Case study: Leadership book report

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1594

The author assumes that what happened to Galileo was unfair due to religion negatively affect on science. The legend within Galileo's stories was described as a man against superior authority, science versus religion and ethics opposed to Church.

The author values justice and truth. Because he simply made it clear that he admires the fact that Galileo stood up for facts, truth and science even facing his own pain and persecution. Galileo risked his freedom, writing and publishing his point of view, all for the sake of illumination "science".

The author's objective was to prove that Galileo was right and his brilliant intellect and struggle wasn't gone in vain. Michael White wanted to persuade his audience that the hero of his book "Galileo" was above suspicion and right in his achievements and discoveries all along, and didn't deserve that cruel behavior from the Roman Catholic Church.

Time and Culture Influence

Galileo's was born into an era of great religious prejudice, and this provided a harsh environment to his early life. For Galileo, religious conflict and the corrosive power of the Roman Catholic Church were simply facts of life, part of structure in shaping his thinking and understanding as were his interest in science and great skills as a critical thinker and a brilliant mathematician.

Philosophy and practice of leadership

Galileo was kind and thoughtfull to his family, to his friends and close ones, and his colleagues. That means he was democratic, persuasive, always find the best solutions for the situation or problem, he was a man of his word which means he was trust worthy; and that explains his good relationships with sponsors and students.

Overall, Galileo used a Transformational approach all along. And he changed his approaches more often to match the situation he was in "Contingency Theory - Least Preferred Co-worker". When he changed his leadership style to Transactional, he wanted to force some people who were against his thoughts and innovations; to believe in him and what he achieved knowing that he was right all along.

Background and Roots Influences

Galileo was the eldest of his family, which I think made him carry responsibility since he's little. He was outstanding for academic ability as well as for mechanical invention. Galileo's favorite hobby was to invent, create and construct clever toys-machines that kids at his age wasn't able to; but still his interest into literary studieswas equally noticeable. His intelligence in his early life was natured, whom I can refer to the Trait or Characteristics Theory, especially having Intelligence "IQ and EI intelligence".

Michael White painted a mostly stunning image of Galileo's life, the bright intelligent son of a brilliant intelligent father who, unfortunately to his family, he had been always at confrontation with authority, so anticlerical that he pulled out his son straight away from his monastery school when his son began to show some curiosity in being one of those monks or becoming a priest.

When Galileo was in the monastery of Vallombrosa, near Florence, his education was mostly carried out; he did not only made himself familiar with the best Latin writers, but also gained a just grasp of the Greek language, therefore finding his brilliant and elegant style. Galileo was at that time so far attracted towards a religious life; but his father who had other plans for him, seized the chance to pull him permanently from the care of the monks. The father wanted his son to apply himself to medicine, and placed him "before he had turned 18, at the University of Pisa.

Galileo's main influence on his personality and believes was his father. Genes were showing a lot of similarities between the two; Galileo's character was becoming like his father each day. Just like his father, all his life he made enemies and friends in equal number, which made me comprehend that he knew himself well and had good social skills "Emotional Intelligence".

Leadership traits and Characteristics

Galileo Galilei was such a passionate, powerful character who could take over any discussion and mind with his charisma and knowledge. He succeeded to have many famous friends in Academic, Law and Religion circles with his shrewdness and skills; at the same time his sharp mockery won him a lot of terrible enemies whose arguments were weak to his scientific discoveries.

I can say that Galileo had used a democratic approach all his life, with all kinds of people. He had been an autocratic leader at some situations when people would question his theories or accuse him of heresy and deception.

Galileo succeeded on negotiating and persuading. Therefore his professional life was spent not only on being a good mathematician but also in arguing and proving his values. He was a man of faith as well as science, which made me conclude that he had a Heroic leadership style, Visionary and Credibility.

Developed, Improved or changed Leadership Behaviors

Galileo used a Democratic approach all of his life but in some situations he changed his approach to match the situation he had faced into a more Autocratic according to the Iowa University (Kurt Lewin, 1953).

He had high Morals and great Ethics by his personal choice which made his family, friends, colleagues and students Trust him blindly and without questioning his qualities.

Galileo also was Charismatic when he was able to clear out his vision and discoveries to the public and was willing to take risks of losing his freedom to achieve that vision.

Galileo was Honest about all his visions and thoughts, competent in all his works and inventions and he was definitely able to inspire a lot of people, I am one of them. This adds up to his Credibility.

And I can say that Galileo was such a Heroic leader, one of his kinds. A man with passion for his field of expertise which is science, he had sincere commitment to his family and work and responsibility towards his oath to science and dear family.

Situations and leadership Styles

In 1632, Galileo finished hisbook the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems presented all the arguments for and against the Copernican (sun centered) and the Aristotelian (earth centered) great world systems. Galileo warned the Church of pulling any tricks or try to sabotage his achievement, and said:

"Take note, theologians, that in your desire to make matters of faith out of propositions relating to the fixity of sun and earth you run the risk of eventually having to condemn as heretics those who would declare the earth to stand still and the sun to change position--eventually, I say, at such a time as it might be physically or logically proved that the earth moves and the sun stands still".

Galileo was transformational, and had information power over his publication; not to mention expert power due to his long life experience in the astronomy field.

Well, in return the Roman Catholic and their Aristotelian-Ptolemaic advisors didn't give any attention to Galileo's advice, so they simply banned and confiscated Galileo's twelve year effort; and it became the basis for his second trial, condemn, and house arrested by the accusation of breaking his agreement of 1616 and of teaching the "sun centered" Copernican theory as a fact and not a theory.Condemned by the Church, they suspected him of holding heretical opinions, which they ordered him to give up.

Galileo conducted experiments and worked with a variety of accurate measurements in the search for mathematical equations able of describing the movement of bodies. Galileo's use of mathematics for physical research was one of the essential innovations of his scientific activity. That situation or act made one of the Behavioral theories pop into my head, which is "Theory X & Theory Y". Galileo was an X manager, which means he seek responsibility of carrying out his work and inventions seriously, he was self-directed that didn't need instructions and guidance, and had a great potential to lead many followers who are willing to comply with his wisdom and discoveries.


With Galileo knowledge and comprehension of the church doctrine, rules and beliefs, he shouldn't have published his work on his discoveries and support to Copernicus's theory and chose to speak openly about his findings. That move made him a lot of enemies in the church circle and caused a great clash and eventually the inquisition.

Ultimate Success of Galileo

In every generation there are people. Galileo Galilei was the first who break free from accepted traditions and change the way we think and see things, he was the first man to invent a telescope to see the stars and see beyond the boundaries of the Catholic Church. His way of thinking was considered to be threatening; the church didn't want their power and plans challenged, because without the fixed beliefs of Heaven and Hell, they would have no control over people.

Galileo kept records of everything he saw through his great invention "the telescope". He published a book called ``The Starry Messenger'' had all his findings and discoveries about the stars, the cratered and uneven surface of the moon, the Earth revolving around the Sun and the nature and material of the Milky Way. Galileo dedicated his work to his former pupil the Prince Cosimo de Medici. Soon Galileo was famous.

What I think a success for Galileo was his stand against all forces and authorities to prove his point of view and his discoveries. The stand that he took was magnificent, because he sacrificed his freedom, reputation and relationship with the Roman Catholic Church in sake of science and illumination.
