Climate Change And Biodiversity And Ecosystem Loss Environmental Sciences Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 1799

Many of us know "Climate Change" as "Global Warming". However, the scientific community prefers to use the term Climate Change instead of Global Warming. Truth is global warming is not the only impact climate change is causing, another impact I'd like to mention is: Biodiversity and ecosystem loss.

Biodiversity is well known as diversity of life and ecosystems are where the species live, for example: desserts, rainforest and coral reefs. With climate change this has become a global issue because biodiversity and ecosystems are having a hard time trying to survive. Almost all human beings have recognized the importance of nature on Earth and the need to maintain it but power, greed and politics seem more important to others and are affecting the balance of nature.

Ecosystems are what sustain us humans, they allows us to prosper because they give us nutritional, environmental, cultural, recreational and aesthetics resources. Each one of us depends directly or indirectly on what ecosystems provide to us, such as food, materials, oxygen, clean water and wildlife.

Climate change has the ability to kill biodiversity. Some species may be able to adapt to the new conditions but others won't be able to keep up with the changes. This may lead to extinction of some species, especially those that are already endangered. Climate change could benefit certain plants and insects species by increasing their ranges, but it could also turn into an eliminating factor for those species that have already lost their natural habitats. Another risk is that the population numbers for some species would decrease, including us. Human activities also represent a threat to biodiversity by altering their habitats.

The important thing to know is that climate change is causing large looses to natural habitats and wildlife in both developed and developing countries.

What I'd like to show you in this portfolio is that climate change is having a huge impact on animals. We must act now or it'll be too late. We can risk any animal to get endangered. Besides we are losing ecosystems that are really important for us and animals.

"Yet, despite our many advances, our environment is still threatened by a range of problems, including global climate change, energy dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels, and loss of biodiversity".

- Dan Lipinski

Democratic Party Politician

Chapter 1: Major causes for a species to become extinct

Planet Earth has been changing a lot lately, this not only affects our environment, it also alters and modifies animal's environment. Endangered species are being left without habitats and an environment and there is no one else to blame than humans.

Climate change is affecting as well. For example the Polar Regions are starting to melt and this is causing a lot of polar species to lose their habitats, such as polar bears. Climate change is occurring to fast and every day its getting worse. Species are not being able to react and adapt to the new changes.

Human beings are the strongest force in rapid habitat loss. Almost every region on Earth has been affect by human activity and the pollution in water exterminates fishes and other marine biodiversity.

The major causes that cause a species to become endangered are:

Habitat Loss: As I mentioned before climate change and human activity are destroying animal's habitats. Habitat loss is actually the greatest cause of animals becoming endangered. Human beings are using animal's habitats to built buildings, house, community for our own use, etc.

Pollution: There are different types of pollution, for example water and air pollution. Even though they are not exactly the same thing, they may lead to the same consequences.

Competition from other species: When there is a big amount of different species all living in one habitat there will be competition for space, food, water and other things.

Disease: It is true that animals get disease by normal causes, but there is a big majority of animals that get diseases because of the pollution and pesticides that humans use.

Predation: Predation is not actually something that will cause a species to get endangered because this is a normal process. It's a food chain, just like we eat some animals. It's a totally natural process. However if humans change the predators or introduce new predator species the food chain may be broken.

Illegal Killing: As mentioned before, we eat other species because it is a food chain but sometimes people don't hunt just for food, instead they hunt for fun and because they consider it a sport. Truth is, there is nothing athletic about this "sport" and it is just cruel!

Introduced Species: Not all species belong to an area. Sometimes they are introduced to an area by humans. For example; you can't have an animal as a pet that can't be domesticated because then the animal won't get adapted and it will be taken to the wild. When this animal is brought to the wild he may alter the balance of nature. He will start to eat other species that live in this area and maybe this specie was already being eaten by another species. Humans need to know where an animal should be taken and also what animals belong to the wild and which animals can be a pet.

Chapter 2: Some endangered species and why they are endangered.

Polar Bear: Polar bears are the first species to become extinct because of climate change. With Global Warming the Polar Regions are melting and polar bears are losing their habitats more and more each day. So, the main cause for them to become endangered is: habitat loss.

Panda: Pandas eat bamboo and with all the industrialization and human activity going on now days, bamboo has become harder to get for Pandas. This is the major reason of why Pandas are endangered.

Whales: Whales have always been important for human beings. They provide meat, leather, fat, oil and other things. They are endangered because of human activity. Out of 10 whales, 7 are endangered. (According to EcoKids)

Penguins: Penguins are another species that is endangered because of climate change (aka Global Warming). Global Warming causes a decrease of temperature in the polar regions, in other words; their home is melting. They are also running out of food, plus some introduced predator species are eating mainly their eggs.

Sea Turtles: Sea turtles are mainly endangered because of habitat loss, now add to this hunting or fishing for their meat and shells plus the loss of nesting sites. Adding all this factors we can see why they are endangered.

Cheetah: Honestly the cheetah is one of my favourite animals and as I did this portfolio I found out the cheetah is endangered of becoming extinct. Why? Because of human activity. The habitat of the cheetah is being destroyed by the human. This also reduces the prey on which the cheetah feeds. Besides, hunting is also a factor that affects cheetahs.

Jaguar: The jaguar is considered to be endangered. There are still a few hundred jaguars left in Central America. The main causes for the jaguar to be endangered are: deforestation, hunting and fur trapping.

Chapter 3: Deforestation

Deforestation is when people cut down whole forests of trees and what they don't realize is that this makes it harder for humans to survive. They provide us oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

People cut down forests to for mining, to build communities, roads, for farming and cattle. This increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is the main factor for global warming.

Deforestation affects animals as much as it affects humans. It produces more carbon dioxide into our planet and reduces the oxygen. For animals it takes away their homes, habitats, ecosystems and in most cases, leads them to being endangered to become extinct.

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Chapter 4: Reforestation

Reforestation is the opposite of deforestation. Reforestation is the reestablishment of trees where they have been lost. Reforestation mainly occurs when there has been a natural disaster, trees have been removed for harvesting, a fire, flooding or a volcanic eruption.

Reforestation reverses what deforestation has done and this way it benefits the environment. It reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment and produces more oxygen.

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Chapter 5: Global Warming

Global Warming is one of the most discussed issues now days. It certainly is something we should care about and ACT NOW before it is too late. Global Warming happens when the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, etc) get trapped in the atmosphere and start damaging the ozone layer. This is affecting all the living things on the planet.

Have you ever wondered why when you park your car out in the parking lot and it is a very hot day, when you get back in its really hot and sometimes the seat belt may burn you (it had happened to me). This is because the heat of the sun can get in the car but it can't get out. It's trapped. Just like the greenhouse gases are trapped in the atmosphere.

Global Warming also causes the icebergs in the polar regions to melt and the sea level to rise.

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I have always been interested in these topics and now that I have had the chance to research more about them is when I realized how serious this situation is getting. Climate change is affecting us day by day and every day it just keeps getting worst. We are losing species; we are taking away their habitats. Honestly, I think animals have rights and it is not fair that we just come and destroy their homes for our own satisfaction. They can't speak for themselves; they can't defend themselves against us, because if they could there would have been a World War 3 already.

People are starting to realize how serious the situation really is. There are so many LITTLE things that we can do to make a difference. Everything we do matter. It doesn't matter how small the change is, always remember small changes make big changes. We aren't going to save the planet tomorrow. It will take time. The Panama Canal wasn't built in one day, but somehow here it is.

Lets be honest, I know a lot of people don't want to hear how bad global warming is getting, specially not when it is coming from someone so young like me. You don't want to hear it but all those endangered species; polar bears, penguins, sea turtles, cheetahs, etc…THEY WANT TO HEAR IT!

Respect animals, let's live in harmony with them because we share this amazing planet with them. Planet Earth is our home. The only planet we are able to survive in. Let's take care of her because there is just one!