A manager of resources to completed the intended target instruction or projects. For example, managers can engage in recruitment, training, staff and scheduling, in order to achieve the most efficient and cost effective manner. A manager is considered a failure if he is unable to complete the project or with the efficiency of the target or when the cost is too high. On the other hand, a leader within a company develops individuals in order to complete predetermined goals and projects. The development of a leader and his staff relations through the establishment of communication, evoke images of success, and leads to loyalty. Trick is accurately know when enter Manager Mode and when become that servant leader. I once saw a between managers and leaders expressed differences offer. For example, "A Manager "does the thing right" and a Leader "does the right thing." The mean of sentence are the managers said the things are always right and you can't against his or her order. But the leaders are totally different with the manager. True leaders inspire great people. In what appears to the contrary, in turbulent times as a sacrifice and a true leader, even though under normal circumstances even more than important. However, equally important is to adapt to the role of manager, and when the sacrifice is necessary. I often say that both strength and a weakness when it comes to personal leadership model sympathy. CEO I have seen countless people who boast that the life tenure. However, some have access to this term only because the ownership of sympathy. Of course, for human sympathy is strength, but it can be a weakness, if it stands in the way of accountability to maximize the effectiveness of the organization.
Manager is responsible for monitoring one or more employees or departments to ensure that these employees or the need for allocation under the head of the department's responsibilities. On the size of the company may be a single, double or triple the management work. Any form of management positions held for more than a simple general staff responsibilities and pay higher wages. Senior management position, typically require a degree and experience, though different in structure and requirements. And he control whole company to doing a business. A manager got many subordinates to support him or her. Inversely, a leader is different. He didn't have any subordinates support him. A leader is someone who guides the people towards a common goal, through the example shows, and created, the other players feel that active participation in the process environment. A leader is not the boss of the team, but on the contrary, that effort to carry out the business mission. Here are some quality may have a strong leader. But he just have follower to support him to achieve goal. Someone can be a manager but not a leader, because he or she is used the different method to managing the company especially the power of manager. The manager had formal authority to control his or her subordinates and establish to control the plan. Otherwise, a manager is very strict on the company and no negotiation on any situation. Except this, managers have to plan the project detail until perfectly. But the leader is different because he or she just set a direction to achieve a target and didn't plan it as detail. Manager is want result but a leader is want the achievement. For example, I am a manager in company A. I want the company is very discipline and obedient the senior staff and management people, so I set the rule are very strict and just think about the profit of company. In this situation, I can be a manager but not a leader. In different situation, can be a leader but not a manager. The leader may or may not have any formal authority. A leader just using the personal charisma to let all his or her follower obedient and usually given the followers confident and effort work. A leader will always motivate their follower when face the difficult problem or failed. For example, Jack is a leader of direct sale and he got 4 followers to follow him. Jack used his personal charisma to lead his followers to achieve the goal as much as possible. But he not used any strict rule to control his follower. Obviously, Jack is a leader but not a manager. Except this, both a manager and a leader must have a great leading and managing. Great managers can be great leaders, great leaders can be great managers. Great leaders and managers are always people around them to create the most energy, resulting in team members satisfied.
In my opinion, I support mention both a manager and a leader. It because manager is a designation, leadership is action. Managers can also be leader which entails the process of bringing out the best in the teams and making others share the ideals of leadership.
Question 2
Identify two very different organizations that compete on a cost leadership strategy and explain how they do this, i.e find out what they do that enables them to keep their prices low.
Cost leadership and product differentiation strategy is the business level. These two strategies are sometimes referred to as the level of business strategy because heuristics represent two extremes, an enterprise may choose to pursue. However, this course most of the concepts involved, some companies are better able to gain a competitive advantage over other companies by seeking the common strategy. And the cost leadership is the cost to attracting the customer like the strategy penetration. Majority of cost leadership strategy is aim to the mass market. The definition of Mass marketing is a market coverage strategy, in which a company decides to ignore market segment differences and go after the whole market there is a quotation. Focus on traditional mass marketing, radio, television and newspapers, to reach this broad audience of media. Through contact with most of the audience may come into contact with products is maximized. In theory, this will be directly related to the sale or purchase a large number of the product. Otherwise, the mass market is aim to the usual thing such as Tesco. This company is using the cost leadership strategy and Tesco have made the product to become cheaper than another hypermarket as well as the supermarket. The product of Tesco is not only 1 type of thing, they are made the different product such as food, drink, clothes, usual product and so on. Tesco compare with Giant is better than this company because have their own product and it can reduce the price of purchase. Other than that, Tesco improve the goods quality to attract the customer willingness to purchase it. And the transportation and can save cost to make it the price lower and lower. Sometime, customers are very surprisingly because the price are cheaper and no need to think anymore and just buy it. Price war in the economic sector, used to refer to highly competitive prices from a multilateral competition with a series of state of a term. A competitor will lower its price, then others will lower their prices to match. If one of the lower their prices again, beginning a new round of cuts. In the short term, the price war on consumers, who can take advantage of lower price good. The hypermarket price war maybe they want to earn more profit. If the sales are very high, the prices are lower but the company also can earn a lot of money.
The opposite of niche market, because it focuses on selling high and low prices. Its purpose is to provide products and services, will attract the whole market. To capitalize on the niche market the key is to find a niche market or the development of a customer who can access, which is growing fast enough, and not by an established supplier already has. The niche market specific product features to meet specific market needs defined, and the price range, the production quality and impact, aimed against the population. Sale of each product is by its niche market. Niche market is using the cost focus strategy to launch their product. Niche market is different by the mass market because it is sell the premium product especially the branded product. The "Starbucks" is a premium product and the quality is rather than other coffee. The company has been able to persuade consumers, the stores offer more than just coffee, but an experienced, they should indulge in a more regular basis on the one. The company has been able to translate into high profits of the business of on consumer "experience" products. The "Starbucks" marketing plan including strategic positioning, competitive environment and impact of its marketing strategy, a variety of other factors. This will further course of action should try to Purse Starbucks offers recommendations to continue to maintain vitality and to maximize profits. "Coffee bean" is the competitor of "Starbucks" and it also a good coffee in whole world. But the reputation of "Starbucks" is rather than the "Coffee bean".
In my opinion, I feel the cost leadership strategy is very good in business because it is a mass market. Mass market can aim to the whole market even poor people also. Inversely, the cost focus strategy is different because it is niche market and company focus on certain people. The premium product is aim on certain people willingness to purchase it even the price very high. Both of this company have their advantages and their own market way.