Being A Leader But Not A Manager Management Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2387


"Someone can be a manager but not a leader , a leader but not s manager , both a manager and leader"…This statement state that it is a roles that effective by the leadership and management. Most people are thought that leadership and management are the same things. But unfortunately they are different and those people are misunderstood about it. Actually,

Leadership and management are two different or complementary

systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic in every business activities . Both are necessary for success in an increasingly complex

and volatile business environment...By the way, if happen like strong leadership with weak management is no better, and is sometimes actually worse, than the

reverse. The best way is to combine strong leadership and strong

management and use each to balance the other…

Basically management and leadership are talking about managing things and lead people. Things include physical assets, processes, and systems. People include customers, external partners, and people throughout our team or organization even group are including .When dealing with things, we talk about a way of doing. In the people realm, we are talking about a way of being.

1.1 Someone can be a manager but not a leader

Who is Manager? As a manager he/she needs to use management skill in act of getting a group of people together to accomplishing a goal .What is manager do? As a manager what is need to is planning about what is need do in the future as well as next week ,next month or next 3 years .Managers also have to match existing resources to current needs. Given a set budget, how should it be spent? More staff, better machinery, relocation to a new factory? After planning will follow by organizing, getting require resource to enable the plan to be successfully. Next will be staffing, when the plans being launch it need a lot of energy and people so hiring individual and a leader is needed to carry out the plans. Controlling will also need to be taken seriously, checking to progress against the plans. After know about what is manager work we can define about Why a person can be a manger but no a leader. Mostly of the people are thought that a manager must also a leader, but it was definably wrong a manager may not as same term as a leader, as both terms are not interchangeable. A managers position is set to managing work tell their subordinate to work for them by the rewards of salary, in this fact a manager may not be a leader, because what he need to do is just need to controlling so the progress carry on by successfully. But it can't be a leader because he just makes decision, planning the details and tell the subordinate to finish it. By the way the entire worker is leading by the subordinate of the manager and the direction to finish is set by the subordinate as well. So the person just can be a manger is not a leader. An example is give below: Alex is a manger of Taiko properties sdn bhd and he takes free to checking the progress of the house building and he realizes that a part of the building is mistaken base on his planning so he told the worker to exchange. What happened is the worker won't follow what the manager told .Because all the worker are followers of his subordinate so it won't work for other person. By this example told that the manger is setting the objectives and waiting the result of what his plan, it can't be a leader because of poor communication, it may attempt to initiate changes in workers motivation and the workers does not recognize the manager for his attempts .

1.2 Someone can be a leader but not a manager

Who is leader? What is leader do? A leader can be a manger in a company ,but mostly leader is a subcodinate of a manger .As a leader he/she need to uses leadership skills to leading, inspiring, helping, encouraging teamwork, coaching, supporting in act to achieving goal or objective set by the manager. Mostly all of the leader don't have subordinate, but they lead followers for daily work. A leader job is leading a team of followers to achieving goal, so as to leading people, a leader need to have some advanced for others got motivated to follow him and inspire the followers to be loyal. Lastly, as a leader to the followers also need to win their trust to work for u. The solution is stronger communication skills, leadership style and personal attributes of the leader this to be the important key for a leader. If the person contains these three solutions he/she can be a good leader but can't be a manager. Because as well he can encouraging good teamwork and good relation between the followers but he do not have the management skills like planning ,managing ,organizing, control the production and cost. Example: Nelson is a leader of a restaurant ,as a leader his just need to using he knowledge about leadership lead the followers(waiters) to follow the rules like dress uniform or be kindly to the customer ,encourage team work and achieving the target given by. He cannot be the manager because just have the motivation to lead the followers but not managing and organizing it need more skills to be managers.

1.3 Both a manager and leader

Who can be managers and leader? As the person who can be manager and leader he needs to have leadership and management skills. By the way, mostly of the person who can be manager and leader are depends on their job like principal and manager of a team (baseball, football, and etc). So as a person that can be a manager and leader may working in a very small group of organization because he can planning what he need to do in the future and launch it in the act also can lead his subordinate and followers again together. Unfortunately, less of the person that can be both manager and leader because limited strength of person. Let taking an example: Alex Ferguson is the manager of Manchester United Football Club but he also can define as a leader because Alex always managing for planning the formation for every match by the way also controlling his subordinate to training he player to fitness. In the fact also , Alex was leading his player always communicate with his player to inspiring them together well encourage their teamwork ,win their trust. Lastly also lead them to achieving goal as a champion of the world.


'Someone can be a manager but not a leader , a leader but not s manager , both a manager and leader' the statement show that every person had different personality and quality .If the person less skills of managing and progress but it good in lead people it just can be leader not a manger but if a person that good in managing and systematic in work but it poor communication and bad in winning people trust in just mind be a good manager. But if a person can be good in management and leadership can be both manager and leadership he might be work with small organization or company so he can satisfy the problem well but hardly to be both of it.


Many organizations successfully compete on a cost leadership strategy. By the way, need to show two different organizations on cost leadership and by the best with two different market segments organization .there are mass market and niche market. In mass market there were Tesco ,Giant ,and Econsave. Another is niche market by. In this act, whatever market segments they below to but how they can keep their price low as another competitor?

Cost leadership

Cost leadership is the low cost leader in any market even niche market ,mass market etc. To be a cost leadership must be having a cost leadership strategy so can drive down the cost of the product and also had to setting the lower price that another competitor cannot copy and be the lower price branded that people recognized .

Mass market

Basically mass markets were seller engages in mass production, mass distribution and mass promotion of one product for all buyers. In Malaysia the top three low price hypermarket is Tesco ,Giant and Enconsave. And the leader is Tesco , mostly of the people are saying about Tesco are selling cheaper than other company .Meanwhile, Tesco and Giant had their own produces product that selling in their hypermarket but the Giant make product is cheaper that Tesco but why less sales that Tesco so we need to define the answer. The table 2.2 below show about some of the product selling by this three company with the pricing together.




Coke cola (per can)

RM 1.35

RM 1.45

RM 1.48

Dutch lady Milk (1L)

RM 3.50

RM 3.70

RM 3.70

Red eagles Cooking oil

RM 13.9O



Tissues (3 box)

Tesco Choice



RM 7.50


Base on the table above show that the price of the product sell by Tesco is more lower and cheaper depends with other two company. How can it be so cheap? The reason is because of the cheaper supplier. What we can achieve is the supplier of Tesco is given lower price to it. Let see the example: If Tesco and Giant both earn 50sen profit for per can of the Coke cola that are selling but why Tesco is cheaper because the supplier is supplying the Coke cola to Tesco by per can 85sen and Giant supplier supplying the Coke cola to Giant by 95sen ,however Econsave also had the same definition. So because of cheaper supplier Tesco can keep in lower price. The second way Tesco can do this is reduce cost by the way of warehousing , if Tesco taking more stoke it be more cheaper and more promotion it can get for supplier or retailer and the warehousing will be also place near by the hypermarket of Tesco so can be saving the money of transporting by this way to reduce the cost or drive down the cost. Next , the distribution channels of Tesco is because of helping of warehouse nearby Tesco can delivery the stores to hypermarket just few hour or minutes and Tesco also have own express to delivery the stores.

Lastly i want to touch is about brand , why Tesco branded product (Tesco choice)more expensive than Giant branded product but the consumers choice to by Tesco product. The reason can explain is because of the branded and value that build by Tesco is recognize by consumer. Maybe sometimes Tesco product is expensive that other but the brand names as the lower price leader already achieve the goal.

Niche market

A niche market is a more narrowly defined customer group looking for a distinctive product and the target of niche market are consumer that willing to pay a premium .It also a smaller market size but has profit and growth potential. Organization as Starbucks, Kopitiam, old town white coffee is part of niche market in Malaysia. The below show the price those company.



old town white coffee

Coffee (COLD)





RM 10.XX



Base on the table given by show that the Starbuck coffee is more expensive tham the other why they still are the lower cost leasder.WHY....In the niche market segments the cost leadership stertegy is different form mass market...Starbuck product maybe more expensive but they preferences different from rest of other company. What there are selling is they branded .value ,service .They measures each of the consumer feeling that Starbucks coffee are expansive but they give consumer more value that the other. The taste of the coffee is better than the other and they the measures than consumer is paying low cost money by tasting this delicious coffee. They measure the consumer are willing to pay higher price for the value that it provide by. But why Starbucks using the good coffee bean but can sell in the price than just higher few more ringgit. The connection between the suppliers is benefit of it. Because of the good relationship between the supplier and with the long term business contract they get the best coffee bean with the lower cost. Lastly, Starbucks are one of the global branded in the world so they no need to spent more money in the advertising and also the can using free advertising resource by internet like twitter and facebook ,they can place the promotion by free .Lastly, they always pay attention to other competitor by additional of good environment of the shop is one of the benefit.

Comparing between mass market and niche market

The example given by is Tesco and Starbuck, both of them are from different market statement. Tesco is using the lower pricing(price penetration) to attract the mass consumer but Starbuck is using higher price(price skimming) but by different value to attract their niche consumer. Although, they are using different pricing strategy but using same way to reduce the cost of the product, the connection between the supplier for getting for their material and product. Lastly, they are the header of mass market and niche market so the image of the company already by build long time and become a global market for their market segment.


Actually still many strategy that hiding below of each of the company for they to success and fight with each other competitor .So, to become a cost leadership in the market and stand in the top of the market is not easier.



Strategic Management, Raphael Amit, Professor at Wharton University of Pennsylvania, US

Strategy formulation and implementation: Tasks of the General Manager, by Arthur A. Thompson, Jr & A.J. Strickland III, 1992

Competitive Advantage, Michael E. Porter, 1985

Competitive Strategy, Michael E. Porter (1980) and Thompson & Strickland (1992)

Gaining and Soustaining Competitive Advantage, Jay. B. Barney, Addison-Wesley, 1997

Contemporary Strategic Analysis, Robert M. Grant, 3th edition, Blackwell, 1998


Julian Dent: 3 August 2008Kogan Page Ltd Hardback