The aim of this study is to arrive at a suitable site for landfill siting. Two potential sites were identified and one selected as a better alternative using AHP procedure. The nearest neighbour analysis helped to determine the nature of the distribution of the skips which was discovered to be a clustered one. The spider analysis was used to allocate different settlements to transfer stations. The result of this study has shown that more collection points are needed because of the unequal nature of the transfer stations which cover only part of the entire area.
This study has shown that the integration of GIS and MCE is of uttermost importance to effective and efficient waste management, as GIS enables one to manipulate data which are spatially referenced. Various spatial operations performed help to arrive at suitable sites for waste disposal. Ibadan North though seems to be occupied with different land uses and high concentration of people, suitable sites for landfill were still found.
The overall management can be said to be below standard as adequate provisions of waste collections and disposal are not made for the population especially within households and commercial centres. Some areas are not provided with skips and bins and this has led to creation of many illegal dump sites, thereby degrading the environment at an alarming rate.
From the study carried out it is apparent that there is an urgent need for an effective solid waste disposal system in the study area. The result of the nearest neighbour analysis shows that the collection points are clustered. More skips should therefore be provided in locations that are lacking. This will reduce the spread of illegal dumpsites.
Future studies
This study has only covered one major aspect of municipal solid waste management in Ibadan North Local Government area of Nigeria. Other components of waste management which include transfer, collection and recycling have not been studied. The design, operation and maintenance of the landfill are also not part of the project. As a result of cost, complexity and time constraints, only part of Ibadan city has been covered. Future research work should therefore embrace the use of GIS in waste collection and planning in the entire city of Ibadan (being one of the largest cities in Sub-Saharan Africa). Other relevant data like groundwater, soil type, which were not available for this study should be incorporated in future planning of waste management. The study can also be expanded further by using the super decision software to analyse the benefit, opportunity, cost and risk (BOCR) in which each alternative site would be evaluated in terms of its benefits, costs and risks (Banar 2007).
True representation of the entire population should be taken into account by engaging a large population sample in the interview stage to incorporate the opinions of larger audience in the site selection process. This would aid in obtaining a better and lasting result.
Future studies should also research on adequate provision of skips within reasonable distances. Studies should also look into how much wastes are generated in order to determine specifically areas that would need more skips and would require timely visit for transporting into waste collection sites.
As a result of constraint posed by time, population and household data should be collected in other to appropriately allocate bins among households and wards within reasonable distances. Significant efforts should also be made in Ibadan North to build compost and recycling plants like those that were made in Port Harcourt, Kaduna and Ibadan South, though these are based on local technology.
Recycling is another means to manage waste effectively as it extends the time over which products which are no longer serviceable are further used. The introduction of recycling collection points to recycle re-useable waste in the study area would be of great benefit. However, where recycling is extremely impossible, landfilling could then be turned to.
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