Global warming Introduction This document si premised on the thesis that, there are positive effects that can be derived from global warming and the effects can possibly drive socio-economic growth. These benefits are based on all sectors of the economy such as agriculture, environment as well as health. Global warming refers to the concept of observed as well as projected increases in the earths and oceans temperatures (Houghton, 1997). Increase in temperature levels is due to the perceived ...
INTRODUCTION I have decided to take the position of an environmentalist for this topic for several reasons. There is a lot of research that shows that global warming is becoming a big problem and I feel that as South Africans, we need to look at developing more sustainable and renewable energy sources and move away from using fossil fuels. After doing all the research for this project, I was really shocked at how much damage we are doing to the water systems in our country through the process...
Introduction Beja is a generally flat area with some gently undulating hill regions in the north. Beja falls within the Alentejo province which has been recognised by experts to be an area of high land degradation risk (Seixas 2000). Alentejo is an important regional economic area, with current mining activities extracting copper, silver, lead and zinc. However the Alentejo is predominantly an agricultural area, yielding over 80% of Portugal's total wheat production (Gouveia and Trigo 2008). ...
Conclusion The aim of this study is to arrive at a suitable site for landfill siting. Two potential sites were identified and one selected as a better alternative using AHP procedure. The nearest neighbour analysis helped to determine the nature of the distribution of the skips which was discovered to be a clustered one. The spider analysis was used to allocate different settlements to transfer stations. The result of this study has shown that more collection points are needed because of the ...
Data Analysis Population sampling The study area is made up of 35 wards. Because of time constraint, 18 wards were sampled in order to engage the public in the siting process as public participation is necessary in landfill siting. The selected wards are those where there is high level of indiscriminate and illegal dumping. Quite a large number of respondents agreed that waste disposal is the major problem and the main reason why illegal dumping is a commonplace. Allocation of transfer statio...
Abstract Good access to health services in developing countries can be important for effective treatment amongst the population, thus preventing unnecessary death in the community. Primary care is pinpointed as the most essential form of healthcare for managing population health because it is the pillar of health care delivery to persons in developing countries. It is approximately low-priced which can be more easily conveyed than any distinctive feature and inpatient care, and if correctly a...
INTRODUCTION: It is indeed true that the world is getting smaller nowadays. More and more people are moving into different places for a myriad of reason, mostly for seeking greener pastures and finding their luck with hopes that they will earn higher income in places other than where they were raised. With this, more adjustments are necessary as someone who has been new in the place is indeed required to adapt to the new culture and environment in order to establish a living in that particula...
Introduction Background to the study Waste was an early problem of mankind, and a growing one that is of major concern to every nation of the world (Allende 2009). In early pre-industrial times, waste generation was not an issue as populations were smaller. Waste was disposed of in the ground where it would turn to compost to improve soil fertility. Waste management became a growing problem during the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to farming. Before the industrial revolution, ...
Introduction In many countries, large flood, can inundate over thousands towns and a far greater number of rural communities. The devastating impact of a flood through these communities is large, and social effects last for many years. In addition, damages from one event typically may be achieved tens millions of dollars, in case of large cities, billions of dollars. Therefore, research that increases the understanding of water flow in floods has considerable social and economic value for the...
1 Introduction Forestry has been undergoing a budge from conventional forest management techniques, and using time consuming and laborious field work and aerial photography to the use of remotely sensed data and analysis in Geographic Information System (GIS) for last few decades. With the improvement spatial resolution of remotely sensed data (IKONOS (1 to 4 m2), Quick Bird (0.6 to 2.8 m2) etc) and application of new technologies like Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) have started to chang...