Answers to questions on the nutrisystem program

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1917

1. Describe the food program promoted by Nutrisystem. Is the same basic diet used throughout the program or does it have several stages or variations? Is the program flexible enough to allow people with different food consumption patterns or different lifestyles to use it successfully? Is it adaptable? Does it provide variety? Does the program provide for weight maintenance after the goal weight is achieved?

Nutrisystem is a medically proven weight loss program that works by delivering pre-packaged, calorie and portion controlled meals, brought directly to the customer's doorstep. This program was founded in 1972, and since then has devised programs that contain a combination of variety, balance, moderation, and nutrition that aid in hunger control and provide convenience to the dieter. The dieters can choose their meal plans online and the food is delivered to their doorstep. The idea of pre-packaged, portion-controlled foods follows the principle that the dieter will eat enough to fulfil the body's daily nutritional needs and to prevent over consumption of nutrients. The meals can be eaten up to five times a day. Nutrisystem has devised programs based on different types of people and their varying needs. There are four different meal plans (basic, silver, diabetic, and vegetarian) for men and women. Each plan is flexible in that it allows you to custom select your prepared meals or have the designed meal plans delivered to you. The basic plan is an easy-to-follow meal plan for average men and women planning to shed to 10 - 50 pounds. The meal contains a variety of foods and features "good carbohydrates", as well as protein and fibre to restrain hunger spasms. The silver plan is carefully strategized which is proposed for older men and women (age 60 or >). The diabetic plan is also known as Nutrisystem D program, and is prepared for those individuals who are diabetic. This plan not only helps in weight loss but also lowers blood cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar. The last plan is for those men and women who are vegetarians. The most appealing part of this plan is that it is applicable to all types of vegetarians, including vegans. Working vegans (as well as vegetarians) may not have sufficient time to prepare healthy meals. Nutrisystem works around this problem by delivering exclusive vegetarian meals right to their doorstep. Furthermore, there is a huge variety of meals ready to be ordered and delivered. In fact, there are more than 150 calorie and portion controlled meals to choose from. The basic goal of Nutrisystem is to foster in people the importance of eating healthy. However, some dieters fall short to this, and after stopping the diet (because they have achieved their goal), often resume to normal eating habits. This is not always true. Most people actually learn how to eat healthy after following the program and apply this to their lifestyle. The program comes with a Results Kit that contains a personalized meal planner, resource guide that helps you choose your meals wisely according to your needs. Once the dieter has attained their desired weight, a Nutrisystem counsellor can help in making a meal plan that incorporates grocery store foods into the daily diet.

Nutrisystem has been helping folks lose weight for the last 35 years, and became a public company in 1999. Live counseling, both online and by phone, replaced traditional customer visits to local offices, and created a new and very private way for people to deal with oftentimes difficult weight loss issues. Additionally, by way of online ordering, Nutrisystem delivers its quality food and meal programs directly to consumer doorsteps, providing them with a convenient and streamlined way to learn better eating habits and lose weight.

Clients just log-on, decide on a recommended meal plan, order their food, and once it arrives, they're ready to go.

2. Describe how the plan works. Does it require substantial registration fees, mandatory purchase or various items or foods, attendance at a minimum number of meetings?

The ultimate standard of Nutrisystem is that it is convenient. Prepared and portioned meals are delivered to the doorstep and all the dieter has to do is heat and eat. Thus, the plan works by the dieter choosing what they want (either custom selection or following the designated plans), and ordering their food. Along with Nutrisystem food, the dieter also has to include fresh grocery items (such as fruits and vegetables, dairy like milk and yogurt, low glycemic index carbohydrates like sweet-potatoes, healthy fats like peanut butter, and protein like boiled egg or tempeh). Dieters are encouraged to drink water. The idea of combining Nutrisystem foods with grocery items is that it helps the diet learn healthy eating habits, make conscious decisions about what they eat, and learn portion-control. In addition to this, free Nutrisystem counselling is available as well [24/7]. When dieters sign up for Nutrisystem, they make an online profile, which gives them the chance to engage with a network of counsellors, other dieters, as well as experts and dieticians. The daily meal planner and online diary enables the dieters to track their meals and progress. According to research conducted by Gupta, dieters will increase their chances of weight loss by keeping diaries and documenting their progress than merely watching their weight. The significance of this is that it enforces the dieter to regulate their progress and improves discipline. The portions are predetermined, which according to a obesity research conducted by (Hannum, Carsin, Evans, Canene, Petr, Bui & Erdman [2004]), portion-controlled diets enhance weight loss in women, especially post-menopausal women.

As for the money factor, Nutrisystem by comparison to other diet programs is the least expensive. There are no enrolment or membership fees to join Nutrisystem - it's free of charge. The price for most monthly packages is around $299 - $325. If dieters choose the auto-delivery option, there is an additional shipment cost of $10. Nutrisystem is very good at offering discounts, which can range from $50 - $100. Weekly costs are about $ 75; thus daily cost of food would be approximately $10.

3. Evaluate whether the plan offers a nutritionally sound way to lose weight. What details make it scientifically or unscientifically acceptable?

There is a huge frenzy all around over carbohydrates, and that they are potentially bad because they don't promote weight loss. Of course, any scientist with common sense would be outraged by this. Carbohydrates are our sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants - which all play a role in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, heart disease and obesity. The science behind Nutrisystem is glycemic index - a measure of the effect of blood sugar in the body. Therefore Nutrisystem foods are high in low GI carbohydrates, and fibre to provide the dieter with long-lasting satisfaction. Nutritionally, Nutrisystem is safe and sound. The meal plans follow the designated ratio of all macronutrients: 55 % calories from low GI polysaccharides, 25% calories from protein, and 20% calories from fats. The program also mentions that the meals are low in sodium (1800 mg which is less than the 2400 mg intake of salt per day) and contain zero Trans fats. Overall, the meals are low in cholesterol, and saturated fats. There are no chemicals (stimulants or appetite suppressants such as leptin) that can lower your appetite. Individuals who are allergic to peanuts need to be aware of the fact that some desserts may include peanuts. Thus, depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, individuals should make a conscious choice of what they order. Since, these foods are pre-packaged, they contain one-third of the preservatives. There are no flavour enhancers such as monosodium glutamate in any of the meals.

Based on the research done by Dr. Emma Stevenson at the University of Nottingham about high GI meals versus low GI meals, the results shows that high GI meals caused instant insulin spikes and almost no fat oxidation, as opposed to the consumption of low GI meals which shows more fat oxidation in sedentary individuals, as well as improved satiety. Thus, Nutrisystem approach to weight loss is quite safe.

A 2005 Consumer Reports study concluded that a diet with controlled-portions like NutriSystem's was most effective in guaranteeing weight loss. Another study consisting of 302 overweight volunteers, conducted at five different medical centers, found that those who ate the prepared meals lost three times as much weight in a year as those who were not following a controlled-portion diet.

4. How is the use of exercise incorporated into the plan? Do the types of exercise agree or disagree with what is discussed in the class? Will an "average person" be able to continue with this exercise routine for a lifetime?

Exercise combined with healthy eating improves metabolism as well as helps in sustaining weight. While there is no definite exercise program that Nutrisystem offers, there are exercise DVDs that encourages dieters to get physically active, and the counsellors can help the dieters in devising an exercise program to be followed.

5. What behaviour modification strategies are employed by this plan? Do the behaviour modification strategies appear sensible? Why or why not? Are the requirements too extreme for the average person to adapt to?

The number one problem, according to psychologists and doctors is that obese or over-weight people fail to understand what it is they are doing wrong that is causing them to be fat. This inability to identify the root cause of their problems can lead to further problems such as depression, or an eating disorder. With the correct guidance and counselling, such people need to realize that something in their lifestyle needs to be changed and "dieting" does not have to be difficult, painful and impossible. About Nutrisystem, the usual complaints are that after the dieter has attained the desired weight, they will return to their normal eating habits. This may be true if such a dieter solely depends on the prepared, pre-packaged food delivered to their doorstep, by Nutrisystem. To prevent this from happening, Nutrisystem prompts dieters to buy wholesome and fresh grocery produce along with their Nutrisystem food; the underlying idea being that dieters will learn to make better and conscious choices regarding what they eat. In addition to this, after so and so have achieved their desired weight, Nutrisystem counsellors can also help them in devising a meal plan based on grocery food items that will be healthy, moderate, balanced and full of variety.

Since the foods are portion and calorie controlled, the dieter may not necessarily know how to control their calorie intake after they have quit the diet. Thus, the online meal planner aids dieters in tracking their progress.

Unlike the Atkins Diet, Nutrisystem program offers a stupendous variety of delicious meals. The dieters don't lose weight based on the ridiculous notion of eating no carbohydrates, and loading up on fats and protein which eventually leads to boredom due to low variety, followed by lower intake of calories, leading to weight loss [as promoted by Atkins]; in fact, there is so much satisfying variety to choose from that dieters actually stick to their plan and lose weight.

These behaviour modification strategies are quite sensible and appropriate because they are teaching the dieter to diet the right way that is fun and nutritious. The requirements are not at all extreme and should be employed by all diet programs. The fundamental goal of any weight loss program or a diet program should be to teach the dieter the importance of healthy weight, body and mind.