Climate Change Challenges Facing India Environmental Sciences Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 1180

Climate change stands as the critical environmental issue of our era. Since inception of UNFCC in 1992, there is an earnest endeavor towards mitigating the effects of high carbon emission at global level. However, it has led to the widening of the perceptual gap between the national interests of the developed and developing countries regarding the mechanics of tackling this global menace. This issue needs to be perceived in the context of development in third world countries and elevation of the poor from the state of deprivation through provision of access to health, nutrition, education and other essential services.

Since atmosphere is common to entire mankind, this problem has global ramifications and cannot be dealt with in regional isolation. Climatic changes will particularly affect the developing economies, the most vulnerable groups, thereby threatening their basic needs like energy, freshwater supplies, food-security and health, thus, indirectly placing their development at risk. It is clear, in this context, that climate change is a serious issue for entire world in general and India in particular.

3. India, whose economy has grown by 8-9 percent a year in recent years, is one of the world's top polluters, contributing around 4 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions but at the same time its per capita emission of GHG gases is very less. However as a developing nation, India is not required to cut emissions which is said to be rising by between 2 and 3 percent a year under the Kyoto Protocol, despite mounting pressure from environmental groups and industrialized nations.. Any national strategy evolved to combat the climate change must consider the fact that the nation require more energy to lift its population from poverty and that its per-capita emissions are a fraction of those in rich states that have burnt fossil fuels unhindered since the Industrial Revolution.

4. Defending the 'Indian' right to economic development through carbon emissions may sound very gallant in the domestic arena, but it will do nothing for the actual problems that will ensue with climate change. We ought to be examining our policies from our own self-interest, both economic as well as environmental. Thus, we too have a stake in reining in climate change, regardless of what positions we take in negotiations with developed countries.

This paper studies the genesis of Climate Change & its impact in the global as well as Indian context. It examines international developments in response to climate change and compares perspectives of developed and developing countries. The endeavour is to scrutinize the steps taken by India and it's standpoint on climate change challenges, Greenhouse gases (GHG) abatement and fundamentally related issues like social justice, carbon trading, energy markets eco-labeling and technology transfer. It seeks to suggest India's future response strategy with respect to mitigation, adaptation and awareness.

Statement of the Problem

6. India is currently placed in a precarious position from the economic and environmental perspective. In charting out a developmental pathway which is economically sustainable, our vision must be to create a prosperous economy that is self sustaining in terms of its ability to unleash the creative energies of our people and also being mindful to our responsibilities to both present and future generations. Thus, the chief guiding factor for all futuristic endeavors should place environment at par with economy and not secondary.

7. This research paper attempts to identify the challenges posed by the phenomenon of "Climate Change on India", scrutinize the steps taken by India, its stand point and suggest a future response strategy to address the same.


8. In the present scenario in consonance with the national interest, India is capable of orchestrating a synergized policy to address the climate change issue by adopting environmentally sensitive development options, by evolving a suitable response strategy.

Justification of Study

9. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world & it is incumbent on us to sustain this rapid development by carrying out infrastructure development at a rapid pace. However, it's also a harsh reality that India is heavily dependent on traditional fuels for its development thus contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions. Though the contribution is minimal but the effects of climate change are going to be the maximum owing to her geographical location. In order to maintain an equitable balance between conserving the environment and sustaining her growth rate, it is imperative to study the effects of climate change and to lay down a pragmatic road map to minimize emissions through ecologically sensitive development plans.


10. The dissertation aims to analyze the challenges posed by the phenomenon of climate change to world community and to India in perticular. It covers the steps taken at the international level and existing national action plan of India. It seeks suggest a pragmatic road map for India which caters for its obligation towards sustainable economic development and conserving the environment.

Organization of the Dissertation

11. The subject has been organized in the following sequence:-

Chapter I. Introduction.

(b) Chapter II. Methodology.

(c) Chapter III - Climate Change & Associated Problems. This chapter covers basic phenomenon of the climate change and genesis of the problem. It gives an insight into some basic concept related to climate economics.

(d) Chapter IV - Global Perspective. This chapter deals with the global perspective regarding the climate change and various conventions, conferences and protocols which were adopted to mitigate the global warming and emission of green house gases.

(e) Chapter V - India's Perspective & Challenges. This part includes the study of challenges faced by India due to global warming, its ethical stand point of providing basic amenities to its people and at the same time being a responsible nation in current world order.

(f) Chapter VI - Existing National Action Plan . This part covers the existing National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and its critical analysis.

(g) Chapter VII - Initiative and Action Plan of USA and European Union. This part deals with the initiative and action plan being adopted by the USA & European Union and draw out some of its merits which can be incorporated in own futuristic plan.

(h) Chapter VIII - Proposed Road Map for India. This chapter deals with proposed guide lines, mitigation measures and proposed action plan for India.

(j) Chapter IX - Conclusion. The future growth story of India depends upon how it addresses the issue of climate change. We must therefore become proactive in our national interest as also pay due regard to our global obligations. The issue has to be addressed on different fronts by all the stake holders of the issue. The proposed road map for India takes into account of India's existing geo strategic compulsions, the envisaged long term effect of challenges posed by the phenomenon of climate change and economic developmental obligation towards its people. It incorporates some of the pragmatic policies being adopted world over and chalks out a strategy which is tailor made to suit the development requirement of the nation and also helps towards conservation of environment by significant reduction in GHG and enhancing energy efficiency.