface replacement in larger systems, coprocessor applications, etc.). In System Programmability of this chip (along with using only two pins in data transfer) makes possible the flexibility of a product, after assembling and testing have been completed. This capability can be used to create assembly-line production, to store calibration data available only after final testing, or it can be used to improve programs on finished products.


Useful for spraying agricultural liquid in remote areas. Where it uses solar energy.

We can reduce the environmental pollution (green house effects) occurred due to other fuel usage.

High financial support results in early pay back.

Efficient and effective use of electricity and water.

Highly trustworthy.

Long-lasting and uncomplicated to establish.

It does not affect cultivator's health.


This project design and implementation of the agriculture robot for spraying without using of EB power supply demand doesn't a problem because in this project power supply get form the solar power. Robots automatic spraying system is involved in reduce skin problems which were the most common problem linked to pesticide usage.


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